\-r John Dunton'sWill PROPROB LI/657 , p. BZ In the Name of God Amen. I John Dunton Citizen and Stationer of London and late of St Giles Cripplegate parish in the County of Middlesex being through merry of health of Body and mind Do make this my last will and Testament concerning all my Earthly pittance. For my Soul I bequeath it into the hands of Almighty God, and so hope through the meritts of jesus Christ that my Body after its Sleeping awhile in ]esus shall be committed unto my Soul that they may both be for ever with the Lord. Of what I shall leave behind me I make this following Disposall A11 my just debts being first paid (and by *y debts I mean whatever shall be provd to be soo after my decease or whatever my Executrix hereafter named can by diligent searching find out that I owe) I give to my Dear and adopted Child Mrs Isabella Edwards Widdow late of l)ean Street in Holbourn Parish three hundred pounds Sterlin [sic] (for the tender and matchless ffreindship she shewed both to rny Soul and body from our first Acquaintance in Ireland to the day of my death) to be paid to her by *y Executrix hereafter named as soon as she possibly can after my decease or in case the said Isabella Edwards sould dy" before me I give flfty pounds of the said three hundred pounds to Mr William Lutwich of London Goldsmith... I also give to my Adopted Child Mrs Isabella Edwards her own Picture in a Gilded fframe and also my Silver Spoon that Mr William Ashhurst sent to me that year I liv'd with him when he was Lord Mayor of the City of London - I also give to William Reading Nathaniel Reading and Thomas Reading my Cozens the Summ of thirty pounds Viz. ten pounds to each of them - I also give to my Cozen Elizabeth Taylour the Sum of twenty pounds my first wifes Green Wrought bed if ever I purchase it again my own picture in a Gilded fframe my Silver Seal and my Oval set in a black Oval fframe and if the said Elizabeth Taylour dye before her husband I give the five forenamed perticulars to my kind and true friend Mr Richard Taylour husband to the foresaid Elizabeth Taylor - or in case of both their deiths I give the same five things to Lydiah Dunton Taylor their daughter. I also give to my long ffaithful and ingenious Servant Hesther Wainhouse one hundred pounds Sterlin and twenty Shillings more to buy her a good Bible Common - prayer Book Whole Duty of Man Practice of Piety Bishop Taylours F{oly Living and Dying and Mr Allens Allarm to the Unconverted which several Books Ide have her seriously read and consider as often as she has Opportunity to do so and never to part with any of them til she dyes and in case my Adopted Child Mrs Isabella Edwards dyes before her (so that the Legacy I give to the said Isabella Edwards becomes void) I then give fhfLy pounds more to the foresaid Hesther Wainhouse my late servant and in case the said Hesther Wainhouse dyes before her mother Hesther Wainhouse I give the forementioned hundred pounds bequeathed to Hesther Wainhouse ]unior to her said mother Hesther Wainhouse to requite that great respect she shewed to me intaking her - and also to requite the many Christian and ffriendly Offices she did to me herself for the may years her Daughter Hesther Wainhouse lived with me - I also give to Mrs Elizabeth Collings Widow (and Mother to Mrs SusannahLutwich) ten pounds and in case Mrs IsabellaEdwards dyes before her (so that the legary I give to the said IsabellaEdwards becomesvoid) I give forty pounds more to the foresaid Mrs Elizabeth Collings - I also give to my former Landlord John Marshall of Bullmer in Essexffive pounds and to Mr Corber of Sudbury twenty shillings for recommending me to john Marshalls house and in case of the said Iohn Marshalls death I would have the foresaid ffive pounds paid to his Wife for the ffirendly offices she did me whilst I had the stone in her house - I also give to my old and dear ffriends Mrs Mary Ffield now living in Bell-Ally in Coleman-Streetten pounds or in caseof her death I give the same sum to her huband Mr ]oseph Ffield - I also give to my kind and worthy ffriend Mr Daniel Waghorn of Noble Street near Old Street ten pounds or in caseof his Death I give the same sum to his wife Mrs Mary Waghorn. I also give to the forementioned Mr Daniel Waghorn my Whole Library of Books both bound and sticht that are now to be found in that Closet which he made for me provided he promises to my Executrix, hereafter named never to sell any Book of Pamphlet out of the said Library without first Examining whether it be perfect or not (I having a great may bound and sticht Books imperfect) that so no person may be wronged that purchasesany of them - I also give to my fine ffriend and former Neighbour Mr Alexander Rigby u Barber in Noble Street near Old Street five pounds In caseof his death I give the same sum to his wife Mrs Agnes Rigby and in caseof both their deaths I give the same five pounds to Dunton Rigby - I also give to SusannahGilbert my old Cambridg" Water- Dipper Forty shillings. I also give to my Old and Dear ffriend and school ffellow Mr Elias Cork of Chesham in Bucks five pounds or in caseof his death I give the same sum to his son Elias Cork ]unior. I also give to my Old and Dear ffriend and school ffellow Mr John Cork of Chesham in Bucks ffive pounds or in caseof his death I give the same summ to Mr Iohn Corks Eldest Child (whether it be a Son or Daughter) - I also give to Mrs SusannahCrowther of Chesham in Bucks the Sum of ffive pounds as a Reward fo the Sincere and Generous Servicesher husband Mr Samuel Crowther did me for many years) or in caseof his death I give the same summ to her son Mr Samuel Crowther Laceman I also give to Mr Emanuell Gristock a Butcher in the Isle of Wight ten pounds (as a reward of the Singular Kindness he formerly shew'd to me ) or in caseof his death I give the same Summ to his wife Mrs Mury Gristock - I also give to my Brother in Law Mr john Sudbury Watchmaker ten pounds or in case of his death I give the same Sum to his Wife Hesther Sudbury as she was once a Destitute Sister that my Endeared Wife Elizabeth Dunton had a more than Ordinary concern for - I also give to the foresaid Iohn Sudbury my Library of Books before bequeathed to Mr Daniel Waghorn provided upon Mr Daniel Waghorns delivering the said Library of Books to him my Brother Sudbury will pay to him down in ready money ten pounds - I also give to my Antient Landlord Mr Richard Wilkins of Boston in New England ffive pounds as a requital for his and his Daughter Comfort Wilkins's great civilitys to me and to my servant Samuel Palmer whilst I lived in that part of Americal called New England - I also give to my ffaithful ffriend Mr Richard Wild the Chief Manager of all the Auciions I made at Dublin ffive pounds as an acknowledgement of the Extraordinary Services he did me in procuring Books for me in London and Selling of them for me in Ireland - I also give to the Widow of Mr Caleb Leader (formerly u member of Dr Annesleys Church) ffive pounds or in case of her death I give the same summ to her Child or Children if she has any (to be equally divided amongst them) to requite some Services the said Caleb Leader did me and to make amends to the said Caleb Leaders ffamily if the said Caleb Leader ever sent me any Books which I did not return to him - I also give to my Taylour and kind friend Mr Thomas Smith of Mile end ffive pounds to make him amends for the Disappointment he had in trusting my Brother Mr ]ohn Sudbury for a suit of Cloaths which trust he gave to the said Sudbury as he was my Acquaintance tho I fairly told Mr Smith Ide not Engage to see him paid - I also give to Mr Zachartah Marriott a Wire-Drawer living in New Street ten pounds or in case of his death I give the same sume [sic] to his Wife Mrs Sarah Marriott to whom I also give my Brother t--?l Duntons picture (which he gave to me a little before he went to the East Indies ---- and is willing Lake Duntons Wife shall have it, and her own picture both set in a Gilded fframe - I also give to Mr job How ten pounds and his ffather in Law Mr George Larkins picture set in a gilded fframe or in case of his death I give the same summ and Mr Larkins picture to his wife Mrs Lydiah How (his most most beloved Child and my truly and endeared ffriend) or in case of her death I give the same summ and Mr Larkins picture to Mr Job Hows son Larkin How - I also give to Mr George Larkin (son to Mr George Larkin senior whose memory and Children will be ever Dear to me upon the Account Civil) ten pounds or in case of his death I give the same sum to his son Mr Ceorge Larkin if he has ever a son of that most endeared name - I also give to my very kind and generous landlady (and adopted Mother Mrs Elizabeth Slash a pastry cook in Highgate five pounds and in case of her death I give the same sum to her aged Mother Mrs ELrzabeth Suly I also give to my Fleet landlady Mrs Ffrances Brath five pounds.
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