1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 13617 ADJOURNMENT munistic propaganda and subversive activities of Communists Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I move. that the House do in the United States and pledging assistance to the Gov­ now adjourn. ernment of the United States of America in. safeguarding the· The motion was agreed to; accordingly (at 12 o'clo.ck and 8 principles of democracy and the independence of the United. minutes p.m., under its previous order, the House adjourned States of America; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. until Monday, November 18, 1940, at 12 o'clock noon. 9375. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Eastern Petroleum . Co., Inc., opposing the passage of House bill 10637, a bill ex­ EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. tending the National Stolen Property Act; to the Committee on the Judiciary. · Under clause 2 of ru1e XXIV, executive communications 9376. Also, petition of the Resident Commissioner of the . were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as follows: Philippines for pension submitted by the Veterans of the 2018. A letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting Philippine Constabulary (1901-4) who served in conjunction a draft of a proposed bill to amend the act of May 4, 1898, as with the Federal service of the United States Army; to the amended, to authorize the President to appoint additional Committee on Pensions. acting assistant surgeons in time of national emergency; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. 2019. A letter from the Acting Secretary of the Navy, trans­ SENATE mitting a report of contracts awarded under the authority of the act of March 5, 1940; to the Committee on Military Affairs. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1940 2020. A letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the (Legislative day of Wednesday, September 18, 1940) draft of a bill to decrease the restriction on the number of enlisted men who may be detailed as students at educational The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of institutions and other places; to the Committee on Military the recess. Affairs. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the 2021. A letter from the Clerk of the House of Representa­ following prayer: tives, transmitting a letter of the Chief of the Division of Pro­ Almighty and everlasting God, our Heavenly Father, whose . tocol of the Department of State, accompanied by copies of eternity outlasts all worlds, whose love and tenderness alone notes which have been sent to the Department of State by survive the clash of centuries: Reveal to us, by sun and members of the Foreign Diplomatic Corps in Washington ex­ candlelight, Thy purpose in each day's most quiet need, that· pressing condolences on the death of the late Speaker of the things, both great and small, may find fulfillment in our lives House of Representatives, the Honorable William B. Bank­ in accordance with Thy mind and heart, for we know that head, together with copies of the Department's replies thereto; he that deeth the will of the Eternal abideth forever. · Do · to the Committee on Memorials. Thou so lead. us in these uncertain days that we may never · find ourselves driven at the mercy of events. In the sunny­ PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS hou:rcs-may we never be-unmindful of the approaching shades Under clause 3 of rule XXII, of night. In the days of our strength may we ever remember­ Mr. COCHRAN introduced a resolution (H. Res. 630) au­ that there is no safety save in clinging to the God of our : thorizing an additional assistant to the attending physi-. salvation. In the present, which is ours, and in the future, cian's office; which was referred to the Committee on Acounts. whose secret is. alone with Thee, let this ·be our constant prayer, "Cast me not away from Thy presence and take not PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Thy Holy Spiri-t from me." We ask it in our Saviour's name. ­ Amen. · Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private bills and resolutions were introduced. and severally referred as follows: T~E JOURNAL By Mr. CLUETI': . On request of Mr. HILL, and by unanimous consent, the: . H. R. 10673. A b:ill granting an increase of pension to reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar day. Minnie L. Fitcham; to the Committee on Inva~id Pensions. of Tuesday, November 12, 1940, was dispensed with, and, the By Mr. THOMASON: Journal was approved. · H. R. 10674. A bill for the relief of Jose J. Perez; to the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Committee on Claims. · Messages in writing from the President of the United States, By Mr. SOMERS of New York: submitting nominations, were communicated to the Senate· H. R. 10675. A bill for the relief of Marcus Moses Nathan­ by Mr._Latta, one of his secretaries. sohn, his wife, Adele Nathansohn, his brother, Jacob Lazar Nathansohn, and his mother, Bela Nathansohn; to the Com­ TRIBUTE TO THE LATE SENATOR PITTMAN mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore (Mr. KING) laid . · before the Senate a cablegram from His Excellency Porfirio Herrera, president of the Sena-te of the Dominican Republic, PETITIONS, ETC. expressing the sincere sympathy of the senate of that Re­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were public on the occasion of the death of Hon. Key Pittman, laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: late a Senator from the State of Nevada and chairman of the 9372. By .Mr. BARTON of New York: Resolution of the Committee on Foreign Relations, which was ordered to lie Medical Society of the County of New York, deploring an on the table. Army regulation in August 1940, limiting commissions in the SURVEY OF CARTER AND ADJOINING COUNTIES, TENNESSEE Medical Corps of the Regular Army and the Reserves to graduates from accredited grade A American and Canadian - The ACTING PRESIDENT pr.o tempore laid before the medical schools; to the Committee on Milttary Affairs. Senate a letter from the Secretary of War, reporting, in re­ 9373. Also, petition of the National Association of Post sponse to Senate Resolution 302, relative to a survey of Car­ Office Mechanics and affiliated branch, National Association ter and adjoining counties in Tennessee damaged by flood on of Postal Custodial Laborers, to override the President's veto August 13, 1940, which was referred to the Committee on of House .bill 892; to the Committee on the Post Office and Commerce. Post Roads. MILITARY HOUSING PROGRAMS FOR DEFENSE WORKERS 9374. By Mr. JONKMAN: Petition of the Lithuanians of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Grand Rapids, Mich., Walter J. Morris, chairman, and Frank Senate a letter from the Secretary of War; submitting an J. Greicaitis, secretary, stating gratitude to the Government advance report in response to Senate Resolution 324, re­ of the United States of America for not recognizing the questing the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of War Soviet occupation of Lithuania and for its support of the right to make a full and complete study and investigation of all of Lithuania to maintain its independence; condemning com- school facilities at or near nayy yards, Army and naval 13618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 15 reservations, and bases at which housing programs for defense He also (for Mr. BARBOUR) submitted the following resolu­ workers are being carried out or are contemplated, which, tion <S. Res. 327), which was referred to the Committee on with the enclosed chart, showing the proposed projects for Claims: Presidential allocation under Public Act No. 761, Seventy­ Resolved, That the blll (S. 4420) entitled "A b111 for the relief of sixth Congress, was referred to the Committee on Naval the First, Second, and Third National Steamship Cos.," now pend­ A1Iairs. ing in the Senate, together with all the accompanying papers, be, and the same is hereby, referred to the Court of Claims, in pur­ AWARDS OF QUANTITY CONTRACTS FOR THE ARMY suance of the provisions of a.n act entitled "An act to codify, revise, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the and amend the laws relating to the judiciary,'' approved March 3, 1911; and the said court shall proceed with the same in accordance Senate three letters from the Secretary of War, reporting, with the provisions of such act and take such action as it may pursuant to law, relative to awards of certain quantity con­ take in accordance therewith and report to the Senate; and also tracts for aircraft, aircraft parts, and accessories therefor en­ report specifically to the Senate ( 1) whether there were any sales of or valid contracts to sell the subject vessels to said companies, tered into with more than one bidder under authority of law, and whether the companies breached any contracts, and thereby Which were referred to the Committee on Military A1Iairs. damaged the United States Shipping Board to the extent of $384,- AWARDS OF QUANTITY CONTRACTS FOR THE NAVY 256.26, or any part thereof; and (2) whether the payment to said companies on October 7, 1935, was a payment of all of the moneys The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the due and owing said companies on account of the claims of said : Senate a letter from Acting Secretary of the Navy, reporting, companies existing on December 31, 1925, notwithstanding any pursuant to law, r~lative to awards of certain quantity con­ statute of limitations, laches, any release, settlement, accord and satisfaction, or prior adjudication; such report to be made by the , tracts for aircraft, aircraft parts, and accessories therefor Court of Claims, or action under this resolution to be taken by the entered into with more than one bidder under authority of Court, so as to make its action and report during the first session law, which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
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