No Sl. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Security Fencing, Security Sedimentation Tank tank, CWR, (17 supply at Ithungo Providing water VI PACKAGE No. C/O Gate). Pillar Fencing ,Supporting Security Sedimentation CWR, Tank tank, (Sub KM) supply at Bongo (65 Providing water V PACKAGE No. C/O Gate). Fencing, Security Sedimentation Tank tank, CWR, (Sub ChanliVillage supply at New water of Augmentation IV PACKAGE No. C/O Gate). Fencing, Security Sedimentation Tank tank, CWR, (Sub Chuyuni Mode supply at water of Augmentation III PACKAGE No. C/O Gate).). Fencing, Security Sedimentation Tank tank, CWR, (Sub Aloni Augmenta PACKAGE No. C/O Gate Fencing , Security Tank (Sub PointKM wate of Augmentation I PACKAGE No. Pillar C/O Gate). Fencing ,Suppor Security CWR, Sedimentation Desilting Tank tank, Village supply at Taloni Providing water VII PACKAGE No. C/O Gate). development & promotional) & Act’2015 development down in contractor, firms registered under APPWD/CPWD/PHED/GREEF a Governor of Arunachal Pradesh invites sealed item rate tender from approved No. and eligible (Sub (Sub KM) KM) - - - - - Sedimentation tank, Name of work & & of Location work Name RD/DB - Head: Head: Head: : Head Head: Head: Head: - Head: Head: Head: Head: ) . tion of water supply at supply at tionwater of - - - - - - Head Work, Desilting Desilting Work, Head Desilting Work, Head Desilting Work, Head Desilting Work, Head Head Work, Desilting Desilting Work, Head l Village Village l - He Arunachal Pradesh District - Head Work, Work, Head II 70/I/ Supporting Pillar Pillar Supporting Pillar Supporting Pillar Supporting Supporting Pillar, Pillar, Supporting Supporting Pillar, Supporting ad Work, Desilting ad Work, OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER:: PHE & WS THE PHE ENGINEER:: EXECUTIVE & OF OFFICE r supply at r at supply 2020 CWR, CWR, The The Executive Engineer, PHE & WS Division, - 21/ ting ting 87 GOVERNMENT OFARUNACHAL PRADESH GOVERNMENT 2363 - 2418 ₹ 63,70,675.00 ₹ 23,57,552.00 ₹ 35,92,037.00 ₹ 31,42,958.00 ₹ 58,78,183.00 ₹ 31,749,60.00 ₹ 41,16,184.00 Estimated cost TENDER NOTICE INVITING Earnest Money ₹ 63707.00 ₹ 23,576.00 ₹ 35,920.00 ₹ 31,430.00 ₹ 58,782.00 ₹ 31,750.00 ₹ 41,162.00 under theworkJJM. below stated for @ 1% (APST) B Time of ased 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months R completion OING 14/11/2020 to 14/11/2020 to 14/11/2020 to 14/11/2020 to 14/11/2020 to 14/11/2020 to 14/11/2020 to Issue of tender E ntrepreneurs ntrepreneurs and 19/11/2020 up to 19/11/2020 up to 19/11/2020 up to 19/11/2020 up to 19/11/2020 up to 19/11/2020 up to 19/11/2020 up to paper /Receipt 1600 hrs 1600 hrs 1600 hrs 1600 hrs 1600 hrs 1600 hrs 1600 hrs of application Last date & Time of 20/11/2020 up to 20/11/2020 up to 20/11/2020 up to 20/11/2020 up to 20/11/2020 up to 20/11/2020 up to 20/11/2020 up to submission of 1000 hrs 1000 hrs 1000 hrs 1000 hrs 1000 hrs 1000 hrs 1000 hrs tender document Dated EE, PHE EE, PHE EE, PHE Venue ,Time , nd EE, PHE Division, EE, PHE Division, EE, PHE Division, EE, PHE Division, Division, Roing Division, Roing Division, Roing & date of Roing 1030 hrs on Roing 1030 hrs on Roing 1030 hrs on Roing 1030 hrs on MES P Roing Roing DIVISION 1030 hrs on 1030 hrs on 1030 hrs on opening of 20/11/2020 20/11/2020 20/11/2020 20/11/2020 rofessionals (Incentive, 20/11/2020 20/11/2020 20/11/2020 tender a , on behalf of the s per the rules laid Cost of bid , the ₹1000.00 ₹1000.00 ₹1000.00 ₹1000.00 ₹1000.00 ₹1000.00 ₹1000.00 document 1 Class-V-A & IV Class-V-A & IV Class-V-A & IV Class-IV & III Class-IV & III Class-V-A & IV Class-V-A & IV 1 category category category th category domiciled category domiciled category domiciled category domiciled domiciled with in domiciled with in domiciled with Nov with in territorial with in territorial with in territorial with in territorial Class of RD territorial territorial in territorial rd jurisdiction of 43 jurisdiction of 43 jurisdiction of jurisdiction of contractor ` jurisdiction of jurisdiction of jurisdiction of 2020 Roing Assembly Roing Assembly respective respective respective respective respective Constituency Constituency community Block community Block community Block community Block community Block 1. The tenders shall be submitted in two bid in three envelops i.e. earnest money, technical Bid and Price Bid. Each bid and earnest money shall be sealed and placed properly in three separate cover and then packed together in a single cover with proper sealing and clearly mentioning the name of work with package No., NIT No, and address and can be mailed by registered post so as to reach the undersigned or may be dropped in the Tender Box available in the office of the undersigned on or before the stipulated date and time. The authority inviting tender will not be held responsible for the delay if any, in the delivery of the document or non-receipt of the same on time. Technical Bids shall be opened on 20/11/2020 at 1030 Hrs onward at office of Executive Engineer, PHE & WS Division Roing and evaluated to assess the technical viability, etc and then only the price bid of the qualified tenderer shall be opened for further evaluation. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of bids as specified above, the bids will be opened on next working days at same time and venue. 2. The standard form of General Condition of Contract will not be issued along with the Tender Documents but the same shall form part of the agreement to be drawn and signed by both parties after acceptance of tender. The intending bidder must read the General Condition of Contract 2020 or its latest edition carefully. He/she should only submit his/her bid if he/she agrees the terms and conditions laid therein. 3. Tender Documents can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on any working day in between 1000 hrs to 1600 hrs on payment of Rs 1000/- ( Rupees One Thousand ) only in cash . No tender paper shall be issued to contractor after the stipulated time. 4. Other special terms and conditions can be seen in the bidding documents. 5. The NIT can be viewed in arunachalphed.nic.in. Sd/- Executive Engineer, PHE&WS Division, Roing. NOT TO BE PUBLISHED. Memo No. RD/DB-70/I/2020-21/2363-2418 Dated Roing, the 11th Nov`2020. Copy to:- 1. The PS to Hon`ble Minister, PHE & WS Department, govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar for kind information please. 2. The Secretary, PHE & WS Department govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar for kind information please. 3. The Chief Engineer (E/Z/W/Z/D&P), PHE & WS Deptt, Itanagar for kind information please. 4. The Mission Director, SBM (G), & JJM, PHE & WS Department, Itanagar for kind information and wide publicity please. 5. The Director IPR, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Naharlagun for information please. 6. The Superintending Engineer, PHE & WS Circle, Miao/Tezu/Pangin/Aalo(Bene)/ Yachuli/Naharlagun/ Rupa, Arunachal Pradesh for kind information please. 7. The Deputy Commissioner, Lower Dibang District, Roing for information pleases. 8. The Executive Engineer, PHE & WS Division Tawang/Boimdila/Dirang/Seppa/ Itanagar/ Yupia/Mechanical&Electrical Itanagar/Sagalee/Palin/Ziro/Sangram/Kodukha/ Tezu /Aalo/ Likabali/ Mechuka/Pangin/Yinkiong/Anini/Roing/Anjaw/ Daporijo /Namsai/Bordumsa/ Khonsa/Changlang/ /Longding for information and wide publicity please. 9. All Head of Officers, Lower Dibang District, Roing for information and circulation please. 10. The Assistant Engineer, PHE & WS Sub-Division, Roing/Dambuk for information. 11. Notice Board. 12. Office copy. Executive Engineer, PHE & WS Division Roing. .
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