Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021 Subsidence history and basin-fill evolution in the South Caspian Basin from geophysical mapping, flexural backstripping, forward lithospheric modelling and gravity modelling N. A. ABDULLAYEV1,2*, F. KADIROV1 & I. S. GULIYEV1 1Institute of Geology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, H. Javid Avenue, 29A, Baku AZ1143, Azerbaijan 2BP Caspian Ltd, Xazar Centre, Port Baku, 153 Neftchilyar Avenue, Baku AZ1010 *Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract: This study summarizes the subsidence history and aspects of the geodynamic evolution of the South Caspian Basin based on the integration of geophysical observations, and subsidence and gravity modelling on selected two-dimensional (2D) profiles. This analysis implies the pres- ence of an attenuated ‘oceanic-type’ crust in the northern portion of the South Caspian Basin, demonstrates characteristics of basin subsidence on variable crustal types and describes sedi- ment-fill evolution in several different parts of the basin. Modelling conducted in this study shows that the observed pattern of subsidence and sedimentation in the South Caspian Basin can be explained by a process of thermal subsidence following Jurassic rifting and further enhanced subsidence that resulted from sediment-induced loading in the Late Tertiary, especially after a large-scale base-level fall after 6 Ma.Variation in crustal type is reflected in differences observed in the degree of subsidence and sediment fill in the overlying stratigraphy. The western part of the South Caspian Basin has subsided differently to the eastern part because of this difference in crustal type. This is also confirmed by gravity modelling, which shows that the South Caspian Basin crustal density is compatible with an oceanic composition in the western part of the South Caspian Basin: the crust in the eastern part of the basin, however, is thicker. Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license. 21 The South Caspian Basin (SCB) is located between layer (Vp , 4.8 km s ) and a ,10–18 km-thick 21 the mountain ranges of the Great Caucasus, Talesh, high-velocity (Vp between 6.4 and 7.4 km s ) Alborz and Kopet Dagh (Fig. 1). The SCB is a large ‘basaltic-type’ layer (Jackson et al. 2002), sug- intermountain basin situated within the Alpine– gesting that the SCB could be underlain by an Himalayan collision zone (Jackson et al. 2002; ‘oceanic-type’ (oceanic affinity) crust. Recent rein- Reilinger et al. 2006; Kadirov et al. 2008), the terpretation of the seismic refraction data of the unique characteristics of which are anomalously SCB shows that the sedimentary layer is underlain thick sediment cover, extensive compressional by a thinned 10 km-thick crust, that the Moho dis- folding, mud volcanism and relatively thin crust. continuity beneath the basin is at depths of between More than 25 km of sediment thickness has accu- 35 and 40 km, and that velocities below the Moho mulated in the basin since its inception, mostly discontinuity increase from 8.0 to 9.0 km s21 in the Tertiary (Allen et al. 2002; Artyushkov (Piip et al. 2012). The SCB region with the thin, 2007). The northern boundary of the SCB is a sub- high-velocity crust is characterized along its north- merged line of structural highs that forms the so- ern edge by deep-focus earthquakes (Jackson et al. called Absheron–Pribalkhan Ridge or, simply, the 2002; Khain 2005; Artyushkov 2007). This crust of Absheron Ridge (Fig. 1). oceanic affinity is also believed to be undergoing According to deep seismic refraction studies subduction beneath the Absheron Ridge (Golonka conducted in the 1960s (Mangino & Priestley 2007). This contrasts with the western Turkmeni- 1998; Piip et al. 2012) and seismic reflection pro- stan area, east of the Caspian Sea, where teleseis- filing (Glumov et al. 2004; Knapp et al. 2004) mic data suggest the crust is composed of 15– the thickness of sediments in the SCB is esti- 20 km of ‘granitic’ upper-crustal material and mated to be between 25 and 30 km. The results 20 km of ‘basaltic’ lower crust (Mangino & Priest- of refraction studies and teleseismic receiver ley 1998; Piip et al. 2012). function analysis show that the region around Previous crustal studies of the SCB also included SCB contains a 15–20 km-thick, low-velocity subsidence and gravity modelling by Brunet et al. From:Brunet, M.-F., McCann,T.&Sobel, E. R. (eds) Geological Evolution of Central Asian Basins and the Western Tien Shan Range. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 427, http://doi.org/10.1144/SP427.5 # 2015 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer: www.geolsoc.org.uk/pub_ethics Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021 N. A. ABDULLAYEV ET AL. Fig. 1. Shaded relief map showing the location of the South Caspian Basin and the surrounding mountain ranges. The black dashed-line polygon shows a region covered by the teleseismic receiver function study from Mangino & Priestley (1998); the red solid line shows an east–west crustal cross-section after Mammadov (1992) used for subsidence and gravity modelling by Brunet et al. (2003); the black solid lines show two 2D lithospheric-scale gravity models constructed by Granath et al. (2007); the yellow solid line shows the geological cross-section used in the 2D gravity modelling by Kadirov (2000) and Kadirov & Gadirov (2014), originally sourced from USSR Ministry of Geology (1990). (2003), and gravity modelling by Granath et al. interpreted earthquake databases, sparse deep seis- (2007) and Kadirov & Gadirov (2014) (Fig. 1). mic refraction and reflection data coverage, as well The modelling results in these studies were con- as poorly constrained subsidence modelling, cannot strained by a number of Soviet-era deep reflection definitely confirm or deny the presence of oceanic lines and refraction data. More recent ultra-deep crust or explain the limited extent of such crust reflection profiles acquired over the last decade in the SCB. Therefore, in this study we describe were used by Knapp et al. (2004), Mammadov ‘oceanic-type’ crust, implying crustal thicknesses (2008), Egan et al. (2009) and Green et al. (2009). and properties similar to oceanic crust, without They have provided new insights into basin struc- inferring definite crustal type. ture and evolution by means of their subsidence This study synthesizes previous studies with modelling and structural restoration. geophysical observations available to the Geologi- Despite numerous studies, many details of the cal Institute of Azerbaijan (GIA) and BP, including internal crustal structure and evolution of the basin a number of deep two-dimensional (2D) seismic are unclear. Uncertainty over the crustal type and reflection profiles, some of which have been pub- composition of the crust underlying the SCB is dis- lished in Knapp et al. (2004). These seismic profiles cussed in a variety of studies, such as Artyushkov have record lengths of up to 20 s two-way time (2007), Knapp et al. (2004), Glumov et al. (2004) (TWT) and reveal deep basin structure. Interpret- and Mammadov (2006, 2008). The majority of ation of these seismic profiles, and other offshore authors assume that there is a subduction of South and onshore seismic and well data, was accumu- Caspian lithosphere underneath continental litho- lated into an integrated set of depth and isopach sphere of the Central Caspian Basin (Khalilov maps across the entirety of the SCB. The three et al. 1987; Granath et al. 2000; Allen et al. 2002; structural ‘geoseismic profiles’ presented in this Knapp et al. 2004; Golonka 2004, 2007; Egan et al. paper were combined from the various 2D seismic 2009; Green et al. 2009). However, insufficiently reflection profiles and also include integrated Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021 SUBSIDENCE IN THE SOUTH CASPIAN BASIN published information on the deep crustal structure age of basin opening in the Paleocene–Eocene of the SCB. (Adamia et al. 1977; Allen et al. 2002; Kazmin & Verzhbitskii 2011), or a pull-apart mechanism Tectonic and stratigraphic framework for the basin formation (Sengo¨r 1990), we assume Jurassic back-arc rifting as a cause of the SCB The tectonostratigraphic framework of the SCB is opening in this paper. summarized in Figure 2, being a modified strati- Jurassic-age opening is associated with volcanic graphic column from Abdullayev et al. (2012). Plate sediments penetrated in the Saatly superdeep well tectonic reconstruction for the SCB and palaeo- (onshore Azerbaijan), where more than 4400 m of environment interpretations for key tectonostrati- Jurassic basalts, andesites, diorites and tuffs were graphic units shown in this stratigraphic column encountered (Shikhalibeyli et al. 1988). No known can be found in Jones & Simmons (1996), Geologi- Jurassic-age volcanic rocks have been penetrated cal Institute of Azerbaijan (2003), Golonka (2007), offshore and not much is known of their offshore Hudson et al. (2008) and Van Baak (2010). extent. Knapp et al. (2004) described, from 2D A Jurassic-age origin of the SCB has been pro- reflection data, a very prominent north-dipping posed by a number of researchers (Zonenshain & reflector reaching maximum depths of 26–28 km, Le Pichon 1986; Otto 1997; Granath et al. 2000; which they interpreted as a basement–cover bound- Brunet et al. 2003). Basin opening is believed to ary of Jurassic age. This reflector has also been have been caused by a back-arc-rifting episode identified on 2D seismic profiles that we have used behind subduction of the Neotethyan Ocean in in this study and is onlapped by what is assumed the Mid-Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (Berberian to be a post-Jurassic succession. No obvious down- 1983; Zonenshain & Le Pichon 1986; Golonka to-basin faulting of this level can be discerned from 2007).
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