JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY CIRCULARS. PublisAed wit/i tAe approbation of t/ze Board of Trustees. No. 14.] BALTIMORE, MARCH, 1882. [PRIcE 5 CENTS. CALENDAR, 1881-82. April 7—10. Spring Recess. June 6—8. Matriculation Examinations. June 9. Term ofInstruction Closes. September 19. Next Academic Year Begins. September 20—23. Matriculation Examinations. September 26. Instructions Resumed. CONTENTS. PAGE. PAGE. Calendar, . 187 Enumeration of Classes, &c.—Oonlinued. Meetings of University Societies, 187 Romance Languages, . 194 List of Officers and Students: English, 194 Trustees, 188 History and Political Economy, 195 President and Professors 188 Logic, Ethics, etc. 195 Lecturers 188 Drawing, 195 Associates 188 Elocution 195 Instructors and Assistants, . 188 Commemoration Day, 195 Fellows by Courtesy 189 Reception in honor of Professor Cayley, 195 Fellows 189 Appointments to Graduate Scholarships, 195 Graduate Students, 189 Brief Notices 195 Matriculates, 190 Schedule of Hours and Classes, son-Matriculates, 191 General Statements: Summary 191 Admission of Students,. 197 Classification of Students by Residence and Place of Gradua- Time of Admission 197 tion . 191 Charges for Tuition, etc., . Enumeration of Classes—Second Half-Year: University Instruction: . 197 Mathematics 192 Fellowships 198 Physics, 192 Graduate Scholarships 198 Chemistry, • . 192 College Courses 198 Biology, . 193 Requirements for Matriculation, 198 Greek 193 Courses of Study, . 198 Latin, . ... 193 Special Course Preliminary to Medicine, 198 Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, 194 Enoch Pratt Free Library 199 Hebrew, 194 Libraries of Baltimore 199 German, 194 DIEETINGS OF SOCIETIES. Scientific. First Wednesday of each month, llletaphysical. Second Tuesday of each Mathematical. Third Wednesday of each at 8 P. M. Next meeting, April 5. month, at 8 P. NI. next meeting, April 11. month, at 8 P~ M. Next meeting, April 19. S. H. Freeman, Secretary. B. I. Gilman, Secretary. 0. H. Mitchell, Secretary. Naturalists’ Field Club. Excursions each Philological. First Friday of each month, Historical and Potitical Science. Third Saturday during the Spring and Autumn. Regu- at 12 NI. Next meeting, April 7. Friday of each month, at 8 P. M. Next meet- lar meetings for the reading and discussion of M. Warreii, Secretary. ing, April 21. papers once a month. H. B. Adams, Secretary. H. F. Reid, Secretary. 188 JOHNS HOPKINS [No. 14. LIST OF OFFICERS AND STUDENTS, 1881-82. TRUSTEES. SIMON NEWCOMB. Principles of Taxation. Washingion, D. C. S. B., Harvard University, 1818; Ph. D., University of Leyden, 1878; LL. D., Columbian PRESIDENT. TREASURER. SECRETARY. University, 1874, and Yale College, 1875; Corresponding Member, Institute of France; GEORGE W. DOBBIN, FRANCIS WHITE, LEWIS N. HOPKINS, F. R. 5., London; Superintendent, U.S.Nautical Almanac. 42 St. Pad St. 237 St. Paul St. 138 St. Paul St. ChARLES S. PEIRCE. Logic. 21 Read St. GEORGE WILLIAM BROWN, FRANCIS T. KING, A. B., Harvard University, 1819, A. H., and 5. B., 1863; of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 89 W. Chase St. 76 Cathodral St. liONCE RABILLON. French Literature. 69 Park Av. JOSEPH P. ELLIOTT, J. HALL PLEASANTS, Bach. Os Lettres, UniversitO de France, 1812, and LicenclO en Droit, 1836. 187 St. Paul St. 66 Mt. Vernon Place. RICHARD M. VENABLE. Constitutional Law. 87 Franklin St. JOHN W. GARRETT, ALAN P. SMITH, Professor in the Law Department of the University ofMaryland. 77 W. Monument St. 43 Franklin St. CHARLES J. M. GWINN, C. MORTON STEWART, ASSOCIATES. 35 Mt. Vernon Place. 167 Dolphin St. HERBERT B. ADAMS. History. 41 Cathedral St. JAMES CAREY THOMAS, A. B., Amherst College, 1872; Ph. B., University of Heidelberg, 1876; Lecturer on His- 317 Madison Av. tory at Smith College. MAURICE BLOOMFIELD. Sanskrit. 182 W. Madison St. A. H., Furman University, 1877; Ph. B., Johns Hopkins University, 1879. PRESIDENT. HERMAN C. G. BRANDT. German. 390 Druid Hill Au. DANIEL C. GILMAN. 81 Saratoga St. A. B., Hamilton College, 1872, and A. H., 1875; Assistant Professor of Modern Languages A. B., Yale College, 1852, and A. M., 1855; LL. D., Harvard University and St. Johns Col- lege, 1876; Professor in Yale College, 1863-72; President ef the University of Califor- in Hamilton College, 1874-76. ala, 1872—78. WILLIAM K. BROOKS. Biology. 181 N. Calvert St. A. B., Williams College, 1870; Ph. B., Harvard University, 1871; Director of the Chesa- PROFESSORS. peake Zo3logical Laboratory. BASIL L. GILDEESLEEVE. Greek. 253 St. Paul St. WILLIAM HAND BROWNE. Librarian. 2 Huntingdon Au. A. B., Princeten College, 1849, and A. M., 1852; Plo. D., Univercity of G3ttingen, 1851; H. B., University of Maryland,1810. LL. D., College of William and Mary, 1869; Professor of Greok in the University of Virginia, 1856-76; Professor of Latin in the University of Virginia, 1861-66. TIIoMAs CRAIG. Applied Mathematics. 107 N. Charles St. C. E., Lafayette College, 1875; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University, 1878. H. NEWELL MARTIN. Biology. 221 St. Paul St. M. B., University of Leaden, 1871, and Dr. Sc., 1872; A. B., University of Cambridge, 1874; A. MARSHALL ELL1OTT. Romance Languages. 142 N. Charles St. and A. H., 1877; Fellow, and lato Lecturer so Natural History in Christ College, A. B., Haverford College, 1866, and A. H., 1878; A. B., Harvard University, 1868. Cambridge; Fellow ofUniversity College, London; H. D., (Hon.) University ofGeorgia, 1881. CHARLES S. HASTINGS. Physics. 8 Denmead St. Ph. B., Yale College, 1870, and Ph. B., 1873; Holder ofthe “Tyndall Scholarship~~ in Paris, CHARLES D. MORRIS. (Collegiate) Latin and Greek. 158 N. Howard St. 1875. A. B., Lincoln College, Oxford, 1849, A. H.. and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, 1852; Professor in the University of New York, 1875-76. HARMON N. MORSE. Chemistry. 12 Denmead St. A.B., Amherst College, 1873; Ph. B., University ofG3ttingen, 1875; Instructor in Chemistry IRA REMSEN. Chemistry. 218 St. Paul St. at Amherst College, 1875-76. College of the City of New York; H.B., College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. V., 1867; Ph. B., University of G3ttingen, 1870; Professor of Chemistry, in Williams College, AUSTIN SCOTT. History. ‘132 TV. Madison St. 1872-76, and previously Assistant in Chemistry in the University ofTilbingen. A. B., Yale College, 1869; A. H., University of Michigan, 1870; Ph. B., University of Leipaic, 1871; late Instructor in History at the University of Michigan. HENRY A. ROWLAND. Physics. 14 Cathedral St. C. E., Rensselaer Polytechnie Institute, 1870; Assistant Professor in the same, 1872-75; WILLIAM T. SEDGWICK. Biology. 234 Linden Au. Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University, 1880. Ph. B., Yale College, 1877; Ph. B., Johan Wpkins University, 1881. J. J. SYLVESTER. Mathematics. Mt. Vernon Hotel. HENRY SEWALL. Biology. 62 W. Madison St. A. H., University ofCambridge; F. R. S., London and Edinburgh; Corresponding Member, S. B., Wesleyan University, 1876; Ph. B., Johns Hopkins University, 1879. Institute ofFrance; Member, Academy of Sciences in Berlin, G3ttingen, Naples, Milan, St. Petersburg, etc.; LL. D., University of Dublin, University of Edinburgh; B.C. L., WILLIAM E. STORY. Mathematics. ‘ ‘ 87 N. Charles St. University of Oxford; Honorary Fellow of St. Joisna College, Cambridge; late Professor A. B., Ilarvard University, 1871; Ph. B., University ofLeipsic, 1875; Tutor ofMathematics of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy, Woolwicls; Copley Medalist, Royal at Harvard University, 1875-76. Society,London, 1880. PHILIP R. UHLER. Natural History. 218 TV. Hoffman St. Librarian oftime Peabody Institute, and President ofthe Maryland Academy of Sciences. LECTURERS, 1881—82. MINTON ‘WARREN. -Latin. 39 Mt. Vernon Place. JAMES BRYCE. Political Science. A. B., Tufts College, 1870; Ph. B., University ofStrasaburg, 1879. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford; H. P.; D. C. L.; Rcgius Professor of Civil Law in ihe HENRY WOOD. English. 132 TV. Madison St. University of Oxford. A. B., Haverford College, 1869; Ph. D.,.Umoiversity of Leipsic, 1879. ARTHUR CAYLEY. Mathematics. 182 W. Madison St. A. H., University ofCambridge; Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; Ph. D., University of Leyden; F. R. S., London; D. C. L., University of Oxford; LL. D., University of INSTRUCTORS AND ASSISTANTS. Dublin; Corresponding Member, Institute of France; Sadlerian Professor of Pure Mathematics in the University of Cambridge. R. DORSEY COALE. Chemistry. 215 Madison Au. Ph. B., Johns hopkins University, 1881. EDWARD A. FREEMAN. History. D. C.L., University ofOxford, 1870; LL. D., University of Cambridge, 1874. RICHARD T. ELY. Political Economy. 156 TV. Biddle St. A. B., Columbia College, 1876, and A. H., 1879; Fellowof Columbia College, 1876-79; Ph. B., WILLIAM W. GooDWIN. Plato’s Republic. University of Heidelberg, 1879. Ph. D.; LL. D.; Rust Professor ofGreek Literature in Harvard University. FABIAN FRANKLIN. Mathematics. 228 If. Lanvale St. G. STANLEY HALL. Psychology. 132 W. Madison St. Ph. B., Colombian University, 1869; Plo. B., Johns Hspkins University, 1880. A. B., Williams College. 1867, and A. M., 1870; Ph D., Harvard University, 1878; Lecturer in Harvard and Williams Colleges, PHILIPPE B. MARCOU. French. 33 Hamilton St. A. B., Harvard University, l876,~and A. H., 1879. JOIIN JAY KNOX. Banking. Washington, D. C. A.B. and A. M.,Ilamillon College; Comptroller ofthe Currency, U.S.Treasury l)epartment. HUGH NEWELL. Drawing. Maryland Institute. Inateuctor in Drawing in the Maryland Institute. GEORGE S. MORRIS. History of Philosophy. 132 W. Madison St. A. B., Dartmouth College, 1861, and A. H., 1864; Professor ofLogic, Ethisa, and the History GEOIIGE F. NICOLASSEN. Greek and Latin. 600 IV. Lombard St. of Philosophy in the University ofMichigan. A. B., University ofVirginia, 1879,and A. H., 1880. MARCH, 1882.] UNIVERSITY CIPC ULAPS. 189 BENJAMIN E. SMITH. Philosophy. 54 McOulloh St. GRADUATE STUDENTS. A. B., Amherst College, 1877, and A. M., 1888; late Instrnctor in Amherst College. WILLIAM H. ADKINS. Easton. 117 N. Charles St. EDMUND B. WILSON. Biology. 234 Linden Av. A. B., Johns Hopkins University, 1882. History. Ph. B., Yale College, 1878; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University, 1881. THOMAS ATKINSON. Baltimore. 164 TV. Madison St. CHARLES L. WOODWORTH, JR.
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