Planning for Cornwall Cornwall’s future Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 - 2030 Towl leel Kernow Policis Stratejek 2010 - 2030 www.cornwall.gov.uk Cornwall is the second largest local authority in the south west, covering an area of Crime in Cornwall is 3,559 sq km generally low with a coastline of 697km and it is a safe place in which to live and work Cornwall’s environmental assets are extremely valuable and are a 76% (as at 2014) of Cornwall’s key contributor to the economy and population and quality of life (414,466 people) are of working age (2011) Over of the population of Cornwall40% live in settlements of less than 3,000 people Median gross annual pay in Cornwall is £22,068 Agriculture and fishing compared to England at £26,165 (2011) account for a larger share of employment in Cornwall (3%) than Strengthening Cornwall’s economy the regional (2%) or national (1%) is an ongoing challenge - l (2010). economic output, low wages,ow low productivity and a lack of big companies are challenges Education and Skills - Over 69,900 Six universities and children colleges and young people are educated in make up the Combined University for state funded schools and academies Cornwall which attracted over 7,700 with a further 2,525 pupils on roll higher education students in 2009/10. across independent schools in Cornwall) To support the delivery of over 38,000 jobs over the plan period the target of 422,400 sq m of employment floorspace has been provided Planning for Cornwall Cornwall’s future Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 - 2030 Adopted November 2016 Note: This document should be read in conjunction with the Policies maps and the Community Network Area Sections. 4 Foreword Raglavar Cornwall is a special Kernow yw le arbennek. Peub ahanan place. We all have a a’n jeves charj rag hy thermyn a dheu ha responsibility for its towlenna gwiw yw rann a vri a hemma. future and proper Strateji Konsel Kernow a’n jeves orth y golonnen an planning is a key part amkan dhe lenwel aswaow anparder yn kowethas of this. ha gul dyffrans posedhek dhe vewnansow an werin. Towlenna da yw kresel dhe dhelivra an strateji na ha Cornwall Council’s strategy drehevel kemenethow yagh ha sostenadow. has at its core the aim to bridge the inequality Dres termyn re hir, heb kavos towl, ni re beu gaps in society and make a positive difference to tanbelennys gans displegyans anedhans aventuryek people’s lives. Good planning is central to delivering re gisyas trest y’gan kemenethow a’n dyffrans that strategy and building healthy and sustainable posedhek a yll gul towlennans rag leow. Mes y hyll communities. bos tevyans tra dha: y provi an kevarghow res dhe For too long, not having a plan, we have been gowlwul an edhommow a’gan trigoryon. An Towl ma bombarded with speculative housing development ha’n Towlow Kentreveth yw an alhwedh dhe furvya that has damaged trust in our communities of ha lewya an tevyans ma yn hwiw. the positive difference planning for places can An Towl Leel ma a wra gweres gwruthyl leow gwell, make. But growth can be a good thing, it provides ynna may fynn tus triga, oberi ha gwari. Y hwra the investment needed to meet the needs of our gweres dhe wruthyl 38,000 a sodhow nowydh, residents. This Plan and Neighbourhood Plans trevow nowydh dhe gowlwul an edhommow a’gan are the key to shaping and directing this growth trigoryon, skolyow nowydh hag isframweyth, keffrys appropriately. ha gwitha hag afina an kerghynnedh. This Local Plan will help make better places, where Der oberi war-barth, dre vos nowydhyansek people want to live, work and play. It will help hag awenek y hyllyn ni kollenwel displegyans facilitate 38,000 new jobs, new homes to meet the sostenadow yn Kernow hag a wra revrons dh’agan needs of our residents, new schools, infrastructure kerghynnedh istorek ha naturek, provia an ayrgylgh and protect and enhance the environment. rag gwrians sodhow ha kowlwul an edhommow a’gan By working together, being innovative and being kemenethow. creative means that we can achieve sustainable development in Cornwall that respects our historic and natural environment, provides the atmosphere for job creation and meet the needs of our communities. » Good planning is central Edwina Hannaford, Cornwall Council’s Portfolio Holder for Planning and Environment Strategy to delivering our strategy and building healthy and sustainable communities. Cornwall Local Plan Towl leel Kernow Dalghow Contents 5 4 Foreword Schedule of policies 6 Vision and objectives 13 Policy 1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development 17 Policy 2 Spatial strategy 10 Spatial Strategy 19 Policy 2a Key targets 24 Policy 3 Role and function of places 30 Policy 4 Shopping, services and community facilities Appendices 37 Policy 5 Business and Tourism 40 Policy 6 Housing mix 85 1: Monitoring framework 41 Policy 7 Housing in the countryside 45 Policy 8 Affordable housing 92 2: Value zones in Cornwall 46 Policy 9 Rural Exception Schemes 94 3: Schedule of saved and 47 Policy 10 Managing viability replaced policies 49 Policy 11 Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople 50 Policy 12 Design 102 Key diagram - policies map 52 Policy 13 Development standards 54 Policy 14 Renewable and low carbon energy 55 Policy 15 Safeguarding renewable energy 57 Policy 16 Health and wellbeing 60 Policy 17 Minerals – general principles 61 Policy 18 Minerals safeguarding 65 Policy 19 Strategic waste management principles 66 Policy 20 Managing the provision of waste management facilities 67 Policy 21 Best use of land and existing buildings 70 Policy 22 European protected sites - mitigation of recreational impacts from development 74 Policy 23 Natural environment 80 Policy 24 Historic environment 81 Policy 25 Green infrastructure 83 Policy 26 Flood risk management and coastal change 84 Policy 27 Transport and accessibility 85 Policy 28 Infrastructure Strategic Policies 2010-2030 Policis Stratejek 2010 - 2030 Komendyans 6 Introduction How to use this plan The policies avoid repetition so it is important they are all read as a whole. All policies will be considered together in decision making. The policies are the strategic policies for the Planning Future Cornwall purpose of providing context 1.1 This part of the Local Plan (the Plan) sets out our for Neighbourhood Plans and main planning approach and policies for Cornwall. Further details including allocations are provided by Development Plan Documents. additional Local Plan and Supplementary Planning Documents. Neighbourhood Plans, prepared by city, town and parish councils will be part of the statutory 1.3 These policies set out how we will consider Plan too. The Plan also sets out how we will manage planning applications, set targets for growth and development to 2030. the broad distribution of development that reflects 1.2 The Plan is intended to help deliver the vision identified needs. They are also intended to provide and objectives of ‘Future Cornwall’, our sustainable sufficient flexibility to respond to opportunities community strategy. The underlying principles of and changing priorities. They give scope for our the strategy seek to manage future development communities to manage the delivery of the Plan to ensure all communities in Cornwall have an locally. appropriate balance of jobs, services, facilities and 1.4 We also intend the Plan to provide a suitable homes. framework for a range of key service providers and Future growth in Cornwall will be guided by a ‘plan, stakeholders, whose input and delivery of services monitor and manage approach’ ensuring that and infrastructure will be essential to the successful the right policies are in place to reflect changing implementation of the strategy. circumstances. To enable this more flexible approach 1.5 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) the Cornwall Local Plan will be subject to periodic sets out the Government’s planning policies for review over the Plan period. England and how these are expected to be applied. It provides the framework within which local communities and councils can produce their own distinctive local and neighbourhood plans. The Cornwall Local Plan seeks to be fully consistent with the NPPF and does not repeat national policy but sets out a clear approach for dealing with proposals. Cornwall Local Plan Towl leel Kernow The Plan supports the expansion of existing businesses and the growth of new » sectors to strengthen the economy 7 Public Better ways of delivering Becoming a toilets The Cornwall Local Plan: Strategic Policiesour documentservices Figure 1: Hierarchy of commissioning Council Publicsets out sector policies that are: Planning Documents Grass cutting WorkingSpatial – settingtogether the overall strategy; and and maintenance Topic based – which will be applicable to most CORMAC NationalLeisure Planning withproposals. our partners Policy Framework 1.6 In additionI’m the not Plan will be supported by other Town Council Car parking formal documents,sure who these include: can help me delivering Neighbourhood Plans – prepared by local councils in conformity with national policy and the policies local services We can Cornwall Local Plan – and proposals of this Plan,put you though to the right Strategic Policies Development Plan Documentspeople – providing further detail for policies and forming part of the statutory framework including site allocations and mineral safeguarding, As well as: Development Plan Documents and Supplementary Planning Documents Neighbourhood Plans NHSthat help guide decisions by giving additional evidence and advice. Police
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