MR 328 Med-A

MR 328 Med-A

by Date MORNING REPORTS - 328th Med, Company A March '44 thru July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 3/1/1944 18012018 Cowan SGT Sk Sta Hosp to dy, LD. 3/1/1944 18012018 Cowan SGT Rd to gr of PVT. 3/1/1944 13129716 Zemel PVT Dy to sk Sta hosp, LD. 3/1/1944 36411391 Toman CPL Fur to dy - abs 13 days. 3/1/1944 17169726 Hildebrand T/5 Dy to fur (11 days. 3/1/1944 32922752 Pretschner PFC Promoted to T/5 3/1/1944 36821476 Rasmussen PVT Aptd PFC. 3/2/1944 No Chg 3/3/1944 32247229 Csapo T/4 Fur to dy - abs 13 days. 3/4/1944 36412393 Hough PVT Aptd PFC. 3/4/1944 37400627 Bauer PFC Promoted to SGT. 3/5/1944 No Chg 3/6/1944 No Chg Record of Events 66 EM awarded Good Conduct Clasps 3/7/1944 36717626 Hillger PFC Sk Sta Hosp to dy, LD. 3/7/1944 36713203 Finley T/4 Abv 4 EM AC unasgd atchd awaiting asgmt, trfd in gr to AAFRTC #2, Keesler Fld, MS. 3/7/1944 15311468 Ross William E. PFC Abv 4 EM AC unasgd atchd awaiting asgmt, trfd in gr to AAFRTC #2, Keesler Fld, MS. 3/7/1944 37557994 Kandaras PVT Abv 4 EM AC unasgd atchd awaiting asgmt, trfd in gr to AAFRTC #2, Keesler Fld, MS. 3/7/1944 36456124 O'Meara William F., Jr. PVT Abv 4 EM AC unasgd atchd awaiting asgmt, trfd in gr to AAFRTC #2, Keesler Fld, MS. 3/8/1944 6255829 McMahon 1SGT Fur to dy - abs 9 days. 3/8/1944 36287694 Vogt T/4 Dy to fur (11 days). 3/8/1944 35729349 Kost PVT Dy to sk Sta Hosp, NLD EPTI. 3/8/1944 13129716 Zemel PVT Sk Sta Hosp to dy, LD. 3/9/1944 34574621 Nolen CPL Dy to sk in qrs, LD, 8-Mar. 3/9/1944 36547710 Green T/3 Fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/9/1944 37327467 Salo PFC Dy to fur (13 days). 3/9/1944 16106142 Mooney Phillip K. PVT Abv 4 EM asgd & jd fr Hq 3872, SU, ASTP, OK A&M, Stillwater, OK. 3/9/1944 37558879 Onischuk Carl D. PVT Abv 4 EM asgd & jd fr Hq 3872, SU, ASTP, OK A&M, Stillwater, OK. 3/9/1944 37668508 Schwerin Raymond H. PVT Abv 4 EM asgd & jd fr Hq 3872, SU, ASTP, OK A&M, Stillwater, OK. 3/9/1944 15308289 Carlin John E. PVT Abv 4 EM asgd & jd fr Hq 3872, SU, ASTP, OK A&M, Stillwater, OK. 3/9/1944 36412792 Moore Paul C. PVT In conf trfd in gr to Hq, Cp Howze, TX. 3/10/1944 36548325 Weier T/4 DS Brooke GH, Ft Sam Houston, TX to dy. 3/10/1944 34574621 Nolen CPL Sk in qrs to dy. 3/10/1944 36338495 Rusch SSGT Abv 4 EM fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/10/1944 36410354 Knorpp T/3 Abv 4 EM fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/10/1944 36712091 Bartelt SGT Abv 4 EM fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/10/1944 16088521 Dorner PFC Abv 4 EM fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/10/1944 36448656 Davison T/5 Abv 4 EM dy to fur (11 days). 3/10/1944 36717626 Hillger PFC Abv 4 EM dy to fur (11 days). 3/10/1944 36549981 Kogut PFC Abv 4 EM dy to fur (11 days). 3/10/1944 36546023 Scanlon PFC Abv 4 EM dy to fur (11 days). 3/11/1944 6144587 Sullivan Patrick F. PVT Dy to trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/11/1944 36287300 Caldie PFC Rd to gr of PVT 1 by Date by Date MORNING REPORTS - 328th Med, Company A March '44 thru July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 3/11/1944 37542330 Kopveiler PVT Appt PFC. 3/12/1944 17169726 Hildebrand T/5 Fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/12/1944 36548021 Armstrong PFC Dy to fur (11 days). 3/12/1944 34660544 Colobro PFC DS Brooke GH, Ft Sam Houston, TX to dy. 3/13/1944 O1691179 Reid CAPT Dy to TD Ft Meade, MD, Relvd of Command. 3/13/1944 O2047855 Thompson 2LT Assumed Comd. 3/13/1944 35629103 Steiner Robert F. PVT Asgd enroute to jn fr Hq 11th Airborne Div, Cp Polk, LA, 10-Mar. 3/13/1944 35629103 Steiner PVT Fr asgd enroute to jn fr Hq 11th Airborne Div, Cp Polk, LA to jd. 3/14/1944 20239422 Masiello PVT Dy to fur (13 days). 3/14/1944 33501166 Gamble George D. PFC Asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3873, OU, Norman, OK. 3/15/1944 No Chg 3/16/1944 No Chg 3/17/1944 34582008 Bell Douglas C. PFC Abv 5 EM dy to trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/17/1944 16088521 Dorner Henry PFC Abv 5 EM dy to trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/17/1944 37246692 Henry PFC Abv 5 EM dy to trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/17/1944 34234928 Bankston Douglas B. PVT Abv 5 EM dy to trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/17/1944 6266241 White Leamon PVT Abv 5 EM dy to trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/18/1944 35732469 King PVT Abv 2 EM aptd PFC. 3/18/1944 31344928 Moriarty PVT Abv 2 EM aptd PFC. 3/18/1944 36448550 Carson John L. PVT Asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3873, OU, Norman, OK. 3/18/1944 36179092 Reed Burton K. PFC DS Brooke GH, FSHT to trfd in gr to MD Brooke GH, FSHT. 3/19/1944 36287694 Vogt T/4 Fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/19/1944 36548325 Weier T/4 Dy to fur (11 days). 3/20/1944 16153527 Beck Joseph J. PVT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3800, TX A&M, College Station, TX. 3/20/1944 16170952 Friedman Hyman R. PVT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3800, TX A&M, College Station, TX. 3/20/1944 16152083 Hagler Charles V. PVT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3800, TX A&M, College Station, TX. 3/20/1944 34666928 Helms Henry H., Jr. PVT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3800, TX A&M, College Station, TX. 3/20/1944 19144304 Lombard Robert M. PVT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3800, TX A&M, College Station, TX. 3/20/1944 39040686 McCullough William S. PVT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3800, TX A&M, College Station, TX. 3/20/1944 32806419 Masich Edward J. PVT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3800, TX A&M, College Station, TX. 3/20/1944 17082972 Park William L. PVT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3800, TX A&M, College Station, TX. 3/20/1944 Record of Events 27 EM & 1 Off left camp on motor march to Black Hollow Area for 3 day problem. 3/21/1944 39131543 Leask George D., Jr. 521 PVT Asgd enroute to jn fr Hq ASTU 4810, NE Jr Col, Monroe, LA, to jd. 3/21/1944 39131543 Leask PVT Dy to sk in qrs, LD und. 3/21/1944 39204745 Beach Richard J. 521 PVT Asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3873, OU, Norman, OK. 3/21/1944 O1691179 Reid CAPT TD Ft Meade, MD to dy. Assumed Command. 3/21/1944 O2047855 Thompson 2LT Relvd of Command. 3/21/1944 O2048167 Talcott Joseph E. 2LT Reld fr asgmt & trfd to Co B this Regt. 3/21/1944 36448656 Davison T/5 Abv 4 EM fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/21/1944 36717626 Hillger PFC Abv 4 EM fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/21/1944 36549981 Kogut PFC Abv 4 EM fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/21/1944 36546023 Scanlon PFC Abv 4 EM fur to dy - abs 11 days. 2 by Date by Date MORNING REPORTS - 328th Med, Company A March '44 thru July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 3/21/1944 6950996 Langford T/5 Dy to fur (9 days). 3/21/1944 36821476 Rasmuessn PFC Dy to fur (11 days). 3/21/1944 37542330 Kopveiler PFC Abv 2 EM dy to fur (13 days). 3/21/1944 35063322 Sandel PFC Abv 2 EM dy to fur (13 days). 3/22/1944 O2048636 Grandieri 2LT Reld fr atchd unasgd & asgd prin dy - Litter bearer Plat Ldr. 3/22/1944 37246855 Thieme T/5 Trfd in gr to Hq Det this Bn. 3/22/1944 37327467 Salo PFC Fur to dy - abs 13 days. 3/22/1944 31344928 Moriarty PFC Dy to fur (13 days). 3/22/1944 Record of Events 27 EM & 1 Off returned from 3 day problem, at 1000. 3/23/1944 35629103 Steiner PVT Dy to sk Sta Hosp, NLD EPTI. 3/23/1944 36549981 Kogut PFC Promoted to T/5. 3/23/1944 34496062 Phillips PVT Aptd PFC. 3/23/1944 36548021 Armstrong PFC Fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/24/1944 No Chg 3/25/1944 No Chg 3/26/1944 No Chg 3/27/1944 O2048636 Grandieri 2LT Dy to Lv (14 days). 3/27/1944 20239422 Masiello PVT Fur to dy - abs 13 days.

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