above shipments ware of whMt In sacks, bat I have re¬ whenever necessary, and to any volume required. The BOAKDKHN AHD LODOIIIHg WAWKD. ¦OiJIDBM AND LODOBHI WAJITED «OtJiE|, ROOMS, «kC., TO LfcT. duced Hi a whole to Hour (or (he soke of simplicity. The Impure air is taken by s-parete ftuen to a large fcul air TWELFTH NEATLY FURNISH AGRICULTURE. of the to be cliambT or duot to the thenoe to the the prank* >bt house one block bast tiXKKKT. NEAR SECOND AVKNUK- OOTTAOK, e3C CALIFORNIA ylold present year promises good. root, opea of the City Hu<. corner of Frankfort and William¦ 145 Large Boom. suitable for a geuMwmn aad wlf* or APLK'S8*WTeouta* nlnf '"«> roorni, la a beautiful vlllagu In w*at< Barley, oats and the other small grains flourish well In air. The water closets are placed In the tewer* At¦MtU. 2fiO Rooms; .¦6c. totOo. per day. Open all night. oheitercouftv *¦ on ilarlem Biilroad, 30 mllf* diiunt; wry California, and frequently make an astounding yield. outside of the wards and are ventilated with¬ bealtliy church, school. Possession lmm*> Wheat frequently yields from fifty to seventy -five bushels out expense by a direct connection made with tub whitnbt house-booms TO lbt, WITH ne Q BR0ADWAYTOUND80MBLY FURNISHBD dlmte!" to the aore, and barley ha* exceeded, under favorable the large chimney that is used for the kitchen, At or without Meals. at the option of the meat. I OV Boom* for famllea aad gentleman; term* mod¬ *L. aTWlLEB, 3» Wall atreet (Jsunoey oourt). AND .circumstance*. a hundred bushel* to the acre. I have bakery and In whioh the fire is erate. ^ THE EARLY CAYS THE PRESEN1 lauodry, constantly BOABDIMO..AMY LAST DESIBINQ i furnished nosx BOOK and bedroom, otf seen many fields of grain that would be no discredit to kept burning. This has been carefully designed, so that with an told that the «h there bo a current the water oioeets. to A-PRIVATBto And an elegant home, sxoellant medical attend¬ BOABD ASD Eastern farmer, and hava been crop will always from ance, good mining and atrtot retirement during expected LODOISO WAMTKP. Xpyfjr T; a "volunteer," Ac., grown from the seed scattered while the ohianey. The (bUowing Is the history of this mag. alckneaa, can flad every requisite In the family «r a wldew wanted in last was Corn doea not do mifleent and which is a credit to the without children or HOARD jersey city-fora gentle- FBONT AND BACK year's crop being gathered. maiestic institution, lady. living aenteely, boarder*. Address ¦ man and wife, In a plain prirate family. Address, WELL FURNISHED PARLoA well In California, and the few fields I have seen have a hnmanity and philanthropy that dictated IU erection Drawer 11, Brooklyn Poet oflUe. B whtok aauat be H*r- A with uUutt, gas and bath; »Uu* few nicely PuriUsheJ The Country Around 8a: elating term*, modarata, Clark, box 170 Bedrooms loH on modemt« terras. Refereneoe u< sickly and unthrifty appearance. There Is only one and has now consummated its final completion. aid office. very cast of In the northern of the State iff;*re its aiaroBT. IS AND # WASHWOTON PLAGE, NEAR NBW changed. Apply >1 1! Bleaeksr itreet, Broadway. Francisoo. region part t^«. York Hotel, a drst elau honeeTBoome, single and an climate seems to favor it, and that is the ralley ot w The effect of the whole Is The hos¬ AT to. "PARTIAL BOARD WANTED-IM A STRICTLY PRI building striking. auitn to rent; with ilrst claas table: Frsaah spoken. A Tate family, bya alogl* nan of A habit*, beE- NBATLY FURNISHED ROOM £XD TWO BBM04»Mjl Russian river. Largs numbers of hogs are raise< in thai pital bas been visited aad examined by many gentlemen vary «ula« " JL to let.Par Canal 177 Seventh awWl valley, and the bacon made there is of such superior whose i^ioloo* on suob subjects are eatttloaAto gratt rt- FBir DESIRABLE FUBNISHED BOOMS TO 1X1. ,r three door* abovehousekeepingThirty-ninth itreet. quality and Is so well known that the Letands have for their In sclenoe and ad¬ A With dret elau Board, to trnmlent or permanent par- speot experienoe sanitary near Fifth avenue. Refer PUB- EFFECT OF IRRIGATION placed "Russian river bacon" on the Mil of fan at the ministration, and for their acquaintance with establish¬ ties, at 83 Wert Twelfth street, \TTANTED.BOARD, FOB A GENTLEMAN AMD HIS Occidental. ments for purposes in this and is Eu¬ enoee required. H wife; location deeired above Fourteenth atreot, between NpM Considerable is in to hospital country Foarth aad Sixth avenue*; uadeabted r*f*riam gjv»n. Ad- attention given California the cul¬ rope as well, aad it has received from them the highest Fort Maw tivation of grapes and the manufacture of wine. Grape commendation. The and accounts of the draae Q. B., box 1.61J otto*. York. STOBE 10# BLEEOKER is the of in the plans building A .TO LET. THB STBBMT1. raising oldest form agriculture State, and have also been communicated to eminent persons in Eu¬ Oreenwleh street, near Leight. Terms moderate. TWO BINOLB BOOMS OEM- J\ . Good stand for any business. Also a Brat elaae ootasc one to which the noil seems piyatus TI7ANTED. FOB TWO a Houae and Store. PLANTING FROM OECEMBER TO MAY admirably adapted, in many rope, distinguished for their exertions or Interest ta hos¬ W tiemen, Is a repeectable and pleasant family, with or Store Id Bleecker street. Alio Ala* localities where wheat, oats or other crops would of the causes BUTT OP THBBB ROOE8 WILL BB VACATED IN withoat Boaad muai be located between Fourth and ¦mall Stores. Inquire of T. J. OIBBOM8, lfl» meoofcar £ perish pital matters. One obief of delay In the of aaatlemen or a ; Twenty- without Irrigation the grape will thrive and grow, and completion of this arose from the neoeesity of A two weeks. A party single family fourth street*. Addreea, with term* and partloulara, A. H., come It hospital without children nan be accommcitaled. Houae and loeatlon SECOND FLOOR TO LBT-WrrH to perfection, although may not be watered by putting off for some months the ereotlon of the large first class. UnexoepUouabie rsfsreaoss exchanged. required for housekeeping; am bedri.t a single shower during the entire summer. It is thought in the rear of the strictly street. APURN18HBDeverything at B> Mo. West . throe in of the where building hospital proper, nearly adjoin¬ If Forty-sixth XKTANTBD BOABD FOB OBNTLEMAN AND WIFE, parlor and dialog room. Apply for aays Bleeekal many parts Fast, attention Is paid to ing It, but separated from it, Intended for kitchens, » T In good location; will be permanent Board not to os- street. this matter, that the soil must be well irrigated, but bakery, lauadrr, and other offices. This Important SUIT OP PAJULOBS.ALSO OTBBR PIKB BOOKS, oeed 9M par waek. Addreie <3. W-, bo* M88 Port oBoo. most or the varieties produced here hardly seem to re- building was or necessity pl&o°d so near theAold stone te 1st, with first class Board ; Private tables If desired; -TO LSI. FT7BNISHB0. A FOUR STOBT HOTO9 it The oldest of the State are at San at the private family hotel, SI Fourteenth street, a few doors GENTLEMAN AMD . IB tbo vloinlty of tbe New Tork Hotel: SUB per months vineyards building, originally built for a factory, but long used for weet of UTtMIED.BOARD FOR A WIFE, A at Julreuse, and were established by the Catholic mlsalonartes the refuge department, fbr lying-in women, and for Broadway. TT In a quiet prirate family^ at reaenable prloe. Ad- apply bAILEY'S Baal Orchard Fruits and Kindret from Spain soon after the ohurch had planted otbor purposes, that It was thought proper to remove PEW MORB BOOMS MAT BB HAD IK TUB dreea B., Herald office. ^^^r.^t^oj^r-lt. Its colonies here. I cannot ascertain the exaot that as soon as proper couldAbe made country; bathing, tubing,log. Ac. Apply te Meeara.Meaan. MAS FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. NBAS ¦late of the introduction of the building provision Pearl street. Rooms moderate. YITANTKD.BOARD OR A FURNISHED HOUSE, FOR Production8. grape, as no for Its present Inmates. This Is effected by altering and TBRTON k BBAMBB. VT the eeaaon, for . email family, on the Hudaon, within BROADWAY..PifU Avenue Hotel: possession tmnadlately ; rant t«S « | rec Td has been kept, but have hoard it placed all the extending the large brick building hitherto used for a IB mllaa-of New Tort Addreia John P. Ragle, ill Naaaau month. JOHN LlOYD S BOW, 15 Naasan *lrdoT way from 1750 to 1800. I have been shown a be no PEW CHOICE ROOMS TO LBT.WITH BOARD, vineyard waah-houeo and bakery, whioh will longer needod on at the Mew Bo forty yean In which the vinos had no of for some A reasonable terms, Leroy Houae, ENTIRE.LARGE COUNTRY HOUBH A.4 old, appearance thoee purposes. By enlargement of the wings, oltells. N. T. TjlURNIRHEDA1 for two or old age, but bore themselves and their fruit as If Just and the whole with a tnansarde ac¬ Harlem: large, shady grounds; cbeap threi their teens. The covering high roof, CODMTBT months; small. neat, carcfnl family only. Apply to 0#ea» WHEAT, CORN AND OTHER GRAINS entering missionaries brought a grape commodation will be provided for a very large number SOUTHERN LADY. LIVINO UP TOWN IN A FIRST ¦11 pant, am Seventh avenue or 40 East UMb atreet. from Spain and introduced itat their "missions," whence of Inmates not requiring regular hospital attendance.
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