Daf Ditty Yoma 33: Priority of Heart over Head 1 2 3 § Abaye arranged the sequence of the daily services in the Temple based on tradition and in accordance with the opinion of Abba Shaul: Setting up the large arrangement of wood on the altar on which the offerings were burned precedes the second arrangement of wood. This second arrangement was arranged separately near the southwest corner of the altar, and twice every day priests raked coals from it and placed them on the inner altar in order to burn the incense. The second arrangement for the incense precedes setting up the two logs of wood above the large 4 arrangement to fulfill the mitzva of bringing wood. And the setting up of the two logs of wood precedes the removal of ashes from the inner altar. And the removal of ashes from the inner altar precedes the removal of ashes from five of the seven lamps of the candelabrum. And removal of ashes from five lamps precedes the slaughter and the receiving and sprinkling of the blood of the daily morning offering. The sprinkling of the blood of the daily offering 5 precedes the removal of ashes from the two remaining lamps of the candelabrum. And the removal of ashes from two lamps precedes the burning of the incense. The burning of the incense on the inner altar precedes the burning of the limbs of the daily offering on the outer altar. The burning of the limbs precedes the sacrifice of the meal-offering which accompanies the daily offering. The sacrifice of the meal-offering precedes the sacrifice of the High Priest’s daily griddle-cake offering, half of which he sacrificed in the morning and half in the afternoon. And the griddle-cake offering precedes the pouring of the libations of the daily offering. 6 7 And the libations precede the sacrifice of the additional offerings on days when the additional offerings are sacrificed. And the additional offerings precede the vessels of frankincense that are offered on Shabbat. And the vessels precede the sacrifice of the daily afternoon offering, as it is stated: ,And the fire upon the altar shall be kept burning thereby 5 ה ְוֵָהאשַׁﬠל - דוֵּתּקחְבִּזַהמּ ַַ - וֹבּ ל ֹ א א ֹ ל וֹבּ it shall not go out; and the priest shall kindle wood on it ם ןﬠִֵהכּהיצﬠ יֵַֹלה רﬠבֶָָ ,הבִּכֵוּ ְִֶת ,הבִּכֵוּ רﬠבֶָָ יֵַֹלה ןﬠִֵהכּהיצﬠ ם every morning; and he shall lay the burnt-offering in order רﬠר;וקַבּקַבּבּבּ ֹﬠ ָהה_ְֶלֶרֹ ַלֶיעָ ֹ,הָָ ָ ֹ,הָָ ַלֶיעָ ָהה_ְֶלֶרֹ ֹﬠ רﬠר;וקַבּקַבּבּבּ -upon it, and shall make smoke thereon the fat of the peace ְַה ִָשּׁלמים. הְֶחֵלבי ֶָﬠליָ ְוְִהִקטיר ֶָﬠליָ הְֶחֵלבי ְַה ִָשּׁלמים. offerings. Lev 6:5 “And he shall lay out the burnt-offering on it, and burn on it the fat parts of the peace-offerings. The term on it, means complete sacrifice of all other offerings, i.e., after the daily morning offering rather than after the daily afternoon offering. In all cases, the daily afternoon offering is the final offering sacrificed. 8 The Gemara proceeds to analyze the items listed by Abaye and seeks biblical or logical sources for each. The Master said: Setting up the large arrangement of wood on the altar on which the offerings were burned precedes the second arrangement of wood for incense. The Gemara asks: From where do we derive this? The Gemara answers: As it was taught in a baraita: The verse states: Command Aaron and his sons, saying: This is the law of 2 ב וַצתא ֶ - ֹןותֲרַאה ְֶא - תזרואיָמלנָבּ , ֹֹאֵ , תזרואיָמלנָבּ the burnt-offering: it is that which goeth up on its firewood רוֹתּ תַ ָ ה ֹ ע ָל :ה ﬠאעה הלל ִַָָֹהו מ קוֹ ְ ָ ד ה ַ ﬠ ל - upon the altar all night unto the morning; and the fire of the ַה ְחבִָּמּזלכּ ֵַ - ָ,הְַדלﬠיַַהלּ - ,ֹשׁראקוַהבּ ְ ֵֶ ְ ,ֹשׁראקוַהבּ .altar shall be kept burning thereby ַוּ,תּקֵחְבִּזַהמּ וֹדבּ ַ. וֹדבּ ַוּ,תּקֵחְבִּזַהמּ Lev 6:2 “The burnt-offering itself shall go up on its bonfire upon the altar all night” this is referring to the large arrangement of wood. “And the fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it” this is referring to the second arrangement of wood near the corner of the altar, from which coals are taken for the incense. 9 Abaye continued and said that the second arrangement for incense precedes the setting up of the two logs. The Gemara asks: From where do we derive this? As it is written: ,And the fire upon the altar shall be kept burning thereby 5 ה ְוֵָהאשַׁﬠל - דוֵּתּקחְבִּזַהמּ ַַ - וֹבּ ל ֹ א א ֹ ל וֹבּ it shall not go out; and the priest shall kindle wood on it ם ןﬠִֵהכּהיצﬠ יֵַֹלה רﬠבֶָָ ,הבִּכֵוּ ְִֶת ,הבִּכֵוּ רﬠבֶָָ יֵַֹלה ןﬠִֵהכּהיצﬠ ם every morning; and he shall lay the burnt-offering in order רﬠר;וקַבּקַבּבּבּ ֹﬠ ָהה_ְֶלֶרֹ ַלֶיעָ ֹ,הָָ ָ ֹ,הָָ ַלֶיעָ ָהה_ְֶלֶרֹ ֹﬠ רﬠר;וקַבּקַבּבּבּ -upon it, and shall make smoke thereon the fat of the peace ְַה ִָשּׁלמים. הְֶחֵלבי ֶָﬠליָ ְוְִהִקטיר ֶָﬠליָ הְֶחֵלבי ְַה ִָשּׁלמים. offerings. Lev 6:5 “And the priest shall burn wood upon it in the morning, in the morning” there is an obligation to place new logs upon the large arrangement. The term upon it underscores that the wood is placed only on the large arrangement, and not on the other arrangement from which coals are taken for the incense. From the fact that this exclusionary term is necessary, it can be derived by inference that there is another pile on the altar, meaning that when the new logs are placed on the altar, the two arrangements are already there. 10 Abaye continued: The setting up of the two logs precedes the removal of ashes from the inner altar. Although here, with regard to the two logs, it is written: In the morning, in the morning, meaning that the priest must arise early in the morning to perform this act, and here, with regard to removal of the ashes from the inner altar, it is also written: And Aaron shall burn thereon incense of sweet 7 ז ְוְִהִקטירֲַאֹהרן,ָָﬠליוְ ֶֹקטרת ִַסמּים; spices; every morning, when he dresseth the lamps, he ְוֹיבקַבּבּטֶהבּתא בֹּ,ריֵ רקַבִֶּ ֶֹ - ֹתֵרנַּה -- .shall burn it ַי ֶָ.הנִּירְקט Ex 30:7 “In the morning, in the morning” even so, an action that facilitates another service takes precedence. Therefore, setting up the logs, from which coals are taken, facilitating the burning of the incense, precedes removal of ashes from the inner altar. The Gemara asks: What is the act that 11 facilitates? It is the placement of the two logs. But didn’t you say that the two logs go to the large arrangement of wood and not to the arrangement of wood from which the coals are taken for the incense? These logs in no way facilitate the burning of the incense. RASHI Steinzaltz 12 Abaye continued: And removal of ashes from the inner altar precedes the removal of ashes from five of the seven lamps of the candelabrum. What is the reason for this? Abaye said: I learned this through tradition; however, I do not know the rationale behind it. And Rava said: The reason is in accordance with the statement of Reish Lakish, as Reish Lakish said: One may not forego performance of any of the mitzvot in order to perform another mitzva. 13 14 Rava said: Conclude from the statement of Reish Lakish that one may not forego performance of any of the mitzvot, that it is prohibited to forego donning the phylacteries of the arm in order to don the phylacteries of the head, as when donning phylacteries, one encounters the arm first. How does he conduct himself? He proceeds from the phylacteries of the arm to the phylacteries of the head. RASHI Steinzaltz Tosafos תופותס ה"ד ירובע אערד אתפטוטא - י"רפש נהל חי יליפת ן שארב םדוק יש נ חי יליפת ן לש די רוסא אקד ריבעמ לע תוצמ יליפת ן לש די עגפד אשירב עורזב עורזב אשירב עגפד די לש ן יליפת תוצמ לע ריבעמ אקד רוסא די לש ן יליפת חי נ יש םדוק שארב ן יליפת חי נהל י"רפש םדוק גיש עי שארל 15 Rashi's opinion:: This forbids putting Tefilin on the head before on the hand, for he passes over the Mitzvah of hand Tefilin, for he e9c the arm before the head. קוהש יפל ' יאמד איריא שירדמ שיקל קופית היל רמאדמ קרפב ץוקמה הבר תוחנמ( ףד ול . ) Question: Why does this depend on Reish Lakish's law? We know this from a Drashah in Menachos (36a)! שכה או נמ חי נמ חי לש די כ"חאו לש שאר ביתכד םתרשקו תואל לע ךדי רדהו יהו ו תופטוטל יב ן יע נ ךי . Citation (36a): One put Tefilin on the hand and afterwards on the head, for it says "u'Kshartam l'Os Al Yadecha", and afterwards "v'Hayu l'Totafos Bein Einecha." שרמופ יבר נ ו םת םשב בר יאה ואג ן ל"צז יאד ירי העשב ץלוחש יליפת ן מונ ןחי קיתב Opinion #2 (R. Tam citing Rav Hai Gaon): Our Gemara discusses removing Tefilin and putting them in their case; אלש ריבעי ןתוא לש די ו םנתי קיתב הליחת כ"חאו לש שאר הלעמל He may not pass over the hand Tefilin, and put it in the case first, and afterwards the head Tefilin above it; כ"אד אבישכ נהל חי עגפי לשב שאר הליחת ו ךרטצי ריבעהל לע תוצמה םושמ לשד די שי נהל חי הליחת יפדכ ' If he would do so, the next time he dons Tefilin, he will put the head first, and he will need to pass over Mitzvos and put on the hand Tefilin first, like I explained (due to the Drashah in Menachos).
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