Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-31-1968 The Ledger and Times, May 31, 1968 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 31, 1968" (1968). The Ledger & Times. 5985. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5985 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ^ • 19e Selected A.s A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper The Primary Source of News Largest Paid In Murray and Circulation Both In City Calloway County And In County United Press International In Our 89th Year Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, May 31, 1968 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXIX No. 130 Seen&Heard John Redden Named ' Clinics For Director Of Kevil Death Toll Around Rabies Are Center In Mayfield On Holiday John Redden of Murray has been named a director of the F Murray Scheduled new J. U. Kevil Mental Health alls B and Mental Retardation Cen ter in Mayfield_ W. put out a row of Holly- R. L. Cooper, Administrative by United Press International hocks yesterday afternoon We Assistant of the Calloway The announcement was made The nation's Memorial Day didn't get the whole day off County Health Department an- by Gene Gillian, chairman of holiday weekend traffic deaths but did get part of it. nounced today that rabies cli- the Memorial Foundation crept upward toward 150 today. nics are scheduled in various Board The pace was behind last year's Meat of the yard is soaking wet, sections of the county. record toll. but in the flower bed it drains Mx. Cooper urges all dog ow- Redden is a graduate of Uni- The National Safety Council --S pretty well, so we just put out ners to comply with the state versity of Kentucky' and South- said this year's pace for the some double Hollyhocks. They law These clinics are sponsored ern Baptist Theological Semin- four-day holiday weekend was .n4 will not bloom this year, hot by the Calloway County Health li)HN RE:11LEN ary in Louisville. For the past slightly behind last year's, when will next and thereafter. Department. The local veterin- year. he has been a graduate a record 608 persons died on arians will be in charge of all Mary Youngerman student at Murray State Uni- the highways during the four We expect our Ponciana Tree the clinics. The fee will be versity. He is a certified teach- days. The council has estimated to bloom this year. It is an ex- $1.50 per animal. Gets Scholarship er in the area of special edu- 625 to 725 persons will die on otic like 'plant which makes The following schedule will cation. the nation's roads this week- sart of a small tree. The bloom be followed: Miss Mary Youngerman, end. is orchid like and small. June 5 — 9 a.m. Penny, 10 A United Press Intirnational daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Mr. Redden is also the past- a.m. Stella, 11 a.m. Kirksey Youngerman of Murray, h a count at 9 a.m. EDT showed at The Hibiscus is looking or of the Spring Creek Baptist well School, 2 p.m. Dexter, 3 p.m. been awarded a $150 scholar- least 147 persons dead in traf- too. This is the type that grows Church. located north of Pen- Almo School, 4 p.m. Cook's ship by the National Council fic since the holiday began at to about ten or twelve feet and Parker-Dunn ny. "CALIFORNIA, HERE I COME," seems to be the tune for smiling Sen. Eugene McCarthy as Grocery, 5 p.m. of Alpha Chi, an honorary fra- 6 p.m. local time Wednesday. has a huge red bloom that is Grocery, 7 p.m. Health Center. breakdown: he enthuses in Portland over his Oregon presidential primary victory over Ken. Robert ternity'. During the stammer. Reciaen The five or six inches across. It is June 6 — 9 a.m. Hazel School, Traffic 147 Kennedy. who seems to be brushing away a tear at post-primary appearance in Portland. She is a junior at Murray will be working with the cen- a joy to behold when it is in 10 a.m. Clayton's Store, 11 a.m. 50 State University majoring in ter on a part-time basis. :He will Drowning full bloom. New Providence, 1 p.m. New Planes chemistry' and physics with a assume full time responsibilit- 2 Concord School, 2 p.m. Lovin's Miscellaneous 18 minor in mathematics. She is a ies as director on August 15, at Put out a Sugar Maple last Grocery, 3 p.m. Lee's Grocery, 217 ti graduate of Murray High which time he will move with Total week and a Redbud. We don't Kennedy, 4 p.m. Donelson's G-rocery, 5 California and Pennsylvania McCarthy Reach School, his family to Mayfield to make know why but we seem to have p.m. p.m. Faxon School, 7 his home. led the nation with 16 traffic a- compulsion to dig in the Health Center. York had 14 TWO CITED deaths each. New gr nind and plant things. June 7 — 9 a.m. Midway, 10 and Michigan 10. The End Of Campaign Trail Two persons a.m. Crossland, 11 am. Mor- were cited by Redden's wife is presently The worst reported accident he Murray Police We wonder sometimes just how ton's Store, 1 p.m. Wiswell, 2 Department employed by the City of Padu- was near New Kensington, Pa., - yesterday and last much a human being-has to do By DE VAN L. SNUMWAY Gen_ fhamas Lynch. tone sur- p.m Lynn Grove, 3 pin. Crit- night, They cah School Board. They have where six persons died when were bath for not having with controlling his own act- LOS ANGE.I.ES vivar of a statewide 1966 Re- tendon's Store, 4 p.m. Brown's an four children their car struck a utility pole tUPI) -- nperators license. ions. He is so beset by drives, Sens. Robert F Kennedy and publican landslide But the Grove, 5 p.m. Coldwater, 7 p.m. along Pennsylvania 56. Two compulsions, moods, whims, Eugene J. McCarthy. two weary s..te a:si cant:ins some Ken- Health Center. men having a fist fight in the cravings, desires. urges and challengers. reash the end of nedy and McCarthy backers, Don't bring cats to the above middle of U.S. 96 near Pine- what have you, one can hardly the campaign trail Tuesday in adding more confusion to the scheduled clinics, however, Golden Wedding land, Tex., were killed when a tell where he gives in to one California's primary election. balloting. during the week, cats, which car struck them. does something of these or on The outcome may prove de- Republican Gov. Ronald Rea- are as susceptible as dogs, may his own. cisive in their quest for the De- gan, who says he won't actively be vaccinated at the Converse mocratic presidential nomins- seek but will aasept his party :7 or Warner Animal Clinics for • We have come to the conclus- tian. presidential n ,mination. is the $1 50 with a new 2 year vac- ion that a human being is a Collision Is The two Democrats are in a only name on the GOP presi- cine. Cooper said pretty weak 'form of life given". three-way eantest with the host dential preerenae WIN. He himself, to kidding rationaliz candidacy of Vice President gets 86 GOP National Conven ing. justifying himself. and his Reported Hubert H. Humphrey in Cali- lion vstes. actions. refusing to see himself fornia's winner-take-all primary. .Keeping up a- traditian, as others see him, refusing to A The winner gets 172 of the gin agreed to be a favorite son A two car collision occurred see himself as he is. and gen BULLETIN states 174 votes at the August presidential candidate in t h e Thursday at 1215 pm at South erally Settempting to shut out Miss Jan Cooper Democratic National Convent- primary to avoid a repetition of — 7th and Poplar Streets, accord- the unpleasant and the shorts NORFOLK, Va. (UPI) ion — and the inomentom of 19114's party shattering controls ing to the report filed by Sgt. catn,ngs Navy warships searching fuw.. Matures 14.e insgest test ei tha t-sicsi between ,issajar eassinl- the missing nuclear submar- Max Morris and Patrolman Earl primary campaign. Wet Stalls of the Murray' Police De- Wa put out our flag yeaterday, Miss Cooper ine Scorpion today detected A Kennedy or McCarthy loss Nix..n, who left Califarnia if- partment. both at the office and at home. • mysterious hulk, •pproxl- would, for all practical purpo- tar losing a bid for the govern- Cars, involved were a 1961 By golly it gave us a thrill to mstely the size of a nuclear ses. eliminate the loser orship in 1962. and Gov Nel- Ford four door owned by Cha: unfurl the American flag and from Gets Awards submarine lying under 1110- contention at the-Chicago con- son Rockefeller of New York, lee Broach. Sr.. and driven by set it up It is unpopular and foot deep waters about 70 vention — particularly who lost the 1964 Californic Kenneth E Brsach of 705 Elm square today to be patriotic, Kenne- miles off the Virginia capes.
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