March 6, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E317 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PERSONAL EXPLANATION with Gold Star, Meritorious Service Medal with One month after landing on France’s Utah Gold Star, Navy and Marine Corps Com- Beach on D-Day, a platoon carrying urgently HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY mendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps needed supplies and ammunition to front line OF INDIANA Achievement Medal, the Presidential Service troops was pinned down by heavy fire. Ser- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES badge as well as numerous campaign medals geant Nowakowski quickly assumed command Tuesday, March 6, 2012 and unit awards. and, at risk of his own life, subjected himself These recognitions are a testament of Colo- to intense fire, reorganized the platoon, led it Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, on March 5, nel Naylor’s strong leadership and unwavering forward and delivered the supplies and ammu- 2012, I was absent from the House and commitment to our country. nition to the troops. He then sent his men to missed rollcall vote 95. Had I been present for I offer Colonel Naylor my congratulations the battalion command post, returned to the rollcall 95, on the motion to suspend the rules and hope that he enjoys rewarding retirement wounded Soldiers and, despite the unrelenting and pass H.R. 3637, a measure to designate knowing that his years of service will not be fire, administered first aid to them and re- the facility of the United States Postal Service forgotten by those he led. mained with them until they were evacuated. located at 401 Old Dixie Highway in Jupiter, f His heroics saved the lives of three men. He Florida, as the ‘‘Roy Schallern Rood Post Of- risked his life to save his fellow soldiers and fice Building,’’ I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ HONORING EDITH PITTENGER ON HER 100TH BIRTHDAY fight for the freedoms we all hold dear today. f Presenting him with his commendation is only RECOGNIZING THE OUTSTANDING HON. MIKE PENCE a small thank you to a man who has sacrificed SERVICE OF COLONEL MICHAEL so much for our Nation. OF INDIANA G. NAYLOR ON THE OCCASION OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HIS RETIREMENT f Tuesday, March 6, 2012 CONGRATULATING THE BEL- HON. DARRELL E. ISSA Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor LINGHAM KIWANIS CLUB ON ITS OF CALIFORNIA Edith Pittenger on the occasion of her 100th 90TH ANNIVERSARY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES birthday. Tuesday, March 6, 2012 Edith was born in Pendleton, Indiana, on February 24, 1912. She went on to attend Ball HON. RICK LARSEN Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- State University in 1929, and later earned her OF WASHINGTON ognize the military service of Colonel Michael masters degree in 1961. Edith enjoyed a long IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES G. Naylor on the occasion of his retirement and satisfying career in teaching, having held Tuesday, March 6, 2012 from the United States Marine Corps. I com- positions in both Pendleton and Muncie. mend Colonel Naylor’s career and offer my Edith is blessed with excellent health and is Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I sincerest thanks for his 30 years of dedicated still able to drive. She is also a long-time rise today to recognize and congratulate the service in protecting our nation. member of St. Paul’s United Methodist Kiwanis Club of Bellingham on its 90th anni- Beginning his military career in 1982, Colo- Church. She was married for 45 years and her versary. nel Naylor entered Officer Candidate School loving family includes three children and a The members of the Kiwanis Club of Bel- where he was commissioned a Second Lieu- stepson, 10 grandchildren, 22 great-grand- lingham are continuing in the club’s long serv- tenant and designated a Naval Aviator in Sep- children, four great-great-grandchildren and ice to Whatcom County by supporting the tember 1983. This was just the start to a long another on the way. community’s children. and commendable career in the United States As the Good Book says, ‘‘The elders [. .] Kiwanis have long served children around Marine Corps. are worthy of double honor, especially those Colonel Naylor retires from his post as the the world by raising money, collecting food whose work is preaching and teaching.’’ And and clothes, and by working with children one- Deputy Commander of Marine Corps Installa- so today I honor Edith Pittenger for her life- tions West (MCIWEST), located at Marine on-one. In Bellingham, Kiwanis support local time of service and wish her the best in the children in dozens of ways that have a true Corps Base, Camp Pendleton. As Deputy years to come. Commander, Colonel Naylor helped oversee and meaningful impact in our community. f seven bases with stations occupying over You can find Kiwanis working with students 160,000 acres throughout California, Nevada, REPRESENTATIVE FARENTHOLD in classrooms across the county, raising and Arizona. Colonel Naylor’s hard work and PRESENTS TECHNICAL SER- money to help kids get computers and sports dedication aided Corps in providing contin- GEANT ARTHUR NOWAKOWSKI equipment, and working to beautify the com- uous, uninterrupted service support, in a time WITH SILVER STAR COMMENDA- munity. of war, to Marines and Sailors of the First Ma- TION The Kiwanis’ work to support kids diag- rine Expeditionary Force (I MEF). nosed with cancer is especially inspiring. As a As a Naval Aviator he has accumulated HON. BLAKE FARENTHOLD father of two sons, I know how important com- munity support is to developing happy and over 4900 total flight hours in various rotary OF TEXAS healthy kids. wing, tilt-rotor, and fixed wing aircraft to in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES clude the first two operational tests of the V– The Kiwanis’ work helps families today and 22. He was also tasked with flying the Presi- Tuesday, March 6, 2012 will pay dividends to our community for many dent, Vice President, and dignitaries while as- Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, I had the generations to come. Their service projects signed to Marine One (HMX–1). Colonel tremendous honor of awarding Sergeant Ar- strengthen the community one kid at a time by Naylor commanded the Marine Medium Heli- thur Nowakowski his Silver Star Commenda- giving children healthy food and opportunities copter Training Squadron 164 (HMMT–164) tion in his hometown of San Benito, Texas. to succeed in school and sports. Bellingham where his leadership and commitment pro- This moment was over 60 years in the mak- and Whatcom County are better today for the vided well trained, organized, and combat ing, as Sergeant Nowakowski was originally 90 years of great service the Kiwanis have ready expeditionary aviation forces capable of awarded the Silver Star for his gallantry in ac- given. short notice world wide deployment to Marine tion on July 5th, 1944 in France. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), fleet and A WWII veteran, Sergeant Nowakowski vol- with me in congratulating the Kiwanis Club of unified commanders. untarily enlisted in the United States Army Bellingham on its 90th anniversary and in rec- His personal decorations include the De- when he was eighteen years old, joining the ognizing their significant service to children fense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit 90th Infantry Division. and families in Whatcom County. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:04 Mar 07, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR8.001 E06MRPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 6, 2012 HONORING THE GADSDEN ELE- HONORING MATTHEW R. COOK In 1980, he became the Director of the MENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT Penn Community Center on St. Helena Island. MARCHING BAND, THE PRIDE OF HON. SAM GRAVES This historic facility began as a school in the SAN LUIS OF MISSOURI 1800s to educate freed slaves. It became a meeting place during the civil rights movement IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the 1960s. As a student organizer at South HON. RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA Tuesday, March 6, 2012 Carolina State College, I attended meetings at Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Penn Center and subsequently served as a OF ARIZONA proudly pause to recognize Matthew R. Cook. member of its Board of Trustees. Dr. Martin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Matthew is a very special young man who has Luther King retreated there to plan protest exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship strategies. Today, the center serves to protect Tuesday, March 6, 2012 and leadership by taking an active part in the and preserve the heritage of the island and its Boy Scouts of America, Troop 180, and earn- Gullah culture. Dr. Campbell was synonymous Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to with these efforts, and he became a sought honor the Gadsden Elementary School District ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. Matthew has been very active with his after expert on all things Gullah. #32 Marching Band for their accomplishments troop, participating in many scout activities. Most notably during his 22 years at the as a student band and as representatives of Over the many years Matthew has been in- helm of Penn Center, Dr. Campbell led an ef- the city of San Luis. volved with scouting, he has not only earned fort to reconnect the Gullah community to its Gadsden Elementary School is in the San numerous merit badges, but also the respect family roots in Sierra Leone, West Africa.
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