National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists NEWS Notes From the Board President’s Message ANGELA P. CLARK, PhD, RN, CS, FAAN, FAHA Renaissance and published in the journal. One member CNSs are resilient! A resilient per- Resilience aptly said to me: “When I come to this son or group is one characterized as (a) conference, I am with my people!” So capable of withstanding shock without true. We have much to celebrate as we permanent deformation or rupture and We are marching forward into 2004. At continue to highlight the contribu- (b) having an ability to recover from or the time of this writing, I have just tions we make to patients and the adjust easily to misfortune or change.1 returned from our NACNS national con- healthcare system, but we must con- Sound like us? A decade ago, organiza- ference in San Antonio, Tex. The confer- tinue to remove barriers to effective tion restructuring and cost contain- ence theme was “Renaissance in CNS CNS practice and education. NACNS ment affected the numbers of CNSs Practice: Transforming Nursing in the extends a big thank-you to the confer- that were available in many settings. 21st Century” and the meeting was quite ence planners—Dr Sue Davidson and Today, CNSs are recognized as vital to a celebration. The word renaissance Dr Karen Lyon. Next year, we will be healthcare to improve the culture of means “rebirth” and represents a period at a beautiful hotel in sunny Orlando, patient safety, and to provide expert in European history where many para- Fla, so plan to attend. specialty practice. Our value is demon- digm shifts occurred—in art, science, lit- The past year was critically impor- strated daily, but we must maintain vis- erature, religion, and philosophy. It was a tant for NACNS in many ways. ibility to patients, families, and other fitting title to reflect the new revitalization Guided by your leadership and a very stakeholders. Kathleen Vollman, one and demand for clinical nurse specialist strong board of directors, NACNS of our acute care CNSs in the organi- (CNS) practice that we are seeing around rose to meet many philosophical, leg- zation, suggests that every CNS have a the country. islative, and regulatory challenges. 2-minute elevator sound bite of what a The annual conference was a fabu- We sponsored our first Regulatory CNS is and does for patients. lous meeting and such an uplifting Summit in July 2003 with invited The new Statement on Clinical experience for those who were able to members from about 15 national Nurse Specialist Practice and Educa- participate this year. The abstracts are organizations. We are planning the tion (2004) is hot of the press and second one for July 16, 2004, to be available for purchase and your read- held at Sigma Theta Tau headquarters ing pleasure. Please help us to dissem- NACNS Statement on Clinical Nurse again. We are continuing the member inate it widely in the United States and Specialist Practice and Education mandate to represent CNSs in get our messages out to places that This document articulates the competencies req- national arenas around the country. will benefit CNS practice. Many uisite to CNS practice, outlines the necessary This year, after the conference was thanks to the Statement Task Force outcomes of nursing, and provides direction to over, the new NACNS board met for for the days and hours spent in dia- schools of nursing regarding the preparation of 2 more days—a total of 3 board logue about the conceptual issues, the CNSs. You can purchase your copy of this land- meetings in 1 week! It was something CNS competencies in each sphere, and mark document through the NACNS Office. The akin to a marathon. Nationally, many educational preparation of the CNS cost is $15 per copy for members of NACNS and challenges continue to come our way, graduate student. Educators, get those $25 per copy for nonmembers. Discounts are of- requiring thoughtful discussions and textbook orders in for fall semester! fered on purchases of 15 copies or more. Contact analysis of issues. The new board of The Task Force was chaired by Sue the NACNS Office today to order your copy of the directors is enthused and already at Davidson, and myself, Kathleen Bald- Statement. work for you. win, Janet Bingle, Karen Clark, Nancy VOLUME 18 | NUMBER 3 109 Dayhoff, Jan Fulton, Peggy Gerard, looking at the whole document it nursing. Arista3, a series of conferences Barbara Hasbargen, Brenda Lyon, struck me how valuable I, as a CNS, held around the world, brought nearly Theresa Murray, Jo Ellen Rust, and was to the profession of nursing at 200 experts on nursing and healthcare Beverly Tidwell. large to make this a reality. Maybe you together during the last 3 years. Our members are our reason to think this is a strong statement. But, “We were proud to be able to bring exist. We are so glad that you are part then again, I believe you are also just nurses, physicians, health ministers, of NACNS. as valuable in this future of nursing as economists and others together to dis- I. We are all practicing CNSs. As such cuss the discuss the future of health Reference our contributions to nursing and care across the globe,” said Nancy 1. Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. healthcare abound each and every day Dickenson-Hazard, MSN, RN, FAAN, 2004. Accessed February 28, 2004. we practice in our nursing profession. chief executive officer of the Honor In reviewing the remainder of the Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau Arista 3 Information document I also recognized the ever International. “The focus on creating familiar areas of opportunity that we healthy communities through the con- Recently I had the pleasure of talking have been facing for years. These tribution of nursing underscores the with Nancy Dickenson-Hazard, RN, include differing cultures and associ- collaborative aspect of nursing and cre- MSN, FAAN, the chief executive offi- ated values, differing population- ates awareness that maximizes the con- cer of Sigma Theta Tau, regarding the related health needs, research chal- tribution of our profession.” newly released Arista 3 Report. The lenges to develop nursing, access to Arista 3: Nurses and Health: A Global and distribution of resources, and Future1 is the result of a series of many more. Again, these may seem regional meetings among the 5 differ- unique to some areas of global nurs- ent world regions: the Americas and ing communities but for many of us 2004 the Caribbean; the Pacific Rim and they are common challenges we have National Association of Southeast Asia; Africa and the Near faced for years. East; Northern, Western, and Eastern Many of the recommended actions Clinical Nurse Specialists Europe; and Southern Europe and the would benefit from the experience Board of Directors Mediterranean. Multiple issues were and leadership/facilitation of the President under discussion with one of the CNSs. As the experts from around the Angela Clark results being the identification of 4 world recommend profession restruc- components of nursing’s preferred turing and delivery of holistic, Immediate Past President future. Roles identified in which humane, and culturally appropriate Jan Fulton nurses can make the strongest contri- care, I suggest that the CNSs (you in President-Elect butions are the delivery of evidence- particular) around the world take Theresa Posani based care, policy development, and note of this valuable report and seek Vice-President professional advocacy. ways in which we can make valuable Nancy E. Dayhoff My first glance through the 13- contributions to the global future of page executive summary of this nursing and healthcare. You, the Treasurer extremely valuable contribution by actively practicing CNS, should make Peggy S. Gerard 109 expert participants from nursing, note of these recommendations and Secretary medicine, economics, healthcare make your own strategic action plan Kelly A. Goudreau delivery and administration, govern- to make a difference in your piece of ment economics, and private industry the global picture. Plan your work Directors was that they have identified the and work your plan to make a differ- Kathleen Baldwin essential components of nursing at ence in nursing. Theresa Murray large. In fact, the very roles identified Barbara Munroe Pat Bielecki as making the strongest contributions Reference in the quest to achieve this preferred 1. Arista3: Nurses and Health: A Global Newsletter Editor nursing were those common to clini- Future. Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society Theresa Posani cal nurse specialists (CNSs). We, clin- of Nursing; 2004. ical nurse specialists, are ideal facilita- Submitted by NACNS Staff tors of evidence-based nursing, strong Theresa Posani, RN, CNS contributors to policy development, Executive Director and in ideal professional advocacy Arista3: Prestigious Christine Carson Filipovich arenas. Maybe I am a bit prejudiced Conference on the Future NACNS toward the multifaceted roles and of Nursing Attracts 2090 Linglestown Rd, Suite 107 influences of the CNS in practice. Profession’s Leaders Harrisburg, PA 17110 These participants also identified Telephone: 717-234-6799 health promotion and disease preven- The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Fax: 717-234-6798 tion as activities where nurses make Theta Tau International concludes a E-mail: [email protected] strong contributions. Sound familiar global study of the role, future, and Internet: http://www.nacns.org to you from your practice? In fact, challenges facing the profession of 110 CLINICAL NURSE SPECIALIST® Among the findings of Arista3: other Arista conferences, the first of acquired bone marrow failure dis- which was held in 1987, following the eases, specifically aplastic anemia, • The nursing shortage is global US Department of Health and Human myelodysplastic syndromes, and although the causes of it are differ- Services release of the publication paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobin- ent in different parts of the world.
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