RAnOH CALENDAR PROCI8SED FOODS b'ue .ton,po A8 throuch Q8 valid Indelinlte'y: Fair-Colder MIAT red. • tamPI AS throu,1t T8 valid Ind.'lnh.ly ~ SUOAR atamp 10,31 (book 6) valid Indefinitely, .t8mp 40 lor cannln. 8Ullar .xplr.. ...... a, 1045; SHOE Slarnp, .Irplane Htlmp. 1 and 2 (book 3) valid T 'HEDAILY IowAN. IOWA: Fair, CeoIer. IDalInitaly; GASOLINE A-II coupcn .xplrel lun. 22; FUEL OIL per •• ond 5 couponl ,,,p're Sepl. 30. Iowa City'. Morning Newspaper : -'7' ~ reeordei t1VE CENTS 'I•• • 'IOCI4'11D ..... IOWA' CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, MAY 28, 194 .. VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 208 II cornplrei • Inti feet 10 ~ 32,000 I~ I, records o{• Iowa ol12d l.rifth Army ~ights . vy ay IT~d;yls 8:&0 .~ Yank In.fantrymen Force To Artena Near Casilina Iowan rain ~ ..,. ..,. ..,. W-It cJ.~ng Siak Island Fifth army stabs to within 2 ~ at It ralnei or 74.11 Threaten Town miles of Via Casiljna. history ~ , Army of the We.t- American buvin po~nd four I German cl ies' from Britain, American Heavies , BaHle Toward 1851, th~ strike France from Italy. tn May, ~ . , Of Velletri Based in Britain Owa wit Amulean inlantry lands on Prepares for Invasion Nip Airfields the fl~ 'Nazi. U.e Re.erves . Biak, establishes stron, beach­ crops wer; head. Pound 11 Nazi Cities LONDON (AP)-In these last under atTest, char,ed with par­ the loW! To Keep Americana days before the June full moon, ticipating In • leer.t military or­ above lilt Chlnefe caplure Warpn, Wave After Wave Field Marshal Karl von Rund­ ganization, the reports lald, American Losses From Via Casilina north Eurma; alliel wipe l°wl Of Allied Planes stedt's army of the west has taken Ready to Iprln, the alUes ye,­ Light; Japanese battalion at lmphal. up Its final defensive po!ltIon­ Ii ALL lED HEADQUAR· Roar Over Continent terday warned Europe's under­ Opposition Strong TERS, Nap ieR (AP)-Ameri- ' from which the Nazis admit they dare not budge even to avert dls­ ground to keep oft the road when can armored forces fought their LONDON, Sunday (AP)-The aster in Italy-to meet the slb!k the -invuion armies filh! their ADVAN CE D ALLIED way into Ih e t OWl) of Al'tena, Merchants RaliQn' ~reat alUed pre-invasion aerial of an approaching invasion In way into ijJe conllnent from the HEADQUARTER ,New ui­ only 2lj? miles from thE' strate­ o(fensive, which sent nearly 6,000 which the Germans are saying the west, to tak\! cover from bom­ nea, Sunday (AP )-Vet ran gic Casi lina and last night whole course of the war will be bardm4!nt, maintain discipline Bread in Detroit bombers and fighters thundering \0 American infantrymen rorced a begsn pomin!!, a hplIVY sh II -fire decided thIs summer. and t.o follow the orders of their landing at Biak i land in the against Hitler's transportation sys­ into this main escape route for War Labor Board The Germans, with a nervous leaders implicitly. The warning chou tens y sterday against eight Gennan divisions compris­ tem yesterday, roared on past eye on the French channel coast war beamed to the conUnent from strong Jap·an se r i tance and ing the bulk of the Nazi forces Directs Strikers midnight with alerts sounding in and contendlng with the spectJ:e Gen. Dwi,ht D. Eisenhower'S su­ battled their way toward air­ below Rome. Berlin and the English shores of a heavy assault by Sovlet Rus­ preme headquarters. To Return to Jobs sia from the east, also have haunt­ Across the 20-mlle watergap fieldS ' (hat will ba e ailli d While American tanks and shaking from violent explosions planes for 8SS8ults on the Phil­ field guns l,ept the enemy re­ ing fears that the allies intend which separates these two world!!, DETROIT (AP) - Ljlbor dis­ !llong the French coast. to break into fortress Europe Britons went into their traditional ippines. treat line under fire, other putes in Detroit brought voluntary Gen. Douglas MacArthul', an­ American Fifth army forces in The Folkestone area, across the through Scandinavia. Whitsun holiday weekend. Travel bread rationing for many families narrow strait of Dover from Th Is is reflected In the worst crowds, thinned but still enough nouncing the inva, ion today, their closest drive toward Rome yesterday and a union leader'~ France, got one of its grea test wave of Nazi terror yet experi­ to form day-long queus at rail­ said the h a r d n d Yanks tlireatened the towa of Velletri, FIGHTER PLANES of the U. S. Army awa.1t assembly at an alrPO" enced In Norway and Denmark, road stations, knew they might be stormed the southeastern beaches sternly-worded warnin~ to war joltlngs of the war-houses shak­ 18 miles from the outskirts of the somewhere In Enrland, after arrival by convoy from the U. S. Ing, furniture bouncing and doors according to reports from Stock­ stranded by cancellations of 6erv­ plant strikers of possible conse­ of the Island alter dawn and by capital. Veil e t r i alreadY was Bombe.· pUots call them "little friends" because of their hl,hly­ banging again and again from holm. Thirty Norwegian patriots Ice, but they reflected a feeling nightlall had established a . trong Ihrouded in smoke from blazing weleome air support during bombing missions over the continent. quences of "public opiniop." the vibrations of the cross-chan­ have been executed since May I, that this weekend might be the With men, weapons and supplies In Immense quantities, they are "Public opinion," said Presi­ Dnd in Denmark 19 high Danish Jast "breather" on a home front bellchhead a mile eaat and a mile fires. nel explosions. Flares and bomb west at Bosnlk, Alarmed Over PUrhi standlnl by for "D-Day," dent R. J. Thomas of the big CIO's explosion fla shes lit the channel of1icials and mllitary men are strained by war work. united auto workers union, has The jungle-green-c) d veter nil The Germans, a p par e n t I Y sky. of other New Guinea amphibious alarmed over the plight of their become inflamed against our The attack yesterday was one of union." operations rusbed up the sandy, Inge forces to the southeast, the greatest coordinated blows gently-sloping beaches iess than threw reserves into the fight to Allied Parachutists Dwindling bread supplies on ever struck from bases in England GOP Memb.ers Deny Chinese, Nips the shelves of merchants mean­ F;R., Churchill 900 miles tram the southern Phil­ keep the Americans from block­ and Italy as wave after wave o( Ippines after an intensive bom­ ing the all-important Via Casilina while forced many to ration their bombers and fighters roared over · To Get No. Protection sales as a result of the three-day Statement·by .Truman bardment by American and Aus­ -Highway Six-Associated Press tbe European continent. tralian cruIsers, Qorrespondent Daniel De Luce strike of 1,000 bakery drivers. At least 12 important railroad Fight 75 Miles Goebbels Announces Other merchants' shelves were May ~iscuss The landin, Itself was one of wrote from the front last night. Junctions, five airfields, two air­ Insist Administration the most heavily opposed at any In the town of Artena American bare of bread. cralt repair factories and several Cancellation of Former Return to JOM Attempted to Stop made by MacArthur's forces In the doughboys were waging a house­ railroad bridges were among the southwest Pacilic theater. io-house battle with the Germans, Military Protection The war labor board at Wash­ From Hankow ington yesterday directed the targets blasted by well over 6,000 Inquiries of Committee Post-War Yank LOIu. Lllht De Luce reported. Artena, itsell strikers, members of bakel'y driv­ tons of exploding steel. The Japanese, lodged in strong an important road junction be- STOCKHOLM (AP)-German Eucounter Opposition WASHINGTON (AP) - Two hind the retreating Nazi Tenth CHUNGKING (AP)-Fighting Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph ers local 51 of the AFL teamsters Republican members declared WASHINGTON (AP) -Preal­ positions overlooking the beaches, union, to return to their jobs jm­ . Some of the attackers encoun­ opened up with heavy mortor and army, was reached after a spec- has broken out in the neighbor- Goebbels, writing in the Nazi tered tighter opposition while yesterday thllt the administration dent RooseveW. expressed desIre mediately. WLB said no aclion had attempted to call off in~uiries automatic weapon fire. MacAr­ tacular drive of nine miles in one hood of Tsungyang, about 75 miles newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, would be taken on a wllge IIdjust· others made their raids unmolest­ to get a closer look at the war, thur's communique soid, however, ed, the U. S. Eighth air force said by the Truman war Investigation ment re~\l4l$t until de-UveJ;ie. coupled ~ith a possibuty that uni­ t~l American losses in the oper­ d'~he allied armies advanced south of Hankow, in southern declarec\ yesterday that a~lied ai1'­ Iu.. announcIng that 24 bombers I,'ommittee in several instan s tteadily along the entire 80-mile Hupeh province, a Cfiinese com· men baiUng out over Germany no were resume-d. "where It appeared that politic­ ted nations lead ri might .tart ation· we re light. Samuel Hurst, president of looal lind seven fighters were missIng. Simultaneously with the land­ adive front yesterday. munlque reported yesterday, and i longer would have Nazi police ally damagin, evidence or lind­ Joint conversations soon on a 51, said he and other Afl:. offi­ In addition 11 U.
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