KINGS SUTTON HUNDRED Astwell & Falcutt 8 Middleton Cheney 104 Aynho 76 Newbottle 38 Old Brackley 16 Radstone 10 Brackley St. James 65 Steane 3 Brackley St. Peter 53 Stuchbury 3 Chacombe 36 Syresham 39 Croughton 33 Thenford 17 Culworth 48 Thorpe Mandeville 10 Evenley 37 Warkworth 42 Farthinghoe 22 Wappenham 46 Helmdon 38 Whitfield 23 Hinton in the Hedges 18 Kings Sutton 90 914 Marston St. Lawrence 39 Apprentice 2 Grazier 8 Baker 19 Grocer 1 Barber 1 Hatter 1 Blacksmith 14 Illegible 2 Butcher 21 Joiner 6 Carpenter 22 Labourer 177 Chair-maker 1 Law 1 Chaise-man 1 Maltman 4 Chandler 2 Maltster 6 Cooper 4 Mason ·13 Currier 2 Miller 5 Dairyman 1 No trade given 177 Dealer 2 Servant 186 Draper 1 Shepherd 5 Endholder 4 Shoemaker 20 Esquire 3 Stay-maker 3 Excise officer 1 Surveyor 1 Farmer 83 Tailor 14 Farmer's son 3 Weaver 18 Farrier 2 Weaver (plush) 5 Fellmonger 2 Weaver (shag) 6 Flax-dresser 3 Wheelwright 10 Framework-knitter 30 Whittawer 1 Gardener 1 Wool-comber 11 Gentleman 7 Glover 1 914 ASTWELL and FALCUTT A list of the mens names and their occupations for the hamlett of Astwell and Falcutt made by me John Edmunds, constable. William Brown, farmer John Joms, sarvent KINGS SUTTON HUNDRED 115 Bongeman Blackwell, labeour Thomus Pollard, sarvant Thomas Cad, labeour (Thomas Jerroms, labeour) Thomas Bayliss, labeour Thomas Kilpin, sarvant John Edmunds, constable. AYNHO A list of all men usually and at this time dwelling within the constable­ wick of Aynho and Walton made December the 6th 1777. bettwen ye age of 18 & 45 years. Wm. Merry, miller (John Buckingham, labour, John Letch, farmer 4 children) J oseph Smith <Richd. Chilton, labour, Edward Smith 6 children) Peter Smith (John Goude, carpender) (Mathew Borton, labour, Robert Walton, servant 7 children) Thos. Miller, servant John Haynes, servant Wm. Whidby, servant Wm. Allcock, wheelwright (Tim. Halbird, baker) Same Goude, carpender, 1 child <Thos. Silver, labour, 3 children) John Howes, labour Richd. Terry, labour, 1 child (John Turvey, labour, 3 children) (Zach. Dolton, labour, (Edwd. Kelleridge, labour, 5 children) 6 children) Wm. Watts, blacksmith, 1 child (Joseph Tarry, labour, 3 children) Wm. Simson, servant Wm. Buckler, labour 2 children Phillip Treadwell, servant James Betts, labour, 2 children Richd. Hollier, servant (Wm. Righton, labour, Thos. Treadwell, servant 4 children) past age (Edwd. Spires, carpender, (John Watts, blacksmith, 4 children) 4 children) Henry Dry, cooper (Sam!. illegible, labour, J oseph Wagstaff, weaver 4 children) <Wm. Turner, labour, 3 children) (John French, labour, 6 children) John Collins, labour, 1 child <Wm. SeaweIl, mason, 4 children) John Taylour, servant John Bridge, labour John Pollard, servant J ethro Eelley J ames Coates, baker (Tim. Hall, labour, 4 children) John Endall, malster (Thos. Claydon, servant, hard George Wheatton, baker of hearing) James Snellson, labour (Thos. Gregory, labour, John Nickolls, labour 4 children) Edwd. Baylis, servant Thos. Walker, wheelwright John Merry, servant (Thos. Marsh, shoumaker, <John Cosse, servant and heard bussen) of hearing) (Wm. Bull, labour, 3 children) Wm. Balding, servant Thos. Steel, labour, 1 child Chris. Shires, servant John Bailey, servant Wm. Cross, servant <Wm. Wattson, labour, Thos. Goodyer, labour, 3 children) 2 children (John Staple, servant) Edwd. Bygrave, butcher John Handcock, taylour, John Alday, servant 2 children 116 NORTHAMPTONSIDRE MILITIA LISTS, 1177 These have bean drawn: (Wm. Balding, labour) (Thos. Bygrave, malster) (Wm. Call away, labour) (Richd. Claridge, servant) (Fra. Collins, carpender) (Richd. Ansty, labour) (Wm. Knatt, blacksmith) The day of appeal is on Monday the eight of this month at Throp and all persons who shall think themselves aggrieved may then appeal and that no appeal will be afterward received. The Constable desire them who think to make an appeal to let him know to night and for them to be at Throp by ten 0 clock to morrow morning before the list is given in. OLD BRACKLEY December 5th 1777. A list of all the person in the constablewick of Old Brackley in the county of Northampton that are liable to serve for militia men are as follow. James Bating, serve Charles Nind, labr. Edward Tanner, serve Wm. Pollard, labr. Henry Garett, serv. George Buttler, labr. David Corby, serve (Wm. Kilby, labr.) (John Billing, serv.) Wm. Archer, labr. Same Seckinton, serve John Minnil, labr. Benj. Tanner, labr. Tho. Watson, currier (Edward Beere, labr.) Wm. Boneham, labr. John Nichols, constable. The day of appeal will be on Munday the eightth day of December next 1777 at Thorpe and all persons who shall think themselves aggrieved may then appeal and that no appeal will afterwards received. BRACKLEY ST. JAMES A list of all persons betwen the ages of eighteen and forty five years in the parrish of Brackley St. James's to be drafted as millitta men &c. Edwd. Jones, gent. Mr. John Yates Edwd. Ridgeway Wm. Paxton Thos. Durrant Edwd. Wills John Lathbury John Timbs Richd. Howard Robt. East J oseph Grigery Thos. Layton Thos. Green (Wm. Lamprey) Ezrh. Norton Mr. John Burrows William Holloway Mr. Oldfield, officr. of excise John Walton Thos. Tuckey Wm. Warner John Wootton Jonathan Carpenter Wm. Steedon Richd. Blaby James Warr Wm. Daniel John Jecock Edwd. Tuckey Wm. Robins Thos. Perrin Wm. Knibbs John Painter John French KINGS SUTTON HUNDRED 117 John Mobbs John Evans Richd. Buckley Geo. Thompson Wm. Savin, Wm. Whitehead John Neal Wm. Parker <Richd. Neal) John Shelton J ames Blackwell Wm. Whitmore, joynor John Blackwell James Morris Daniel Langstone Benjm. Morris Thos. Lathbury Thos. Hawkins Richd. Bannard <Thos. Miller) John Parrish Wm. Durrant Mr. Robt. alley J ames Lathbury Wm. Stanley Saml. Boarman J ames Wagstaff <Wm. Whitmore, barber) Wm. Heath Henery Robbins Francis French Wm. Cave, constable. N.B. The day of appeal is on Monday the eighth day of December 77 at Thorpe. BRACKLEY ST. PETER December 5th 1777. A list of the names of all the persons in the constable­ wick of the parish of St. Peters New Brackley in the county of Northamp­ ton that are liable to serve for militia men are as follow. Thomas Mander, servant Tho. Taylor, junr. Joseph Fenemore, staymaker <Richd. Wootton, mason) Tho. Stuchfield, servant William Ridge, currier John Osborn, laberour John Nickinson, labr. Obadiah Robbins, laborour John Simpkins, servant John Coles, labr. Thomas Toy, servant James Coles, labr. John Butterfield, gent. Robt. Carpenter, a carpenter John Butterfield, junr., gent. John Lock, labr. Charles Matthus, servant Mich. Russel, surveyor Robert Bartlett, farmer Thos. Blencowe, baker Tho. Bannard, carpenter Tho. Dawkins, labr. James Grove, labr. Joseph Barrett, wheelwright Tho. Bedford, labr. <Martain Barnfill, taylor) William Nichols, wheelwright <William Tuckey, servant) Wm. Bannard, carpenter Wm. Beck, blacksmith Wm. Vicars, shepherd Richard Bowerman, slatter Wm. Tucker, labr. Paul Williams, law Tho. Webster, labr. Richard Carpenter, a carpenter Wm. Milwood, mason Edmd. Carpenter, a carpenter John Bull, chandler George Minturn, labr. Wm. Bowton, servant <Joseph Pollard, labr.) Tho. Bartlett, felmonger Saml. North, farmer Wm. George, journeyman do. John Layton, joyner George Milwood, mason Wm. Lathbury, butcher John Hall, baker J oseph King, blacksmith Thomas Smith, farrier John Wells, servant James WaIter, constable. The day of appeal will be on Munday the eighth day of December next 118 NORTHAMPTONSlllRE MILITIA LISTS, 1777 1777 at Thorpe and all persons who shall think themselves aggrieved may then appeal and that no appeal will be afterwards received. CHACOMBE Northamptonshire Decemr. 6th 1777. A list of the malitia men in the parish of Chalcomb. Alban Bull, gent. Jno. Warner, do. Willm. Herbage, farmer James Jarvis, labourer Charles Chinner, do. Michael Pratt, do. Willm. Gibbard, do. Jno. Dale, do. Jobe Sachwell, miller Willm. Wheeler, do. Willm. Jessop, baker Richd. Abbets, do. Wyatt Hancock, framework Joseph Hertwell, do. nitter WaIter Day, servant Willm. Bazely, do. Jno. Wilsdon, do. Thos. Emery, do. Willm. Wesbury, do. Richd. Reader, do. Jno. Stanley, do. Robert Shepherd, do. Samuel Bloxham, do. Willm. Bradly, do. Jno. Millnes, do. Willm. Middleton, plushweaver Willm. Townsend, do. Nathanel Blencow, do. Petter Taylor, do. Robert Jeffs, do. Willm. Perrey, do. Jno. Walker, do. Edward Clifford, do. Thos. Rogers, do. Jno. Lampery, woolcoomer J oseph Warner, carpender Michael Bennet, constable. CROUGHTON A true list of all ye inhabitance of ye parish of CroughtoD, (to ye best of my knowledge) that are of age and capable to serve in ye militia. Robt. Hopcraft, farmer Joseph Dumbleton, labourer Richard Wakling, servant Willm. Russel, gardiner Thos. Addams, servant John Jones, carpinter Richard Cox, servant <Robert AddingtoD, inferm) Richard Skilman, labourer Richard Arnold, labourer Thos. Thornton, taylour <Henry Barton, shepherd, inferm) WilIm. Flowers, farmer son Richard Allday, weaver John Flowers, farmer son Thos. Wakling, servant Mathew Hinton, baker <John Nurding, servant, inferm) John Tayler, carpinter Joseph Temple, labourer Willm. Causbey, labourer James Lamberd, labourer Willm. Wood, servant John Tappling, weaver Thos. Morris, blacksmith Richard Howse, labourer Willm. Bazley, labourer Willm. Chambers, labourer <John South, farmer son, hard <Willm. Buckingham, labourer, of hearing) inferm) Thos. Crow, servant <Willm. House, labourer, inferm) <John Lake, servant, inferm) John Tibbits, constable. KINGS SUTION HUNDRED 119 CULWORTH A list of the men of the parish of Culworth in the county of Northampton from 18 to 45 years of age taken the 7th of Decr. 1777. John Mander, farmer John Abel, cordwainer Thos. Roberts, labourer (Thos. Abel, cordwainer) Debroux Wall, butcher John Baylis, grasier Wm. Adams, cordwainer Daniel Dalton, cordwainer (Thos. Wigson, labr.) J oseph Bloxham, servt. John Bourton, servt. John Humfrey, labourer Christopher Needle, servt. Thos. Jones, cordwainer Thos. Jessop, baker Samuel J ones, farmer Samuel Gibbs, servt. Richd. Neal, grasier Wm. Belcheir, grasier Wm. Seemish, servt. John Dean, groser Peeter Furnace, servt. Wm. Walesby, cordwainer Thos. Needle, chairmaker Richd. Law, carpenter Thos. Thornton, butcher Thos.
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