AEG LiveLive I Overview Overview Page 10f3lof 3 SHOWING EVENTSEVENTS FOR: LOSLOS ANGELES,ANGELES. CA SET LOCATION Search AEGLive,comAEGLive.com SCARCHSEARCH FAQ flEOAEG LIVE NEWS AEG Live, Live, the the live-entertainment live-entertainment division ofof Los Los Angeles-basedAngeles-based AEG,AEG, is dedicated to all aspects of livelive contemporarycontemporary music music performance. performance. AEG AEG LiveLive CONTESTS is comprised of touring, festival, broadcast, merchandise and special event is comprised of touring, festival, broadcast, merchandise and special event CAREERS divisions, fourteen regional officesoffices andand owns,owns, operatesoperates oror exclusivelyexclusively booksbooks thirty-one state-of-the-art venues. venues. TheThe currentcurrent andand recentrecent concert tourtour SUPPLIERS roster includes artists suchsuch asas AliciaAlicia Keys,Keys, AmericanAmerican Idols,Idols, Bon Bon Jovi,Jovi, CarrieCarrie SPONSORSHIPS Underwood, Daughtry, EnriqueEnrique Iglesias,Iglesias. Jennifer Lopez, Justin Bieber, Kenny Chesney, Leonard Cohen, PaulPaul McCartney, TaylorTaylor Swift,Swift, The The Black Black Eyed Eyed Peas, Trey Trey Songz Songz and and Wisin Wisin && Yande!.Yandel. TheThe companycompany is also currently producing residencyresidency showsshows atat The The Colosseum Colosseum at at Caesars Caesars PalacePalace inin LasLas Vegas includingincluding Celine Dion, RodRod StewartStewart andand Shania Twain and is the VIDEO exclusive promoter atat TheThe JointJoint at at Hard Hard Rock Rock HotelHotel && Casino Casino LasLas Vegas.Vegas. AEG Live Live is is also also the the largest largest producerproducer of music festivals in NorthNorth AmericaAmerica from thethe criticallycritically acclaimed acclaimed CoachellaCoachella ValleyValley MusicMusic & Arts FestivalFestival toto Stagecoach CountryCountry Music Festival and New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. Touring AEG Live'sLive's touring touring divisions areare ConcertsConcerts West,West, TheThe MessinaMessina Group,Group, NewNew THE JON SPENCER BLUESBLUES EXPLOSIONEXPLOSION York Touring, Atlanta Worldwide Touring, ComedyComedy and Latin. Internationally,Internationally, AEG Live's Live's touring touring divisionsdivisions consistconsist of London Touring and Marshall Arts LTD. Each division division focusesfocuses on specific genres of music, delivering unparalleled service and expertise and sets the standard for audience and artist care.care. Regional Offices AEG LiveLive has has fourteen fourteen regional regional officesoffices worldwideworldwide that produce, market, and promote individual concertsconcerts inin clubs,clubs, theaters,theaters, arenas,arenas, festivalsfestivals andand stadiums on local and regionalregional levels.levels. Our regionalregional officesoffices produceproduce overover 5,400 concerts aa year. VeVenues n u es AEG Live Live owns, owns, operates, operates, or or exclusively exclusively books books thirty-one thirty-one state of the artart venues rangingrangíng inin size from clubs toto theaters.theaters. TheseThese venues provide a wide array of programming rangingranging from from Yo Yo Gaba Gaba Gaba Gaba toto AliciaAlicia Keys Keys andand BonBon Jovi to various privateprivate events.events. Festivals EXHIBIT Goldenvoice, thethe company'scompany's SouthernSouthern California-basedCalifornia-based regional division, produces the critically acclaimedacclaimed CoachellaCoachella Valley Music & Arts Festival,Festival, http://www.aeglive.comloverview 11/81201211/8/2012 Exhibit 446 - 1 AEG Live IOverview Overview Page 2 ofof3 3 which expanded to two consecutiveconsecutive weekendsweekends inin 2012012 2 andand StagecoachStagecoach Country MusicMusic Festival.Festival. In addition, AEGAEG Live produces the NewNew Orleans jazz && Heritage Heritage Festival,Festival, Bayou CountryCountry Superfest in Baton Rouge, Toronto's Edgefest,Edgefest, RockRock on thethe f Range, Rockfest and Rocklahoma in thethe MidwesternMidwestern US, US, SunFestSun Fest inin Naples,Naples, FL, Jazz Jazz in in thethe GardensGardens inin Miami Gardens, FLFL Carolina RebellionRebellion inin -RocKfrighiim-,-SC,Rockingham, SC, Rocld\lessincffi"'-IlIC,;m,~n'-"riV-iTI-r\r"---------- RockNess n the UK, and many mÖ. Las Vegas i i AEG Live hashas foreverforever changedchanged the landscape of LasLas Vegas entertainment BUY TICKETS with thethe productionproduction ofof residentresident showsshows featuringfeaturing thethe greatestgreatest entertainersentertainers inin the world.world. UpcomingUpcoming productionsproductions in in The The Colosseum Colosseum at at Caesars Caesars Palace Palace include:include: Celine DionDion and her glamorous show featuring 3131 musiciansmusicians consisting of a full orchestraorchestra andand bandband Rock legendlegend RodRod Stewart Stewart playing playing hishis fanfan favoritesfavorites in The Hits Elton johnJohn with with The Mil/ionMillion Dollar Piano And premiering in December 20122012 thethe highly-anticipated show Shania TwainTwain Still TheThe One In addition toto bookingbooking and and operating operating The The Colosseum Colosseum at at Caesars Caesars Palace, Palace, AEG LiveLive isis also also the the exclusive exclusive promoterpromoter of The joint atat thethe HardHard RockRock HotelHotel & Casino. The newnew Joint joint opened in April 20092009 withwith soldsold outout performances performances by Paul McCartney, Bon Jovi, jovi, Kenny Chesney and The Killers. The venue was named Pollstar's Best NewNew MajorMajor ConcertConcert Venue forfor 2010 andand BillboardBillboard Magazine's #1#1 HottestHottest Club in America for 2011, among numerous other awards. The jointjoint was home to LasLas Vegas' first rockrock && rollroll residencyresidency shows,shows, Supernatural Santana: AA TripTrip Through the Hits,Hits, Möt/eyMotley CrUeCrOe inin SinSin CityandCityand CunsGuns N'Roses Appetite for Democracy. Democracy. BandMerch BandMerch isis notnot justjust a lifestyle merchandisingmerchandising company;company; wewe areare knownknown throughout thethe industryindustry asas aa resource-rIchresource-rich organizationorganization thatthat enables enables properties to effectivelyeffectively developdevelop theirtheir brands. brands. WeWe work collaborativelycollaboratively withwith each clientclient toto build a productproduct line that not onlyonly connects them toto their fans but facilitatesfacilitates thethe expansionexpansion ofof their their fan fan base. base. WeWe createcreate imaginative designs, produce qualityquality innovative products, distribute globallyglobally atat livelive events, online,online, andand throughthrough retail,retail, and provideprovide top-tiertop-tier service toto our clients andand their fans.fans. OurOur diversediverse rosterroster includes: includes: Rise Rise Against,Against, BlackBlack VeilVeil Brides, Bon Jovi,jovi, jeffJeff Dunham, Evanescence,Evanescence, My Morning Jacket,jacket, Garbage,Garbage, August BurnsBurns Red,Red, Smashing Pumpkins, and manymany more. ForFor moremore information pleaseplease visit us at bandmerch.com. Network LIVELIVE Network LIVE is is the the first first everever multi-platformmulti-platform media media company company focused focused onon live entertainment and isis committedcommitted toto delivering toptop quality programming across all platforms including 3-D,3-D, broadband,broadband, digitaldigital cinema, cinema, cable/satellite, VOD,VOD. wireless and HDTV. ProgrammingProgramming includesincludes originallyoriginally produced and acquired live content and moremore than sixtysixty 3D3D concertconcert httphttp://www.aeglive.comloverview ://www. aeglive.comloverview 11/8/2012111812012 Exhibit 446 - 2 AEG Live I Overview Page 3 ofof3 3 I performances, includingincluding The The Black Black Eyed Eyed Peas,Peas, KatyKaty PerryPerry andand We Are the World 25 for Haiti, the largest library inin thethe world.world. InIn addition,addition, Network Network LIVE LIVE delivers video performances from thethe world'sworld's top top artists artists such such as as Bon Bon Jovi, Jovi, Dispatch, Seth MacFarlane, GarthGarth Brooks,Brooks, etcetc andand music festivals including The New Orleans JazzJazz & & HeritageHeritage Festival.Festival. ForFor moremore information, visitvisit us us online at networklive.com. AEG Live EventsEvents AEG LiveLive Events Events is is one one of of the the premier premier producersproducers ofof live events in the industry,industry, creating and managing custom-designedcustom-designed events for corporate and agency clientsclients nationwide.nationwide. WhetherWhether a a touring touring program,program, multiple­multiple- location or one-offone-off event, event, AEG AEG LiveLive EventsEvents offers decadesdecades of unmatched experience inin the complexities andand detailsdetails ofof producing producing special special events,events, working with national entertainment, and providing quality productionproduction services. ForFor moremore information,information, visit usus onlineonline atat aegliveevents.com.aeqliveevents.com. - Q BUY TIX! © 2012 AEGAEG Live.live. All Rights Reserved.Reserved. ABOUT AEGAEG LIVE GET INVOLVED LEGAL OverviewOverView Email Updates Privacy Policy AEG WorldWideWorldwide Contests Terms ofof Use Use Goldenvoice Careers Mobile FAQ Sponsorships News Suppliers http://www.aeglive.com/overviewhttp://www.aeg1ive.com/overview 11/8/201211/812012 Exhibit 446 - 3.
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