College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 1997 Amicus Curiae (Vol. 7, Issue 8) Repository Citation "Amicus Curiae (Vol. 7, Issue 8)" (1997). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 385. Copyright c 1997 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. Ambrosio. on Men and Women, page 7 MARSHALL-wYTHE SCHOOL OF LAW Ame1•iea's Fi1•st Law Sebool VOLUME VII, ISSUE EIGHT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1997 SIXT EEN PAGES National Work, A, Day A Success; M, W Wins Trophy By David Young Mark Epley (l L) was team leader for The Law Students Involved in the the group that worked with the Associa­ Community and the commun ities of tion for Retarded Citizens (ARC). The Wi ll iamsburg, James City County, New­ fo ur students in the group paired up with port News, and Markham Virginia sin­ four mentally retarded adults during an cerely thank the law students who arts and crafts session at the James City participated in the American Bar Asso­ County Recreation Center. Altogether, ciati on Nati onal Work-A-Day on Janu­ the students, ARC staff members Geri ary 25. Over eighty law students from Elder and Eve! n Smith and other com­ William and Mary volunteered their t ime munity volunteers worked with 15 men­ at ten different community organizations. tally retarded adults to stencil tote bags The law school also reigned victori­ and make other crafts . Mark observed ous over Regent Law School in the chal­ that the ARC staff are very talented and lenge issued by SBA President Shaun work very effecti vely w ith the pat1ici­ Rose to see which school would get the pants, a number of whom are li ving and most student volunteers. A special trophy working independently in the commu­ Photo coum.:~y of/SIC · will commemorate th e event and hope­ nity. Mark added that he and th e other Tawanda Lane (I L), Wendy Warren (2L), and Dexter Conley (1 L) having a fully start a tradition of fri endly competi ­ students "just had a great time - these " bali" bowling with children as pa r t of Project Phoenix, a n undergradua te tion between th e schools. folks were a lot of fun to be around." program that sponsors weekly activities fo r youths in need of positive role models. The most important achievement fo r Anyone interested in volunteering w ith which gave an overview of th e Society' s train ing, a more intensive interview and the event was the pos itive experiences the ARC may contact Evelyn Smith at history, activities and the nature of the detailed instructions· on safet precau­ many law students gained from their work 229-3535. v·olunteer training. During the second tions. Anyone interested in volunteering on Saturday. Some of their stories are Brian Wheeler (2L) was team leader part of the session, group members toured at the Heritage Humane Society may con­ printed below. for the group that worked with the Heri­ the shelter itself, learning more about th e· tact Lynn Christen sen at 21 1-0 J 50. tage Humane Society. For the fi rst part of scope and nature of olunteer activities. Chris Matteson ( I L) was team leader See Pictures from Work­ the session, HHS staff Lynn Christensen Volunteers had the opportunity to sign up for the group of fi e students who volun­ A-Day on Page 14 and Sam Wolff conducted an orientation for the third and final step in volunteer · See LSIC on 9 Second ,Year Attacked Ln Parking Lot of Food Lion By Sutton Snook student. '·Then when I fin a ll y turned and growing rift between the ·'townies'' . had now. At the time, I j ust wanted to A seconi:! year law student. who wished around to say someth ing to him, he lunged and th e student body. leave ... The student fe ared that he woul d to remain anonymous, was attacked last at me, so I kicked him. That's ,,·hen he Another shopper witnessed the in i- be arrested as he truck him first. How- Friday morning in the parki ng lot of Food punched me." dent and came to the student's aid. but the ever. many students were quick to remind Lion. After an unidentified man reached The student noted th at she did not attack was already over and the assailant her that th e man did in fa t as ault her and to take her grocery bag awa ·fro m her, the pro ·oke him in any way: in fac t, she said had already fle d in a red car. Unfortu- th at her action were self de fen e. fema le stu dent ki cked him in the groin. noth at all to him un til after he stru ck nately, the student suffered bruisin g and a The attack occurred at 10 :~0 a. m. in " ·hen he struck her in the mouth. her. bloody lip. "My li p i sti ll pretty sore. but the parking lot ofthe Wi lliamsburg Cross­ '·He began harassing me in the check- " He definitely hates th e College. and at least I ruined his weekend ... noted th e ing hopping Center. "That'- the Ia. t out lin e. calling me a ri ch coll ege girl. thinks everyone \\·ho goes here is some student. time I go to th at Food Lion.'' sa id the Then when I ,,·ent outside. he followed rich bit h ... commented th e student. The " I didn 'tcall the police becau · e I struck student. and continued to , ·e ll at me ... said the inc'ident certainlv demonstrates the large him first:· aid the student. ·'But I wi sh I Path .Lighting ·Update: College Weighing Proposals By Sutton Snook Representati e Ellen 1cBamette fo ur altern ati ves for the light­ noted th at the system needs to be rest. Last week's editorial again first raised the issue in a letter to ing ... stated Dean Connie Gall o­ on a separate circ uit because the In th e meantime. Gallo\\·ay questi oned the statu s of the lights the editor last fall. ,,·ay. "The fi rst is four light poles current circuit is too unreliable. asked that student ' be careful if on the path in back of th e Ia,,· Although the parking lot is and the la-t is a fe nce with a gate The li ghting system would also they wish to use the path at night. school. Cunently. ·there is no ,,·e ll lit and the Graduate Com­ for maintenance personnel only.' light the walkwa to the Cottage. " Peopl e need to exer i e some lighting at all along the path and plex has a call box at the end of Because the last proposal would allowing the school to use it after . j ud g men~ when they use the it becomes swathed in darkness the path. mat1y students fee l un­ prewnt students fro m using the dark. path: · warned Gallmvay. after the sun goes down. Stu ­ safe while on the path at night. path altogeth er. the administra­ The proposal has been sub­ dents use the path as a short-cut The onl y light currently on the tion has requested that l he fi rst mitted to the ice-President of --Inside path fa lls from the windows of the Coll ege. who has referred it between th e law school and the pl an be implemented. Honor Code Pla ns 3 the library. and many feel this is back to his staff in order to fin d Gradu ate Complex. The law Gallo,,·ay added that th ey Tech n o logy & Lon 4 insufficient and dangerous to stu­ the necessary funds. "The co t school adm inistration has re­ haYe t\\·o cayeats: first. th at the Barrister's Ba ll Photos 8 dents on the path. " I can· t even of the propo al is S6000 ... said quested from the College for four lights be on a separate ircuit The Force- Reviewed 12 see my hand in front of my face.·· Gall oway. ''The law chool ,,·i ll lights along the path. \Vith an from th e parking lot lighting: and, Korean Food Restaurants 12 ontribute to the cost, but the emergency call box placed in the said one student. sec ond. that. the path have a blue Working Students on Film 14 middle of the path. I L BA "The College has developed emergency phone. Galloway College will need to pay for the · Monday,February 3, 1997 THE AMicusI CURIAE 2 From the Editor's Desk • • • In two weeks, the SBA and Judicial tively means that if I witness an honor efforts to secure the attendance of mate­ Council will be holding a referendum of code offense today, I am still under "a rial witnesses for and against the accused." vital importance to the law school com­ duty to report" that violation at the end of This apparent contradiction will provide munity. We finally get to vote on the next year; and if a student commits an effective grounds for appeal and will unified honor code proposal. First it must honor code violation tomorrow, then he greatly complicate trial. If the accused be noted, as Shaun Rose has done, that or she may still be tried up to his or her has the right to confront all witnesses, but this is not a vote on whether to have a graduation ceremony.
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