~ )k · ® ~ f0/EWlnS I ow ~(\JIIII~~ ~{~' 1 RES 0 U R C E S Promoting Health, Education, Social and Elderly Care Welcome In this edition you can find Snoezelen® Multi-Sensory Multi-Purpose Reminiscence to calm and reduce agitation or to Furniture stimulate to make the most of space and budgets 02 For sales and enquiries contact us today t 012~6 211 777 ___Confidence DUtn 'ld er Activities and Reminiscence Saver Packs and Sale offers to foster participation, inclusion, stir to help you save more and spend wisely memories and prompt conversation www.olderadults.co.uk @ [email protected] 03 Introduction ATTENTlON! It is highly likely that you will like and want many of the products available in this catalogue! If you would like to know more about any of these products please do not hesitate to contact our friendly Customer Sales team for further information and advice. Strawberry Fayre Saver Pack Helps put the fun in fundraising! A great set to get started with your fayres, fetes and festivals. With games and activities to involve all the family, bunting to decorate your stalls and damage-resistant glasses to keep everyone suitably refreshed with mocktails. Plan for the perfect party now, to raise money for your sensory room, whilst ensuring everyone has a good time. Contents may vary, but pack typically includes: • 10 Damage-Resistant Martini 'Glasses' • Soft Flying Saucers 'We have received all the ordered itetml. They are really great • Tin Can Crash • Colossal Cards and we are imprBruled with the quality of ROMPA® productg, • Target Play • Juggling Balls • Rainbow Draw-On Bunting and the fact that I could have a free congultation and • Rings convemation about what would be appropriate for c1ientg, £ 104.95 wag a great help when deciding which itemg to purchage' Kama~it Nandra, guPport Worker Please note that some products are non-returnable and are marked in the catalogue with the ~ icon 04 For sales and enquiries contact us today t 012~6 211 777 Introduction To book a visit please www.rompa.com/snoezelen-multi-sensory-vehicle www.olderadults.co.uk @ [email protected] 05 Don't Just Take Our Word For It... Mulfifinity Explorer ™ Choice and Control... Person-centred care Multiple buttons allow individuals to choose what they like ... With the gcreen brightnegg dimmed, gengory-gengitive Lauren told Ug that ~ound EffBctg Add Audio ~timu\ation ghe liked the multi-coloured and random effectg begt - they reminded her of fireworkg. Johnie liked the multi-coloured effect too, but likeg the green button begt - egpecially the gound it makeg. lan'g verdict? "Nice!" See page 25 for panel ,... 'O f.·' , > I a: ~. .:: ... .-:- . ~ . ~~~"fj Watch our new exciting videos showcasing Can 8e Eagily Controlled our new range of panels www.rompa.com/deluxe-panels 06 For sales and enquiries contact us today t 012~6 211 777 Don't Just Take Our Word For It... Independence "Duncan wag able to uge thig panel independentl!j, without an!jone helping - he interacted with the panel for gome time, enjo!jing pregging different buttong, and the goundg thege made. {J, thumbg up from Duncan!" Ros, Manager, Edmund gtreet Centre Inclusive With the gcreen brightnegg dimmed to itg lowegt getting, Lauren who avoidg bright lightg, willingl!j interacted with the panel, and wag able to enjo!j chooging her favourite coloum - green and blue. Lauren algo liked the goundg produced when ghe pregged the buttong. Interactive Eryoytlble tlnd (ntertlctive Carol realiged that ghe could algo control the colourg of other productg uging the Colour Command Centre'", guch ag fibre opticg. {J,g a fun game with Rog, Carol qUickl!j choge the coloured button that Rog named, challenging regponge timeg and encouraging ligtening gkillg and concentration. gee page 22 for panel Watch our new excitin9 videos showcasin9 A Great Challenge For Ugerg our new range of panels www.rompa.com/deluxe-panels www.olderadults.co.uk @ [email protected] 07 Don't Just Take Our Word For It... gnoezelen GP gengtation ™ Your 9noezelenql favourifeg in one convenient unit! Colour Catch Com boT'" "Provideg vigual and auditory rewardg to every uger. Could be guitable for people with vigual perception digorderg, guch ag gtrokeg and brain injury." Lesley Collier, genior Lecturer at Brunei University London and advisor to ROMPA® Super Safe Fibre Optics, light Source and 8 Colour Wirefree Controller "Thege guper gafe plagtic fibre optiCg were bought for our new gengory room along with an LED light gource and an 8 button wirefree controller. The package of itemg work well together, producing clear bright light effectg which change ingtantly when different buttom are pregged, we have gince bought further LED light gourceg gO that other fibre optic thingg we have like a carpet work with the controller. The fibre opticg are very effective for our gight limited [ugem] and for thoge with autiMic gpectrum conditiong and PMLD, the [ugerg] love to wrap the flbreg around themgelveg and run their flngerg through the flbreg ag the colourg change, they algo love to change the colour of the room when all the fibre optic are in uge. The itemg are all well made and eagy to uge." Caroline Jones, Grant Co-ordinator, Gloucestershire gee page 20 for the gengtation™ Watch our new excitin9 video showcasin9 the gnoezelen® gengtation '" www.rompa.com/snoezelenr-senstation.html 08 For sales and enquiries contact us today t 012~6 211 777 Don't Just Take Our Word For It... Includes a ROMPA® Bubble Tube: "Ab~wlutely gTUNNlNG We couldn't be more pleaged. We have only had cheap tubeg before thig one and the difference ig agtounding. When we fimt turned it on we all took a gagp it wag gO beautiful. (t'g gO bright and vibrant. The actual bubbleg are huge. The gurgling and vibration are very goothing. lt'g extremely gturdy and well built and ghoutg high quality product. Fantagtic product, highly recommended." Alexandra, Verifted Buyer "AmazinglI We totally love oum. (t'g brilliant on every level. We added the gmall cubeg and flgh to them and itg jUgt lovely to git and watch. go worth the money." Amanda g, Verifted Buyer I-figh Quality Product$;! gee page 17 for Manhattan" For more information about the Manhattan" please visit www.olderadults.com Look at the fantastic Manhattan " with LED Waterless Rainbow for an alternative to the Manhattan" on page 17 www.olderadults.co.uk @ [email protected] 09 Don't Just Take Our Word For It... r...st~ Older Adults -_. ~(t"!f"'<'it"~ --_._------.---- _.- _.- _.. - - Thank you for your product feedback on our websites Remember, once you've ordered through our webgiteg, you can leave Ug a product review. fJ,g a thank you, you will receive a (0% discount off your next order. 21385 Cando® Scented Theraputty - Set of 4 tubs "Lovely !wentg and great that each putty comeg with a different amount of regigtance. We uge regularly in our mindful yoga and maggage geggiong. Provideg a nice amount of proprioceptive input aggigting gelf-regulation when relaxation can be a challenge." Annie D., Verifred Buyer CD625 Snoezelen® CD "The CDg are uged by patientg at a gpecialigt palliative care centre in Aberdeen. They are uged for group and individual geggiong and clientg are then offered the CD to continue itg uge in their home getting to enable them to relax. The ciientg remark on how, once they have learned graduated mugcle relaxation, they are a great benefit to continue with thig." Peter C., Verifred Buyer 18051 Oasis Aroma and Sound Diffuser "Amazing1 We recently bought thig product for one of our gemory roomg here at gengory planet to give gome background gound to the room. It workg great1 Giveg the room a more relaxing feel ag well ag the aroma, our ugem love it and would highly recommend it 1" Pariss W., Verifred Buyer 12336 Support Chair by ROMPA® "Excellent quality and perfect gize." Margaret 5t, Verifred Buyer 22785 Creative Magnetic Scene - The Tool Shed "Very good to remind my hugband of the tool he uged during hig O~wig 4roma 4nd gound Oif(uger working life." Janice C., Verifred Buyer 10 For sales and enquiries contact us today t 012~6 211 777 Don't Just Take Our Word For It... Creative Activities "Very popular with the ladie~L Uged by 15 or more people who found it fun and therapeutic. Good confidence builder for people ag they feel they are creating a piece of art and eF!joyed watching the page turn in to colourful pictureg, it gave them a geme of achievement. TOPiCg in the painting provided gtimulug for reminigcing and convemation. Overall a very good item and well worth the money. They eF!joyed uging it gO much." Activities Co-ordinators and Carers, Derbyshire gee pages 45,47 and 51 for Aquapaint Great For gtarting Convergationg 51964 Red Large Print Song & Music Book "guper purchage. I bought thege amazing large print mugic bookg for a ginging group for Dementia people. Eagy to uge and full of perfect gongg. gervice from Rompa wag gecond to none." Judith E, Verified Buyer "An excellent regource. Thig ig a great compendium of gingalong gongg that the vagt m~ority of people are likely to know. The piano arrangementg are relatively gimple, and can readily be played by pianigtg of modegt ability." Philip W., Verified Buyer Visit www.olderadults.co.uk www.olderadults.co.uk @ [email protected] 11 Reminiscence Products and Design Service Transform any space into a multi-sensory reminiscence area with our innovative, space saving sensory furniture range ..
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