'6. ~ l June 1990 or<JSERVATIONIST Department of Natural Resources STATE ll BRARY OF lOWtfr._~ iJ "£S MOfNtS, IOWA 50319 ;;- Iowa CONSERVATIONIST CONTENTS June 1990, Vol. 49, No. 6 STAFF Ros:. Ham,on Bureau Ch1e( Jul•e Spark.' ........ Ed1t0r Tammra !.;: Pa' heck Man.lgrng Ed1tor Lowell Washburn . 1\'r~lcr Photographer Larry Pool GraphiC Art1>t Ron John,on Phvtographtr Ken Formam·l.. Photographtr NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Page 16 John D Field, Cho1rperson . Hambur~ Richard C Young, V JCc-Cha I rpt•r5()11 V\/aterloo (!\.ir-. ' \1anon I Pattero;on Stcr ·tarv Cedar Rap1ds !\.ianan Kl!!ller Btlln"Ut Barbara 'elson .... Ruthvnr Thurman Ga<ktll .. _ ... Cor-.c1th Dougla~ R Smalln Des M os ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEcriO COMMISSIO Charlotte Mohr Chmrpn-son .. .... Eldndgr Clark A Yeager, Vice-ChoJr~>trson . .. ............... Ottumwa 3 Still Fishing-- A Lost Art by Jim Wahl Nancylee A Su?benmJnn, Secretary . Ct·dar Rap1ds The bobber and patience-- a techmque once used as a k1d Rediscover thiS effective way of !\.-like Earley . ... Waterloo fishmg w.lliam Ehm .... .... -. Cr~ton Richard Harhuck .. ... .. Des Momes Rozanne Kmg .... ... Mondamin 6 They're Back bit Mrl Moe Margaret '-1 Prahl Swux City GaryC Pncbe .. .. .. Algona Iowa ·s lost prame ch1cken populahon 1s on the 'erge of a comeback. The Ol\ R hope:, a remtroduced group of chickens m southern Iowa w11l keep the population boommg DIRECfOR Larry J W1lson 8 Recovery 2000 by Daryl Howell DEPUTY DIRECfOR Whlle not yet a reali ty, this JOmt effort of state and federal governments could help the Robert Fagerland Midwest recover and dehst nearly two dozen threatened and endangered spec1es m a httle more than 10 years DIVISION ADMINISTRATORS Stan Kuhn Adm1mstratrt~t Sn-v c.-; James Combs Coord1nat1011 a1UIInformatron 11 Iowa's Ancient Seas bit Bnanf Wtt:.ke Larrv Bean En~r~ and GiOiogJCal k>ourcts Allan Sto k ~ . Em~ronmmtal Prott'Ciron Although Iowa IS located .,e\•eral hundred m1les from the oceans wluch border our nation, Allen Fam~ F1~h and W1ldll{r at vanous pomts m hme, seas actually covered our state William FJm~ . Forests a"d Forestrv M1chael Ca mer ... .... ..... ..... .. .. Parks Rt r(ntl(m and PrtstrVes Teresa D Hay ... ..................... .. 14 Cattin' Around by Can; Ackerman Wa,ft• Matragemrnl Autl1onty Otscover the techmques and locations for catchmg spawmng channel cats from the Mtghty Mississippi R1ver SPEC IAL PHONE NUMBERS DNR Central Olfocc 1-515/281-5145 The Civilian Conservation Corps Museum by ftm Scheffler Emergency Sp•ll Resporu.e 1-515/281-869~ 16 Telecommun.cahon~ Ot>vlCe The new museum at B.1ckbone State Park tells the story of how the CCC came to be and what for the Deaf . 1-515/242-5%7 proJects they accomph.,hed m Iowa Groundw,lter Hothnc . 1-800/532-111~ Tum m Poacher' !TIP) 1-800/532-2020 26 Low-Level Radioactive Waste-- Choices and Responsibilities Iowa Con>crv,1 ttono~t (USPS 268-780! IS pub­ lished monthlot/Jy tl1e IOU'rl D.partmmt of Natural by Gaye Wtektera~ Resource>, Wallac,• State Office Bwldmg, Des Who is responsible for th1s "spectal" waste generated tn Iowa? What ch01ces arc avadable for Momes, louot~ 50319 0034 Second class postage pmd m Des Momt' lou'<~, and add111onalmalling dtsposal? offices Subscnpt1011 rates· $6 for one year or $12 for three years. Include mmlmg label for renewals and adtlrt• s changes POSTMASTER 29 The Hows and Whys of Composting byfulte Sparks Smd ch•mgr> to tht Iowa Conservahon.st, Dr· The first ch01ce m combatmg landfill problems ts reductiOn of waste at the source Poss1blv the partmmt of Natural Rr-ourc,,, Wallace Stott Of­ (!cr Bwldmg. Des Mom •., , lou'il 50319-0034 easiest and most effective contnbubon individual households can make to th1s effort 1s composhng yard ..... astes tn the1r own backyards Tht• Iowa D,·part mmt of Nato11al R~urct-s offer< equal OPT'fJrlolllltl/ uxardless of rare. color, crad. naltonal or~gm. or dJ<ab1lotv If you fe~I_IIOU haW" 19 Warden's Diary 24 County Conservation Board bem rllscrrmiiWtt',/ a1111111't , l'lra<e contact liS 20 Conservation Update Feature/Calendar COVERS: Front -- Boating on Big Creek. Photo by Ron Johnson. Back -- Eastern chipmunk. Photo by Roger Hill. ,d~ \)~ Pnnted on recycled paper. 2 Iowa Co n,..·nat Jo m ~t /J une 1990 s {or A LOST ART Article by Jim Wahl Photos by Ron Johnson June 1990/lowa Conservationist 3 Down to the local sand pit I There are some basics to still and know fish are frequenting went with my grandpa. I was fishing which will improve your the area. But generally don't toting my first fishing pole success. First, fish near cover, stay too long in a location where rigged with a #2 hook, split shot structure of wherever fish are nothing is biting. Many anglers and a clip-on bobber. We likely to concentrate. Because will use techniques mentioned selected a shady spot on shore the area of coverage is small, earlier such as trolling or and baited-up, with nightcrawl­ you need to put yourself in drifting to locate schools of ers dug following the previous contact with the fish. In a lake active fish, then switch to still evening's rain. I pushed the situation this could be rock reef, fishing. release on my Zebco 202 and prominent point, weed bed or The equipment necessary to slung my bait out as far as I transition area. Use contour still fish is simple and inexpen­ could cast. The bobber quickly maps and a depth sounder to sive, which helps explain its righted itself as I sat down to help locate likely hot spots. In a popularity with novice anglers. wait. I had done my part-- now stream, fish deep pools, back Bottom rigs employ some type it was up to the fish to cooper­ eddies or snags. These areas all of weight or sinker and an ate. provide food and cover, essen­ attached hook. Tandem-hook For many anglers this is how tial requirements which will rigs with two lines are a popular we were introduced to the sport concentrate fish. The haphazard bottom rig with crappie anglers, of fishing and, more specifically, approach suggested earlier gen­ because of their nature to to the technique referred to as erally provides little success. suspend off the bottom. Slip­ "still" fishing. At the time I Second, use live bait or sinker rigs are effective for light­ didn't care what it was called, to other types of bait that attract biting walleyes which avoid the me it was just plain fishing. As fish by smell. resistance of a heavy sinker. my knowledge grew and my Still fishing is a very passive Other types of bottom rigs tackle box got heavier, I realized approach, and lively or scent­ include: spilt-shot rigs and there were other techniques rich baits will trigger more river-rigs which use heavy which included casting and strikes. If using minnows, do sinkers to hold bait in strong jigging. Then my dad bought an notcontinue to use a drowned current. aluminum fishing boat and I one that hangs limp on the hook. If you prefer to fish off the discovered there were even The same holds true with bottom, bobber rigs are more more possibilities which in­ leeches and nightcrawlers. One frequently used. Bobber or float cluded trolling and drifting. The exception to this rule is with fishing has become increasingly simple world of popular with the introduction of fishing that I the slip-bobber. Slip-bobbers knew as a enable anglers to cast with ease youngster at the and fish at much greater depths. local pit had Pencil bobbers are not as easy to evolved into a cast or adjust, but are the most complex sport sensitive, making them popular and hobby. Un­ when fishing in shallow water. fortunately, as Other types of bobber rigs my knowledge include clip-on bobbers and and skills lighted bobbers which provide improved, I an illuminated float at night. tended to over­ Under the appropriate con­ look the very ditions still fishing will catch basic technique any sport fish that are found in that originally Iowa. Don't be afraid to go back got me to the basics this summer. Drop "hooked" on this wonderful catfish-- they will readily take a the anchor in a likely spot, toss sport, and that was still fishing. dead bait. your line in and kick up your Today I have gone full circle Third, keep moving to feet. But don't get too comfort­ and I am once again frequently different spots if you are not able, you're likely to be too busy applying the still fishing tech­ having success. I personally pulling in fish! nique. In fact, I can't think of a tend to be more patient than more relaxing way to fish and if most. I'll sit on a spot for Jim Wahl is a fisheries management done properly, equally as several hours if I have had biologist for the department at Clear effective. success there earlier in the week Lake. June 1990/ lowa Conservationist 5 It was a still, frosty March morning as I stepped out of my car along a county road in south­ ern Ringgold County. The air was filled wtth the sounds of booming, cluckmg and squawk­ ing as rune cock prauie chickens squabbled over choKe portions of a nearby ridge that made up thetr booming or display ground. The noise level increased as two hens flew in from the west and landed to on the periphery of the ground.
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