^ARy CHEN^r' TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, IM r iKanriii^at^r V^rdlDf AVetags Dulhr Net Press Rmi Albert Jacobs, eoaaiwandar of Ib A OomsUua R. Folay, William fto the MwilL •» »••• Emergency Doctors Anderson Shea Post, Vetarana of Majorette Gbamp F. Faigusoa sad Rsv. Bronislaw S b o u t T o w a Foreign Wars, heads the commlt- Church Parley KC to Present OadarowakL j taa from the post, which with the 9 ,4 7 4 Dr. Robert Keanay and Dr. fitolatanta tor Jaaa Oolavaoehlo, K n . Mac' caai—oa, fonnarty of gaalBtanca of the mambara of the «* airman of tha XtaMaa Night eom- HALE’S William Oonlon are the physi­ auxiliary la aerving an appetlslBg Of Lutherans , Gift to C3mreh Aaroa aad MaadiMter. haa baan cians of the Manchester Medi­ mlttaa, hava baan aanounead by vlaltiM local frlanda recently, aupper at the Post Home, Man­ Grand Knight MorriSasy as tof- Maneheeter^A City o f Village Charm cal Association who wilt re­ chester Green, Saturday evening Headquarters Briorto learlnr next week for San spond to emergency calls to­ Local Delegates to Par­ lows: John Garibaldi, Dominic blago, California, with her aon>ln- at six o'clock. Tickets are already Campbell Council De­ Frank fiavino, Petsr FOR morrow afternoon. on Bale by the membera of both 16) PRICE FOUR CENTS law and daughter, Mr. and Mra. ticipate in Statewide cides to Purchase a MarteHo, John Narreto, Dants Pa- (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6,1948 IPfwii HaUgran of Hartford, who gixnipa or may be . had at the S*“ L Anthony ITAvanao, Fredsr- yOL. L V m , NO. 811 plaa to make their permanent home. It la proposed to put on a C onference Q boriu m Charles Barfeato, M nu thara. Mra. HaUgran, the Donald Marshall of 85 Phelpa substantial meal, with baked ham vm iarn Oallo, Michael CIvlsUo, aa the piece de resistance and formar Victoria Clemaon, attended road has been appointed an In­ Erik W. Modean, foraerly ^Ynnk Tarsa, Joseph Caaaella, Glno structor in mechanical engineer­ strawberry shortcake for dessert. Decision to buy a ciborium to As Judge W. S. Hyde’s Remains Were Borne to Grave Truman Hits local achoolB. Their daughter, aporta editor of The Manchester bs presented to the Church of the AndreinL John Aceto, Francis Mias Marie Hallgren, left for San ing at the Fort Trumbull branch The committee planned this meal ConU, Pstev CeramL Joseph’ Cer- Uipty Theme last June and placed a Quantity Herald and at the present time Blessed Sacrament, the new church Big Three Charges I of the University of Connecticut, Diego during the summer. The with the News Bureau of the Na- In Eaat Hartford, was made at the molo, Anthony Clraldo, J ose^ CS- Hallgren family spent last winter New London. He la one of 17 new of berries in a deep freeze unlL taldl, Alphonse Resle, Lae Frac- Stand Taken instructors named this fall to the Uonal Lutheran Council at New meeting of Campbell council, ‘Seen Check In California. Knlghta of Columbua, last night. chls. Joseph Resle and Louis Cor­ branch, which haa an enrollment York city, will take part in the dova. Mrs. Sherwood Bowers, will pre- program at the state-wide Augus- Grand Knight Thomaa Morrisaey A public Bingo for the benefit of of 1,500 freshmen and soph­ sida at the monthly meeting of the A television set, recently pur­ On 2 Issues omores. A graduate of the IJni- tana Lutheran laymen’s assembly, appointed Charles Weiaa a chair­ On Russians Frank J. Mansfield Marine Corps Second Congregational Women's to be held at the First Lutheran man of a committee for the pur­ chased, has been Installed In the Russia Endangering League Auxiliary will be held to* versity of Maine, Mr. Marshall League tomorrow evening at eight chase of the altar vessel and council room and has been put In holds the purple heart and air church In New Britain, Sunday, morrow evening at the home of o'clock at the church. The meet­ named Frank Taylor and Joseph. operation with good results. Says Dewey Apparently medal for service in World War October 17 at 4:80 o’clock. It was The annual fall outing of the Mra. Florence Duchesne. 32 Divi­ ing la for all groups, and women announced today by the general Schauster to assist him in the Dewey to Keep Pound­ sion street. Prises will be awarded II. He was at one time a prisoner of the church who are not already task. councU, which will be held at Gar­ Running on Slogan of of war and at the time of his dis­ chairman, E3don Rdha o f Nauga­ den Grove next Sunday, promises tanges. Refrigerators ing Away on Ground and refreshments served. affiliated wrlth the afternoon or tuck. H ie Emanuel Lutheran Grand Knight Morrissey also ap­ charge was a first lieutenant. evening groups are cordially In­ to draw a large number of the rashers and All Odi* ‘Two Families in Every Peace by Blockade church here together with 27 other pointed Maurice O’Connor .a chair­ Russia Being Re­ vited to do ao. Through the cour­ man of the annual All Souls day members. Michael Murphy is The A ll SalnU Mothers Orcle tesy of the Manchester Cancer Augustana churfihea wlU celebrate chairman of the Outing conunlt- er Appliances Garage’ in Attack Troop 9, Girl Scouts, will re­ at this occasion, the 100th anni­ communion of the council, which la strained ; Gets Report will meet at 8 o’clock this evening committee the following films will tee. at the home of Mrs. Anthony Cam­ sume meetings this evening at 6:30 versary of the synod. held to revere the deceased mem­ be shown: ‘Time Is Life,” "Life Philadelphia, OcL 6—<45—Praal- Reported Drafting Reso­ bria of 50 Ardmore road. at the South Methodist church. Dr. aarenca C. Stoughton, bera of the council. Also appoint­ . Albany, N. Y., O ct 6—<4V-Oov. With Baby" and "New England." ed to this committee were Joseph 6ent Truman aald today that Qov, lution for Security Mra, Wallses Jones will lead the prominent Lutheran lairman and Bobble ThmMMUi Thomaa E. Dewey It going to keep Britain Demands Flat formerly president of Wagner Schauster, James' P. Tlemey, Thomaa E. Dewey apparently la devotions and the hostesses will Charles Welas, George Rice, 'Ulric pounding away at a luilted Amer­ College will be the speaker, and Bobbis Thumsnn, 15-yesr-oId running on a slogan of “ two Council Demanding So­ ha Mrs. Ralph Rockwell, Mrs. How­ Cote, Arthur Thayer and Jamea ica campaign theme on the ard Keeney and Mra. George Stiles. will bring greetlngi from the nations! champion majorette knd families In every garage” aa he viet End Blockade of CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS World Council of Churches meet­ McOonvllle. For Sale ground It is restraining Russia. Answer From Russia twlrler of the Grassy Plain Fife, Judges Annoonced moved Into Philadelphia for a ing St Amsterdam, which he re­ 4 rooBi Cape Cod, 1 Tha Republican presidential Riajor Democratic campaign spoach Berlin; Vishinsky and 27is Ladles’ Aid Society of the Drum and Bugle Corps of Bethel, John E. Stewart, chairman of the 38 Wells Street TeL 5509 nominee also will continue t6 POWER CLEANED cently attended. Dr. Stoughton year old, l ^ t e d on tonight. Emanuel Lutheran church will was also a delegate to the Luther­ will be featured In the Afternoon Columbus Day Essay contest, an­ hammer at the Ideu that this coun­ W m U *Ye$ or N o’ Reply gin ves ScOFC H is A ides Listen as hold a rummage sale in the church nounced that aa Judges for the coii' Campbell Ave., in Dob- itir. Truman preceded his ap­ III iinrhrstrr and f an World Federation at Lund, competition Saturday, Oct. 9, when try can maintain Its prosperity pearance here with a train plat­ basement on Friday, beginning at Sweden. The Weimerberg male test, which will be held at the aonville, 1,000 feet from and thus meet its economic com­ O n Control of Atom* Speakers Indict Nation 10 o’clock. The ’ committee In crack corps from Connecticut and meeting of next Monday, will be ERN EST D. form talk at Wilmington, Del., UK'. Will- \M> -I l’IK I \\K IN TAI I I |i chorus of New Britain will also new Merritt Parkway. mitments to western Europe. where he criticised O. O. P. labor ie Energy Before De­ charge reports' that the members appear on the progratw, Massachusetts will engage In the In Council Today Large lot. Occupancy 30 Friends of the New York gov­ and housing policies. 1 to 0 Win may leave thair contributions at Rev. Cart E. Olaon and the contest National champion in ernor said hlB closest adviser on struction of A-Bomb the church any time on Thursday. 1947, Miss Thumann has been un days. CLOUGH He promised the Democrats will board of administration of Eman­ foreign affairs, , John Foster write "decent Democratic labor Paris, OcL 8.—</P>—The M cK i n n e y b r o s . Those who are unable to bring uel church win take part In the defeated in Connecticut for the Fun Price 18,500 past two years. • Painter and Paper Dulles, clinched those decisions In leglelation” to replace the Taft- Paris, Oct. 6.— (yP)— Brit­ In 1st Game Biff Three western powers ae- . I W Mil I'lrl’O.- \l III. their articles to the church should opening processloa aU district Plan Your See giving Dewey a first hand report call the following aa aoon aa possi­ Approximately 35 corps are ex­ Hartley act.
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