Monthly Periodical of The Roma Inclusion Office The Roma Decade in AP Vojvodina No. 52, august 2015 Photo of the month: Agreements for the education of Roma elementary school students in the Province Founder and Publisher of the Periodical: The Roma Inclusion Office of the Govern- ment of AP Vojvodina Editor in Chief: Duško Jovanović Managing Editor: Aleksandra Mićić The team: Dragana Rajić Aleksandra Mićić Tijana Čubrilo Ljiljana Maričić Graphic design Associate: Tatjana Bošković Correspondents: Ferenc Koso DEAR Coordinators for Roma issues of the AP Vojvodina Ivana Koprivica READER, Translation into Romani: Nota Bene, Centar za prevođenje i učenje stranih jezika Novi Sad n the August issue you can find two interviews that analyze the results of the Decade of Roma Translation into English: with Vitomir Mihajlović, president of the Nation- Aleksandra Vranić I al Council of Roma and Nenad Ivanišević, presi- Technical Preparation and Printing: dent of the Council for Roma Integration. Lola preduzetništvo, Beograd, www.lolapreduzetnistvo.co.rs We found out about the biggest problems of Roma in the municipality of Ruma from talking to Circulation: the Roma Coordinator. 1000 copies Agreements on financing elementary school Address: students were signed at the Provincial Secretariat Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 25, 21000 Novi Sad for Economy, Employment and Gender Equality Tel: 021/488-17-23 [email protected] with municipalities, and we also present to you www.inkluzijaroma.vojvodina.gov.rs public works of the Secretariat’s Call, implement- ed by an association of Roma in Mokrin, where CIP - Cataloging in Publication The Matica Srpska Library, Novi Sad nine Roma citizens were hired for the works. 323.1 (=214.58)(=497.113) In this issue we bring you the story of the The Decade of Roma in AP Vojvodina: Petrović family from Beška, a single father of Monthly Publication of the Roma Inclusion three sons who does everything in his power to Office / Editor in Chief Duško Jovanović provide a better life for his children. -2011, No. 1 - Novi Sad: The Roma Inclusion We remind you that, thanks to the Research Office of the Government of AP Vojvodina, 2011-.30 cm and Education Center and to the Preschool Teach- er Training College “Mihailo Palov” in Vršac, you Monthly. In Serbian, English and Romani language - In Romani printed in reverse can read our publication in its electronic form at COBISS.SR - ID 261834759 www.rec.org.rs/bilten/. Your editorial staff COUNCIL FOR ROMA INTEGRATION What are the tasks I must say that I think Interview with of the Council for the that the Decade was suc- NeNad IvaNIševIć, Improvement of Roma cessful, primarily because State Secretary Position? each result is better than in the Ministry of One of the tasks is to no results. Serbia has cer- coordinate activities at the tain results. We will work Labor, Veteran and national level, as repre- on analysis, in detail, all Social Affairs and sentatives of the Council are sectors in order to deter- President of the representatives of relevant mine where the results were Council for Roma ministries, primarily in ac- good. The part that relates cordance with Agenda 2020, to education is the most suc- integration where we have defined ba- cessful and that is the mark sic principles of the Euro- of both the European Com- pean Union and the Strategy mission and us. Some other for Roma Inclusion. In addi- segments have not had good tion, the task of the Coun- results, such as the registra- cil is to, as the only organ in tion of persons to the reg- DECADE the true sense of the word, ister, ie. documents that deal with Roma issues at go through the Center for OF the level of the Republic of Social Work. Of course, we Serbia through activities in have certain issues in hous- SUCCESS ministries that are defined ing and problems will remain Ministry of Health, Ministry until we resolve the issue of of Social Affairs, Ministry of legalization of substandard Economy and the Ministry of Roma settlements. This is Education. The future of the a real problem because the Council is to, in accordance law on the legalization does with EU requirements, and not recognize the legaliza- the needs, define the im- tion of settlements but of portant political figures that objects, but it is important will co-ordinate activities. that we are able to open It will be people from the the question on it with the Council and the ministries Ministry of Construction. and foremost, the Office for We have the support of Mrs. Human and Minority Rights. Tanja Miščević, who is the The Serbian government has chief negotiator, as well as designated Vice-President the Office for the European Zoran Mihajlović as the co- integration and together we ordinator of all activities are involved in problem solv- on the implementation of ing. In this field, GIS helped Roma-related issues in the us a lot on the latest project territory of the Republic of when they made a single da- Serbia. tabase of substandard Roma Your performance as- settlements and that was sessment of the prior the first time that we had a Decade? record on all the existing lo- 2 COUNCIL FOR ROMA INTEGRATION cations. This will be one of State institutions have ment was important for the the basic things in the adop- been very involved because RCs, but some local govern- tion of laws or by-laws that the definition of priorities ments do not recognize the should define the legaliza- defined roles of ministries, need for a coordinator. I tion or housing. therefore the role of the think it is not good because Are state institutions Ministry of Health through they are essential, primarily involved sufficiently in the health mediators, the for communication of Roma the implementation of Ministry of State Administra- with non-Roma population in the Decade? tion and Local Self-Govern- any of the local governments 3 COUNCIL FOR ROMA INTEGRATION and that the “cost” that ex- administration of health What is it that you ists when hiring a person is mediators, because they are expect from the next much less than the problems still being financed through decade, and what will that arise if that person projects. change for it to be suc- does not exist. In Subotica, In addition to Serbia, cessful? we have an excellent exam- in which countries has I expect better results ple where the local govern- there been an exten- than the last on, to maybe, ment adopted the budget sion of the Decade? at some point conclude that for financing the activities All Western Balkan coun- high school becomes com- of the RC and that’s great. tries are involved, except for pulsory for all citizens, and We had the establishment Slovenia, as in the previous to increase the number of of the Council for Intereth- Decade, except that Turkey people with secondary edu- nic Relations in the terri- was invited as an observer. cation in accordance with tory of local communities. I What are the funds Agenda 2020, because this think these are examples to earmarked for its im- is very important. Educa- be followed, and it is there- plementation (from the tion is the fundamental way fore necessary that all local local to the republic out of poverty. If you have government decide on coor- level)? uneducated citizen, regard- dinators who will be dealing What we were suggested less of nationality, they are with Roma issues and will be by the European Commission destined in most cases to Roma. is that Serbia can count on deal with low-paid jobs and, The Republic of Ser- the amount of 50 000 000 therefore, not be materially bia extended the Dec- euros for quality projects satisfied. ade. Why is it impor- concerning Roma inclusion. To what extent do you tant? We already have projects for expect support from in- It is important because Roma inclusion through IPA ternational institutions we have good results and we projects through the Minis- for the implementation want to show that Serbia is try of Labor, Veteran and So- of the Decade? INworking on the integration terviecial: IPA 2013 and IPA 2014 in We already have the sup- W of Roma, not because it is the amount of 1 500 000 eu- port of the European Com- an obligation in the EU ac- ros, but it’s important that mission, shown by a seminar cession process, but because as soon as possible we adopt organized every two years Serbia is an open society and the Strategy, implying aris- and where Mr. Paquet was I think that the integration ing action plans and then we present. So, it is only nec- of all of its citizens who are can define concrete projects essary to define good and not involved in the inclusion and withdraw funds. Now, sustainable projects. It is is necessary, regardless of without a strategic docu- important that we all know their ethnic community or ment and no action plans we what our goal is and then I sexual orientation. For Roma cannot count on resources. think the support of inter- people, the extension of the It will be at the national lev- national institutions will not Decade is of course very im- el, the Strategy aims to take fail. portant. We’ll make sure as much down to the local In fact, the strategy that more children enroll level, as far as the realiza- could not be imple- in schools, at universities. tion, that we can get to as mented in full measure In addition, we need to in- many people and improve because there were no troduce the system of state their living conditions.
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