WEDMESDAT, OCTOBEE 11, IM t rfitifirr StttMliio Xmdft Aysrsas Dally CireulsUok Pee the Meath af Soptamber, I93S Tks Wsatb« Tha B. A. N. dub which waa Tha womaa'a Auatllsijr s( a . Mr. aad Mra L. £. Hobantbal ara af O. A WcallM Tbs ruaussgu .asis af tha Momo. MIm Elaaaar r. Ituade, wbooe formed raeantly. will meet tonight Ifary'a church will held Ita Ibst moving «a Saturday to SSO Pwapact Mlaa P laabath Johaaon of SM OoBtruebor Raymood T. Scballer A b o u t T ow n fall meeting Friday a t t p, m iW Ho^ltal auxiliary toUMerow at marriage to Irviag W. gg Oautar atraat haa raealvtd aawa at 6 , 2 ? 0 at tha home of Misa Jeaale Brlatow. atreet, WUUmantlc, wbam Mr. t efclock la the store a t NS of 8lg Parker atraat la building a Oteady L n S Cooper Hill atreat, at 7:80 the paiiah houaa when. Mias JtoasiM Hohentbal haa been tearlring mathe­ H artf^ wiu UkTplaoa a a lM i- ^ d ^ aa Monday. October 3, at MMaber of Ike Aodit Low of the high eebool fBetilte tsBa la tor the baaett af the bea- ber 11. waa baaorad with aaathar Capa Cod atyla houaa oa Taicott r o'dock. Bualneaa of Importance la matic# aad adence la tha Stato pltol Ilaan fuad. John OUcbrlat ^ Laa Aagaiaa, Cat atraat, Oovaatry for Mr. and Mra. Bonaa of Obcalatleae of her traveU In E u rm . AU par. gift Nower laat night bar aaaa- Mr. OUchrlat w u a raatdaat af thla M a ITMm iM xrm MiMM to ba tranaactad ao all membera are Trade aebool alnee Sapterober 1. Laroy Robarta of Riverside Drive. urged to ba preaant. I.hnneri are Invited. Cbalnaaa eg Prevloualy be taught for alx years ciaUa la one of tha dapartmanta of town tor many yaara. Manehe$ter~-A City of Vtttogo Ckmrn tsMBan^ Md MlM Batty Donovmn the hoateaara la Mra. John Jenhey a . Saaiaaa of tha Traveltn laauraaoa cotapaay. Maacbeater Oreen. « t #tt>iri<lil<t. are ipandlivr • two In the Middletown State ‘Trade Eaat CeaUr atraet, during their Nathan Hale lodge, O. Y. A., will aaalated by Mra. L«Berga Oaar, Tba party waa held at the home of (UaesISed AdverMatag ea Page M) WMkr ascattoB. wveral daya of Mra Harold Dougan, Mra Robert aebool. apd for tha paat fiva montha visit at the World's Fair, are gueata Mlaa Eltia Tatelkan of Otaadala LIX-, NO. 10 MANCHESTER, CONN„ THUR8DAT, OCTOBER IS, 1939 meat torooirow night at 6.30 in baa been doing apeclal field work for of the Hotel Conunodora. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS wkloh wUl ba apant at tlia World'a Oranga halt. David Dlckaon will be f;. Dougan. Mrs John Fox and Ulsa Avanua, Hartford, and tba dacora- VWr aad ttia tamatodcr motoring Mary Sommervllle. the Dlvliloo of Trade and Induatrlal tioaa ware la brown aad yellow. t t f BMgli tha goutMaiid. In charge. There will ha an Import­ Bducatlon of tha State Department Tha Aabury group of tba Wee- ant biiBlnen aeaalon. of Education. Aaioog the gifta waa a Btahogaay A Limited Quantity Left! The Profoaalonal Women’s club leyaa Outld wUl meet tomorrow af­ bookcaae aad a handsome mirror. A Biimbar of local mambara of haa aet the date of Tueeday eva- ternoon at 3 o’clock la tha partor of Waiting for Disaster That Didn’t Coiha tha a. P. O. Elka will go to Hart­ Tempi# Chapter, Order of the tha South Metbodlat ebureta. Mr#. amberlain Sees Eaatem Star, will hold lt« regular j ring. October 17. for a public bridge Mra. william Tboraat Smith of Hie Ladlea Aid society of Eman­ ford tealght for tha aeaslon of Hart- meeting tonight at 8 o'clock In the ; to he held at Center church taouce. Ellen Croaaci# aad Mra. Charle# uel Lutheran church will meet to­ Salesman’s Sample [La Follette Declares Canter atreet wjio recently under- Lodga, No. 19. Tha dlatrlct Maaonic Temple. Mlaa Florence Met­ iMlaa Gertrude Carrier la chalrmaa dfockett will be hoeteaaee. morrow afternoon. dapiity will make hla annual vlilta- 'of the committee making arrange- arbat a major operation at tha Me­ tlon and Hartford plana a rojral calfe head# the refreahmrnt commit­ morial hoapital. la expected home tee. I menta. today. Hitler Peace Only welcome. Edward T. Oox, Jr., of Chenille Bedspreads ^ >>uV^ Wallingford, la the present dlatrlct deputy. ThsM aprea^ are #11 better quality and in peifect condition. t ■.. Repeal May Cripple A few have aoll mark# on the back# but moat of them are apotlcaa. Uooa .Tpraa Post, British War There ara both white and colored background#, with multi-colored As Uneasy Truce Vetarana. will meet tonight at HALE'S SELF SERVE noral patterna—not all eolora In each price range. It will nav o'clock at the BrUlsh-Amerlcan The Orlgtiial In New England! you to look them over. - ' club. SPECIAL SALE British Premier Says Pro­ Thanksgiving Problem Still AND HEALTH MARKET Reg. 9S.98 and $6.98 .... posals in Speech Vague Unsolved for Town on Line U. S. Defense Plans Thurs.m Fri. - Sat. > 4 .9 8 And Uncertain and BrUtol, Tenn.-Va., Oct. 12.—OP) Reg. $ 6 . 9 8 ........................... Contain No Suggestion —The governors have spoken Seaman Tells University Plans to Fly Aflserts Complex Domea* PINEHURST but the 'Thanksgiving problem Is I Iff Teeth of Superstition THURSDAY SPECIALS > 5 .9 8 For Righting Wrongn far from solved In thla town tic Problemfl Being which Is split by the Vlrginia- To Poles and Cllzechs. About Voyage Boaton, Oct. 12.—(rt’)-N orth­ RelegatiMl to Limbo o f G O O D M E A T S H.OC G w n SUmpa Given With Cash Salmt Reg. $7.98 and $8.98 ____ Tennessee line. eastern University Intends to fly Virginia's governor has picked right In the teeth of auperititlon Forgotten Thinga bjr U l r t HAT flagar OaraA Bhort Bhaak. 4 to S-PomM > 6 .9 8 London. Oct. 13—(>P)—Prime Min- Nov. 23 a.i turkey day while tomorrow night—Friday the Domestic Dcpartaient later Chamberlain told Adolf Hiller I Tennessee's executive Is sticking Bremen Made 13th. W hat He D(^ic;ribea aa Again we waat to remind you ' to Nov. 30. I that we nae only the top grade — and-— today ba could have peace If he Tho 13Ui. 113th. 213th. and Step Toward PartiaT roiaid aad eye of the round In Smoked Shoulders Lb. 16c . wanted it but It "muat be a real and SI3th couples will bo admitted Oahe Rteaka Onr new electrical (]a|itaiii I*rr|iar«'(l In De- free to a hl-jinx class dance and Participation in Euro* Super Cube machine completea Hale’s Beat eetUed peace" and not that outlined a 13-pleco orchestra has bt-en liw Job aad givea yon a bettei W indow Ventilators by the German Fuehrer In the slroy Ship Ratlirr engaged to furnish tho music, pean War Now Raging eube ateak. Try them . Reichatag laat Friday. Germans Wait t -----------------------------------.y- Rind less Bocon Lb. 23c Reddy-Ioc wood frame with metal louvers, e% g \ Replying to Hitler'# peace over- T h a n I a*I H er Fall Into Washington, Oct. 13—(F)—Sana* Pieahly Chapped Ptnehurat Fine Quality 8” high, adjustable to 33” .....................................C turea Chamberlain, in hla weekly British llaiuls on Trip. tor LaFoUatte (Prog. Wla.), told tha BOX Metal itail Window Ventilators, Pf/> , war report to the House of Com- Hint on Offer Benate today that repeal of tha am # GROUND BEEF 10” high, adjustable to 37” ...................................* 5 U C mona, acorned "an uneasy truce In­ (Oopyrtaht hy .tnsnrlntAd Pr-Hp) Orders Probe Creamery Butter Lb. terrupted by constant alarms and embargo, M proposed In the admin- Special f 25c lb. 29c Air Meter Glass Window Ventilators, repeated threats.” To Stop War Passengers aboard the S3. Iroquois, knowing that^ a "aubmarlne threat" hart been made against their Amaterdam, Oct, 12. — (,P) _ A latratlon neutrality bill, might The New Kind ef 10” high, adjusUble to 37” ........... ....................... / D C He eald the proposals of Hiller's ship, Une the rail to watch Uncle Samif conwtylng destroyers on guard against subs Netherlanda apaman nn the German Of State Aid cripple the American defenM peq- Well Trimmed. Tender BOTH FOR speech were "vague and uncertain liner Bremen declared today the vea- gram. U B or SHOULDER and contain no suggestion for right­ ael reached Mtirmanak, north Rua­ ’TOe Wtaconala senator, wh» Corn Kix 2 Rugft’s Kleen Sweep ing the wrongs done to Czechoslo­ Muat Have Comment of Roads^ Fubds usiAUy supports Rooeevelt legktk- LAMB CHOPS Cream PItclier Pree! pkgA 21c vakia and Poland.” alan port, after a thrilling voyage tJon, aaserted that complex dewra "The German government and the Chamberlain Before Nazi Patrols during which she flew the Soviet Uc problems ware beiag "relegalod 29c lb. No. 3 Can Wegner Geiman government alone," cham­ Deciding If H itler’s American Envoy Talks flag and preparations were made to to the limbo of forgotton thtoga" Iqr Metal Lawn Rakes berlain declared, stands In the way deatroy^her rather than allow her Baldwin (]alls Conference what he deaoribod m a etap toward Hwage Chlekaa Chop Soey 9Ck.95 of tha "peace we are determined to Bid Accepteil or Not. Hit Outposts; partial partldpattoa la Oe norm Grapefruit Juice 4 Cans 2Sc secure." to fall In British hands. Tomorrow When lu' pcaa war. 18” S iz e ................ 8 5 c 24" S ize.. $ . ; Mast I^reeretw In Duty For Hour to Molotoff B.
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