Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 56(2):33 1-337 (1997) 28 February 1997 https://doi.org/10.24199/j.mmv.1997.56.21 SPIDERS AS ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS : AN OVERVIEW FOR AUSTRALIA Tracey B. Churchill Arachnology, Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300. South Brisbane, Qld 4101, Australia Centre, PMB 44 present address : Division of Wildlife and Ecology, CSIRO Tropical Ecosystems Research Winnellie, NT 0821, Australia Abstract Churchill, T.B., 1997. Spiders as ecological indicators: an overview for Australia. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 56(2): 331-337. Spiders operate as a dominant predator complex which can influence the structure of terrestrial invertebrate communities. The potential use of spiders as indicators of ecological to change, amongst a suite of selected taxa, is worthy of further research. Indicator taxa need be diverse and abundant, readily sampled, functionally significant, and to interact with their the environment in a way that can reflect aspects of ecological change. This paper examines proposes attributes of spiders in terms of these criteria, with an Australian perspective, and the use of families as functional groups to represent divergent foraging strategies and selec- "taxonomic tion of prey types. With such information gain, and reduced impact of the collation of impediment", the cost-benefit of surveys is enhanced to encourage the wider quantitative spider data for management or conservation purposes. Introduction mining (Majer, 1983; Andersen, 1990, ms.). To gain a wider understanding of patterns of biod- iversity and ecological change in invertebrate have an important role to play in Invertebrates communities, however, a range of taxa need to achieving effective conservation and manage- be adopted (Beattieetal., 1993; Kitching, 1994; ment of biodiversity for three reasons: New, 1995; Noss, 1990). 1. they dominate fauna in terms of species rich- ness and abundance; potential of spiders 2. they are linked to critical ecological processes The and; In selecting a suite of taxa, arguments for choos- provide quantitative data from 3. they can ing those which are functionally important (Yen (Greenslade and Greens- small spatial scales and Butcher, 1992; New, 1994) are the most con- Butcher, 1992; Kitching. lade, 1984; Yen and vincing. Due to their ecological importance as New, 1995). 1993; Norton, 1994; dominant predators, spiders have been pro- to assess all invertebrate As it is impossible moted as one of several priority groups for pragmatic approach is to taxa, however, the research (Kitching, 1994; Yen, 1995). In terms which to focus research select major taxa on of their use as ecological indicators, spiders need 1994). efforts (New, to fulfil specified criteria, namely they must: In the case of using certain faunal groups to 1. be diverse and abundant; monitor environmental conditions, reflect and 2. be readily sampled; "indicator taxa" is frequently the term 3. be functionally significant and; and Greenslade, 1984; employed (Greenslade 4. interact with their abiotic and biotic environ- as here. In the Andersen, 1990; New, 1995), ment in a way that can reflect ecological or shifts indicator context, observed differences change (Greenslade and Greenslade, 1984; taxa can in the relative abundance of particular Andersen, 1990; Cranston, 1990; Beattie et general ecological be interpreted to reflect more al„ 1993; Yen, 1995). system. For invert- attributes or changes in a The attributes of spiders with respect to these primarily developed using ebrates, this has been criteria are reviewed below. aquatic or marine taxa to characterise water pol- quality or more specifically, the effect of Bunn, 1. Diversity and abundance lutants (e.g., reviews by Warwick, 1993; The order, Araneae, which comprises spiders, Fairweather et al., 1995). For Australian 1995; orders approaches is among the six or seven most speciose terrestrial invertebrates, parallel worldwide, with one hectare of tropical forest have been limited to the established use of ants restoration after estimated to contain 300-800 species (Codding- to evaluate processes of land 331 332 TRACEY B. CHURCHILL ton et al., 1991). In Australia, a total of 1876 with observed changes in spider faunas having described species from 430 genera in 68 families the potential to reflect ecological impacts at has been tallied (Raven. 1988). With notable lower trophic levels, and across relatively small increases in taxonomic effort over the last eight spatial scales. years, the number of species described has risen by 26% to 2357 (R. Raven, pers. comm., Jan 3. Ease of sampling 1996). With only an estimated 30% (Davies, Due to their abundance and diverse behav- 1985) or 20% (Raven, 1988) of the fauna for- iours, spiders can be easily sampled by a range of mally described, these figures clearly demon- techniques (e.g.. Coy et al., 1993). Vagrant strate that Australia is rich in spider taxa. ground hunters are readily captured by the cost- However, the levels of richness are not unman- effective pitfall trap (Canard. 1 982; Merrett and ageable. In the north-east of Tasmania, a coastal Snazell. 1983; Churchill, 1993). Foliage dwelling heathland survey over 16 months revealed 130 taxa are more susceptible to capture bv sweep species over a maximum sampled area of 1 .2 ha net (Canard, 1982; Churchill, 1993), 'beating (Churchill. 1993). bushes (Canard, 1982; Hatley and MacMahon, Across Australia, spiders have ranged between 1980): branch clipping (Majer and Recher, the most, to the sixth most, abundant 1 invert- 988; Abbott et al., 1 992); chemical knockdown ebrate order from surveys in rainforest and (Majer and Recher, 1988; Yen and Lillywhite, Eucalyptus forest canopies using a 1 number of 990: Kitching et al., 1 993) or restricted canopy sampling methods (Majer and Recher. 1988; fogging (Basset, 1991). Spiders that are seden- Basset. 1991; Majer et al., 1990; Yen and Lillv- tary and cryptic, or conspicuous by their webs, white, 1990; Abbott etal., 1992; Coy et al., 1993; size or behaviours, are effectively sampled by Kitching et al., 1993: Kitching, 1994; Majer et visual searching and hand collection (Canard, al.. 1994). In a subtropical Queensland rainfor- 1 982; Coddington et al., 1 99 1 ; Churchill, 1 993). est tree canopy where spiders dominated the To target spiders in leaf litter, sifting and entire arthropod assemblage sampled, they were extraction techniques such as Berlese or responsible for 85% of total abundance and 65% Tullgren funnels can provide standardised and of the total biomass (Basset. 1991). quantitative samples (Canard 1979; Coyle. 1981: Coddington et al., 1991). 2. Functional significance As a predator complex, spiders are among the 4. Interaction with their abiotic and biotic most abundant and important invertebrate con- environment sumers across a range of natural and disturbed For any invertebrate taxon to be considered as habitats (Turnbull, 1973; Reichert, 1974; an indicator of ecological change, it needs to dis- Humphreys, 1988). Levels of predation upon play a sensitivity to changes in environmental the arthropod biomass of temperate forests have variables which are associated with stress and been estimated at 43.8% annual consumption disturbance (Andersen, 1990; Noss, 1990; New, (Moulder and Reichle, 1972). Spiders are often 1995). Research in the Northern Hemisphere classed as polyphagous (Reichert, 1974; Turner has revealed that habitat structure and/or associ- and Polis, 1979). yet, they include specialist ated microclimatic factors, which can be altered predators such as ant mimics and those that by many land use practices, strongly influence simulate pheromones or odours to attract cer- patterns of spider distribution (reviews by tain prey species (Stowe, 1986. Pollard et al., TurnbulJ, 1973, Uetz, 1991; Wise, 1993). Across 1987). Spiders also interact directly as competi- environmental and successional gradients the tors, mutualists. predators, and particularly as diversity and relative abundance of spider taxa prey, with higher order taxa such as birds has been shown to exhibit clear shifts (Uetz. (Gunnarsson, 1996), fish (Bleckmann and Lotz. 1976; Bultman et al., 1982; Klimes, 1987; 1987). and lizards (Schoener and Spiller. 1987) Gibson et al., 1992). The relative importance of Consequently, spider assemblages can play a different variables can change over time (Uetz. major role in ecosystem function by directly and 1979). however, with the availability of indirectly prev regulating the abundance of taxa resources another important factor (e.g., which determine rates of herbivory, pollination, Reichert, 1 974). In terms of specific responses to decomposition, soil production, nutrient cycling environmental disturbance, characteristic or energy flow (Riechert, 1974; Wise, 1993). The changes in spider faunas have been documented value of spiders as indicators relates, therefore, in Europe and America for the effects of metal to their being dominant invertebrate predators^ pollution (Bengtsson and Rundgren, 1984; . SPIDERS AS ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 333 Clausen, 1986), fire (Merrett, 1976), grazing spider faunas have been shown to respond faster (Gibson et al., 1992), pasture improvement to anthropogenic disturbance than vegetation (Luff and Rushton, 1989) and clearcutting, (Klimes, 1 987), they have the potential to reveal burning, mowing and plowing (Huhta, 1971; early, and more subtle, ecological changes, Coyle, 1981; Haskins and Shaddy, 1986). which characterises the main value of an Clearly, the composition of spider communities indicator
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