'58 RACONTEUR 1958 published by: As!ociated Students Bakersfield College 8oker$field, California -~li:TB1'11t0 COlUGI 3 ~ lion ll.y"- Bird Ubrary ::lhere i :J a lime fo,. :IOm.e lhinf!O; a lime jo,. a// -- CJ\MI'US CL NHR H. E. WOODWORTH Pre~idenr TRUSTEES AND • • • • .. .. •' • .~'.. THERON l. M<CUEN Oi$frj(:r Svoerint.,..dtnr DIStRJCT OffiCIALS fheron McCve~. $C..Oied, ond hi~ ou;slana Thc1on Tob~ r c.md Jotu' £c\hordl dis<uH fv!vo@ 910wlb of ao~e.~ficld Collefie, CHESTER W, 0 NEill DONAtO E. RUGGENSERG Ct•rlt ADMINISTRATORS Su~rvuing the tremendous growth ond ell: ponston of one of the lorgcn1 I«Ot'ldory Khoot dishicu in the world tsthe mon-s:.ced lob of the Boord of Trustees ond odminis Al8ER- S. GOULD trotive staff of the Kern C.ourty Union High School and Junior Colle{!!& Dimict, WilliAM T. BAlDWIN OffiCES AND 12 NEW PRESIDENT NEW COllEGE PREXY • , . Or. Edward Simon$01'1, long a pop l.llor od mini ~trotive figuro on campus. was appointed presi d~ni of Bakersfield College to succeed Or. Prato,:. Or. Simonsen, OOtter known os Si, hos been a member of lhc administrofivo staff ot Bakersfie-ld College since l 94'6 and wos nomad vice president of the college in July 1957. ,6.dm:nutr'a,ion Buddi,ng BURNS FINliNSON D•on of Educorionol S•rvtce~ I MARGAREl LEVINSON Dean of Students DEANS AND NORMAN HARRIS Direc-tor at Vocotional To<:hnicol EducotiOI"! DR. THOMAS 8. MERSON Oe-on of Instruction PAUL WALKER Director of Publi.e l~fOfmolion AOM N1$TIATivt COMMITT££ 0~ Fdword s....o • ..._,.., N·u DR. OU AL LUKE MotQOI•f l•,.;o..on. &w1u An t"+tO•, 0. l'lolptt "Ofot Poo~l Wolle,, Gtrtdonce ond Ttstii'IQ NO<'"'O" Hotrol, o.- rh.o"!!OS Menon DIRECTORS WILL IAM HEFFERNAN DR. PA RL EY KILBURN Director of Stud•nt Activftie.$ Director of Evening Division WHAT TO DO • • Voc-o• 01'101 o 'lOCi f>flU(CIM)!I.CI; (J(I'Ikot il ttffllrotf1 Uu d•"'h -Oy ·~-~ (011"''41 •"9 "(Iff COUNSElORS Edwm Hemm'fl"'9. John C:olllo,, o, Orrol hol.o, l ttONt•(l MeK.<C.oiQ, Ro\IIJ W(lll. f..ni• Wi l,Ot~, R\11/t M 0911i ut, Molby ~obeth Ctlbe•t llhl•oo. Wllllv•l' HcHetn<m, HoiQv• HC~n'~'' SPECIAL SERVICES If YOU HAVE A llft08LfM Dr W01·•y Sot~dc•no·•. CH"'tul Ps,.<.hotooi,t, •"d' 011 vndv1~hn·u:fir1'1) c.'<.'l nnd ~illc,;,te l t•hl•ih l !11 helpmg ~I Uth:nb sol11e the.' I VOI!OII' c.'!I'O• lion of problemJ tiiO.V. A TO Z IN RECO!!OW KNOWLCOG[ 1'h> !t!Od.-rn tlbt(loy h ~tvff~d by f•<o11dlV, •' lie~"' libroriol's. SEATEO: Atl~tlalde Gibh\, Goldie ln9le ~, heod lobrnr;(ln, M(ttiOI! H"I''Y $1Af'll)ll'fCI Johre \Vt<l~l~r , tmh!Mt IH't~•lr~" lois S•telc-he•, v.•:u>om CtQi"g"'' .,u.uont ! b·o•io-. "'EE!) A JOB1 Mony ""' denl~ 'ind paf"l.t+wc t!l•ploytncnl ltuough the Coi i~IJO Pla(•rncnt Burea .., cflr4!'( 11!d b't' Mit e!IICII'I Wyman l HOSTESS WITH T11E M0$1(51 Cofl!pus. Cl!~!tot (oo1d~notor, M•n lcnr Jydy, ....el ('(m"ti v ti!Qrl .fll"'d QHOtl 0 lu:lpl.,g hand wilh .,!vdt·•• tl(f!'l+l•tol, A. rn(ljO• occomp. ishrnent wa' ,.,CI dh•(IIOfl of lh~ mony o crivi•i•u of th" Ho~ut(Oif'ln9 weekerd Ofol &OY. A MOVIE TOOAY ft .• A>~dto­ Viwal A·dt 0-eoo:rll""e"t ptO\'>det tile '''""' fl.... dtlfK. l'ope- Qnd pktt>c: •Horcli"O"- w'l ch cwo wl-ed by aJI ist"T!Idio.Ao ckPO•ftr••rt 01 8ol.$tlt.cld College M•t. Ade oodt- C.bb1 Of'd loft• We•der ota.oe.or.e one o~ ,.,.,ol ,.~~ I• tt.• depao<1rr:.cru TtsTING AN() COUNSEliNG • . , SfATEO: Vclto 9VSINESS OfFICE Tho~¥~~~~ SotCI Goodin. STANDING• Moti4o Mat le 8o11<1'oer Wtn-let, RarbClto Gr(II@II"'(Jtl, OFFICE PERSONNEL " ADMINISTRATION OFfiCE , , EH:rob41h Huber, RECORDS OFHCE • . STANDING: Wilmo lsom, Kay Mil19r, 001othy Asdel, Svc Scoggin~, lOIIO'il\~ A.,de1,01T, Dorothy Von Q,del. Y~on"c Zuni11o, J iml"1io Po u t~, Morilyn Jvo n-ilo Clendening, Edson. SEATED: Povllne Orrick, Evelyn AIHtin, lily MhoM. OUllYINC .SECRETARIES 4 •• Joc.nn~: St<ohla, Helen MeDonold, Cyrillo Rotlalein, Charlie M~e Ab1om,, 18 HUMANITIES BETTY BIRD English ROBERT CHAPMAN Spee<.h Arts ROBERT ClARK D r<uno LOWELL DABBS English PAUL GORDON OivUion Chairman Ertglisk DONALD FRANTZ Hurnonities MARY E. GRAFF Eng fish MARY LOU MILLER CIA YTON RIPPEY Englhh Arl CALVIN MUELLER RICHARD RUIZ Music Arl RICHARD HARKINS English EDNA KEOUGH English EVA LEFEVRE Frenc.h ARNOLD M<CALMONT "hotogrophy WARREN WHEATLAND LESLIE WILBUR HULON WILLIS Mu5iC English English Humanities courses offor a n insighf into ovr heritage and foreign culture. Music, a rt, dromo, literaw re end language courses promole k nowl ~ edge and oppreciolion of the c•e otive arts 01ld odvt"ll'leemeu i o f longuoge skill ~. ADELAIDE SCHAFER DUANE SPILSSURV FRANK WATTRON Getman Jo urnolism Oron-o FRANK SHERMAN NOBLE STOCKTON CLARENCE "'lGGl NS Et~gl i sh Engli)h Music SCIENCE HERBERT ANDERSON PAUL BALDWIN REX BARTGES ROBERT BRAILSFORD Botony Boderiology Blofogy lnt(oduciO()' Chemistry WHAT HAVE Wf HUE? . , . Stvdenh <;~t the- "intlde " ICtOk oflet studying the ~!,c.r(l of Y<t•lov~ (1 ~tvte~. lOWEll HULSEBUS DON JOHNSON GEORGE LAWRENCE CliNTON LUKE Analytical Chamisfry Ero gineering Chemistry Zoology Industrial Science 22 PERCY CHAMBERLAIN ROJ!ERT FREDERICK PAUL FREED Organic Chemi•try General Phy•ic• Anatomy ond Physiology The Scie11ce Deportment, one of the Jorgest in the college, prepares stu· dents for worlc in every oreo from medicine ro a stronomy. It i ~ here the tronsfer student fulfills his lower division ll'equirement$ In notutol sci· ence, amidst frogs ond flower~, te-st rubes a nd timing devices. GEORGE 0. SAGEN Division Chairman Engineering Physics NICHOLAS PANANIDES DON POOLE OMAR SCHEIDT JOHN ZIMMERMAN Astronomy fnginooring Phy~ics Tochni col Chemistry Geology WilliAM HARWOOD W ILLIAM HEFFERNAN American Problems Political Science SOCIAL DOROTHY ALBAUGH MELVIN CHERNO Psy~hotogy U. S. History HARLAND BOYD JOHN J. COLLINS U. S. Hislory Sociology JACK T. CASEY VICTOR HALLING U. S. History P.sychology STUDENTS RELAX be1wccn S. A. PURDI E MALBY ROBERTS WESLEY SANDERSON Police Arts Psychology Psychoa logy WYLIE l. JONES ORRAl lUKE MATHIAS MEIER Economics Psychology U. S. History SCIENCE Mon o"d hi~ behavior, both as on individual and os o member of .so• c;iety, pfovide the emphasis of study matter of the social science courses. The student is assisted in gaining undcnfonding ond knowledge of his American heritage ond o f his privi(. eges a nd re-sponsibilities. ROBERT H. YOUNG Division Chairman Geography THOMAS MERSON fiNIS WilSON 25 Sociology Psychology GEORGINE BIHLMAN GERRY COLLIS JACK FROST Coeducational Activities First Aid Coedueotionol Activities Baseball Coach Golf Coach HEALTH AND PHYSICAL HOMER BEATTY first Aid Football Coach HERB LOKEN Coeducational Activities Gymnastics Coach GILBERT C. BISHOP Division Chairman Director of Athletics / RAY NEWMAN HARRIET SHELDON DONNA SEATON WILLARD TRUSLER Health Education Health Education School Nvrse Health Education Asst. Football Coeducational Activities Tennis Coach and Track Coach SY8l HILTON Coeduc.olionol Ac:tivitie~ lliEY'RE Off , .. M"Cmb'n o f the Qirh' ,wimM'I;r.(l clou~1 ptoctic~ EDUCATION rodr~g sto.rh In tbl 9ym pool. The Deportmen t of Heofth ol\d Phy~­ ieol Education touche$ o l mo~f every student at Bokcnficld Co lfeg~. Whother the studcmfs othlotic ill fer­ est lies in o quiet g.ame of shuffle· board or o lively girl$' bosketbaU game, the well·equipped gym o/'ld wide vuriety of cou r$~U provide l'e· loJting recreation ond exer(jsc. f i$TIC MAYHEM Tto boll-ing d onc-s, rurorQ'd by Jock Frost, mill. it up, JAMES TURNER Swimming Director ONii M~ER tiOAitD . , , Swim Cooc;l> J i~ Tu,,.., ;..,_....,d• o M•.&obotr 27 of 1\!s t e<:~m it1th~ ort of 1•• bod: flip. BUSINESS EDUCATION RICHARD n GNER Choirmon, Business DepOI'Imtnl REtAil PRICE • • . ilusiness ALLEN BERARDI EARL DUN5TAN LUCILLE PARMENTER Typing Accounling Stenography PAUL WALKER ~ODN EY WESSMAN EllEN WYMAN Business low Business Moth lntrod u.etiQn to Bu)ineu Business Admini$trotion o nd Bv$iness Edv· ( <I lion cue offered to fulfill requirements for transfer to four-yea r colleges ond universi­ tie$. The Agri-Busines$ field, which combin's ogrieolt ure o nd business, is o new additiol'l to the deportment. SCUBA , Twa membcu ol 1ko f!eto11inq don Of!Ongc a windQw d isplay in the B•.1sincs' Edv(olion Building. 29 TRADES MEASURE WITH CARE .• lnWII<Ior Po! Johnsor dhC'Un~ tOn,ttu<l!on of the wooden l"'odel "SpuiMi'" wM(h 'f'o'(li put tog~thc1 by hi.s .shop ~ludl?l'l l~ for lh~ Pololo Bowl ha!i•time otlivid"'~· The community served by Boker.sf-it'fd Col · lege if highly benefiled by the Trode~ ond lndust1ies Deportment. It emphasizes dt'· velopmcnl of basic skills which meet c.on· tcmporory vocational needs of the orco. Agriculture and polralovm technology ore included in the department. LANNING FLINT JAMES E. HAYNES W, F. JOHNSON ALVIN ~ L EINHAMP L E Electronics Automotive Building Construction Welding, Body ond Fender 30 FORREST LYi'lN LEO A.
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