I ASSEMBLY .3 QUESTIONS. BULK GRAIN BIN. Thursday. 14th November, 1957. Provision at Jerrarnungup. CONTENTS Hon. A. F. WATTS asked the Minister page for Lands: at Questions :Bulk grain bin, provision that it is the opinion Jerramnungup .....- ..... 3098 (1) Is it correct Public Service, long-service leave etiut- of Co-operative Bulk Handling Ltd. that lament of senior officers...... .... 3096 the responsibility for providing funds for Native welfare, (a) Well 40 natives, the provision of a bulk grain bin at or near Jerramungup is that of the Govern- of Information re rood ...3097 (b)source Well 40 area, blood test of natives ment? evacuated .... .-. ...... 3097 (2) If so, has the Government decided Traffic offenders, scale of fines, etc. .. 3097 to provide the funds necesary? Transport, (a) alteration and deletion of (3) In either case, when is it likely that bus stops. ................. 83097 work will be put in hand? (b) interstate operators, taxation legis- this very urgent lation .. ... .. ...3097 The MINISTER replied: (c) check on IMllct road haulage In (1) The Government is prepared to dis- North-Eastern Goidfields ... .. 3097 cuss with Co-operative Bulk Handling Ltd. State finances, details of Interest, Federal means of financing the construction of a grants, etc. .. .89 bin when necessary. Pensioners, concesslonal fare on Govern- ment transport 8098 (2) Answered by No. (1). Railways, (a) new diesel cars, points for (3) The whole question of handling and electric razors ... 0..9...8 transport of grains east of Ongerup is (b) facilities for electric razors, West- under review. land coaches I809... .. 8Ia "C" series Index, details of commodity PUBLIC SERVICE. prices .... ... .. .. ... 3098 Water suppies, detailed consumption Long-service Leave Entitlement of accounts ... .. .. 3098 Senior Officers. Kangaroos, royalty on grey skins .. 3M9 Mr. CORNELL asked the Premier: Cily of Perth, land for parking .. 099s What are the names of the senior public Laporte Industries Ltd., tabling of file servants with a long-service leave entitle- re establishment at Bunbury I 309 ment in excess of three months, giving Housing, relieving shortage, Bunhury 3,.099 in each Instance the respective period of Roads, resurveying Perth-Albany High- leave due? way, etc. .. 3099 State forests, applications lor alienation The PREMIER replied: for agriculture.. ............. 100 H. W. Byfteld-12 months, Police prosecutions, recovery of legal K. J, Townsing-5- months. expenses .. .. .. .. 3100 F. J. E. K. Wright-9 months, less two Agent General, date of appointment .3100 months taken. Government business, precedence ._....3100 A. D. Hynam-9 months. Bills :Noxious Weeds Act Amendment, R. B. MacKenzie-6 months. returned........ ... 3101 R. H. Doig-9 months. Basil Murray Co-operative Memorial R. B. Brigdale-9 months. Scholarship Fund Act Amendment, W. V. Fyfe-6 months. returned......... .... 3101 less two months. Constitution Acts Amendment (No. 1), H. Camm-9 months, 3r............ ............. 3101 A. H. Teller-B months. Metropolitan (Perth) Passenger Trans- L. W. Samuel-B months, less one port Trust, Corn., report.........3101 month. Swan River Conservation, Message, 2r. 8105 L. Henzell-6 months, less one month Midland Jlnetlon-Welshpool Railway, taken. E. J. T. Thompson-S months. 2r., remaining stages .. .... 3113 Education Act Amendment, 2r., Corn., R. H. Miller-S months. report..... ......... .. ..... 334 A. J. Fraser-S months. Northern Developments Pty. Limited A. E. Clare-12 months. Agreement, 2r.................. 3148 W. L. Green-S months. State Transport Co-ordination Act G. S. Lindsay-B months, less two Amendment (No. 3), 2r., Corn., report 3152 months. Bunbury Harbour Board Act Amend- F. M. Kenworthy-il months. meat, 2r., remaining stages .... 3153 0. F. Mathea-S months. TI. L. Robertson-S months. J. A. McCall-B months. A. L, Young-S months. 0. K. Baron Hay-12 months. T. C. Dunne-9 months. The SPEAKER took the Chair at 2.15 H. E. Smith-12 months less two p.m., and read prayers. months. (14 November, 1957.] 309709 NATIVE WELFARE. (4) Will the terrain surrounding the new bus stops be cleared of sand, etc.. and (a) Well 40 Natives, Source of made clean and firm? Information re Food. The MINISTER replied: Mr. GRAYDEN asked the Minister for Native Welfare: (1) Stops are being re-located remote from road junctions and intersections to From what source is the "information" permit better traffic flow. mentioned by him in reply to the question (2) Regular spacing of stops at reason- relative to the supply of food to natives able intervals is aimed at. In places this in the Well 40 area, asked by me in the has involved the deletion of some stops Legislative Assembly on Wednesday, the where stops were unnecessarily close to 13th November, 1957, being sought? one another. The MINISTER replied: (3) Advantage is taken of existing From the district officer of the Native shelter such as shop verandahs where prac- Welfare Department at Derby and/or the ticable but shop verandahs situated close Commonwealth Department of Supply. to road junctions or intersections cannot be used for this purpose. Shelters cannot (b) Well 40 Area, Blood Test of Natives be provided at every stop and in selecting Evacuated. sites, regard is had to those stops catering for the greatest number of people. Pri- Mr. GRAYDEN asked the Minister for marily, the responsibility for the provision Native Welfare: of shelters is that of the local authority. Is it possible at this stage to test the (4) This is a matter for the local blood taken from the two natives evacu- authority. ated from the Well 40 area for the pur- pose of determining the serum protein (b,) Interstate Operators, Taxation figures? Legislation. The MINISTER replied: Mr. EVANS asked the Treasurer: No. Further to my question of the 10th September, 1957, relative to interstate road TRAFFIC OFFENDERS. hauliers' taxation legislation, can he please state if an examination has yet been made Scale of Fines, etc. of the Victorian legislation and the appro- Mr. GAFFY asked the Minister for priate High Court ruling? Justice: The TREASURER replied: Is there a scale of fines for traffic Now that the Privy Council has decided offenders, particularly first offenders for the appeal and the legislation is valid, an speeding, or is it left to the discretion of examination of the legislation will proceed. the magistrate? The MINISTER replied: (c) Check on Illicit Road Haulage, North- Eastern Goldfields. Not generally, but in respect of the more serious offences -there is a scale for first Mr. O'BRIEN asked the Minister for and subsequent offences, e.g., drunken Transport: driving, reckless or dangerous driving, What provision exists whereby any driving without a licence and unlawfully illicit haulage of goods by road transport assuming control. Most of the offences between Kalgoorlie and northern country are prescribed by regulation. Generally, towns, such as Menzies, Leonora and the regulations prescribe a maximum fine Laverton, can be checked? of £20 and the amount of the fine Is left to the discretion of the court, except in the The MINISTER replied: case of minor off ences. Offences for speed- Arrangements have been made for ing are dealt with under the regulations, periodic patrols north of Kalgoorlie, In the maximum fine being 220. addition, the Railways Commission has in- structed its staff to report apparent TRANSPORT. breaches of the Act. (a) Alteration and Deletion of Bus Stops. STATE FINANCES. Mr. QAFFY asked the Minister for Transport: Details of interest, Federal Grants, etc. (1) What is the reason for altering the Mr. JOHNSON asked the Treasurer: bus stops on bus routes through Collier, For the years 1947-48 to date, what are Como, Manning and Salters Point? the amounts of- (2) Have any bus stops on any of these (a) Interest and sinking fund: routes been deleted? (b) Commonwealth grants; (3) Where bus stops were adjacent to (c) Item (b) less item (a); shop verandahs and are now in the open, (d) Item (c) adjusted by movements will shelters be erected? of "C's series index over the period? [ASSEMBLY,] The TREASURER replied:, __ The MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS: No, but if the hon. member cares to place his Excess of question on the notice paper, I will find Common- Expressed Interest common- wealth at 1047/48 out what the Minister for Railways knows Year and Sink- wealth Grant Over Price about it. Ing Fund Grant Interest Levels and Sink- Mr. Cornell: The answer is to buy safety lng Fund razors. "C" SERIES INDlEX. 1047/48 4,044,.269 2,977,000 1,067,269a 1,067,260a 1948/49 4,107,724 3,00,000 507,724a 457,409a Details of Commodity Prices. 1940/50 4,254,104 5,618,000 1,363,896 1,115,205 1950/51 4,497,049 5,839,000 1,341,951 965,432 Mr. EVANS asked the Minister for 1951/52 4,870,602 5,088,000 217,398 128,638 Labour: 1952/53 5,305,493 8,041,000 2,735,507 1,406,760 1953/54 6,073,632 7,800,000 1,726,348 878,549 Can he please advise details of price 1954/55 6,928,473 7,450,000 521,627 248,820 1955/56 7,725,391 8,900,000 1,174,609 544,89 movements for commodities and services, 1956/67 8,521,100 9,200,000 679,7Q0 301,644 etc, reflected in the "C" series (cost of living) index, for the last quarter for the- is Shortage--i.e. Interest and Sinking Fund exceed Common- wealth Grant. (a) South-West Land Division; (b) Goldfields areas? PENSIONERS. The MINISTER replied: Concession Fares on Goterment The precise information sought by the Transport. hon. member is not available, but it may Mr. JOHNSON asked the Minister for assist him to know that the "C" series Transport: index for the September quarter, as applied (1) How do pensioners who are not in to the basic wage, indicated the following Possession of a pension card establish an movements: entitlement to fare concessions on Govern- (a) South-West Land Division: ment transport? Food and groceries--Increase of 5d.
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