715 KENT. WHA Welch Rev.A. T.A.X.C.J•. St. :Mary Cray Welman :Mrs. 6 Roebuck villas, Roe- West Mrs. 9 Alhlon place, Whitstable Welch Ernest Frederick, Hestercombe, huck lane, Rochellter West Mrs. 18 Albion place, Rams~ate Hayneroad, Beckenham Welsh Rev. WiIliam WiIlington M.A. WestMrs.lIBeaufortgdns.Lewisham8.8 Welch Frederick,Inglemount,Inglemere Ashfield, Crescent road, Beckenham West Mrs. 12 Bouverie sq. Folkestone road, Forest Hill S.B 'Welsh David M.B. County Lunatic West Mrs. Bridge, Canterbnry Welch H. P.5 Eliot hill, Blackheath s.e Asylum, Barming- heath, :Maidstone West :Mrs. 4 Brunswick terrace, Mount Welch John, St.John's cottage, Hilden- Welsh J. D. 81 Folkestone road, Dover Sion, Tunhridge Wells borough, Tonbridge Welsh Mrs. 131 Lewisham Lower rd S.B West Mrs. Clarendon villas, Chislehurst Welch J. A. 52 Manor rd. Brockley s.e Welsh William, Devon villa, Little 'Vest Mrs. 31 Cooling-e road, Folkestone Welch Joseph, Dry Hill pk. Tonbridge Heath, Old Charlton West Nirs. Hartley villas, Church road, Welch Joseph, Staplegrove,TheAvenue, Welstead Mrs. 31 Longton grove, Bexley Heath Beckenham Sydenham s.e West Mrs.4 Kelvin grove,Sydenham 8.~ Welch Robert Ryder, 9 Victoria road, Welstead Mrs. St. Lawrence villas, West :Mrs. 57 Queen street, Gravesend Perry Street, Gravesend Canterbury WestMrs.80 ~outh street,Greenwich S.8 Welchman Mrs.l Lallsdown vilIas,Maid- Welti Ferdinand Arthur, Danemore, WestMrs.42 UpperFant road,l\1aidstone stone road. Rochester Panmure road, Sydenham s.e West Mrs. 9 Water street, Deal Weld Charles Humphrey, Sandhurst, \<VeltonMrs.13HydeVale cots.Grnwchs.e West Mrs. Westcomb villa, Chapel rd. Hawkhurst Wenborn Georg-e Fl'ederick, The Pines, Bexley Heath 'Veld James,Hig-h st.Tenterden,Ashford Shipborne, Tonbridf];e West Mrs. P. D. 6 Water street, Deal Weldon Rev. Georg-e Warburton M.A. Wenborn Jas. 13 Woolcombe st. Dover WestRichd.l07Brockley rd.Brockleys.e Vicaragoe, Bickley, Bromley Wenborn Sidney Thomas, Heath bank, West Richard,95 Maryon rd.OldCharltn Welenski Madame, Vale viI. broadstairs Conduit vale, Blackheath 8.B West 8teptJen H.Heathfield,Chislehurst Weltear William, Fir Tree farm, HIl- Wendt Ernest EmiI D.e.L. 8 Vanbrugh West T.J. 74 Tressillian rd.8t.John'8 s.6 denborough, Tonl/ridge park, Blackheath s.e West Thomas WiIliam, West view, St. Wellard John, Meopham, Gravesend Wendt Otto, Richmond house, Sunder- John's road, Sevenoaks Wellard John Prescott, 14 Victoria land road, Forest Hill s.e West William,1 Athelston villas,Canon- g-rove, Folkestone Wenham Rev. Daniel, Calverley hill, bury street, Ralllsgate Wellard Mrs. 21 Cavendish st. Ramsg'ate Clarence road, Tunbridge Wells West Wm. London road, Sevenoaks Wellard Mrs. 8 Victoria town, Deal WenhamMiss,1 Brockman rd.Folkestone West WilIiam, Southfield road, Bickley 'Vellard R. 11 Orchard st. Canterbury Wenham Robert,Crescentvillas, House- park, Bromley WelIden T. Elora house, Queen st. Deal lands, Tonbridge Westall Mrs. 3 Belmont park, Lee s.e Welldon Rev. Canon J ames Ind D.e.L. Wenman Mrs. 46 Cambridge street, Westall R.R.Bonaly,Short!ands, Bromly Vicarage, Kenningt.on, Ashford Tunbrid~e Wells WestbrookJn. E.4Frant rd.1'unbrdg.Wls Weller Lieut.-CoI.Thos.MontaguMartin WenmanW.18 Brindley st.NewCrosss.e Westl/rook Miss, 29 Tllrnl-'r road, Lee 8.e J.P. Kingsgate ho. Rolvenden,Ashfrd Wensley Rev. EdwardBarnett,Vicarage, Westbrook Mrs.WhiteH ill rd.Gravesend Weller Alfred,166High street.,Ramsgate Hoo Allhallows, Rochest.er Westhrook Thomas, Parkhurst, West- Weller George, 22 Park road, Bromley Wensley John Mark, 11 Eton grove, combe park, Blackheath 8.B Weller HA9 8hardeloes rd.NewCross s.e Dacre park, Lee S.B WestbrookThomas,6 Victoria rd.EItham WeHer Miss, 60 Kent House road, Wentworth Frederick, 22 Erith villas, Westbrook Wm. Joseph MUS. DOC. Red- Sydenham S.B South road, Erith berry grove, Sydenham park s.e Weller Mrs. 184, High street, Tonbridge Wentworth-l:'3hields Francis,4 Vanbrugh WestcombeIsaac,6Wellesley vils.Ashfrd Weller S. Oak's pI. 'I'enterden, Ashford Park road west, Blackheath s.e Western Geo. Adolphus, Ravensbollrne Weller Thomas, Ranelaigh grove, 1:'31.. WentzellC.95 M01 pas road, NewCross s.e house, Short.lands, Bromle~ Peter's, Ramsgate Wentzell P.20 Harcourt rd.Brockley s.e Western John, Granvill villa, Hlltherley Weller William, 13 Lime villas, Fox- Were Ellis, 20 Burney st. Greenwichs.e road, Sldcup berry road, Brockley s.e Were Wm. 20 Burnt~y st. Greenwich 8.e Westhorp Alfred, Rostellan, Stansted Weller William J ames, Simla cottage, Werner E.86 Tressillian rd.St. John's s.e road, Forest Hill s.e Herllert road, Woolwich Werner Israt'l Paul, Oakfield lodge, Westhorp TheophiIlls, Seagirt cottage, Wellfear Mrs. 50 Beulah road, Tun- Peak hill, Sydenham S.B Beach street, Deal bridge Wells Werner R.:::it.Cyrus, BurntAsh hI.Lee s.e Westley J.lvy lodg-e,Leyland I'd.Lee 8.e Wellington Miss, St. l\Iary's villas, Werring' J .C.Percy vii. Knolls rd.Bexley Westmore Sydney, Dartmouth lodge, Chislehurst Wessell William Henry, 4 The Terrace, Perry vale, Forest Hill 8.B Wells Sir Mordaunt Lawson F.R.G.B. Greenhithe, Dartford Westmore WilIiam Thomas, 9 Sunder- ClairvilIe,19 l<rant I'd. Tunbdge.Wells West Rev. Thos. John M.A. St. Mark's land road, Forest Hill x.e Wells Capt. Thomas Benjamin H.N.23 vicarage, College park, Lewisham S.B Weston Hev. Thos. Woods r.L.B. Vicar­ Crescentrd.Tressillianrd.St.John'ss.e West Abel, 15 Campbell terrace, Brook age, Amhurst road, Tunbridge Wells Wells Rev.FrancisBallardM.A.Rectory, Hill road, Woolwich Weston A.S4 Shardeloes rd.NewCrss 8.e Woo:.lchurch, Ashford West Albert, 3 Tressillian crescent, WestonJ.138St.Donatt's I'd. NewCrss S.6 Wells A.Osborne ho. BedonwI.Belvedere 'fressillian road, St. John's s.e Weston James, 1 St. Stephen's road, Wells Edward Ogbourn, 140 Lewisham West Alfred Thomas,44 Mount Pleasant Canterbury High road s.e road, Lewisham s.e WestonJn.1l4Breakspear I'd.Brocklys.8 Wells E. 5 Glensdale road, Brockley S.B West C. The Knoll, 71 Bexley rd. Erith Weston John, 162 Hrockley road S.8 Wells F. 16 Croom's hill, GreenwicH s.e West C. Durham viI.Brasted,Sevenoaks Weston J n.Church Hill ho. Ewell,Dover Wells F. L. 12 Cranfield rd.Brockleys.e West Charles Loft, \VilIow lodge, Stan- WestonJohn,142CourthI.rd.Lewishm S.e Wells G. H. 31 Hardinge I'd. Ashford stead road, .Forest Hills.e Weston John,7I Dover road,Folkestone Wells Henry, 41 Beaconsfield terrace, West Charles Spencer, Glenthorne villa. WestonLambert,18 'Vaterloo cres.Dover Woolwich road, East Greenwich s.e Perry rbe, Forest HiIls.e . WestonMiss,11 London street.Folkestne Wells James, Penrith house, Main road, West Edward, 43 Medway road, GiI- \\re8ton Miss, Westbourne, Tenterden, Bexley Heath lingham, Chatham Ashford Wells Miss, ID Clarence pI. Gravesend West Frank, 3 Athelston villas, Canon- WestonMrs.220Malpas rd.NewCross S.8 Wells Miss, 52 Cleopatra grove, Lees.e bury street, Ramsgate Weston Mrs. 13 Manor road, Folkestne Wells Mrs. 1 Florence \'illas, Stanstead West George, Claremont house, Alpha Weston Wm. Hock ho.Sydenham hls.e road, Forest Hill s.e road, New Cros88.e Weston Wm. 6 tlhrewsbury villas, Plum Wells Mu. 68 Kirkdale, Sydenham 8.8 West George, Lavender hill, Tonbridge lane, Plurnstead Common Wells Mrs. 6 Maison Dieu place, Dover West George, Vine cottage, St. Law- Westrope Wm. Jas. High st. Sandwich Wells Mrs. Sout.boro' lodge, Bromley rence, Ramsgat.e Westrup Henry,28 Clarence pl.Gravsnd Wells Mrs. 15 Whittington terrace, Wel'lt Henry P.9 Beer Cart la.Cantrbry Westrup ·Wm. Edward, 20 Dartmouth London road, Forest Hill s.e West Henr;y Wm. 21 Lanier rd. Hither terrace, Hiackheath 8.e Wells Mrs. R. 47 Queen's road, Tun- Green lalie, LewishaIIls.e WestwoodRchd.42Nunneryflds.Cntrbry bridge Wells West James, 91 Dover road, Northfleet, WetheralllHrs. 20 Guildford ter. Dover Wells Robert, Biddenden, Staplehurst Gravesend Wetherell Major Richard, 12 Lansdown 'VeIls 1:'3. R. 69 Algernon rd.Lewishm s.e West J as.Barstow,IOLenham rd.Lee s.e road, Tunbridge Wells Wells Thomas, 14 Alexandra gardens, West John, 131 High street, Ramsg-ate WethereIl Rev. John Cordeux M.A.31 Folkestone West John 8.4 Golt'e rd. Forest Hill S.8 Wickham road, Broekley 8.e Wells T.13Crescent rd.Plaistow,Bromly West John· \V. 6:! Cleopatra gro.Lee 8.e WetherellThos.2 Park villas,Annandale .Wells Thomas, Parsonage house, Cob- West J oseph S.46 Elswick rd.Lewshms.e road, Eas.t Greenwich s.e ham, Gravesend West J osephW.21 Brownhl.rd.Catli'ds.e WetherfieldMrs.8Croom's hI.Grnwch 8.e Wells T. W. 8 College road, Maidstone West Miss, 53 Lee terrace, Lee 8.e WetIwrman John, 8t.James' \ilIa,Perry Wehuan Col. Harvey W. Pole, Grove WestMiss,5 LowerHridge st.Canterbury vale, Forest Hill S.B house, Maidstone road, Rochester West Misses, 8 Avenue rd. Lewishm s.e Whaite John, 205 Burrage I'd. Plumstd.
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