- Longstanton Parish Council Meeting Papers Full Council Meeting, 11th November 2019 LongstantonPC 1 19-20/110 Northstowe Matters a) To receive a report following the Community Forum held on 6th November 2019 at the new Northstowe Secondary School. b) To receive an update on Northstowe matters from Jon London, Community Project Officer. 19-20/111 Finance Matters a) To receive an update on the financial position of the council from the Clerk. b) The Clerk noted that the Precept Request letter had been received from South Cambs District Council (appendix 1). It is asked whether the Parish Council wishes to comment on the consultation in Appendix A of the document and if so, a response is required by 18th November 2019. The Clerk noted that there is nothing significantly different to previous years when LPC have not made any comment. c) The Clerk noted that some tree work is required to Council trees following the survey carried out in March 2018 by Acacia Tree Surgery. The Clerk has approached Brookfield Groundcare (appendix 2) to get comparative costs to those provided by Acacia listed below: Acacia £4,130 Brookfield Groundcare £3,470 Recommendation: to employ Brookfield Groundcare to carry out the tree work as it is both more cost effective and they have itemised some additional work to be undertaken which has developed since the time of the survey in 2018. 19-20/112 Planning Matters (links to all planning applications can be found on the website: http://www.longstanton-pc.gov.uk/Planning_Applications_22977.aspx) a) Presentation to be made by Quinton Carroll from Cambridgeshire County Council about an application for a shared Heritage Facility between Northstowe, Longstanton and A14. Northstowe Planning Matters – for comment b) S/3430/19/FL – rear conservatory at 97 Heron Road, Northstowe for Farmer c) S/3499/19/RM – hybrid planning application for Phase 2A, Northstowe Phase 2 for Urban Splash House Limited (full details can be found on the Longstanton website) d) S/3665/19/FL – The erection of a temporary sales pavilion, associated with the development of Phase 2A, for a period of up to 5 years at Phase 2A, Northstowe Phase 2 for Urban Splash House Limited Planning matters for information only e) To note permission granted for S/2877/19/FL – first floor extension to front and side and two storey side extension at 29 Rampton Drift, Longstanton for Mr & Mrs Whitehead and Ms Langford f) To note refusal of S/2957/19/FL – change of use from B1 use (office use) to health and beauty treatments at Unit 1, Hazlewell Court, Bar Road, Longstanton for The Retreats (Cambridge) Limited. g) To note refusal of S/2121/19/FL to erect a 1.8m high fence at 68 Rampton Drift, Longstanton for Mr Preston. h) To note S/3745/19/NM non-material amendment to planning permission S/1115/19/FL at 3 Eaton Way, Longstanton for Mrs Burton. 19-20/113 County Council Matters a) To receive the report from the County Councillor (appendix 3) b) Following the resolution to purchase trees to be planted on Home Farm Road, the Clerk will provide a brief update on the project. 2 c) A letter copied to the parish office, addressed to the County Council about missing footpath signs is attached as appendix 4. Recommendation: to support the resident and write to the county council asking for the signs to be installed as necessary. 19-20/114 District Council Matters a) To receive the report from the two District Councillors – (appendix 5) b) To note the postponement of the Cabinet and Parish Councils Liaison meeting from November 2019 to January 2020 due to the General Election due to take place in December. 19-20/115 Council Administration Matters a) To note the Internal Audit Report received following the mid year audit carried out in October. Any actions to be agreed by Councillors. Due to confidentiality this will be sent under separate cover. b) Correspondence has been received from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Against Scams Partnerhship looking to encourage parish councils to support this initiative which will then, in turn, help protect residents from scams. Only this week it has been noted that there have been bogus callers to residents’ homes asking for them to sign up to monthly donations to charities – only for the charity to know nothing about it (appendix 6). c) CAPALC will be holding an HR Forum on 26th November 2019. Cost is £75 per person and will cover items such as Job Descriptions, Person Specifications, contracts, etc. appendix 7. d) CAPALC AGM has been set for Wednesday 4th December in Somersham. As a member, attendance from Longstanton should be seen. Recommend at least one if not two members attend (appendix 8). e) The Clerk will provide an update on the Spice Museum at this point. f) The Clerk will provide a report from the Cambridgeshire Conference attended on 8th November in Huntingdon. 19-20/116 Highway and Footpath Matters a) The following report has been received from Vine Technical Services: The developers have been in touch with Shakespeare Martineau and have re-iterated the urgency needed to complete these matters; this has also been stressed to the solicitors of the administrators and it would appear that a call will be arranged between the two solicitors to try and finalise the outstanding issues and progress to completion. In terms of the open space, Shakespeare Martineau has been in touch with Parish Council’s solicitor last week with the replies from Mr Stroude to her enquiries and they have also subsequently sent to her the POS transfer with amendments from the developers and Mr Stroude for approval. b) Following the application made to the LHI 20/21 scheme back in August, a feasibility document has been received from Highway Projects and Road Safety department. They have completed a review of the scheme and are asking for confirmation that Longstanton Parish Council are happy to proceed (if approved) and if so to contribute £450 towards the total cost of £4,201.26. (appendix 9) Recommendation: to confirm that LPC is happy to proceed and budget the £450 towards the costs. 3 c) C Cllr Hudson forwarded a letter sent by Sisk & Sons to residents about the extension to the closure of Longstanton Road (appendix 10). This has been shared on Facebook and a couple of residents have asked that where they state that there may be closures affecting pedestrians and cyclists, that the signage highlighting the closure be well in advance (i.e. at junction of High Street, Rampton Road, Woodside and School Lane, rather than being down St Michaels). Recommendation: a letter be sent to Sisk to support residents comments. d) The Clerk will provide a report on the progress with planting trees on Home Farm Road. 19-20/117 Public Open Space Matters a) Correspondence has been received from residents of Stevensons Road where a tree (cherry) in parish council owned land was planted too close to their drive (by the developers) and now is causing damage to their driveway (appendix 11). Recommendation: to ask Brookfield Groundcare to fell before the parish council incurs charges for damage to the driveway. b) The Clerk has been liaising with South Cambs Waste Department following evidence that the bins on the Village Green are not fit for purpose. The open bins allow the wind to blow the bin bags out – scattering litter and the rooks scavenge and empty rubbish from the bins. SCDC were asked if it was possible to have recycling bins (City and SCDC have shared services and City have recycling bins) – the answer was no. Any recycling is collected and put in general waste. Currently there are 3 litter bins and 2 dog poo bins on the Green. SCDC would be prepared to replace 2 litter bins and 2 dog poo bins with 2 jubilee litter bins which accept dog waste (reducing the number of bins by 2). If the parish council would like the third bin replaced (currently located in the middle of the green near benches, the parish council would need to pay for this: Supply and installation of jubilee bin £414.00 Emptying of bin - £3.00 per empty (once a week – annual cost would be £156 Recommendation: to get at least 2 jubilee bins in place and it has been promised that these would be in place by the end of November. 19-20/118 Community Matters a) It has been suggested in the past to attempt to make more of an impact with the Christmas lights on the Village Green. Brookfield Groundcare would be prepared to install some temporary posts to hold some festoon lighting to run along the length of the green from the corner by the Co-op to the footpath (approx. 80m). Recommendation: to purchase 80m of festoon coloured lighting (commercial grade) at a cost of £247.99 – saving £50.00 (Christmas Direct – supplier of the Christmas tree lights) – 160 bulbs in total. Online Lighting = £499.99 for 200 bulbs at 102m Festive Lights = £359.92 for the rope only before looking at bulbs. b) Again, as with item a), it has been suggested to look at decorating the High Street with some sort of festive lighting. The Clerk has approached Plantscape who provide solar Christmas trees and received the attached quotation (appendix 12). c) Earlier in 2019, it was commented by councillors that the parish council do not do enough for the older residents in the village. The Public Health Team from County Council are holding a free event on 22nd November in Histon to look at how the parish council could look at addressing loneliness in the community (appendix 13).
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