GENEALOGICAL AND PERSONAL RECORD, BLACK CREEK, BUTLER, FOSTER, HAZLE AND SUGARLOAF TOWNSHIPS, FREELAND, HAZLETON, JEDDO AND WHITE HAVEN BOROUGHS. SAMUEL BEKMEK. only apparatus yet in existence that shows the true motion of the earth around the sun in an actual ellipse. The parallelism of the axis is at all Samuel Benner is a native of Coventry, Chester county, Pa., and was times preserved and all the phenomena of the changes of day and night born October 8th, 1818. He is a surveyor, land agent and farmer. He time the sun remains north married Miss Susannah Buff, of Butler township. Mr. Benner was for- and of the seasons, the greater length of are clearly shown. This instrument merly a foundryman, and was justice of the peace several years. than south of the equator, etc., etc., shows the length of the day and night at any season of the year in any F. M. BRUNDAGE, M. D. latitude, as well as the heavenly constellations visible at any hour in Frank M. Brundage, M. D., assistant surgeon of the 9th regiment na- any and every season of the year. The moon is seen in its gibbous and tional guards Pennsylvania, was born in Conyngham, Pa., August 18th, crescent phases as well as with a full enlightened hemisphere and in 1851, and married Miss Ella M. Young, of Lebanon, Pa. He is a practic- total darkness, its place being in a mask or hollow hemisphere with the ing physician at Conynghara. convex surface thereof black. This invention has attracted the atten- tion of astronomers and teachers, and it is believed that nearly all the AUGUST DONOP. best institutions of learning in the land will possess themselves of it in Bremen, August August Donop, of Freeland, was born Germany, when it becomes an article of manufacture and sale. Parties have en- 23d, 1829. He is a bookkeeper and dealer in real estate, and has held all deavored to negotiate with Mr. Engle with a view to the manufacture the ofiBces in Foster township. His wife was Margaretha Myers, of New of this improved tellurion, but the inventor has thus far been engaged i'ork. during his leisure moments in considering further improvements in the HON. G. W. DKUJI. machinery and has not entertained any of these propositions. Stephen Hon. George W. Drum is a native of Conyngham, and was born March D. Engle is universally recognized by his neighbors as an upright, hon- 12th, 1832. He is now a farmer. Mrs. Drum was Miss Sarah A. Wagner, orable and kind-hearted man. No case of suflering or distress ever came of Conyngham. Mr. Drum served as justice of the peace nineteen years, to his knowledge without enlisting his sympathy, and to awaken his and was a representative in the Legislature for 1879 and 1880. sympathy is to open his purse strings. GEORGE HUGHES. S. D. ENGLE. Hughes, Hughesville, born in DanWlle, Pa., February Stephen D. Engle, whose scientific and mechanical inventions have George of was 18th, 1811, and married Barbara Shidey, of Butler, Pa. Ho is a farmer, given him a national if not a world-wide fame, was born in Sugarloaf township, Luzerne county. Pa., December 18th, 1837. When young he miller and lumberman, MCMURTRIE. enjoyed no other advantages for education than were afforded by the ALFRED common schools of that day, but he has been an inveterate reader, es- Alfred McMurtrie, a native of Sugarloaf, was born August 22nd, 1820. pecially of scientific works, and has thus acquired rare intelligence His wife was Sarah Atin, of Upper Mount Bethel, Pa. He was lieuten- Since arriving at maturity he has been a resident of Hazleton, in his na- ant in the Stockton Artillerists in 1846, has been school director for tive county, where he married a daughter of Joseph Grenawalt, Esq., a several years, and is the present town auditor. John McMurtrie came wealthy and public spirited citizen of that borough. When the rebels from New Jersey and settled in Sugarloaf in 1808. Pennsylvania in 1863 Mr. Engle served with the " emergency entered .J. L. sun.MAN, M. D. men " until the soil of his native State was no longer pressed by hostile J. L. Shuman, M. D., the only physician at WapwaUopen, was born feet. Mr Engle's father was a watchmaker as weU as a farmer, and the April 11th, 1854, in Mainville, Pa- In the spring of 1874 he commenced subject of this sketch became the leading watchmaker and jeweler of reading medicine with Dr. D. H. Montgomery, of Mifflinville. He grad- Hazleton. He also studied and for a number of years practiced dent- uated from Jefferson College, and located at WapwaUopen, where he hsis istry in connection with his business as a jeweler. One of his inventions an extensive practice. His father, George Shuman, was born Novem- is " Engle's Patent for Securing Porcelain Teeth to Gold or Silver ber 34th, 1806. Dr. Shuman's wife was Miss Fi-ances E. Heller, daughter Plates." The " Association for the Protection of the Rights of Dentists" of A. Heller, Es<i., who was born in 1813. officially approved this device and hastened to secure an assignment SNYDER. and abandonment to the public of the patent. Another invention of in- NATHAN trinsic worth is " Engle's Dust Proof Watch Case," afl(u-ding such pro- Nathan Snyder, farmer, was born October 31st, 1816. His wife was tection to the movement as would not now be dispensed with by manu- Miss Hachael Yost, of Butler. facturers of the best watches. The fii-st astronomical, musical and p. V. WEAVER. apostolic clock ever built in the United States was invented and built Philip V. Weaver, attorney and counsellor at law in Hazleton, was by Mr. Engle, and it has never been equaled in automatic wonders, or in born in Black Creek township. Pa., March 11th, 1855. the scientific accuracj' of the astronomical mechanism. So absorbed was Mr. Engle in the planning and construction of this clock that he after- S. D. TOST. " to a friend : During the last year before its completion I wards wrote S. D. Yost, formerly a merchant and at present a farmer, was born in day, slept I sleepy ate I had no night or but when was and when Sugarloaf township, December 3d, 18.37. His wife was Miss Maria San- hungry, without any regard to old Sol." It was perhaps was tee, of Butler township. He held the appointment of revenue store fortunatefor him that he wasadisciijle of Nimrod and Izaak Walton, keeper of the 12th district of Pennsylvania for two years, ending Octo- for in his fishing without the recreation found hunting and excursions ber 23d, 1878. he would probably have succumbed long ago to an e.tcessof brain work and confinement to rooms filled with machinery, crucibles, metals and William Airey was born at Beaver Meadow, Pa., May 18th, 1842. His acids. Captain Jacob Reid has exhibited thisclock to crowded houses wife was Mi.ss Lizzie B. Simmons, of Stockton, Pa. Mr. Airey was lieu- in every part of the country and Canada. A description of this grand tenant in Company A 28th Pennsylvania volunteers, and was wounded piece of mechanism, with its forty-eight moving figures, its movements at Chaucellorsville, Va. He is now superintendent of coal mines at illustrating day and night, changes of seasons, ebbing and flowing of Stockton, Pa. tides and other phenomena, cannot here be given. Suffice it to say that Lehigh Tannery, Carbon county, was born everywhere the press was loud in its praise. While Joel Cook, Esq., E. A. Aluee, a resident of 30th, 1833. Mrs. Albee is of Foster one of the editors of the Public Ledger, of Philadelphia, was visiting in Hunterdon county, N. J., August Strasburg in 1878, he saw the renowned Strasburg clock, and in his township. book entitled " A Holiday Trip to Europe " he makes the following Robert C. Albeutson, of East Haven, Carlion county, was born in " comparison : The Engle clock, which has been exhibited in Philadel- Sussex county, N. J., November 2nd, 1812, and in 1836 was married to phia, is not so large, and yet does all that this clock does, and much Miss Sally Ann Bratz, of Pocono township, Monroe county, Pa. Mr. more, and does it better." The latest invention of Mr. Engle is " Engle's Albertson served as a captain in the militia four yeai-s, and has been a Tellurion." For illustrating celestial as well as terrestrial phenomena member of the borough council of White Haven six years, and treasurer this is far in advance of any apparatus hitherto constructed. It is the of the borough three years. He has been engaged in lumbering. 4 =f 248^.
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