GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT F-ro* Er. C.T. Sankar 8.E., The Mission Director. Chief Engineer, WRD., National Water Mission, State Ground & Surface Water New Delhi. n Resources Data Centre & Member ',I Secretary of National Water Mission. Public Works Department, Tharamani. Chennai-600 1 13. Phone No 526 Email: [email protected] i Web' Letter. No: AEE Tl / NWM,2017 /Date:14 .02.2018 Sir, covernment oi limit Naa, Water ReiourceJbep-ffient - tlational Water Mission - State Level Steering Committee for preparation of State Specific Action Plan - Constituted - Orders - lssued- lnformation - Reg. c olnail No.32 Public Works (WR.2) Department dated 02.02.2018 ln the Government order cited, the Government have issued orders for the constitution of the r the preparation of strjg:jP"9tli" 4gltplPlan for water sector under National Water Mission. A copy of the Government orders in the reference cited is hereby enclosed for information. Encl:- A Copy of Government Order Sd/-Er.C.T.Sankar Chief Engineer (SG&SWRDC) ,,,1 YJ 'h "''c\'t For Chief ensinee/,"bc&swRoc ' v d.b t;y'^v "\Y p' a,rn. ..on.ggoIE6]QE tE. eoto),OrB, Oceloor_fl S. 9.6lun Ii& 13 rEB ?ol8 6.9.oun. 99 t.-i<_ e.iq# ABSTRACT -tamil Nadu \{/aier Resources Department - Nationai Water Mission - State Level Stee!-ing Commlttee foi preparalion of State Specific Action PIan - Constituted - Orders - Issued. Pubtic Works (WR.2l Departrnenl I:9$-? G.O.(Ms.) No. 32 Dated o2.o2.2018 Ggpoflsnb0 eag - 20 $l66u5hqDori egnin@ 20a9 Read: - From the Engineer-in-Chief, \ryater Resources Department, Chennai, ( Letter No. 57 2) /7 127 4 / OT 41 2007, dated OZ.OB.ZO L7 and 23. t2.2OLj . ORDER: In the letter read above, the Engineer*in-Chief, Water Resources Department has stated that the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India has launched National Water Mission as one of the eight National Missions which form the core of the National Action plan for Climate Change (NAPCC). The five goals of National Water Mission are i. Comprehensive water data base in public domain and assessment ol'the impact of climate change on water resource. ii. Promotion of citizen and state actions for water conservation, augmentation and preservation. iii, Focused attention to vulnerable areas including over_exploited areas. iv. lncreasing water use efficiency by 2Oc/o, and v. Promotion of basin level integrated water resources rrra nagement. rts i-nore equitable distributicn both across and within states through integrated water resources development and nranagement. 3, l-le has further stated that the tlinislry of Water Resources have allottec Rs.50 lakh as grant for preparation of State Specific Acticn plan ior Water Sector under National \ryater Mission (NWM) project in Tamil Itladu and thc StDtc Covernment have ol.rproved Llre NaLiolral VVatet l"lission Project, 4. He has further stated that the National Water Mission has nominated the Chief Engineer, State Ground & Surface Water Resources Da[a Centre, Tharamani, Chennai as the Nodal Officer for this State lor the preparation of State Specific Action Plan for Water Sector. As per mandate of National Water Mission, and as indicated by Ministry of Water Resources, a State Level Steering Committee is tc be formed. During the meeting held on 5.6.2077 in New Deihi, it is insisted to form the State Level Steering Committee (SLSC) to consider and approve the State Speclfic Action Plan (SSAP) within the stipulated time schedule wlth the Composition of Chief Secretary as Chairperson, the Principal Secretary to Government, Public Works Department as Vice Chaircerson, the Chief Engineer, Water Resources Department, State Ground & Surface Water Resources Data Centre as Convenor and with the Members of State Government Departnrents, Central Government Departments, Expert lnsiitution, Well knovin Water Experts, Private Sector and Civil Society Sector. 5. The Engineer-!n-Chief, Wate; Resources Department, Chennai lras requested the Government to constitute a State Level Steering Committee to consider and approve the State Specific Action Plan for Water Sector with the following composition and functions as per the mandate of National Water lvlission indicated by the Government of india: - Comoosition of the Committee: - Position Des ig n atio n Chairman 1 .The Chief Secretary to Government, Sec reta riat, Chennai-9 Vice-Chairman 2.The Principal Secretary to Government, Pu blrc Works Department, Secretariat, Cherrnai-9 Convenor ( Nodal 3.The Ch iei Engineer, \/ater Office r) R.cscurces Depa rtment, Sta te Ground & Su rface Water R.esources Data Centre, Chennai- 113. Staie Governmeni- 4.The Ad C itional Chief Secretarv Depa rtments - to Gove rn ment, Finance associated in Department, Chennai-9. Providing/ 5.The Eng ineer-in-Chief, Water Resoui-ces Department, Development/ Chepauk, Chen nai- 5, lvlonitoring of Water 6.The Commissioner for Revenue Ad m intstratio n, Ezlrilagant Buildirrg, Ch en na i- 5. 7.The Directo r, Depa rtmen t ot Environ ment, Panagal Bu ild in g, Ground Floor,Saidapet, Chennai-15. 8.The Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Panagal Maligai, Saidapet, Chennai-15. 9,The Principal Secretary/ Chairman, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board,T 6, Ivlount Salai, Guindy, Chen nai - 32. 10.The Director, Department oi Economics and Statistics, Dlvls Compound, 3 59, Anna State Govern ment- 11 .The Commissioner of User Depa rtments Mu nicipa I Administration, Ezhrlagam build ing, Chennai-5. 12.The Managing Dtrector,TWAD Boa rd, Chepauk, Chenna i-5. Centra I Govern ment 13.The Director, Central Water Commission, Sangamam,Gandhi Maa naga r, Peelamedu(po), Coimbatore-4. 14.The Regiona I Director, Centra I Ground Water BoarC, E-Wing, G-block, Rajaji Bhavan, CGO Complex, Besa nt Nagar, Clrennei-90. 2j I ,l'.t,J;i: ^no*n lvat", lrs. i Exoer'.s I ic Prof. I Universlt)', ' I chenn ai Functions of the Committee i. To oversee the cr€]paration of Sta'ie Speci[ic Aclion Plan(SSAP) for Water Sectoi, ii. To guide the i-egular mentoring and monltoring by State Monitoring Committee. iii. To appi-ove the 3 reporis Viz., status repori, interim report ard SSAP and offer sLlggestions for improvemertl. 6. The Gcvernnrent have exatnined the proposal of the Water R.esources Department and hereby cons'titute the=ngineer-in-Chief, State Level Steering Conrmlttee for preparation of State Specific Action Plen under National Water t'1ission, with the composit;cn and functions detailed at para 5 above. 7. This order issues yvith the concurrence of the Finance DeparLrnent vicje its U,O. No.243IACS(F)/P/2018, dated.22.0 1. 2018 (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR) S.K.PRABAKAR PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To ..rfhu Choir*un and All rviembers of the Comtrittec. Copy to:- The Ofiice of the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Chennai-9. The Finance (PW-II) Department, Chennai-9. The Resident Audit Officer, Office of the Principal Accountant General (General and Social Sector Audit), Secretariat, Chennai 9. Stoke File / Spare Copy /iFORWARDED BY ORDER// ... /-\ __ll_ _4L I /*,'U"'L*J'Y; SECTION OFFICER, tAKs rtL\>r Public Works Depaft rnent Secretariat, Chennai -9 From Thiru.K.Padmanabhan,B. E., Special Secretary to Government. To The Director, National Water Mission, Ministry of Water Resources, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003 (w.e) Sir, oufuub:- National Water Mission - Copies of Government Orders for Constituting State Level Steering Committee and Monitoring Committee Furnishing - Regaro!ng. Ref: - Your Letter D.O.No.M-54Olt/UZAD-NWM/157, dated 12.02.2018. With reference to your letter citeC, I am directed to enclose copies of the following GO's wherein the State level Steering Committee and S evel Monitoring Commlttee for Preparation of State Specific Action al Water Mission Pr been (i) G.O(Ms)No.216, Public Works (WR2) Department, dateC.01.11.2017. (ii) G.O(Ms)No.-r2, Public Works (WR2) Department, dated.02.02.2018 2. I am aiso to inform that the Meeting of the State Level Monitoring Committee was held on 02.02.2018. State Ground 3. The Chief Engineer, Water Resources Department' Plan for Water Sector to National \A/a Yours faithfuliY, for SPecial SecretarY Government. O/{U'* Copy to: rhe Chief ineer, 'ou rces Depaftment, State Gfund and Surface Water Resoury'es Data Centre, Thai5ffi ni, Chennai-1 13' ABSTRACT Public Works Department - Water Resources Department - National Water Mission - Re-constitution of monitoring Committee - Orders - lssued. Public Works (WR.2) Department G.O.(Ms) No.216 Dated 01.11 .2017 Ggronfl snLbr9 griudl 15, $lgorsirrgq nlri 4nin@ 2 Oa8 Read: - 1. G O.(Ms )No.149, Public Works (WR.2) Department, dated ?9 07 2015 2. From the Engineer-in-Chief , Water Resources Department, Chennai Letter No. 37(2)174274 lOI4l2007-1 , daled 02.08.2017. ukl-lER: ln the Goverrrnrent Ordel first tead abt-,lve, [lre Government constituted Monitoring Committee for National Water Mission with the following conrpositiori:- 1 The Secretary to Government, PLrblic Works Chairman Deoartment. Chennai - 9 2 The Chairman, Cauvery Technical Cell cum lnter- Member State Waters Winq, Eqmore, Chennai - 8. J The Director, SWaRMA, Chennai - 1 13 Member 4 The Engineer in Chief, Water Resources Member Department and Chief Engineer (General), Public Works Department, Chennai 5. The Chief Engineer, Water Resources Member Department, Chennai Reqion, Chennai - 5. 6 The Chief Engineer, Water Resources Member Department, Trichy Region, Trichy - 20 t The Chief Engineer, Water Resources Member Department, Madurai Region, Madurai - 2. B The Chief Engineer, Water Resources Member Department, Cormbatore Region, Coimbatore - 1. ')- The Chlef Engine Member Plan Formulation. Chennar-5 The Chlef Engineer, Water Resources Department, Member Design Research and Construction Support, Chennai - 5. The Chief Engineer. Water Resources Department, Me m ber Operation and Maintenance, Chennai - 5 The Chief Engineer and Director, Water Resources Member Department, lnstitute for Water Studies, Che nnar - 1 13.
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