![Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-08-29](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
, .' Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of 1(!wa City E,tablished in 1868 - Fhe Cents a Copy - AP Leased Wire and Photo Jowa City, Iowa. Weclncsday, Aupat 21. 195f ====~~~~~~~----------------~--~-~~----~------------------------~------------~------------- Dulle.s Blasts' Red • On Egypt In Suez · Dispu+~ · start· , said. "r I Bailey ~ere." San. Ru~ia a crowd Suez bat'1ast Nasser Agrees. to Meeting Usina · Vlcious.~ lala 42 LONDON t.fI - Egyptian Pre i' l a .big (lent Nas r warily Dltreed Tuesday Did 'f D to hear the CIUC of 111 nations I OH for Washington seekin, to place the Su z Canal n own Propaganda ' under inlcrnalionlll control. WASHINGTON 111- Secretary of Australian Prime IInl ter Rob· US PI Slate Dulle. accused Runia Tuel' ert G. tend . chairman of a 5· I t Ar II'lre,holol ane day of wa,lAI a "very vlcloua JAMES SWINBURN, • Briton who m.n.g.d the Ar." N.w. A,.ney nation committee representing the •• , 18. immediately sugge.ted to Na • typc" of propa,anda eampaJcn to In C.lro, I. btinl held by Ellyptl.n. on • ch.rg. of .pylng. fl)fce EJYPt to reject. a peacerul Ser a me Ung to be held In Calro R d S .nd fair settlement 01 the Suez later lhls week - but the cxact e s ay Canal di pule. tim and place is still a matter of negoUation. In blunt laniuDie. he char,ed Egypt List~ Four Na cr did not commit him If to \ ASHINGTO, 1.4'1 - Secretary of that RussIa alone of the 2Z coUn· tries seekJng to lIOIve the Suet accept tho Wost tn·sponsored plan 5t te John Fo t r Dull rcport d ' Tu sday Red ChlDs has acknowl· crlsl. was c.rrying on "thli most for International control of the 103· extreme form of propa;andI.." mile waterway. or even usc th edged its fighter pilots hot do\\-n plan as a basis for negotlalion. an airCI' ft off the Chin co t la t At a newl conference, Dulles ex· Britons as Spies Thursday - the same day aU.S. pressed confidence that J:n-pt'. PUrI>O e of lh Menzies group is avy patrol pllll1l! wa hot down President Gamal Abelel Nuser CAIRO t.fI - Two British diplomats w('re accused by Egypt Tue day to pre nt Na r with th plan of In th Pacific. On bullet-riddled "has sufficient innuence. aad au· or scrving os conLact men for an alleged spy ring. Tuesday night they the 18·nation majority as e\'olved body was recovered. thority" to acce~ a reuonab\c were asked by the Egyptian government to leave th country. durin, last week's London confer­ While the Communi t note ad· Suez settlement desPite "usala s Two other Britons. lacking diplomatic immunity from arrest. are ence. That plan would establi h mltted downln, a plan. Dullea attitude. being held for prosecution as spies. an International board to operate, said. It r pe t d th claim that it He praised Nasser for cODtrlbut; Four Egyptians are accused as maintain and develop the water· wa a Chine atlonalist aircraft in, to world peace by a(teelng to tbeir accomplices. way. ke p it out of politic and link and not a No\'y plane. meet with a five·natlon eommJttee The govenment late Tuesday an· New Estimate its u e with the United aUons. I:.:gypt would b a Mcmber oC the Qu sllon('d 0 b 0 u t urllivors. wblch will seek to persuade him to l19uneed more foreigners and Egyp­ COD' board. Dulles said the n.te was " nUrely adopt a plan for internatloaJ1 tlqns were arrested In the spy n llative with re ct 10 un'h" trol. drafted in LOndbn 1U\ lNecll:. India's d legate althe conferenee case but declined to say how many Sees Federal or ," and h conclud d there were EIghteen naUoM. Jec} by tile U~jt. or to name or give the nationality left London Tue day night for a non . ed StateS, Britain and France, cWo of the foreigners. brief meeting In Coiro with Nasser. He is V. K. Krishna Menon. who Th' Novy MI'rC8tor patrol vised this formula despite OIIp081. The diplomats were declared Surplus Up plane had 16 m n aboard. Search· tion from Russia, India, liIcIoDesia. persona non grata Iunwelcome) by authored a propo al backed also and Ceylon. WASHINGTON t.fI - The Eisen· by Hussla, Ceylon and Indonesia ing hips r covered only one body the gOllernment of President Nas· and 0 few pieces of wreckage hower Administration Tuesday re- lhal would lea lie Egypt to run the I Ar Wlre,boto) In denouncing nUQla's 811ft role, ser. This Illeans they must get about 100 mile outb list of Shang· Dulles said Moscow be,an tts pr0- out. vised upward its estimates of gov· canal with the help and advice of IKE AND MAMIE I.. ve fw W.shln,ton from P.bbl. I ••ch, C.llf" wfII,.. tfley hav. ItHn line. the ernment spending and Income for Interc ted u cr naUon . hoi. clo" of the GOP N.tlon.1 C",wlfttl... , Mr. lil.. nho_r ch... with Mrs. Jlhn McC_ whll. Mrs. EI ..... Ipaganda barrale even befote be The two diplomats arc J. B. the current bookkeeping year and The Solliet Union's role in the dis­ Dulles. laced wilh new demands how.r , .... lellS frem her ho.t, Jehn MeC: ..... explained the We*rn · ba<:k~ pro. Flux and J. G. Gove. both first that the United States lake trong posals to Soviet Forei", Minister forecast a budget surplus of $700 pute was criticized Tuesday by -------------------~------~~----~~~~~- secretaries o[ the British Embas· million next June. U.S. r:etar), o{ Stat DuJJ . He action against Red China in con· Sbepllov In London. sy in Cairo. necllon with th Incid nt, said th Th estimated' surplus. while told a Washington news conference Arab lanlluage bt'Olldcasts be.m· Trevor Evans. Orientul counselor government would announce what ed by the Soviets to Emt. t.e said, $280 million grenler than revised that Ru slp's su tained drumfire of action It plans when all the facts oLthe British Embossy. told Egyp­ figures for last January. was view- proPlI,anda beamed to the Middle Four Men Arrested, AFL·CIO · SOtI8bt to portray the plan ~ "1m· tian officials the British Embassy arc available. periaJlsm" and ··colonlalisfIl." cd by one high-placed admlnistra· East is makilli It hard for Nas er Crltlcl m of both Dull sand had no knowledge o( any such es· lion official as "a narrow margin" to negotiate a satisfactory elUe­ RWlsla 'l prop.lailda blast. were pionage activities and that the em­ Pre Ident Eisenhower for nol filing thai wouldn'~ justify a tax cut in ment. continuing. he iald, 811 of MOI)d8~ bassy was In no way Involved . I a formal proLest witli Red China the immcdlate future. In Mo cow the boss of the Sollict over th downing of the Navy In Riesel Acid Case Will Support with the aim of making It "ex· Tho gOllcrnment Monday arrest· The projected surplus would gille I Communist party. Nlklta Khrush· tremel), d1((lcuJl ror President Nas· ed two Britons and an Egyptian plane. came Tuc day from Rcp. Lhe Eisenhower administration iLs chev. m t with thc leader of an Emanuel Celler (D·N.Y.). WA HINGTON 1.4'1 - The Justice Department said Tuesday nig ht $or to accept even a f.u aolutl60." 00 charges of trading In Egyptian second straight balanced budget. Egyptian delegation Identified as military and political secrets. "Prote ts in no uncerlaln terms" four m n had been arrested in New York City on char, s of con piracy Adlai', Estes ObViously seeklnl to ofllet Rus· The administration figured that Mohammed Maldl Hasanain, gOY' hould be "th v ry minimum ac· In arranging the acid aUack on columnist Victor Hie el. who WII la's propaganda. Dulles appealed They are James Swinburn. head by using the new surplus. plu ernor or Tahrlr Province. The sub· for both sides to approach a Suez of the Brltish-owned Arab News tion taken," be said. blindl'd. FOREST PARK. Pa. "" - The other reductions to take place in ject of their talk was not disclosed . "Otherwise. we could wcll be ac· The department said special AFL-CIO Executive Council voted settlement without "lIogana" ,ucb Agency ; Charles Pittuck. an offi· the course of the year. tile public The Universal Suet Canal Co., a "naUonallw versus colonial· clal of the Marconi Radio·Tele­ cu cd oc being afraid to peak our agents of the FBI arrested John Tuesday to recommend that 11.1 15- debt next June might be slashed nationalized by Nasser July 26, mlnds." Dioiuardi. 42. his brother Thomas, mlllion·mernber labor organization him" and "~s1a versul Europe." graph Co. of Egypt; and EI Saycd to $271.4 billion. served public notice It might ad· Think Instead of .pecLnc, :Con­ Alnilld Mahmud. Following the attack. lhe Stale Report Spurs 40. and two other person on char. support the Democratic preslden· In brief. Budget Director Perci· vise Its non-Egyptian 5ta(( in the Department se'nt an inquiry to the ges of con~lracy 10 obstruct jus· tlal ticket this fall . crete Ingredlence 0( the problem, A ~tate~ent published by the val F. Brundage's revision gave canal zone to quit their jobs j( Communists via Britain. The U.S. lice In arranging the acid attack It was a split decision, arrived at like impartial, eUiclent 0~'1I0D Egyptl~n MI~dJe East News Agen· this picture for fi scal 1957: Nasser reJllcts International control docs nol maintain formal diplo· Utility Rate on Rie cl.
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