Osteopathic Truth January 1919 Vol. 3, No. 6 Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special Projects Fund) May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine,SM \1'steopatbie 'Urutb A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR THE OSTEOPATHIC PROFESSION Pledged to the TRUTH which Father Andrew saw, No favor sways us, and no fear shall awe. Volume III JANUARY, 1919 Number 6 !ination thorough because the rigidity of Influenza the spinal and cervical muscles while Dr. A. T. Still, "Research and Prac­ phragm. This exploration is to cover all under the spasmodic action of a heavy tice of Osteopathy" the region from the ninth rib up on each cold brings. the ribs so close together as s'ide of the spine. to interfere with the blood and nerve supply to the entire thoracic system. Definition.-:&pidemic catarrh; grip I carefully examine all ribs from the Treatment.-'Yhen treating influenza or grippe., Severe form of catarrtJ., usu­ ninth to· the first for the least variation ally with marked constitutional symp­ 'patients I generally stand in front of toms, as great prostration, chills, exces­ them, be they old or young, and have sive secretion from nose, larynx, and them place their arms on my shoulders, bronchial tubes, cough, headache, fever, IN )1E)lORIA)1 then I begin to explore from about the cardiac oppression, etc. The disease is tenth rib upwards. I carefully examine due to infection by a minute. organism, To Those Brave Doctors \Vho the ribs of both sides as I go up to ascer­ the Pfeiffer bacillus or bacillus influenza. III )finistering Unto Those tain whether the rib is p'ulled down be­ It usually occurs epidemically, and gen­ Sick with Influenza Gave lo\v the transverse process of the spine eJ·aJly affects a large number of persons Their All-Life or is pushed up above it. When I find in a community. Its duration is from it displaced either \vay I halt right there a few days to a week or more. It oc­ Dr. Franklin H. Hud on, Associate and adjust that rib. I then continue, ad­ curs' under tluee main forms, the cere­ Editor, "Osteopathic Truth," justing everything found out of line as bral, gastroenteric, and pulmonary, Edinburgh, Scotland, Xovember I go up until I get to the first rib. I named from the systems most severely i6th, 1918. then make sure whether or not the clavi­ attacked. * Dunglison. Dr. Thomas Richards, "-ill~esbarre, cle is drawn heavily against the an­ Etiology.-The up - to - date medical Pa., October 12th, 1918. terior surface of the neck; ~'vhether the books give the same old theories which Dr. J. E. Hoskins, Piqua, Ohio, clavicle, the first or second rib is pulled can be found throughout all the medical October 15th, 1918. dowu and back producing a compression 1V0rld as to the cause of influenza. In .Dr. R. L. Barringer, Oregon, Ill. of the inferior cenical ganglion. This our discussion of this condition we will Dr. Floyd }IcCall, Atlantic City, I con sider of the greatest importance lay aside all of the "pathies" with their X: J., October 18th, 1918. because right here we will find, if "e many theories and take up the matter as Dr. Grace E. Bullas, Biloxi, }Iiss., reason at all, a weight or pressure irri­ ill mechanic would take up the machinery . October 18th, 1918. tating the nen-ous system that governs ,,,ith which he is familiar and which Dr. "-alter S. Dressel, Carrollton, the arterial supply and the venous drain­ is out of repair and ask as he would Ill., October 25th, 1918. age. ask: "What is the matter with the ma­ Dr. Walter J. Koelling, Hutchin­ \Vhen I have adjusted. all structures chine? 'Vhy "ill it not- do its work as son, Kan., Octobcr 23d, 1918. and obtained the truly- normal condition it was intended it should?" Dr. O. E. Bradley, Ellwood City, of this portion of the thorax I have In making yOUl' examination of these Pa., Xo,ember 16th, 1918. looked for and haYe obtained early re­ patients who are suffering with influ­ Dr. Orieannie Coppernoll, Alliance, lief in all cases. This irritation will enza, la grippe, catarrhal fever, or bad Xeb., October 24th, 1918. stimulate the arterial, system to a higher colds (call it what you will) you will Dr. ~I. K Cannon, Leitchfield, Ky., grade of action and will impede or stop find them in a state of general muscular October 13th, 1918. the drainage of venous and other fluids contraction due to atmospheric changes. Dr. 'Varren E. Dressel, Edwards­ that should be carried without hindrance Prognosis.-The Osteopathic progno­ Tille. Ill.. Xovember 7th, 1918. back to the heart. I continue my explor­ sis for speedy relief of influenza is good Dr. Dressel is a twin brother to ations through the entire length of the Dr. "alter Dressel. when the Osteopath has been called to neck from its articulation with the dor­ Dr. C. R. Atzen, .Omaha, Xeb., t.he case within any reasonable time. sal \"ertcbrae on up to the occiput. I Xo\-ember 2nd, 1918. Examination.-As I have hinted at Dr. Ted C. Edwards, Marceline, l1ave often found the atlas drawn for­ muscular conti-action I will now try to Mo., December lOth, 1918. ward and almost closing the sp'ace be­ point out to the operator the territory tween itsclf and the inferior maxilla. in which during many years of practice This should be carefully and properly I have found rigidity. It includes all the muscles of the neck, the tI·ac.hes and knoll" that e\"el-Y rib is in its proper adjusted before relief may be expected the oesophagus, also the heavy contrac­ position, both on the sterntllll and in its b:v him who reasons as a mechanic. t.ions of the spinal and intercostal mus­ spinal articulations. I make this exam­ By the obstructions indicated here I cles extending as low down as the dia- from the truly normal articulation, and 'have satisfied m~" mind as a mechanic Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO 82 OSTEOPATHIC TRUTH that herein lies the cause in this disease PERRIN T. WILSON IN HOSPITAL shut." And therefore things are run­ of the disturbance of the stomach, the SERVICE ning smoothly, but I wish I could tell hea,rt, the lung and the other organs you how little things crop out from above the diaphragm. I will advise the time to time. After working all day I operator first, last and all the time to Nov. 18, i918. was suddenly shifted to night duty be­ read and review the nerve and blood Camp Hospital 57, Am. P. O. 773, cause of the very low condition of a supply from the latest and best anatomi­ patient who was expected to die from A. E. F. cal authors so as to have fresh in your pneumonia, and they wanted a more re­ mind the entire circulation to the parts Dear Dr. Vastine: liable orderly on the job as well as the affected. Herein lies your hope. I fully . Two days ago I found in the letter" night nurse. I worked hard for two agree with the medical doctor who says box three copies of Osteopathic Truth nights, A month later a "Y" man came that drugs avail but little, if any, as (July, August and September). These down to the hospital and I happened to remedies in such conditions. Remove the I proceeded to devour and thoroughly be introduced to him with this result: obstruction, restore the circulation to masticate and I can assure you that I 29350 Federal ptg Co JESLE Five-A and from the parts and your work is had no indigestion afterward, but rather "Is this the ,"\ilson that --- was done and you have your reward. a sells.e of satisfaction and pleasure to telling me about1" "Well, I am see the "punch" in every article. You As to nursing and 'dieting I have gen­ mighty glad to shake you by the hand. may think that some of us who are neces­ erally advised the patie)lt to take swal­ --- is one of my best friends and sarily working under the direction of lows of'warm soup often through the ,he was telling me how you saved his the M. D. and carrying out as near as day and night, my object being to lubri­ life." It was the only case of pneu­ possible their desires will loose our grip cate the mouth and pharynx. I 'use no monia I have had a chance to handle on Osteopathy, but I for one am just as washes or gargles more than to let my since getting into the army. enthusiastic as when I graduated and,. patients drink all the water they want in fact, more so. My work is general ward work in a and when they feel like it. In regard surgical ward and anesthetist. I have 'The article concerning teaching all to the temperature of the room and fresh picked up lots of valuable information subjects from an Osteopathic viewpoint air I instruct that the room and bed­ and am well treated by my officers. ding should be kept so as to permit the appeals to me as correct, for if any I am one of the boys you met at patient to feel comfartable.-Pages 436­ of our men in the army have their 439. faith lowered it is because they' have Dr, Halladay's at dinner last January.
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