This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524 E-mail: [email protected] I,:RESTRICTED 4 / 2 / 186 6 ,___ - ti C.U. Vice President for Academic Programs. Larry I. Palmer Records, 1967-1987. Guide +·:--· ]_,:::,n FI l··-1 F''l·-1 1::·,::-.1 .i".-iE::I? ,, l...(·,l?l'(f i:::: ,:::, ,--- n ,:-:-:· l l !___! n :i. '-/ (-:-~ ,--- ,,_ :i. -!:. / .. \,' :i. c: (-:-:, i::· ,-- c• .-;,. :i. d c• n t ·f o ,-- - t, c: .:,\ cl ,:-:-:· 1T1 :i. c: F' ,--· ,:::, (_:_1 ,--- <':\ rn ~::- • I... 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Palmer, :i.nc:lud:i.ng general c:orrespondenc:e and rr, :i. ·;;,. c:,:-:-:· l l ,:\n ,:-:-:·01.. ,_-,,,. ,---,:-:,, p,:::, ,--· t·=;;... J n c: 1,.. ,.d E··===. ,---(-:-:· cc:, ,--·cl·:==. ,:::,·f the· '.3u b comm :i. t t,:-:-:-<'·:· ·fo ,... 1·.-1 :i. no,... :i. t/· Lciuc:at:i.on, :J.984 .. Also, records of the Cornell Un:i.vers:i.ty l...:i.brar:i.es Director Search and m:i.sc:ellaneous reports .. Restr:i.c:teci to perm:i.ss:i.c:,n of off:i.c:e of or:i.g:i.n .. ~I. n d (·:·~ :,:: C·:• ·: ::. :: j:. D J d (-:-:• 1·.. J :1. ~;:. -i:. b>~· () ··t· ·f ]. C (·:-:• () ·7· (:) ,... :1. (J :1. n .. :I. .. 1::• ·,,lflH:-:·1·-- 1.. .:,,,--·,-· J .. 2 .. Cornell Un:i.vei--s:i.t/ .. Off:i.c:e of V:i.c:e Provost .. 3. Cornell Un:i.vei--s:i.ty .. L:i.brar1es .. RGPN: 04,02,:1.866 I D :: l·--1"/ C '·._.' b .-:.)---- (, :I. ..--.i .-:.) '..'.', :OC:T :: GENERAL FILES - Box #1 1 ARC Program 2 Annual Reports - 1978 3 Awards or Prize Money 4 Barton Hall 5 Big Red Marching Band 6 Review of Centers & Independent Programs 7 China-Japan Program 8 Consumer Protection in Higher Education 9 Contracts 10 Cornell Re\'iH-, 11 Economics Dept. -CAPE 12 Falcon Program B Fessenden-Raden, June 14 Vivian Geller 15 Hewlett Foundation 16 Humanities 17 I BM Proposal 18 I FC Tjutorial Program 19 Music Library 20 New Student Group 21 Proctor & Gamble 22 Recombinant DNA - 23 SRRS 24 Sanger, Linda 25 Self-Governance Study Commission 26 Sloan Foundation 27 Teacher Preparation, Education & Certification 28 Technical Assistance Program 29 Task Forces 30 Transfer TUITION 31 TV in Chemistry Instruction 32 Various Reports 33 Uris, Harold 34 Scholarships 35 Organization of Undergraduate Program add, t-1/-;,/1f?60 r. \ (1-1-&'~ 'V"~) I :RESTRICTED I Lists of Contents of Archive Boxes August 1982 Box ftl" .;'.!. Career Center 1 • Annua 1 Reports: 1 • 1978-79. 1979-80. 1980-81 2. Budgets: 1978-81 3. Budget: 1980-81 4. Career Profiles: 1978 5. Career Surveys: 1977 6. Correspondence: 1979-81 7. Correspondence, memos: 1977-81 8. Health Careers correspondence: 9. Health Careers Committees: l 10. Personnel: 1981 11. Health Careers Coordinator Candidates: 1977 12. Search Committee for Placement Director: 1978 13. Candidates for Assistant Director: 1980 14. Coordinator of Counseling Search: 1981 15. Reports, surveys, etc.: 1975-81 16. Salaries: 1977-78 17. Space: 1978 18. Venture Financing: 1979 learni Center 19. Personnel: Walter Pauk, 1972-78 20. Personnel: Eugene Ziegler l 21. Reports, eval ons: 1 Reading Program 22. Budget: 1980-81 DUS 23. Reports, correspondence: 1977-80 24. DUS - Office of Learning & Teaching Services-reports, 1978-79 Gui dance & Tes ti 25. Annual Reports: 1977-78, • 1 , 1980-81 26. Correspondence: 1977-80 27. Howard Andrus: 1972-81 Box #2:' 3 Page 2 RESTRICTED Johnson Art Museum 1. Annual Report: 1978-79 2. Annual Report: 1979-80 3. Annual Report: 1980-81 4. Budget: 1979-80 5. Budget: 1980-81 6. Correspondence, catalogs: 1978-80 C.A.U. 7. Memorandums: 1976-81 Summer Session 8. Administrative Board 9. Annual Reports 10. Budget: 1978-79 11. Budget: 1980-81 12. Budget: 1981-82 13. High School Program 14. Intersession 15. Memorandum: 1978-81 16. New Director 17. Reports 18. Search - Summer Dean 19. Tuition Waivers Cornell in Washington 20. Prospectives 21 • Ma teri a1 s - Science Research Proposals: 1980-81 Box #:Y4 Registrar 1. Academic Records & Instruction Committee: 1976-81 2. Advisory Committee on Computing: 1978-81 3. Annual Report: 1979-80 4. Budget: 1976-77 5. Budget: 1980-81 6. Budget: 1980-81 7. Correspondence, memorandum: 8. Fees & Penalties: 1976-80 9. Long lines & Registration: 1976 10. Orientation Week: 1976-81 11. Pre-registration: 1976 12. Pre-registration: 1977-81 13. Registered Degree & Certificate Programs: 14. Rice, E. 15. Special Projects: 1977-79 16. Special Requests: 1977-80 t!- Box #Z' (Cont 1 d) Page 3 \ RESTRICTED Science, Technology, & Society 17. Annual Reports: 1973-74, 1974-75, 1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978-80 18. Associate Counsel Search: 1980 19. Biology & Society Memorandum: 1976-80 20. Biology & Society Memorandum: 1977-81 21. Bio-Science Proposal: 1979 22. Bowers Resume: 1977 23. Budget: 1977-78, 1978-79, 1980-81 24. Correspondence, memorandum: 1976-80 25. Department of Energy: 1976-80 26. Endowed Professorships Proposal: 1980 27. Foundations: Commonwealth Fund: 1980 28. Foundations: Lilly: 1976 29. Memo, salaries, reports: 1979-80 30. Humanities: 1974-80 31. National Science Foundation: 1980 32. Program on Energy Research & Policy: 1980-81 33. Reports: 1977-81 35. Salaries: 1978-81 36. Schwartz Chair: 1976-78 38. Steering Committee memorandum: 1976-78 39. Wells College - Cornell Exchange: 1977-78 Box #JYS- 1 • ACE: 1980-81 2. Academic Advising: 1979-80 3. Academic Information Announcement: 1 4. Accessory Instruction: 1975-76 5. Admissions Student Survey: 1981 6. Administration Program Projects: 1978 7. Advance Placement, ClEP & Other Credit by Exam Program: 8. Affirmative Action: 1 9. Alumni News: 1981 10. Athletics & Physical Education; Search Committee - etic Director 1978-81 11. Beinecke Memorial Scholarship: 1979-81 12. Benefits: 1979-81 13. Board of Trustees: ve Committee Agenda 14. Budgets: 1978-79 15. Budgets: 1978-79 16. Building Users Program: 1979 17. Bursar: 1979-81 18. Buckley Amendment: l 19. Campus Council: 1977-81 20. CIUE-MAAS Questionnaire: 1978 21. COFHE: 1980 22. Commission on Higher Education: 1979-82 23. Committee on Acquisition & Use of Gifts 24. Computer Services: 1981 4/'2 / 1K' &,{, Page 4 rRESTRICTED 1. Cornell Campaign: 1980-81 I 2. Cornell Cinema: 1980-81 3. Cornell Indicators: 1979-81 4. Controller: 1981 5. COSEP-LSC: 1978-81 6. Council of the Creative & Performing Arts: 1978-80 7. Interviews With Faculty Teaching Larger Classes 8. Deans Council: 1979-80 9. Deans Council: 1980-81 10. Endowed Junior Professorships: 1981 11. Cooperative Extension: 1978-79 12. Extension Services 13. Exxon Grant: 1978-82 14. Exxon Proposal: 1978-81 15. Compensation-Faculty: 1975-81 16. Faculty Council Representative (FCR), miscellaneous: 1976-81 17. University Faculty Minutes: 1978-81 18. Faculty, University: 1979-82 19. Fees and User Charges: 1974-78 Box #ff 1 1. Focus: 1981 2. Health Education Reports, Proposals & slation: 1976-78 3. HEOP-EOP: 1980-81 4. IBM Study-Admissions: 1981 5. IBM Study-Fi nanci a 1 Aid: 1981 6. In Absentia: 1976-78 7. INS: 1980-81 8. Investments & Social Responsibility: 1 9. Ithaca College-Cornell Exchange: 1976-81 10. International Affairs Association: 1981 11. Judicial Administration: 1980-81 12. Range Issues on Financi Aid: 1981 13. Long Range Graduates & Undergraduates; Mix: 1981 14. Luce Scholars: 1981-82 15. Media Services: 1981 16. Mellon Foundation: 1978 17. Merrill Trust: 1978-79 18. Middle States Assn.: 1979-81 19. NIE: 1980-81 20. NY State Awards: 1980-81 21. New York State Legislative tute: 1979-80 22. Ombudsman: 1980-81 23. Physical Education & Athletics: 1981 24. Presidential Corrmittee Foreign Language & International Studies: 1980 25. Priorities Committee: 1980 26. Public Relations & News Bureau-Shew: 1977-81 27. Publications-Future Changes: 1977-79 28. ROTC: 1980-81 29. Religious Holidays: 1982 30. Reports-Current: 1982 31. Responsibility Centers Analysis: 1976-79 '1 Box #ff (Cont'd) Page 5 32. Root-Tilden Scholarship Program: 1981 I RESTRICTED 11 33. Roundtable: 1980 34. State Education Department: 1978-81 35. State Student Financial Assistance Guidelines: 1980-81 36. SUNY-State University of New York: 1976 37. Statistics & Data: 1978-79 38. Strike: 1981 39. Student Evaluation: 1980 Box #7rf 1. Students: 1976-80 2. Stress: 1976-78 3. Student Complaints: 1978-80 4. Student Consumerism: 1977-78 5. Student Support Services: 1977 6.
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