Limestone Coast Zone Wineries and Vineyards South Australia Introduction The ‘Limestone Coast’ was officially registered as an Australian Geographical Indication (GI) in 1996. It is located in the south east of South Australia and encompasses the wine regions, from north to south; Padthaway, Wrattonbully, Mount Benson, Robe, Coonawarra and Mount Gambier. Vineyards outside of the Limestone Coast regions are known collectively as Limestone Coast Wine Zone Other. Table 1: Varieties Planted Limestone Coast Zone 2012 Variety Total Hectares Albarino 1.95 Keiitth Arneis 4.29 Barbera 1.85 Cabernet Franc 85.13 Cabernet Sauvignon 6599.361 Chardonnay 1922.7 Christmas Rose 5.42 Dolcetto 6.84 Grenache 2.2 Lagrein 2.91 Malbec 61.8 Marsanne 3.92 Mataro (Mourvedre) 42.51 Merlot 1274.48 Borderttown Meunier (Pinot 5.83 Meunier) Montepulciano 2.55 Mundulllla Muscat A Petit Grains 15.84 Blanc Nebbiolo 0.1 Pedro Ximenes 1.19 Petit Verdot 83.47 Pinot Gris 335.8 Pinot Noir 376.62 Prosecco 4.91 Riesling 300.47 Sangiovese 8.03 Sauvignon Blanc 463.58 Savagnin 9.24 Semillon 83.22 Shalistin 4.5 Shiraz 3864.6 Padtthaway Padtthaway Esttatte Tannat 1.65 Tempranillo 19.8 Henrrys Drriive Viignorrens Traminer 3.99 (Gewurtztraminer) Sttonehaven Traminer 31.89 (Gewurztraminer) Unknown 45.75 Keppoch Verdelho 47.86 Vermentino 3.5 Viognier 41.22 TOTAL 15770.971 Source: PGIBSA 2012 Kiingstton SE Vineyards, Wineries and Cellar Doors There is a total of 250 growers with 15,770 hectares of vineyard spread throughout the Limestone Coast. Cape Jaffffa Redden Brriidge Cellllarr Doorr Cape Jaffa Wines Luciindalle There are currently 45 wine companies trading in the region. Cape Jaffa Wines Naracoortte Of which 30 have crushing facilties and 37 have cellar Rallph Fowllerr Wiines Wangolliina Sttattiion Norrffollk Riise Wiinerry door outlet sales. Tiidswellll''s Wiinerry Wehlls Mtt Benson Viineyarrd Cape Thomas Wiines Whilst the facilities are spread throughout the zone, a high proportion are located in the Coonawarra Region Sttruan Booll Lagoon Robe Goverrnerr Robe Wiines Wrattttonbulllly Fiig 1:: Wiineriies and Cellllar Doors iin tthe Coonawarra Regiion Loaves & Fiishes ((Koonarra)) Callllendalle SS.. KKiiddmaann Wiinneess Karratttta Wiinerry Coonawarra Stt Marrys’’ Wiines Grreeaattssttoonnee Wiinneerryy Penolla Glleennrrooyy VViinnttnneerrss Ryymiillll Coooonnaawaarrrraa Beachportt LLaaddbbrrookkee Grroovvee Nangwarry Kallangadoo PPeennlleeyy EEssttaattee Reeddmaann Wiinneerryy BBrraannddss LLaaiirraa Wyynnnnss Coooonnaawaarrrraa EEssttaattee Coonawarrrra Dii Giioorrggiioo FFaamiillyy Wiinneess ZZeemaa EEssttaattee Fig 2: Limestone Coast Wine Regions & Vineyards Coooonnaawaarrrraa JJaacckk Towns Maajjeellllaa Vineyard Herrberrtt Viineyarrd & Wiinerry Mountt Gambiier KKaattnnooookk Wiinneerryy Mt Gambier Wine Region BBooweenn EEssttaattee LLeeccoonnffiieelldd Wiinneerryy Coonawarra Wine Region BBllookk EEssttaattee Kongorong BBaallnnaavveess ooff Coooonnaawaarrrraa Carrolliine Hiilllls Viineyarrd & Wiinerry YYaalluumbbaa Meennzziieess Hoolllliicckk Wiinneerryy Mt Benson Wine Region Winery and Cellar Door PPuunntteerrss Coorrnneerr PPaattrriicckk Off Coooonnaawaarrrraa PPaarrkkeerr Coooonnwaarrrraa EEssttaattee Raaiiddiiss EEssttaattee Padthaway Wine Region Cellar Door Only TThhee Wiinnee Gaalllleerryy Penolla Robe Wine Region Winery Only KKoooonnaarraa Huunnddrreedd ooff Coomaauum TTaappaass BBaarr Wrattonbully Wine Region Winery & Cellar Door Portt MacDonnellll General Information Scale: 1:400,000 Datum: GDA94 Projection: MGA Zone 54 Date: 4th April 2012 Software: ArcGIS 10 SP3 DISCLAIMER: Although every effort has been made to ensure Data Sources: the accuracy of the information displayed, PGIBSA, make no © 2012 - Phylloxera and Grape Industry Board of South Australia. Wine Regions and Zone - Wine Australia representations, either express or implied, that the information All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to copyright. displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) Localities - SA Gazetteer disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance written permission must be sought from the SIS Officer, 46 Nelson Street, Stepney, SA 5068. Z Wineries - LSCGWC upon the information displayed..
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