adapted by Dominic Cooke directed by Daniel Gidron Performance Guide How to Use This Performance Guide Thank you for taking the time to look over our Performance Guide for Arabian Nights. This guide contains information about the show to help enrich your students’ experience. The Performance Guide is divided into four sections: • Get Ready to help you and your students prepare to see the show; • Deepen Understanding to explore specific elements or themes from the show, and; • Reflect and Connect to further engage students in the show they have seen; • Performance Guide Tools to further enhance the guide activities. Table of Contents Welcome ............................................................................................. 1 How to Use This Resource Guide ........................................................ 2 Massachusetts Curriculum Connection .............................................. 3 About Central Square Theater ............................................................ 4 About Arabian Nights ......................................................................... 4 Get Ready: Attending a Live Performance .......................................... 5 Get Ready: Storytelling ....................................................................... 6 Deepen Understanding: Be the Storyteller ......................................... 7 Reflect and Connect: Meet an Actor ................................................... 8 Reflect and Connect: Write a Review .................................................. 9 Performance Guide Tool: The History of Arabian Nights .................. 10 Performance Guide Tool: The Stories of Arabian Nights .............. 11,12 Performance Guide Tool: Plot Structure Scenarios ........................... 13 Resources for Further Study .............................................................. 14 2 Curriculum Connections r e quest'lons a d ac:v1t1 es 1n ISS tucy Guide con ect w rt many of : r e stanca·ds n e MA Curnculum F•a me-wof'Xs ~o• Arts, English .a nguage Arts ana History and Sod aI Sdence. he following ist 1s a sampl ng o~ stil dares tha: connect '-'It" the lessons n this gu de. I ese ;ta ndaras are til<en from the llassachusetts Oepar:m e t of l ducat'lon Curncul ... m ~ · a m ew ork.s (Y.ww.doe.rnass.eauiframewo•ks/COltrent1. atet.Arls...Curdcutum..framewocks: n I HEATER. s: 1..1 den:s will: 1 Demonstrate a unaerstana ng of the play.vnght as a co labo•atmg artls: w ho works w th the a1recto·. actors, aes ~ners , and tech ic1ans 2.121 1 Read ::>lavs from a var etv o~ cul: ures ana histor ,cai Denods, descr be : heir themes, i ternre: the r charac:e•s' n:entlons and motl•.•at'lons, a d i eterm,ne t r eir stag.ng requ1•emen:s 13.11 1 Rehearse and !M!ro•m a va•1ety of dramat'lc v."'rl<s fo • peers or mv1ted aud el'lces (3.6) 1 Attend live performa ces o~ extenaed le gt h ana com::> lexlty, de monstranng an Jndersta !'lding of the p•o:oco so~ aua1ence behav or 1::>propr ate to the sty'e of the Dero•mance ( ~ . 11 ) n CO• NI:CIING AR TO 0 1H lR OISCII' LI "'. l S, s:- den:s w ill~ 1 Descnbe t he p rposes for which works o~ a a ce, music, :heatre, v1sual arts, a"d architectu•e we•e and a•e c•eated, a!'ld, whe appropriate, n:e•pret : r eir mea nings (P•eK 12 S ANDARO 6 Pu •poses a d ('lea ngs 1 the A:ts) 1 Descnbe the roles of a r:~ sts , patrons, cultura organ zatlo s, ana ar:s ,ns-tunons ,n socie-es o~ tr e pas: and :>resent (PreK USIA DARD 7: ~o l es of Artists n Commun nes) 1 Demonstrate the I • u derstil ding of st ~•l es, stylis-c i fluence, ana styhs:- c change by ide t1 "y1ng W'len and !t'here ar : ~o• o r ~s we •e c •ea ted, and )y a a yz1 g character sn c features of art wo•ks from var ous histonc.a per ods, c It res, a d genres. (PreK 12 S AN OARD 8 Concepts o ~ s ~•l e, i:yl sn c lnf:t.ence, and S:vl snc Change). ~ ead ' n g Standards for Uterature, Grades 6-12. Stuaents w 1ll. • C1:e st rong and tho•ough textual evidence to s pport a a ys1s of wh at · e text says expl cl:ly as ~o• e ll as n~e re n ces d•a ~o• n from t he text [sta r dara 1). • Determ r ea theme or cen:ral 1dea o~ a tex: a d analyze 1 de:a I Its developme"t over the cou·se of the tex:, ncl ding ow t emerges a d is s aDed ana re1 1'ed rYV spectflc de:a1s . prov1ae an o:>Jecnve summa ry o~ t he text lsta ndara 2). • k a yze the 1m ::>act oft e author's cho ces · ~a rd i g ow t o aevelop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story Is set ow the acnon 1s o•dered, how the characters are int roducea and aeveloped) (stil dare 4). • Deterrn r e : r e meani .g o f words a"d p rases as they are used n : he :ext, includ ng flguranve a!'ld connotatl\'e meani gs, analyze the Impact of sped fie word choices o mea n1 g a d :one, mclud ng w ords w th m I ~ pie mean ngs or language tha: IS pa r: cui a •ly fresh, e gag1ng, or beau- ful [st andard 5). • Relate a ..· o r ~ of ncn o , ooetry, or drama to the semi a 1aeas of Its tlrne. Analyze a work o~ f: Ctl on, poet ry, or arama ust g a var ety o'" cnncal lenses (e.g.., forma, :>Syc ologtca , h l5t orlc~ l socio ogtcal, '"emi 1st) (standara MA.8.A.}. :.n,llsh language Arts Hlstory/Sod al Sdence standards: • Writing standard: introa 1.1ce a t op c and organize comp ex deas, concept s, a d i forma-on so· at ea ch new eleme t builas on that ~·h ie precedes t : o c•eate a u 1fled who e (stanaa•d la). • Reading standard: s•; nt es ze i forrna:on from a range of sources ( e . ~ . texts, expenmen:s, sim latlons! i ~ to a coherent unde•stand ng o f a p•ocess. phe omeno , or conce ::>t , resolv.ng confllcnng nfo•matlo w he poss1ote (s:a dard 91. lstorx and..$«1a d eoce..Cur.dcul.urnlc.iiOle.w.O.W. i rades 8-12, Concepts and Skills In Hist ory and Geotraphy. Stuaents w II . • Shm~· connec- ons, causal a d other.vise, between pa rtlcu a• h storical events al'd deas and arger social, eco omic, ana po ttlcal tre" ds and deve opments (co cep:/skll 1). 3 • lnterp•et t he :>as: w1t h1n rts own 1stortca co text ra:her than n :erms of prese t-day no•ms and values (concept/sktll 81. About Central Square Theater Central Square Theater (CST) is a state-of-the-art theatrical arts facility where audiences find, under one roof, the distinctive repertoires of two award-winning, professional companies, Underground Railway Theater (URT) and The Nora Theatre Company (The Nora), as well as collaborative projects drawing on their creative synergy. A cultural anchor in the community, schools, families, and community groups benefit from outreach and educational programs, and the local economy is boosted by the over 26,000 audience members that visit CST each year and enjoy the multicultural, multi-generational, urban environment of Central Square, Cambridge. As the first permanent home for both theater companies, Central Square Theater is a vibrant hub of theatrical, educational and social activity, where artists and audiences come together to create theater vital to the community. The theater is dedicated to providing affordable ticket prices for underserved communities and offers free or discounted tickets to many local non-profit organizations. The Nora Theatre Company began in 1987 with a production of Edna O’Brien’s play, Virginia, about the celebrated author Virginia Woolf, at the former Lyric Stage space on Charles Street. Committed to producing illuminating contemporary and modern classic theater and to championing the voice of women, the company has, since that time, staged 68 productions. Before moving to Central Square Theater in 2008, The Nora also resided at the Harvard Freshman Union where it established an internship program with Harvard freshmen, and at Boston Playwrights’ Theatre where audiences were introduced to many of the 37 plays which were given their Greater Boston, New England, or World premieres by the company. Throughout its history, The Nora has received many awards and citations for the high quality of its work including seven Elliot Norton Awards, five IRNE Awards, and mentions in “Best of” lists from, among others, The Boston Globe, EDGE Boston, and Boston Phoenix. In 2008, the company began a collaboration with Girl Talk Theatre, an organization that uses the art of theater to empower poor, homeless, and marginalized women. Underground Railway Theater creates live performance in the activist and collaborative spirit of its namesake. Through interdisciplinary inquiry and partnership, URT creates accessible theater of great beauty and social content – theater that challenges and delights, informs and celebrates. Through its productions and a constellation of education and outreach programs, URT activates commitments to cultivating local artists of all ages and to creating new work. Founded in Oberlin, Ohio, one of the stops on the Underground Railroad, URT toured nationally for 30 years before becoming a resident company at CST. Through its work with symphony orchestras, URT has representedMassachusetts at over a dozen U.S. theater festivals and also in France, Canada, Spain, Taiwan, Greece, and Hong Kong. Awards for theater and public education include those from Our Place Theater Project, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Cambridge Peace Commission.
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