READ THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS FIRST 6c IN YOUR PER COPY LA/aEivicA's STAMPA MEMPHIS WORLD VOLUME 26, NUMBER 44 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1957 PRICE SIX CENTS CIVIL Newsmen from all over the coun­ try will converge in Columbus, O. today to attend the Annual Con­ vention of the National. Newspaper Publishers Association June 20-25. .■Representing —the Scott News­ paper Syndicate at the confab will • 'be C. A. Scott, editor and general manager,. Atlanta Daily World and President Says Emory o. Jackson, of the Birming­ ham World. Speeches by Don Kramer, as­ sistant. to the president of Na­ Bill Not Designed tionwide insurance Company, Jef­ ferson A. Beaver, president of the American Savings and Loan Lea­ gue of-iSari Francisco; Calif., James For Persecution R. Tichenor, administrator of’The BY ROSE McKEE Ohio Bureau of Unemployment Compensation, and bean Phillips WASHINGTON - (INS) - The director of personnel and Public .Relations of North American Avia­ House-possed Civil Rights Bill tion, Inc., will highlight the meet­ CIVIC ACTION COMMITTEE MEMBERS are map­ last Monday. Left to right are Mayo Williams, was submitted to the Senate ing. pingr .._> plansr__ _ to register_ all non-voters in Mt. Olive Herman Coleman, J. T. Lanier »chairman, and Wednesday but a showdown oh CME Cathedral. The committee was organized I Haywood Betts, Jr; (Staff Photo). the battle to by-pass committee » ' consideration of the measure was delayed until today. Senate GOP leader William F Civic Action Committee Knowlarid and Sen. Paul H. Dou­ glas (Di Ill., objected to procedure which would have resulted In a de­ cision Wednesday. JACKSON, Miss—(ANP) — The sordid story of howa Negro pri­ DIRECH.Y TO CALENDAR soner was beaten with a strap while A Civic Action Committee was I sei-up ncampalgn. aimed at-i egis- in jail' here was brought to light organized . by a group of Mt. Olive fering voters. He said he felt it is However, the two supporters of last week by the 41 year old al­ CMS Cathedral members during a the duty of a pastor to be inter- quick actions set the stage for an leged victim cf’ the brutality. • i meeting Monday. ested...................... in whether or not member's eventual vote on forcing the bill Jesse Thornton, a mechanic ' The purpose of the committee are registered. directly to thc-calendar rather than told a Federal grand jury recent­ said. Rev. Henry c. Bunton, pastor Other, members of the committee sending It to the Judiciary Com­ ly that while he was imprisoned of the church who was instrumen­ aie Percy Wood. Blanco, Dean, J. mittee which lonR has bottled up at Hines County jail he was "bea­ tal in its organization, “is to en­ W. Pointer, Phil M. ___Hunt, , Albert civil rights legislation. ten by a jailer with a leather strap courage all members of this church Casin.T. J. Toney, Henry Sheperd> Knowtand flatly predicted that suffered wounds on the buttocks.” and others to register and vote.” C. D. Còle, Booker T. Banks, E. S. his side will win the battle. A vote He said 19 days hospltlalizafion He said it will be rion-political. Parks., W. J. Bargeon, Booker Mar­ placing the bill cn the calendar was necessary following the beat­ Naimed chairman of the committee tin, Lambert Owen, J. N. Cowan, would be tantamount to having the ings was Joseph Lanier of 806 Walker Mayo Williams, John Cox, Arnett legislation approved by committee. The alleged brutality was attri­ Ave. He is employed as a mail­ Willis, Charles Dunn, Haywood Sen. Richard B. Russell <D> Ga.. buted to the fact that a Negro carrier and has been a steward at Betts, Sr., Taylor Ward, B. T. Jones, denounced the committee by-pass­ Haywood Betts, Jr., Maceo Stogai, woman testified earlier before con­ Ml. Olive cliurch more than .20 ing procedure as one which would A SUSTAINED SUPERIOR WORK PERFORMANCE wards for suggestions and outstanding work gressional sub-committees that such years. Walter Cox, Herman Coleman, T. ‘‘set a precedent that will haunt a beating caused her to suffer a Rev. Bunton said he would urge R. Fletcher Horace Wallace and J. any leadership for years to come.’ AWARD and a $200 check was presented to performance. - . ’ •.< - i miscarriage. , all other churches hi Memphis to H. Roland He said It could ‘‘tie up any ad­ James Lewis (holding check), Forklift Operator Lewis, of 3027 McAdoo/ a fen»year Army A Hinds County grand jury im- MISS LOUISE LYNOM ministration in power and make it at the Memphis General Depot, by Lt. Colonel Depot employee, was-selected for-the award . mediately refuted .the .charges of Miss Louise Lynom, who became unlikely It would get a comprehen­ John Horton, Quartermaster Supply Officer. On based on outstanding^ work production during brutality in the jail saying that the first w;-rr-’’ n to graduate from sive (legislative) program enacted." Phll’tpS S"hral of Theology In Jack- hand for the presentation were: (left to right) a six-month period of time. V/h.lle maintaining’ , they were unfounded. Lt. Lee Hits Those Who Try “FEARFUL PRICE” his. regular work which was fteci^ter thdn nor­ Thornton was one of several Ne­ son, Tenn, a J-u. she completed study The Influential Southerner said Arnold Cisco, Bob Fargo and Sam Godwin, Army groes, who cited .cases of prison ’ in- chrlrilc r Ji; tcation, will become . that to “overthrowithe rules'. and DepoL,emplpy.eesi;Jhe awar,^ was made for out­ mal, he substituted as Acting Foreman for t^rOe. beatings and al! >ged atrocities in an 'auth-ctiofa c^SmS'Iprtlie.Merit^ the. regular, procedure of sending standing work over a ,s<x-month peri od of- time; months assuming the duties * ahcl'resp^njibUhi^^ jail. The man testified before the To Split Grand Elk Lodge phis World, starting June 25. House-passed bills to-oommlttee was The award was made under the Army's In­ of that |ob as well as keeping up’ his iregdlak;.: a "fearf|il price’ to pav for the grand ju^y. cutive, accused” to practice se- The column.will deal with the ps- centive Awards Program which pays cash a- work By THADDEUS T. STOKES podta of religion which ci tv be ¿put "temporaty advantage that could 1 A local high official of the Grand partness at this time is to pro­ be won' oh civil rights. | Elie Lodge vehemently cri’.fr p.ed mote and serve the purpose of the? to practical use daily. A graduate of Booker T. Washing­ But Knowland declared that, the the recent proposed “split” in the Ku KluxKlan, White Citizens “procedures intended to be fol­ organization and the “ousting of Council and all other racial haite ton. Miss Lynom was awarded a 52 Delegates Attending scholarship through the Missionary lowed are strictly in accord with ah the present grand officers hold­ gioups.” the rules and procedures of the ers. However, he doubted that it Lee’s attack, was provided by Society at Mt. Olive Cathedral of Senate and would restore to the wciuld “get off the ground.” the recent. news that the “split” which she Is a member- She gradu­ Senate its capacity to function as'I Youth Conference In South The local official, Lt. George,W. would result in the formulation ated from Phillips in May. She also a legislative arm of the United > By .Jewel Gentry Lee. grand commissioner of edu­ of a new fraternal order compos­ attended Lane college In Nashville. States.'. | ed of former Elks and non Elks. Aldtdvo in church and civic: orga­ KNOXVILLE, Tenn — The 52 youth work lii the Tennessee Pres­ Mrs. Anna dartman, wife of the cation for the Elks Lodge, termed, delegates attending the ' annual bytery, said he is sure that they the rumor as ‘‘the sarhe old sha­ nization. she is chairman of the GOING TO COMMITTEE - . late Reverend Adam D. Cartman Reportedly the new order would Tennessee Presbytery Youth Con- will make It. dow boxing which has been carried Louise -Lynom Missionary circle at and a gracious lady of Memphis, ! be created in Philadelphia July 4. frence represented Tennessee, Ala­ on over the years by a small group her church, member of the Senior Douglas said that toward the end The chairmen of youth work at­ died Sunday night at her West De­ |.i. And effort were being made to ob- bama, and Virginia at Knoxville I of disgruntled, ambitious members.” tairi Rey.. Martin -Luther King, Jr. Choir and the Stewardess Beard, of a session, many House-passed tending from various- churches: Soto'Street home. bills get on the calendar without College June 11-15. Mrs. Wllla E. Nash, First United Funeral services were . held “Thef attempt to split Eldom I to head it- However, it is believed advisor to the Junior Missionary, The three day program included that Kin? will turn thumbs-down going to committee. Presbyterian Church, Athens, Tenn., Thursday at io a.m. in the parlors won’t off the ground, it will perish vice president-of the South Memphis Victory by the Knowland-Dou- speeches, bible reading contests, Mrs. Many E. .Tapp’, Chase of the S.W. Qualls Funeral Home on the floor because it is being cn the offer. District CME Church; president of g'.as forces tn their fight to by-pass fessions, picnids, movies, ¡and aj City, Va., James Nixon,.......... United with the Reverend B.S. Cunning-“ promoted by a few miss-directed [ the M. D. King Ant Club of the City the committee would be a dramatic closing banquet. Victoria Smith ham.
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