J.':, THE DAILY NEWS % r' B. C, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1»05 VOL. 4 Provincial Library. NO. 28 four will bo moved tomorrow by sir were played In his usual manner and were detachment east of the railroad ap­ grounds tomorrow when there will be an loudly applauded. The accompanist, H. S. Henry Campbell-Baunermau, t proached tlie village of Sbahotse and nil day match between Great and Greater Bodmer. contributed in very large measure was attacked by a force of Japanese Britain, Ed. Mason and judge Porlre cap­ to the success of tho affair, His opening Loudon, May 23.—It Is understood PROGRESS OF from the coal mines south of that taining the sides. Mr. justice Morrison XIMMONS solo set a high standard for the evening. place. has promised to wield the willow nml is HYMAN IS that a colonial conference will meet in snld to be uuite a wicket keeper by those London early in 19011, who knew him In his sulnd days ln Cape Tlie liberal papers this morning Inter­ Breton. Stumps will be pitched at 11 pret premier Balfour's remarks on the WRECK ON THE ELEVATED ROJYmEET COUNCIL RESCIND VOTE o'clock ami drawn at 1 o'clock in the even­ INJJPROAR subject in the house of commons yes­ ing. It is requested that as many as pos­ SWORN IN terday as showing that some sort of PASSENGERS IN PERILOUS PASS MAYOR'S POWER TO MAKR DISMIS­ sible he on the ground at 9 o'clock tomor­ compact has been arrived at between FOR A,FEW MOMENTS. SALS REVOKED row morning In order lo level the pitch him and Joseph Chamberlain to defer and lay Lhe mat. the dissolution of parliament until MEN SCRAMBLED DOWN PILLARS Supposed to be Skirting IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS TO BE Speaker is Compelled to next year. Mr. Chamberlain himself TO VISIT PROVIDENCE MINE. Succeeds Late Hon. James TO TERRA iURMA COMMENCED AT ONCE dined with his supporters last night. J. W. Cockle of Kaslo. hns been here for North of Philippines the last two days completing arrangements Adjourn House-Unable He remained in the precincts of the New York, May 22.—Twenty persons Sutherland as Minister The meeting of the city council yesterday for the Kaslo celebration of Empire Day. commons but never entered the house were Injured, six of them so seriously dining the scene. Into Pacific morning waa hardly chamcterlzed hy the He hns arranged that this afternoon the to Secure Order that Ihey were sent to hospitals, and harmony which has so tar attended ihe ad­ tug Hercules will tow up 22 gasoline of Public Works more than one hundred persons escap­ ministrative deliberations of mayor Hous- launches belonging to Kelson (twenty-two ed death or serious injury today, when lou antl his aldermen. Tbe upshot of the launches Is good but It Is not this city's STRIKE~STILL SPREADS a swiftly moving train crashed into sitting wus a vote against the mayor by stipremest effort) and In additlon-hus fin­ two others on the high elevated struc­ May Cause American Authorities Same An- two of tbe aldermen who were elected upon ished the details of the fool hall mutch be­ remier Balfour's Refusal to Reply [to : W. W. B. Mclnnes Secures Yukon Commis- CHICAGO'S BUILDING TRADE IS ture on tlie Third avenue line at 33rd iiuyaiu'e as Experienced by l rance tlie name ticket with him, the cause uf tween Nelson's Association football team disagreement being appointments on the nnd that of Sandon, In addition to these siunmhip- iliuiiuis Mai Kir, ex-III. P., Question Raised by Opposition Leader NOW TllltlilATIilNEU. street and Alexander avenue. I Willi Heel in IIIIIP Uima Waters lire deportment. The council voted for ihe events there will be the usual atheltlc Among the most seriously injured Well Known Luiubmnan, is ikdd Cause of Wild Scene reinstatement of driver Coulter and Lhe was Clara Jennings, 32 years old, of sports among which will be reckoned a wet 1 mayor vetoed the resolution. Also resolu­ test contest for which Jir>u is offered as a PROSPECTS oi< SETTLEMENT ABE Rochester, N.Y. She was taken to the tions were (Missed authorizing the iinnvi- llrst prize. The C.P.R, has opened Its NOT IMPitOVlNU. Lincoln hospital, suffering from shock St. Petersburg, May 22.—There is an damizlng of Wnrd street between Baker heart and Is giving a $1.60 rate from Kaslo ISpecIal to Tlie Daily Newa| [London, May 22.—The silting of Uie aud cut by falling glnss. and Vernon streets and thf building of air ui expectancy at tlie admiralty and back tomorrow. Ottawa, May 22.—Hon. Charles Hy- ouse of commons lonight was marked After the crash the ends of the shat­ certain sidewalks whero moat Urgently Chicago, May 22.—After a conference which indicates that news of impor­ inaii, M.P. for London, was sworn in y scenes of the wildest disorder, grow- tered cars hung far over the side of the needed. of several boms, representatives ut the tance regarding admiral KojoUtvensliy's today as minister of public works, at »g out of a motion by sir Henry elevated structure at one of the highest teamsters' union ami ol' the employeis, Ileet is awaited at any moment; Those present were mayor Houston, al­ Toronto by lhe governor general, who ampbell Banuerman to adjourn the points ou the line. Had they moved a declared at unuiilgut tuat tlie prospects dermen Bird, (Jllleu, Klrkpatrick, Annable JAPS SEIZEjijE KAZAN Is attending the races there. ouse thai he might discuss the charge for ihe settlement uf tne strike are e..- few Inches more Ihey would liave gone and Macdonald. Paris, May 22.— Mimii attention is The writ lor the bye-election in Lon­ gainst the premier of having violated cuiienc ana may be louaeu lor ut any to the ground, far below, with awful The report of the finance committee was given here U) vice-admiral itojestven- TOKIO DECLARES HER TO BE A WAit don has been issued, nomination .nine is pledge not to deal with the subject lime, willlill Luu HUM .6 Hums. results. received and adopted without comment sky's probable passage into ihe puei- VESSEL ti, election June 13\ i colonial preference without first ap- with the exception ol' n query from alder­ Tne stumbling block lu the negotia­ Good fortune also kept the wrecked tic, north of the Island of Luzon, and ealing to the country. man Gillett as to tho meaning of an Item The bye-election in North Oxford tions is tbe declaration by the express cars free uf the heavily charged third suggestiuns sue made that the reported to the credit of J. T, Pierre, tlio tailor, will luke place on lhe same date. A " Alfred Lyttleton, secretary of state companies that none of Lheir striking rail. They bounded from the track LAST OF 'RUSSIAJJ WorNDI'"!.) LEAVE intention ul' Uie Russians io rendezvous which elielt-d the information from the hot contest is anticipated In London, the colonies, rose to reply to the drivers will be taken back under any and rolled from the deadly rail and POUT ARTHUR at the Islands of Uabyiinn, will give mayor that the item was In paymtnt fur Imi Hyman's return by n good majority berals, but the members of the oppo- conditions. All oilier terms submitted settled down .safely at the most distant Ameitican authorities tne same diffi­ a couiplo of suits, the one for lhe chief is looked for here. In North Oxford Itlon shouted down his attempt to point possible on lhe narrow trestle. by Uie employers to the strikers have culty iu preserving remote points and the other for the assistant oh lef of Che Foo, May 32—Travellers who arrived the only trouble confronting the lib­ peak, even after the premier had de- A fire alarm brought out several lad­ been accepted. The managers of the against ihe incursions of admiral Ko- the lire department, hero today from Port Arthur say a Jap­ erals is the multiplicity of candidates. landed a hearing for the secretary, express companies declared late this der companies to Ihe scene, but by the jestvensky that the Freho§ authorities A petition was then read from certain anese armed force of Hoi men boarded Uie W. W. il. Mclnnes. M.P.P. for Al­ iunlly the speaker, after he '.iad ex- afternoon that while they would not re­ time they had arrived nearly every man experienced in the waters of Indo- residents on llio Hall Mines road who Russian steamer Kazan on Saturday night bernl, ll. c, will be tlie next commis­ austed every effort to quell the tur,hu- employ their drivers, they had no In­ who had been on the train had reached China. asked for a. sidewalk as far .is Un- city In Port Arthur harbor on receipt of u sioner <»f the Yukon. Hia appointment *nce, put Into force for the first time tention of keeping a black list. This the ground by scrambling down the despatch from Toklo announcing tlmt the Tin; naval expert of the Temps stables. The petition was refi ed lor re. has been decided upon. The order-in- phase of the strike was the only matter pillars, wliich support the elevated Japanese government hns decided to re­ lengthily points out that the Informa­ port to the committee on pi ic works. councll has to be sent to Toronlo for discussed at the conference tonight and structure, tain her as a prize on the ground lhat she new rule empowering him to adjourn tion being brought by various steamers Medical health officer E.
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