SeaLect oJ qoinacre~t 10427 Pecos x Janee YOUNG STOCK FOR SALE Mr. & Mrs. GORDON VOORHIS VOORHIS FARMS FRED HERRICK owners Red Hook, Dutchess County, N. Y. trainer Good relations are very important in the breeding of horses - Examine Parade 's. BUY ONE OF HIS 1963 FOALS - PARADE .10138 National Grand Champion Stallion, 1955 National Reserve Champion Saddle Horse National Reserve Champion Harness Horse Winner of Combination Class many times Winner of Harness Pairs with his son Broadwall Drum Major His dam Mansphyllis was the only mare to win pro­ duce of dam four times in succession at the National Morgan Horse Show. ... ~.~ .. ·.~. PARADE SIRED THE FOLLOWING. Broadwall St. Pat: 4 times Grand Champion Stallion of Pacific Northwest . Broadwall Brigadier: Grand Champion and winner of Get of Sire Class - Estes Park . Panorama: 1962 National Grand Champion Harness Horse (never defeated in harness) Morningside Fanfare: National Reserve Champion Saddle Gelding . Parade 's Jubilee: 1st Stallions, Saddle Stake and Stallions and get in Maine. Waseeka's Thisizit: National 'Grand Champion Mare. Bay State Estrelita: National Reserve Grand Champion Mare . Broadwall Drum Major: The only stallion to win yearling stallion, two year old stallion, two year old harness class, three year old stallion and three year old harness class . at National Morgan Horse Show . And many other good Morgans in Pleasure Classes. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson Broadwall Farm Greene, Rhode Island EXPRESS7-3963 SPECIAL FEATURES Rerlde Loses His Bear . 7 Another Point of View . 11 Horse Aid Instruction . .. 11 It Can Be Done - Part II . 13 Horse Science School . 14 Trail Rides for Northwest Arkansas . 14 Dear Sir: Light Horse Short Course . 15 Pasture. Corral and Paddock Fences . 17 Being a hor seman 0£ the old school, An Old Fashion Wedding . 31 I have, for the past two years, thorough­ Named Grand Nationa l Queen . 49 ly enjoyed the Morgan Horse Ma~azine. REGULAR FEATURES Jud ging from the pictuJre.s, It ha e never seen so much ho(se wrapped in Letters to the Editor ....................... .. ..... .... The President's Comer .... .. .. ... .. ...... ........ .... such an a:tractive equin e package as Jes' Hossin' Around . 8 the modern Morgan. The dash of Horses, Hors es, Horses . 9 merican Saddle Hors e blood has pro­ Circle J Morgan Horse Assoc. 14 duced a desirabl e impro vement a Ask The Doctor . .. .. .. .. .. 15 Northern California Morgan Horse Club . 15 b(eeding process I had always hoped Morgan Breeders and Exhibitors Ass ociation . 19 to follow to reach that parago n of Morgans in the La nd of Enchantme nt . 21 achieveme nt. Pacific Northw est News . 23 Morgan Cutting Associatio n . 24 In the pur suit 0£ excellence, the peak New Engla nd News . 25 0£ perfection has been reached. T he New York News . 26 ymme try of. confo rmation combinin g Wyomi ng Morgon Horse Breed ers Assoc., Inc. 26 the style, beauty, and balance of a Gay Justin Morgan Horse Association . 27 Wheat State Morgan Hors e Associa tion . 28 Dancer , a Windcr est Donfield, or an Inland Empire . 28 O rcland Dondarling is enough to de­ Ind iana Morgan Horse Club, Inc. 28 light the most critica l hor sema n. Wh ere Penn -Ohio New s .... · . 35 else could one find in one speciman the Morga n Horse Assoc. of Or ego n . 35 Mid-State s News ...... ... , . 36 style 0£ an English Hackney, the beaut y Bucke ye Breeze . 36 of an Ame rican Sadd le Horse, the snap The Texas Tally . 36 0£ the Pe(cheron, and the disposition Mid-West Morgan Horse Owners . Inc. 37 of a Belgian combi ned with the en­ Mid.Atlantic News ........ .. 1. ... ...... .... .. ..... 38 durance of the original Morgan? He North Central Morgon Association . 38 Southern News and Views . 39 is the only critter in the horse world th at combines the style of the Hackn ey Officers of The Morgan Horse Club with the stamina of a mule . President . J. CECIL FERGUSON Forty years ago I was associated with Greene, Rhode Island Eastern Regional Vice President . MRS. ROGER E. ELA the Ay(es Morgan Horse Farm near Wayland, Mass. Osceola, Iowa. C. T . Ayres and son~ Mid-West Regional Vice President ... ..... .. ..... ... J. ROY BRUNI'. were long tim e Morgan horse breeders Rochester, Ill. and bred some very fine anim als. How ­ Western Regional Vice President ..... .. ...... DR. HENRY P. BOYD San Rafael. Calif. ever, th ey were inclin ed to be a bit Treasurer . CHAUNCY STILLMAN heavy in the thro at, and lacked some­ 230 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. what in spirit and action for driving Secretary .... ... ......... .................. SETH P. HOLCOMBE or ridin g horses but were excellent in P. 0. Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Conn ecticut disposit ion, manne(s , and stamina and relatively free from un soundne sses. The Morgan Horse Maaazine Morga n mares crossed wit h Percheron Vol. XXIII May , 1963 No. 4 tallions p(Oduced some of the finest A Monthly - The Official Publicat ion of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporated farm horses I have ever handl ed. T hey Secre tary 's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157 , West Hartfo rd 17, Conn. Please send all correspondence regard ing subscr iptions and advert ising to publication weig hed about 1250 to 1300 pounds, office , The Morgan Horse Maga zine, Leominster, Man . - Dial KEystone 4-6506 . were ag ile and stron g and could with ­ Publisher ......... .. .. .. .. .......... .. ....... Otho F. Euaey stand the heat of summ er better than Editor ... ...... .. ... : . Bernice Anderson the heavier farm ho(ses. Th ey could Spec ial Features . Em Pedler do the average farm work on less feed Circulat ion . Rosalie McGuire than the draf.t horses. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Fo r the present day req uirement s of Phyllis Barber Ollie Mae Dansby Jeanne Mehl Claire West pleasure as well as some utility , it seems Jude en larwood Doris Hodgin Jo Ann Merlan, Margaret Wllhauk Louise Beckley Dorothy Jasper • · G. Morgareldge Pauline Zeller to me that the modern Morgan fills Lorrayn e Byers Dorothy Lockard Eve Oakley Helene Zimmerman Dorothy Colbum Peggy McDonald Cece Olsen Dorothy Olson the bill adm irably. Perh aps 1 may some Barbara 'Cole Coleen Mclean Ayellen •!chards Gloria Jones day aga in own a beautiful Morgan. •uth hgers Charlotte Schmidt Natalie Webber Harriet Ulery Pat Crookham Elaine Sullivan The Publishe r and staff of The Margan Horse Mag azine and The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. Arthur B. Mc..Quern are not respo nsible for opinions and statements expressed In signed a rticles or paid ad · 3 18 Magno lia Dr. vertiseme nu . These opinions ore not necessar ily the opin ions of the staff of this (ournal. Laguna Beach, Ca lif. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year S4.00 Two Yeara S7.50 Three Years Sl0.50 Canada S4.50 Foreign Ratea $5.00 per year The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, pub lished monthly except January by THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, INC., Secret ary 's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartfo rd 17, Conn. Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominster Mass . Entered as second class matter at past office Leominster , Mass . Closing date for copy and advertis ing I st of month preced ing da1e ol publication . Copyrigh1 1963 by The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. OUR COVER By J. CEC IL FERGU O Today we received the Circle J Morgan Horse Association Directory and I read with interest Dean Jackson 's foreword. I <.:anremember when this asso· ciation was formed in Denver by a handfu l of enth usiastic Morga n owners. ·ow it h;is grown to one of the foremost clubs in the country If I were an out~id<'r and happened to pick up this directory or the New York or New Eng­ land Directory, I would feel the Mogan horse must have something besides being ju t ::inother breed of horse. I would wonder what draws so many people together. If the Morgan horse does nothing more than create the pleasant associa­ tons of people with a wholesome, commo n interest it has certain ly accom­ plished a great deal. The ew York Club was the first to put out a directory and this was followed shortly by the New Eng land Club . Late r they were followed by Mid­ Atlantic , Ohio and the Pacific- ort hwest. Being a Tew Englander, I knew first-hand the effort and long hours ort hern California Morgan Mrs. Sue Annis put into compiling this directo ry. This certainly must have been Horse Club is very proud to announce true of. the others. It has been a great help to alJ of us and to Morgan friends that the queen of the Junior Grand who come to New England to visit. Now, Jim Lau is compiling a new New National Livestock Exposition at the England directory . One asks, "Why do people do all this hard work?" It cer­ Cow Palace in San Francisco, is a mem­ tainly is not for 3ny gain! It is the spirit of tryin to make it possible for other ber of their club. Most important is to enjoy the Morgan horse as we do. the fact that the queen of this large af. The ~e clubs all over the country are to be congratulated on the work they f.air was riding a Morgan horse. have done and are doing to promote the Morgan horse. Stephanie Andrews, 16, rode her horse, If e:ich club would have its secretary write the Morgan Horse Magazine Morgan's Jubillee Vermont (Red Ver­ of al shows in their respective area having classes for Morgan horses and the rating mont x Ra-Re-Do) in the competition of the show, we could keep our readers posted on the locations of horse shows which was compased of 40% riding with Morgans.
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