The Magazine of the ASSOCI atION OF MANITOBA MUNICIPALITIES AU T U M N 2 0 0 8 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 PM40065075 AMM 10th Annual C o n v e n t i o n P r e v i e w AMM History Book Also in this issue: Special pull-out section commemorating AMM’s 10th Anniversary OfficialLAUNCH at 2008 Convention November 24 - 26 You’re invited . To take part in an extraordinary event… THE LAUNCH OF THE AMM HISTORY BOOK! Join us Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. for the official launch of “With One Voice: A History of Municipal Governance in Manitoba” by Gordon Goldsborough. Following the book launch Convention Registration will officially open in Hall A and each delegate will receive a complimentary copy of the book. You will then have the opportunity to have your book signed by the author, and enjoy the Display Area. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime event! COMMUNITY Vi s i o n i n g Creating the Path for Our Future With operating and infrastructure costs rising, resident’s expectations increasing, and budgets not stretching as far as they once did, many municipalities across Canada are realizing that in order to create a quality community in a cost eff ective manner, they need to be proactive in deciding what their future will be. Community Visioning is one approach that municipalities are now using to identify what their future should be and the tools they need to get there. WHAT IS A COMMUNITY VISION? A Community Vision is a planning tool that is helps identify common goals and articulating a community’s collective desired future. WHAT IS THE VALUE OF A COMMUNITY VISION? The value of a community vision is that it helps to create a community plan, or common path to the future, with strategies and initiatives that reduce wastefulness, and instead focuses where municipal eff orts and resources should be spent. We believe that municipal Development Plans off er the opportunity for a Community Visioning Process which can provide the tools to help local politicians and residents create a better community. It is diffi cult to create a truly great community, or an eff ective Development Plan, when there is no clear direction on what a community is planning for. Therefore, a community needs to fi rst know who they are and what they aspire to be before an eff ective Development Plan can be prepared. Creating a Development Plan for your community in the absence of a Community Vision is, more often than not, an exercise in guessing, not planning, for the future. HOW DO YOU CREATE A COMMUNITY VISION? Every place is unique. The process of creating a community vision is also unique for each municipality. The core to creating this vision is engaging local stakeholders in a variety of consultation events and valuable conversations. These consultations involve taking participants through a series of activities designed to draw out the characteristics that that make their community a special place, creating a path for the future. Scatliff + Miller + Murray is at the forefront of helping Manitoba communities realize their vision for the future, and developing strategies and tools to make their vision a reality. Our award winning skills in community visioning, city planning, landscape architecture and design, public consultation, recreation planning, and 3D simulation, along with our signifi cant experience working for municipalities and private sector developers throughout Manitoba means that we not only understand the challenges that you face, but we also have the tools to help you succeed. www.scatliff.ca 8th Floor - 136 Market Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0P4 PHONE: 204.927.3444 FAX: 204.927.3443 WINNIPEG • CALGARY • BEIJING TABLE ofContents on the Cover: Along with the AMM, The Municipal Leader is also celebrating 10 years of service to Manitoba’s municipal 24 35 55 representatives. FEATURES Departments President’s Report . 6 AMM Long Service Awards . 19 Executive Director’s Report . 7 Power Smart Energy Manager Program . 24 In Brief . 8 And Furthermore . 11 E-Index: a tool for collective vision . 26 MMAA Report . 13 Municipal Profile . 14 Encouraging citizens’ involvement . 32 Upcoming Events . 15 2008 AMM Convention: AMM Education . 17 A Century of Vision, a Decade of Partnership . 35 Insurance . 61 Legal Corner . 63 Building health from the ground up . 55 MTCML . 67 Public libraries as value-added community assets . 58 Candid Camera . 70 Professional Directory . 74 AMM 10th Anniversary Special Pull-out Section Reach our Advertisers . 75 Municipal Leader is published quarterly by Publication management and production by: the Association of Manitoba Municipalities. A M M M I S S IO N Send change of address to: Association of Manitoba Municipalities STATEM ENT 1910 Saskatchewan Avenue W. The Association of Manitoba Municipalities Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0P1 3rd Floor - 2020 Portage Avenue identifies and addresses the needs and Ph: (204) 856-2366 Fax: (204) 856-2370 Winnipeg, MB R3J 0K4 concerns of its members in order to achieve e-mail: [email protected] Ph: (204) 985-9780 Fax: (204) 985-9795 strong and effective municipal government. www.amm.mb.ca e-mail: [email protected] www.kelman.ca Publications Mail Agreement #40065075 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Managing Editor: Terry Ross [email protected] Art Design/Production: Andrea Ardiles Conference Cover Design: Lynne Bereza, AMM Advertising Manager: Dave Gill Advertising Coordinator: Lauren Campbell Do your part for the environment, Note: The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the AMM or its Board. reuse and recycle. Contents may not be reproduced without the express consent of the publisher. Municipal Leader | Autumn 2008 5 PrESIDEnT’SReport AMM Board OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE It has been the PRESIDENT Mayor Ron Bell TIME OF MY LIFE Town of Birtle Ron Bell, President VICE-PRESIDENT, RURAL Councillor Doug Dobrowolski RM of Macdonald I know this sounds cliché, but it really indeed the right one for me and my VICE-PRESIDENT, URBAN does seem like just yesterday that I was family. Making this decision has given Mayor Shirley Kalyniuk first elected President of the AMM, and me cause to reflect on my time with this Town of Rossburn now I find myself writing what can only association, particularly the last four years be described as a “farewell” message. as president. There is no way I could have I have served as AMM President for four led to the best of my ability without the DIRECTORS years and prior to that, for several years support and encouragement of my two as Urban Vice-President. I initially became Vice-Presidents. I’d like to acknowledge Councillor Ralph Groening involved as a director during the last year Garry Wasylowski and Lorne Boguski RM of Morris of the UMM, meaning it has been a part of who served with me during my first two Mayor Melvin Klassen my life for more than a decade. I suppose years. And especially Doug Dobrowolski Town of Altona then, it should come as no surprise that and Shirley Kalyniuk, who have worked saying “good-bye” is side-by-side with me Reeve Alice Bourgouin anything but easy. for the last half of RM of Rosser During my term, my term as pres- Mayor Randy Sigurdson the AMM has tried ident, and who have Town of Arborg to focus on some become my good of the larger issues friends as well. I also Reeve George Harbottle affecting all munici- Most of all I appreciate the would like to extend RM of Alexander palities. We all have my sincere thanks Councillor Art Rempel different issues that work that you do every day to all the board City of Steinbach are unique to our members, past and regions and to our within your own communities. present, with whom Reeve Roger Wilson communities, and I have worked. RM of Birtle we deal with those Another cliché is Mayor Eileen Clarke in more individual that time flies when Town of Gladstone ways. However, you’re having fun, there are two or yet that too is true. Reeve Robert Misko three major issues The past four years RM of Hillsburg that certainly affect our membership have passed swiftly, and while not without Mayor Rene Maillard as a whole – things like infrastructure, their trials, I have most definitely had the Town of Ste. Rose du Lac finding alternate revenue sources and time of my life. This is an organization that planning – that, I think, we have made is very important to me and near to my Councillor Alan Ransom steady progress on. We may not have all heart in many ways. I will miss it, and you. RM of Morton of the results that we want yet, but we are If I leave you with a final thought, it is Councillor Maxine Chacun moving forward. Identifying two or three this: I appreciate your support of the AMM, Town of Virden “priority” issues, along with all of our and of me during my term as President; other lobbying activities, has helped us but most of all I appreciate the work that Councillor Oswald Sawh start the ball rolling on long-term change you do every day within your own com- City of Thompson for municipalities. We may not see these munities. Collectively, it is that work that Councillor Karen MacKinnon changes come to fruition this year, or next allows us, from the ground up, to continue City of Flin Flon year, or in five years, but with a steady to move these important issues forward and focused approach, we will see them and make change happen for the better- Councillor Russ Wyatt happen.
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