Photographs of MSPs Dealbhan de na BPA May 2021 Each person in Scotland is represented by 8 Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs); 1 constituency MSP and 7 regional MSPs. A region is a larger area which covers a number of constituencies. Scottish National Party Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Scottish Labour Party Scottish Green Party Scottish Liberal Democrats No party affiliation C R Constituency Member Regional Member Contents MSP Photographs 2 Index of MSPs by Party 13 Index of MSPs by Constituency 15 Index of MSPs by Region 18 1 George Claire Adam Baker Paisley Mid Scotland and Fife C R Karen Jeremy Adam Balfour Banffshire and Lothian Buchan Coast C R Clare Colin Adamson Beattie Motherwell and Midlothian North Wishaw and Musselburgh C C Alasdair Neil Allan Bibby Na h-Eileanan West Scotland an Iar C R Tom Sarah Arthur Boyack Renfrewshire Lothian South C R Jackie Miles Baillie Briggs Dumbarton Lothian C R 2 Keith Jackson Brown Carlaw Clackmannanshire Eastwood and Dunblane C C Siobhian Finlay Brown Carson Ayr Galloway and West Dumfries C C Ariane Maggie Burgess Chapman Highlands and North East Islands Scotland R R Alexander Foysol Burnett Choudhury Aberdeenshire Lothian West C R Stephanie Katy Callaghan Clark Uddingston and West Bellshill Scotland C R Donald Willie Cameron Coffey Highlands and Kilmarnock and Islands Irvine Valley R C 3 Alex James Cole-Hamilton Dornan Edinburgh Glasgow Cathcart Western C C Angela Sharon Constance Dowey Almond Valley South Scotland C R Ash Jackie Denham Dunbar Edinburgh Aberdeen Eastern Donside C C Graeme Pam Dey Duncan-Glancy Angus South Glasgow C R Natalie Annabelle Don Ewing Renfrewshire Cowdenbeath North and West C C Bob Fergus Doris Ewing Glasgow Maryhill Inverness and Springburn and Nairn C C 4 Jim Kenneth Fairlie Gibson Perthshire South Cunninghame and Kinross-shire North C C Russell Jenny Findlay Gilruth West Scotland Mid Fife and Glenrothes R C Joe Maurice FitzPatrick Golden Dundee City West North East Scotland C R Kate Pam Forbes Gosal Skye, Lochaber West Scotland and Badenoch C R Murdo Mairi Fraser Gougeon Mid Scotland Angus North and Fife and Mearns R C Meghan Christine Gallacher Grahame Central Scotland Midlothian South, Tweeddale and R C Lauderdale 5 Rhoda Jamie Grant Halcro Johnston Highlands and Highlands and Islands Islands R R Neil Rachael Gray Hamilton Airdrie and Shotts Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire C C Jamie Emma Greene Harper West Scotland South Scotland R R Ross Patrick Greer Harvie West Scotland Glasgow R R Mark Clare Griffin Haughey Central Scotland Rutherglen R C Dr. Sandesh Jamie Gulhane Hepburn Glasgow Cumbernauld and Kilsyth R C 6 Craig Bill Hoy Kidd South Glasgow Scotland Anniesland R C Fiona Monica Hyslop Lennon Linlithgow Central Scotland C R Daniel Richard Johnson Leonard Edinburgh Central Southern Scotland C R Alison Richard Johnstone Lochhead Lothian Moray R C Liam Dean Kerr Lockhart North East Mid Scotland Scotland and Fife R R Stephen Douglas Kerr Lumsden Central Scotland North East Scotland R R 7 Gordon Michael MacDonald Marra Edinburgh North East Pentlands Scotland C R Fulton Gillian MacGregor Martin Coatbridge and Aberdeenshire Chryston East C C Gillian John Mackay Mason Central Scotland Glasgow Shettleston R C Rona Michael Mackay Matheson Strathkelvin and Falkirk West Bearsden C C Ben Màiri Macpherson McAllan Edinburgh Clydesdale Northern and Leith C C Ruth Liam Maguire McArthur Cunninghame Orkney Islands South C C 8 Ivan Jenni McKee Minto Glasgow Provan Argyll and Bute C C Christina Carol McKelvie Mochan Hamilton, Larkhall South Scotland and Stonehouse C R Paul Edward McLennan Mountain East Lothian Highlands and Islands C R Stuart Oliver McMillan Mundell Greenock and Dumfriesshire Inverclyde C C Marie Audrey McNair Nicoll Clydebank and Aberdeen South Milngavie and North C C Kincardine Pauline Paul McNeill O’Kane Glasgow West Scotland R R 9 Willie Mark Rennie Ruskell North East Fife Mid Scotland and Fife C R Angus Anas Robertson Sarwar Edinburgh Central Glasgow C R Shona Graham Robison Simpson Dundee City East Central Scotland C R Emma Lorna Roddick Slater Highlands and Lothian Islands R R Douglas Liz Ross Smith Highlands and Mid Scotland Islands and Fife R R Alex Colin Rowley Smyth Mid Scotland South Scotland and Fife R R 10 Shirley-Anne Paul Somerville Sweeney Dunfermline Glasgow C R Collette John Stevenson Swinney East Kilbride Perthshire North C C Alexander Michelle Stewart Thomson Mid Scotland Falkirk East and Fife R C Kaukab Maree Stewart Todd Glasgow Kelvin Caithness, Sutherland and C C Ross Kevin David Stewart Torrance Aberdeen Kirkcaldy Central C C Nicola Evelyn Sturgeon Tweed Glasgow Stirling Southside C C 11 Mercedes Brian Villalba Whittle North East South Scotland Scotland R R Sue Beatrice Webber Wishart Lothian Shetland Islands R C Annie Humza Wells Yousaf Glasgow Glasgow Pollok R C Tess White North East Scotland R Martin Whitfield South Scotland R Elena Whitham Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley C 12 Index of MSPs by Party Scottish National Party Fulton MacGregor 8 Rona Mackay 8 George Adam 2 Ben Macpherson 8 Karen Adam 2 Ruth Maguire 8 Clare Adamson 2 Gillian Martin 8 Alasdair Allan 2 John Mason 8 Tom Arthur 2 Michael Matheson 8 Colin Beattie 2 Màiri McAllan 8 Keith Brown 3 Ivan McKee 9 Siobhian Brown 3 Christina McKelvie 9 Stephanie Callaghan 3 Paul McLennan 9 Willie Coffey 3 Stuart McMillan 9 Angela Constance 4 Marie McNair 9 Ash Denham 4 Jenni Minto 9 Graeme Dey 4 Audrey Nicoll 9 Natalie Don 4 Angus Robertson 10 Bob Doris 4 Shona Robison 10 James Dornan 4 Emma Roddick 10 Jackie Dunbar 4 Shirley-Anne Somerville 11 Annabelle Ewing 4 Collette Stevenson 11 Fergus Ewing 4 Kaukab Stewart 11 Jim Fairlie 5 Kevin Stewart 11 Joe FitzPatrick 5 Nicola Sturgeon 11 Kate Forbes 5 John Swinney 11 Kenneth Gibson 5 Michelle Thomson 11 Jenny Gilruth 5 Maree Todd 11 Mairi Gougeon 5 David Torrance 11 Christine Grahame 5 Evelyn Tweed 11 Neil Gray 6 Elena Whitham 12 Emma Harper 6 Humza Yousaf 12 Clare Haughey 6 Jamie Hepburn 6 Scottish Conservative and Fiona Hyslop 7 Unionist Party Bill Kidd 7 Richard Lochhead 7 Jeremy Balfour 2 Gordon MacDonald 8 Miles Briggs 2 13 Alexander Burnett 3 Rhoda Grant 6 Donald Cameron 3 Mark Griffin 6 Jackson Carlaw 3 Daniel Johnson 7 Finlay Carson 3 Monica Lennon 7 Sharon Dowey 4 Richard Leonard 7 Russell Findlay 5 Michael Marra 8 Murdo Fraser 5 Pauline McNeill 9 Meghan Gallacher 5 Carol Mochan 9 Maurice Golden 5 Paul O’Kane 9 Pam Gosal 5 Alex Rowley 10 Jamie Greene 6 Anas Sarwar 10 Dr. Sandesh Gulhane 6 Colin Smyth 10 Jamie Halcro Johnston 6 Paul Sweeney 11 Rachael Hamilton 6 Mercedes Villalba 12 Craig Hoy 7 Martin Whitfield 12 Liam Kerr 7 Stephen Kerr 7 Scottish Green Party Dean Lockhart 7 Douglas Lumsden 7 Ariane Burgess 3 Edward Mountain 9 Maggie Chapman 3 Oliver Mundell 9 Ross Greer 6 Douglas Ross 10 Patrick Harvie 6 Graham Simpson 10 Gillian Mackay 8 Liz Smith 10 Mark Ruskell 10 Alexander Stewart 11 Lorna Slater 10 Sue Webber 12 Annie Wells 12 Scottish Liberal Democrats Tess White 12 Brian Whittle 12 Alex Cole-Hamilton 4 Liam McArthur 8 Scottish Labour Party Willie Rennie 10 Beatrice Wishart 12 Jackie Baillie 2 Claire Baker 2 No party affiliation Neil Bibby 2 Sarah Boyack 2 Alison Johnstone 7 Foysol Choudhury 3 Katy Clark 3 Pam Duncan-Glancy 4 14 Index of MSPs by Constituency Aberdeen Central Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley Kevin Stewart (SNP) 11 Elena Whitham (SNP) 12 Aberdeen Donside Clackmannanshire and Dunblane Jackie Dunbar (SNP) 4 Keith Brown (SNP) 3 Aberdeen South and North Clydebank and Kincardine Milngavie Audrey Nicoll (SNP) 9 Marie McNair (SNP) 9 Aberdeenshire East Clydesdale Gillian Martin (SNP) 8 Màiri McAllan (SNP) 8 Aberdeenshire West Coatbridge and Chryston Alexander Burnett (Con) 3 Fulton MacGregor (SNP) 8 Airdrie and Shotts Cowdenbeath Neil Gray (SNP) 6 Annabelle Ewing (SNP) 4 Almond Valley Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Angela Constance (SNP) 4 Jamie Hepburn (SNP) 6 Angus North and Mearns Cunninghame North Mairi Gougeon (SNP) 5 Kenneth Gibson (SNP) 5 Angus South Cunninghame South Graeme Dey (SNP) 4 Ruth Maguire (SNP) 8 Argyll and Bute Dumbarton Jenni Minto (SNP) 9 Jackie Baillie (Lab) 2 Ayr Dumfriesshire Siobhian Brown (SNP) 3 Oliver Mundell (Con) 9 Banffshire and Buchan Coast Dundee City East Karen Adam (SNP) 2 Shona Robison (SNP) 10 Caithness, Sutherland and Ross Dundee City West Maree Todd (SNP) 11 Joe FitzPatrick (SNP) 5 15 Dunfermline Galloway and West Dumfries Shirley-Anne Somerville (SNP) 11 Finlay Carson (Con) 3 East Kilbride Glasgow Anniesland Collette Stevenson (SNP) 11 Bill Kidd (SNP) 7 East Lothian Glasgow Cathcart Paul McLennan (SNP) 9 James Dornan (SNP) 4 Eastwood Glasgow Kelvin Jackson Carlaw (Con) 3 Kaukab Stewart (SNP) 11 Edinburgh Central Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn Angus Robertson (SNP) 10 Bob Doris (SNP) 4 Edinburgh Eastern Glasgow Pollok Ash Denham (SNP) 4 Humza Yousaf (SNP) 12 Edinburgh Northern and Leith Glasgow Provan Ben Macpherson (SNP) 8 Ivan McKee (SNP) 9 Edinburgh Pentlands Glasgow Shettleston Gordon MacDonald (SNP) 8 John Mason (SNP) 8 Edinburgh Southern Glasgow Southside Daniel Johnson (Lab) 7 Nicola Sturgeon (SNP) 11 Edinburgh Western Greenock and Inverclyde Alex Cole-Hamilton (LD) 4 Stuart McMillan (SNP) 9 Ettrick, Roxburgh and Hamilton, Larkhall and Berwickshire Stonehouse Rachael Hamilton (Con) 6 Christina McKelvie (SNP) 9 Falkirk East Inverness and Nairn Michelle Thomson (SNP) 11 Fergus Ewing (SNP) 4 Falkirk West Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley Michael Matheson (SNP) 8 Willie Coffey (SNP) 3 16 Kirkcaldy Perthshire South and Kinross-shire David Torrance
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