VOL. 6 Issue 4 Official Publication of the Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans January/February, 2021 The Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans files Lawsuit Against the City of Cuthbert and the City Council Members individually for violation of Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 50-3-1. On December 14, 2020, the Code of Georgia Annotated § 50 City Council Members of -3-1. Cuthbert, Ga. voted to violate Georgia Law (Official Code of The Monument honoring the Georgia Annotated § 50-3-1) by Confederate veterans is located voting to remove the Confeder- in the Cuthbert Town Square ate Veterans Monument located and was erected to commemo- in the town square. The Monu- rate the Confederate dead. On ment was erected in 1896 by the top of the Monument is a soldier Randolph County Chapter of the standing at rest with his hand United Confederate Veterans over his brow as if he was look- and the Ladies Memorial Asso- ing in the distance for his fallen ciation of Randolph County. Brethren. On the base of the Monument is inscribed: Apparently pandering to the TO “cancel culture” mob was more OUR CONFEDERATE DEAD important than obeying Georgia 1861 TO 1865 law. So, the City of Cuthbert Council Members will be in THEY STRUGGLED FOR court and spending taxpayers’ CONSTITUTIONAL money to defend their illegal ac- GOVERNMENT tion. AS ESTABLISHED On January 19, 2021, The Geor- gia Division Sons of Confederate BY OUR FATHERS Veterans and the local Calhoun AND THOUGH DEFEATED, Rifles Camp #1855 filed a law- THEY LEFT PAID PAID TO POSTERITY PERMIT #3 #3 PERMIT suit and a request for a Tempo- U.S.POSTAGE U.S.POSTAGE NON PROFIT ORG ORG PROFIT NON rary Restraining Order. The law- A RECORD OF HONOR CALLAHAN,FL32011 CALLAHAN,FL32011 suit names the City Council AND GLORY Members individually and in MORE VALUABLE THAN their official capacity as defen- POWER OR RICHES dants for violation of the Official INSIDE THIS ISSUE Lest Color Photos 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 27 Commander’s Report 3 Div. Officers 4 we EC Minutes 5 Last Roll 12 forget The Georgia Confederate Confederate Georgia The Camp News 24, 25 1081 Box P.O. 31202 GA Macon, Page 2 The Georgia Confederate January/February, 2021 General Robert E. Lee Celebration Jeff Davis Memorial Park January 16, 2021 Guest Speaker Pastor John Weaver Honour Guard fires salute at Jeff Davis Monument ☞ ☝Commander Roy Butts (Left) of the Gen. LaFayette McLaws Camp #79, Fayetteville, Georgia presents membership certificate to new mem- ber Jeremy Singleton. ☝ ☜ Wreaths Across America, Bethany Cemetery. ! Maj. Ron Udell led the Honour Guard, E Porter Alexander, with Flag Bearer Carl Tommy Miller and Honour Guards as Wreaths were placed on Graves by attendees including members of the UDC and The Con- federate Rose. See Page 25 “We have staked the whole future of our new nation, not upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our po- litical constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern our- selves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments.” ~ James Madison ~ ✯ Photographer Michael Reither Help make your newslet- ter great: Send photos jpeg for- mat dpi greater than 150. ✯ January/February, 2021 The Georgia Confederate Page 3 down veterans monuments, vio- that they have been in trouble Commander's Report lating their citizens constitutional with the law, let them know if Friends, liberties and I assure you the they are not in jail it's not an is- We have had some rough years carvings on Stone Mountain will sue, register them to vote. Get in the past but I have got to admit be gone. As liberty loving patri- their email address and phone that 2020 has by far been one of ots, we must take immediate ac- number, send their email address our roughest. I am more con- tion. to Mrs. Kitty so she can put them cerned now with the direction our That is why, effective immedi- on our email contact list. Country is heading than I have ately, I am calling for a Recruit- I want every SCV member to ever been. I believe all our liber- ment and Voter Registration order as many voter registration ties are in jeopardy. Campaign. packets as they can. They come in We have all known that the left- The Sons of Confederate Veter- a pack of 100 applications. Get Kennesaw Battlefield Camp #700 ist, communists have been infil- ans is always the tip of the spear. your family and friends passing will be the host Camps. trating schools, universities and We are always on the front line, out voter registration applications You'll find on page 8 a full de- government offices over the last fighting to preserve our Heritage and have them available at your tail update on our current legal 60 years. Their major objective is and our Liberties. We don’t back public events. Keep some in your fights. We have spent a tremen- to silence us, take away our 2nd down, we don’t give in, we never vehicle so you have them avail- dous amount on these legal fights, amendment rights, and take away surrender. able all the time. Folks this is se- nearly 68k since July. It is taking the liberties that are our birth Now more that ever we need to rious business. We need to be a strain on the Division's re- right secured for us by our Fore- get our members energized. As ready for 2022. Make it your per- courses. I call on our Camps to fathers. Sons of Confederate Veterans it is sonal goal to get at least 10 peo- please make at least a $500 dona- Since 2015 the leftist commies our duty to face our challenges ple registered to vote. It's time for tion to our Heritage Defense fund. have kicked their plans to destroy with a positive and proactive out- action. I call on all our members to us in overdrive. That’s evident look of our membership, family I'm proud to announce that re- please make a donation to help us from the last elections we lost, the and supporters. We need to in- tired Lt. Col. Perry Bennett of the cover our legal costs. Presidential election and both Ga. spire our members to get active, Gen James Longstreet Camp A donation can be made US Senate run-offs. give them hope, let them know #1289 is the Georgia Division's through our Division web-page at I'm sure everyone knows who that we are fighters and doers, not new lobbyist. Col Bennett is a www.georgiascv.org/donate Stacy Abrams is. She is the leftist weak cry-babies. Let's try to get retired Army Historian, with an Donations can be mailed in to: that ran for Governor in 2018 on our membership excited about impeccable resume. He has exten- Georgia Division, SCV the campaign promise to dyna- this voter registration and recruit- sive experience dealing with con- P.O. Box 1081, Macon, Ga. mite the carvings off Stone ment campaign. Its good medi- flict resolution and executive staff 31202 Mountain and remove our Con- cine, it gets us active and gives us members. He is currently working federate monuments. Thankfully purpose, but most of all it will with our previous lobbyist firm Good news: Since we placed she lost, but since her loss she and make a difference in 2022. Poole and Dunn to get familiar our most recent lawsuits against her highly motivated “Leftist get Statistics indicate that the with the lay of the land at the the City of Brunswick and City of out the vote organization” has young, working males and fe- State Capitol. Cuthbert, we have negotiated registered over 300K new voters males who are our supporters are The Stone Mountain proposal with both Cities to accept a con- in the State of Georgia, with 95% the most untapped, unregistered and documentary video is on- sent stay order that places a legal of them being from Fulton and voters in the State of Georgia. We going. They should be done with hold on them doing anything to DeKalb Counties. need to be getting these young the written presentation by next the monuments. We have three up Their efforts paid off they won folks registered to vote. We need week for our review. Then they -coming law suits to be filed the day. The metro Atlanta Ur- to get anyone who loves liberty of will start the video documentary against the city of Rome, Gwin- banites are now telling us native any age registered to vote. promoting more historical events nett County and DeKalb County. Georgians, how we are to live our Below is the name and number at the Memorial Park. We have got to let these Cities lives, what’s best for us, that our to the Georgia Secretary of State's 2022, 127th SCV National Re- and Counties know if they vote to history and heritage means noth- office: union will be held at the Clarence remove or do remove our Confed- ing, that they are in control and 470.312.2755 Michelle Simmons Brown Conference center in Car- erate monuments that they will be we better be silent. [email protected] terville, Ga. The theme of the Re- sued by the Camps of the Georgia We cannot continue down this Don’t just hand them a voters union will be the battlefields of Division. Included in the suit will road to disaster.
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