ANNUAL ESCAPE REPORT CALENDAR YEAR 2009 Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Offender Information Services Branch Estimates and Statistical Analysis Section Data Analysis Unit Sacramento, California February 2010 Reference Number: BEH-4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION MATTHEW CATE Secretary BRETT MORGAN Chief of Staff LEE SEALE Deputy Chief of Staff SCOTT KERNAN Undersecretary, Operations MARY FERNANDEZ Undersecretary, Administration STEVEN F. CHAPMAN, Ph. D. Assistant Secretary, Office of Research JAY R. ATKINSON Chief, Offender Information Services Branch VACANT Research Manager II, Estimates and Statistical Analysis Section DATA ANALYSIS UNIT VACANT Staff Services Manager I LORI ASUNCION STEPHEN KRIMETZ Associate Government Program Analyst Associate Information Systems Analyst DAVID WEISHAHN Associate Information Systems Analyst 1515 S STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 TELEPHONE: (916) 445-1310 Internet: http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Reports_Research/Offender_Information_Services_Branch/index.html Email: http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Reports_Research/Offender_Information_Services_Branch/Contact_DAU.aspx Data Analysis Unit Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Estimates and Statistical Analysis Section State of California Offender Information Services Branch February 2010 ANNUAL ESCAPE REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Highlights ....................................................................................................................... 1 Table 1 Escapes from Adult Institutions and Camps and Rate per 100 Average Daily Population (ADP), Calendar Year 1989 through 2009 .......................................................................................... 2 Table 2 Escapes from Adult Institutions and Camps by Housing Level and Rate per 100 ADP, by Institution, Calendar Year 2006 through 2009.................................................................................. 3 Table 3 Escapes from Adult Community Based Programs and Rate Per 100 Population at Risk, Calendar year 1989 Through 2009 .................................................................................................. 9 Table 4 Escapes from Adult Institutions, Camps and Community Based Programs from Calendar Year 1977 through 2009 And the Number Apprehended by January 31, 2010, By Year of Escape ........................................................................................ 10 Table 5 Male Escapes and Apprehensions from Adult Institutions And Camps by Institution Housing Level and the Escape Rate per 100 ADP, Calendar Year 2009 ....................................................... 11 Definitions and Formulas ........................................................................................... 13 Contact Person: David Weishahn Associate Information Systems Analyst Data Analysis Unit Email: http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Reports_Research/Offender_Information_Services_Branch/Contact_DAU.aspx Data Analysis Unit Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Estimates and Statistical Analysis Section State of California Offender Information Services Branch February 2010 Annual Escape Report Highlights • The number of escapes during calendar year 2009 totaled 22. Of those escapes fifteen were from adult camps and seven from adult institutions. • The Adult Institution and Camp escape total rate per 100 average daily population did not change. It has remained at 0.01 since 2001. • There were 16 escapes from Adult Community Based Programs during 2009. • The Adult Community Based Programs escape total rate per 100 average daily population remained at 0.01. • As of 2009 there have been 19,290 escapes from Adult Institutions, Camps, and Community Based Program since 1977. Of those escapes 19,051 (98.8%) have been apprehended as of January 31, 2010. Reference : BEH-4 Page 1 Data Analysis Unit Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Estimates and Statistical Analysis Section State of California Offender Information Services Branch February 2010 TABLE 1 NUMBER OF ESCAPES FROM ADULT INSTITUTIONS AND CAMPS ¹ AND RATE PER 100 AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION (ADP) MALE AND FEMALE CALENDAR YEAR 1989 THROUGH 2009 MALE FEMALE GRAND TOTAL TOTAL INSTITUTIONS CAMPS² TOTAL³ NUMBER ESCAPES NUMBER ESCAPES NUMBER ESCAPES NUMBER ESCAPES NUMBER ESCAPES CALENDAR OF PER 100 OF PER 100 OF PER 100 OF PER 100 OF PER 100 YEAR ESCAPES ADP ESCAPES ADP ESCAPES ADP ESCAPES ADP ESCAPES ADP 1990 81 0.09 76 0.09 19 0.02 57 1.76 5 0.08 1991 74 0.08 72 0.07 27 0.03 45 1.16 2 0.03 1992 83 0.08 80 0.08 29 0.03 51 1.38 3 0.05 1993 72 0.07 72 0.07 23 0.02 49 1.38 0 0.00 1994 56 0.05 56 0.05 10 0.01 46 1.27 0 0.00 1995 75 0.06 74 0.06 23 0.02 51 1.34 1 0.01 1996 57 0.04 57 0.05 25 0.02 32 0.85 0 0.00 1997 51 0.04 51 0.04 29 0.02 22 0.59 0 0.00 1998 26 0.02 21 0.02 11 0.01 10 0.26 5 0.05 1999 22 0.01 22 0.02 7 0.01 15 0.39 0 0.00 2000 24 0.02 24 0.02 13 0.01 11 0.29 0 0.00 2001 14 0.01 13 0.01 8 0.01 5 0.13 1 0.01 2002 15 0.01 15 0.01 9 0.01 6 0.16 0 0.00 2003 16 0.01 16 0.01 10 0.01 6 0.16 0 0.00 2004 20 0.01 20 0.01 11 0.01 9 0.23 0 0.00 2005 21 0.01 19 0.01 6 0.00 13 0.32 2 0.02 2006 21 0.01 21 0.01 10 0.01 11 0.27 0 0.00 2007 10 0.01 10 0.01 6 0.00 4 0.10 0 0.00 2008 23 0.01 23 0.01 13 0.01 10 0.25 0 0.00 2009 22 0.01 22 0.01 7 0.00 15 0.38 0 0.00 1 Includes inmates who escaped from off reservation work crew assignments and state hospitals but excludes inmates who escaped from Community Correctional Centers. 2 Camps include baseline camps. 3 Includes females who escaped from an Institution or Camp. Reference: BEH-4 Page 2 Data Analysis Unit Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Estimates and Statistical Analysis Section State of California Offender Information Services Branch February 2010 TABLE 2 NUMBER OF ESCAPES FROM ADULT INSTITUTIONS AND CAMPS BY HOUSING LEVEL AND RATE PER 100 AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION (ADP) BY INSTITUTION MALE AND FEMALE CALENDAR YEAR 2007 THROUGH 2009 2007 2008 2009 NUMBER AVERAGE ESCAPES NUMBER AVERAGE ESCAPES NUMBER AVERAGE ESCAPES LOCATION OF DAILY PER 100 OF DAILY PER 100 OF DAILY PER 100 ESCAPES POPULATION ADP ESCAPES POPULATION ADP ESCAPES POPULATION ADP TOTAL - MALE AND FEMALE 10 166,229 0.01 23 164,814 0.01 22 162,897 0.01 INSTITUTION TOTAL 6 161,768 0.00 13 160,424 0.01 7 158,591 0.00 MALE 6 151,053 0.00 13 150,019 0.01 7 148,495 0.00 FEMALE 0 10,715 0.00 0 10,405 0.00 0 10,096 0.00 CAMP TOTAL 4 4,461 0.09 10 4,390 0.23 15 4,306 0.35 MALE 4 4,141 0.10 10 4,070 0.25 15 3,986 0.38 FEMALE 0 320 0.00 0 320 0.00 0 320 0.00 STATE HOSPITAL TOTAL 0 163 0.00 0 163 0.00 0 163 0.00 MALE 0 142 0.00 0 142 0.00 0 142 0.00 FEMALE 0 21 0.00 0 21 0.00 0 21 0.00 TOTAL MALE (Institutions and Camps) 10 155,194 0.19 23 154,089 0.01 22 152,481 0.01 AVENAL STATE PRISON (II) - AVENAL 0 7,552 0.00 0 6,964 0.00 1 6,412 0.02 CALIFORNIA CORRECTIONAL CENTER - SUSANVILLE 4 6,052 0.07 6 5,759 0.10 4 5,518 0.07 Minimum (I) 1 1,491 0.07 0 1,533 0.00 1 1,477 0.07 Main (II) 0 1,478 0.00 0 1,337 0.00 0 1,174 0.00 Lassen (III) 0 1,056 0.00 0 924 0.00 0 919 0.00 Camps (I) 3 2,027 0.15 6 1,965 0.31 3 1,948 0.15 CALIFORNIA CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION - TEHACHAPI 0 5,814 0.00 1 5,424 0.02 0 5,582 0.00 Main (I) 0 1,495 0.00 1 1,171 0.09 0 893 0.00 Medium (II) 0 1,368 0.00 0 1,384 0.00 0 1,628 0.00 Reception Center (III) 0 1,448 0.00 0 1,337 0.00 0 1,484 0.00 Main (IV)** 0 810 0.00 0 799 0.00 0 808 0.00 A-SHU (IV)** 0 693 0.00 0 733 0.00 0 769 0.00 (Continued) Note: Components may not add to total due to independent rounding. * The Reception Center is now reported as part of CCI's Level IV-Main as of January 31, 2002. *** 2006 CCI Reception Center started reporting separately. SHU housing is combined. Level IV housing is combined. Reference: BEH-4 Page 3 Data Analysis Unit Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Estimates and Statistical Analysis Section State of California Offender Information Services Branch February 2010 TABLE 2 (Continued) NUMBER OF ESCAPES FROM ADULT INSTITUTIONS AND CAMPS BY HOUSING LEVEL AND RATE PER 100 AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION (ADP) BY INSTITUTION MALE AND FEMALE CALENDAR YEAR 2007 THROUGH 2009 2007 2008 2009 NUMBER AVERAGE ESCAPES NUMBER AVERAGE ESCAPES NUMBER AVERAGE ESCAPES LOCATION OF DAILY PER 100 OF DAILY PER 100 OF DAILY PER 100 ESCAPES POPULATION ADP ESCAPES POPULATION ADP ESCAPES POPULATION ADP CALIFORNIA INSTITUTION FOR MEN - CHINO 0 6,359 0.00 0 5,930 0.00 0 5,461 0.00 Minimum (I) 0 2,524 0.00 0 2,236 0.00 0 2,067 0.00 East - Reception Center (III) 0 1,065 0.00 0 1,143 0.00 0 1,155 0.00 RCC (III) 0 1,313 0.00 0 1,210 0.00 0 1,375 0.00 RCW (II) 0 1,457 0.00 0 1,341 0.00 0 864 0.00 CALIFORNIA MEDICAL FACILITY - VACAVILLE 0 3,044 0.00 2 3,047 0.07 0 2,815 0.00 Minimum (I) 0 162 0.00 2 125 1.60 0 87 0.00 Medium (II) 0 368 0.00 0 370 0.00 0 357 0.00 Main (III) 0 2,514 0.00 0 2,552 0.00 0 2,371 0.00 CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY - SAN LUIS OBISPO 1 6,529 0.02 0 6,508 0.00 1 6,423 0.02 East (III) 0 3,719 0.00 0 3,733 0.00 0 3,728 0.00 West (I) 1 2,810 0.04 0 2,775 0.00 1 2,695 0.04 CALIFORNIA REHABILITATION CENTER (II) (Men) - NORCO 0 4,140 0.00 0 4,436 0.00 2 4,290 0.05 CALIFORNIA STATE PRISON, CALIPATRIA - CALIPATRIA 0 4,205 0.00 0 4,251 0.00 0 4,262 0.00 Minimum (I) 0 290 0.00 0 263 0.00 0 253 0.00 Main (IV) 0 3,915 0.00 0 3,988 0.00 0 4,009 0.00 CALIFORNIA STATE PRISON, CENTINELA - SEELEY 0 4,969 0.00 0 5,017 0.00 0 4,643 0.00 Minimum (I) 0 386 0.00 0 377 0.00 0 307 0.00 Main (III) 0 4,583 0.00 0 4,640 0.00 0 4,336 0.00 CALIFORNIA STATE PRISON, CORCORAN - CORCORAN 0 5,573 0.00 0 5,705 0.00 0 5,428 0.00 Minimum (I) 0 856 0.00 0 847 0.00 0 757 0.00 Main (III) 0 2,797 0.00 0 3,016 0.00 0 2,837 0.00 Main (IV) 0 617 0.00 0 469 0.00 0 441 0.00 SHU (IV) 0 1,292 0.00 0 1,358 0.00 0 1,382 0.00 PHU (IV) 0 11 0.00 0 15 0.00 0 11 0.00 (Continued) Note: Components may not add to total due to independent rounding.
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