
Hobart Mestty olendy, w w n , sssMaNfi thimdewhow sn aarty isnigbt Law Bfaraher o f the Audit 86 ts 80, Wadneada^r partly amm^. B ona* a f araalaOsa not se waim. High 76 to 89. Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXX. no. 209 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTB^, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1961 (Clsaeilled Advertletag ea Page U ) 20 Neutrals Invited State News Roundup Senate to (G^t Editorials Bill / Urged by Cuba For 3rd Time ort on Hartford, June ff (/P)— A Cairo, June 6 (/F>—Foreigntad are African or Aslan, ex- third attempt is expect^ in Minister Raul Roa of Cuba to- cept for independents Communist Yugoslavia and Cuba, which set- the Senate t^ a y to pass legris- day invited neutral countries tlsd firmly in toe Soviet camp re- lation concerning newspaper to hold a summit meeting In oently. BrasU .sent an observer. Red Rebels ^ editorials and their authors. Havana. > The preparatory 'meeting vdll Two. earlier attempts to pass President Addrasslng delegatM from 30 draw up an agenda and m the bills requiring editorial writers to countries preparing tor toe confer- data and place of toe conference, sign their editorials were defeat- ence expected to be held before the expected to be held late this sum- Again SheU ed. 16th session of toe United Nations, mer. t The latest attempt today Is ex- Roa said: "The Cuban people and The delegates wUl also determine On Radio, pected to be aimed at a more mod- government would be extremely what countries will be invited to erate measure requiring only that Laos Town pleased to have this International the conference. Informants ssy such. Buropean neutrals as Ireland, all newspapers list the names of conference, convene in their coun- their editorial writers on editorial try.” Finland, Sweden and Austria may Vientiane, Laos, June 6 (/P) TV, 7 p.m. pagea. The writera would not He made a similar suggeatlon at be Invited, along with Ecuador, have to be identified directly with —The pro-Communist relwls the United Nations In 1M9, but so BoUvia, Argentina afid Chile. today resumed their artillery Individual editorials. Washington, June 6 (ff)— few nations accepted the invita- MORE bombardment of government tion the meeting was never held. The Idea for a conference of un- Sen. Anthony Miller, D-Meriden. President Kennedy returned opened the campaign tor signed and Meo tribal fighters in the The preparatory meeting was committed eountriea grew ont of to America this morning after held for four hours today behind a meeting in April between Presi- editeorials last Friday when he'of- mountain village of Padong, a "very fine trip” to see Iwtd- Closed doom. A decision on the site dents Nasser ei the United Arab fered an amendment while the Sen- 20 miles southwest of re ^ l ate was considering a "rlght-to- ers in Europe. He vdllinake a of the meeting is expected to be Reptfitlie and TKo o f Yugoelavla. headquarters at X 1 e n g reached later after other delegatea ‘Ihe Ruasians are reported hos- know" bill dealing with denials by Khoung. report to the nation tonight. have been given a chance to speak. public officials of access to public Kennedy arrived at Andrews Air AU toe governments represent- records. The U.S. military adviser with (Contlnned on Page Two) Force Base at 9:33 a.m. EDT after The amendment waa ruled out the government forces messaged a week during which he saw Soviet ’ .rrir of order because the bill to which that the headquarters in Padong Premier Nikita 8. Khrushchev, MUier wanted to attach the amend- was under "extremely heavy" bom- French President Charles de ment nude no mention of newspa- bardment from 75mm howitzers. Finances Deadlock Ends Gaulle and Britain’s Prime Minister pers or other publications. The royal government lodged Harold Macmillan. Miller, however, rewrote the another protest yesterday with the The 44-yeaivoM President stepped amendment into a bill and reeub- International Truce Control Com- from his jet plane )o a smoQ but mitted it yesterday, toe Senate mtsaion charging a relatively light warm welcome at the olrpcwt. Con- Party Chiefs Agree killed It, 17-8, on a roll call vote. artillery shelling of Padong on grmlonai leaders of both parties, However, the Senate later voted Sunday. diplomats and odminiatrauon et- to reconsider ita action. It re- Rebel ahelUng of the Padong ficials greeted the returning chief. scinded its vote, thus officially area, where an estimated 1,000 pro- Kennedy walked down the re- erasing any earlier action it had government troops are holding out, eelring line and shook hsnds with To Hike Sales Tax taken on the measure. had abated during the past week. each of the approximately 70 peo- There was speculation the lull ple in It. might' be due to publicity of this Watertown Voting Then—in a show of bipartisan- Hartford, June 6 (/P)—^Baste, ,10:48 a.m. yesterday. There were repeated cease-fire violation, heavy ship—he took both Sen. Everett agmement has been reached on .Watertown, June 8 (g>)—Water- recesses tor lunch and supper. raina that made transport of am- Dirksen, of Illinois, the Senate'Re- too princ^tal issue confronting toe The Senate also met into' the town votes today on wbetoer to In- munition difficult or other political stitute. a coiuwUrluansger form of publican leader, and Senate For- legislature—a general fund budget nltot and ddjoumed about 11 p.m. or military causes. eign Relatione Committee Chair- for toe- new fiscal biennium. government and 4K9rap the present In his sippearanee with May, Bai- A generally skeptical reaction In man J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark.. to hie ley said the Governor had ^Men selectmen-town. niMtfng system. Democratlo ai^ Republican Vientiane' greeted the news from waiting helicopter to ride with him The polls, opened at 6 a.m., will Vienna that President Kennedy and leaden announced laat night the close a^ 6 p.m. Only registered Flames Level Two Factories, 10 Homes to the White House, 15 miles away. deadlock on finanoea had been (OoBtoiiied OB Page Nine) Premier Khrushchev had reaffirm- At toe executive moneion,' Ken- broken. Ik e compromise means l e ^ voters are eUgible to baUot. ed their desire for a neutral, Inde- ^ r la l view of firs that destroyed two Industrial planU and ten homes In Ayer, Mass., yesterday. The..XW*' town government plan The flahiea roared along a quarter*mile front along two streets befors It was brought under control nedy planned to work during the toe General >saimply will be able pendent Laos. day on the qieech he wUI broad-, to adjourn beftre tot time estab- Sifaproved only if the me- "Everybody these days is mouth- by fire fighters from 22 communiUes, The loss was MUmated unofficially at |6 mlUion. f AP aie "yes" and If the ma- Photofax). coat at 7 pjn. EDT tonight. It wll!^ liahed by the Stats Constitution, Dempsey Gets ing toe words neutrality and Inde- be carried by aU major televleion ihldnlght tomorrow, they said. jority; exceeds IS per cent of the pendence in regard to Laos," a town’s registered voters. and radio networica. Thb Democrats will accept a re- lAotian official said. Kennedy, who seemed relatively Boto,.tnaJor political parties, to- Gen. Phoumi Nosavan, deputy Lost Child Asleep Attorney General Testifies vised Republican general fund Highway Plan gether whh the Taxpeyefa Asso- bouncy despite toe ardors of his budget c f 9668.7 milUott and a ao- clation, liave urged a “no" vote to- premier and strong man of the weelo-Iong trip, made no speech r ealled baby budget of $8 mlllian. royal government, left for France In Kitchen While at tha airfield although ' mloro- day. On the other hand, the Water- Tha GOP, in turn, agreed- to For Signature town Junior Chamber of Com- today after a conference with King phonee were waHing Just in oast. Gov. John N. DempeeFB baste tax Sevang Vatoana. 100 Search Area But be told newsmen he hsd a program designed to raise $189 Hartford, June 8 House In France, he expecta to at- Kennedy for Extra "Very fine, fine trip." tend a meeting of the three rival million in additional revenue dur- has submitted to Gov, John N. vote. Rockville A 100-member 'When the helicopter landed on ing toe fiscal period beginning Laotian prices. These are Premier Dempsey for his signature the first The Charter Commission has search party, organized at 9 toe White Hotte grounds, Ken- July 1. major controversial measure set- o'clock last night to look for nedy, Dirksen and P u lb r i^ re. worked for a year preparing the (Oontomed on Page Eight) Among Dempaw’s recommenda- tled this session—a 9180 million new charter. a little girl reported mlsalpg Anti-Crime Powers molned In It tor a couple of min- tions which the mpubUcana have compromise highway building pro- from her Franklin St. home, utes in animated diocuasion. Re- approved is a bike in the state gram. broke up 40 minutes later porters could see the President ' sales tax from 3 to SH per cent The Republican - controlled 89 to 94 when she was found In the I Washington, June 6 (At—. making broad gesturee with hie Dempsey’s ovsrall tax revenues Hartford, June 6 (F)—The State At^.^loOking Into evidence pblained In House passed the bill shortly be- Kenned}^ Aides kitchen., . _ Gen. Robert F. Kennedy told tlie a raid last month in Loudoun haiid for emphasis as he talked. program, however, was cut back to fore midnight yesterday. The Motor Vehicle Department’s dally Five-year-old Karen Ryder, Senate Judiciary Committee today When the trio left toe helicop- roughly $120 • million, chiefly record of automobile accidents as County,, Va., which brought to a Democratic-controUed Senate ap- 56 Franklin 8t., was found federal authorities urgently neM halt two of toe largest numbers ter, they continued their conversa- through slaahea In his proposed proved the measure, laat Friday.
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