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who disciplines beings, The Highest, Teacher of Gods and Humans, Buddha, Blessed One, +è-/5Ü,-#;è#<-ý-+è-,Ü-/<ë+-,0<-+#-#Ü-{æ-0*ß,-ýÊ Ê+#è-/7Ü-I-/-F0<-&±+-0Ü-6-/Ê Ê Dé-zhin-sheg-pa dé-ni sö-nam dag-gi-gyu tun-pa Gé-wa'i tsa-wa nam-chü mi-za-wa The Tathāgata is the result of merit, The continuing bases of merit, /6ë+-ý<-/{,-ýÊ Ê/<ë+-,0<-`Ü-#)è9-F0<-`Ü-#5ÜÊ Ê+ýè-e+-/6$-ýë-F0<-`Ü<-‡<-ýÊ Ê Zö-pe gyen-pa Sö-nam-kyi ter-nam-kyi-zhi Pé-che zang-po nam-kyi tre-pa Adorned with patience, Origin of the treasures of merit, Decorated with the minor marks, 02,-F0<-`Ü-0è-)ë#-{<-ýÊ Ê₫ë+-8ß:-9,-ý9-0*ß,-ýÊ Ê0*ë$-,-0Ü-0*ß,-ý-0è+-ýÊ Ê Tshen-nam-kyi mé-tog gye-pa Chö-yul ren-par tun-pa Tong-na mi-tun-pa-mé-pa Blooming with the major marks, Worthy of imitation, Not having an ungracious aspect, ++-ý<-0ë<-ý-F0<-:-0$ë,-ý9-+#7-/Ê Ê;è<-9/-6Ü:-bÜ<-0Ü-#,ë,-ýÊ Ê De-pe mö-pa nam-la ngön-par ga'-wa Shé-rab zil-gyi mi-nön-pa Delighting to the devoted faithful, Not surpassed in wisdom, Yë/<-F0<-:-/JÜ-/-0è+-ýÊ Ê<è0<-%,-*0<-%+-`Ü-Yë,-ýÊ Ê Tob-nam-la dzi-wa-mé-pa Sem-chen tham-che-kyi tön-pa Invincible, Teacher of all sentient beings, e$-&±/-<è0<-+ý7-F0<-`Ü-8/Ê Ê7.#<-ý7Ü-#$-6#-F0<-`Ü-{:-ýëÊ Ê Chang-chub sem-pa' nam-kyi-yab Pag-pa'i gang-zag nam-kyi gyal-po Father of Bodhisattvas, King of exalted beings, 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f-$,-:<-7+<-ý7Ü-ië$-aè9-¸¥-7ië-/-F0<-`Ü-+è+-+ýë,Ê Ê8è-;è<-+ý#-·¦-0è+-ýÊ Ê Nya-ngen-le-de-pa'i drong-khyer-du dro-wa nam-kyi de-pön Yé-shé pag-tu-mé-pa Captain of beings in the city of Nirvana, Immeasurable in wisdom, \ë/<-ý-/<0-bÜ<-0Ü-a/-ýÊ Ê#<ß$-F0-ý9-+#-ýÊ Ê+e$<-X,-ýÊ Ê Pob-pa sam-gyi mi-khyab-pa Sung-nam-par dag-pa Yang-nyen-pa Inconceivable in courage, Pure in voice, Pleasing in sound, U¨-e+-P-/<-&ë#-0Ü-;è<-ýÊ ÊU¨-02±$<-ý-0è+-ýÊ Ê7+ë+-ý-+#-#Ü<-0-#ë<-ýÊ Ê Ku-ché ta-we-chog mi-shé-pa Ku-tshung-pa mé-pa Dö-pa dag-gi ma-gö-pa Lovely in form, Unequaled in body, Not soiled with desires, #6ß#<-+#-#Ü<-(è-/9-0-#ë<-ýÊ Ê#6ß#<-0è+-ý-+#-+$-0-7lè<-ýÊ Ê Zug-dag-gi nyé-war ma-gö-pa Zug-mé-pa dag-dang ma-dré-pa Undefiled by forms, Not mixed with the formless, Z¨#-/W:-+#-:<-F0-ý9-ië:-/Ê Ê.ß$-ýë-+#-:<-9/-·¦-F0-ý9-ië:-/Ê Ê Dug-ngel dag-le nam-par drol-wa Pung-po dag-le rap-tu nam-par drol-wa Free from sufferings, Free from the aggregates, "0<-F0<-+$-0Ü-Q,-ýÊ Êþè-0&è+-F0<-/Z0<-ýÊ Ê0¸¥+-ý-F0<-;Ü,-·¦-/%+-ýÊ Ê Kham-nam dang mi-den-pa Kyé-ché-nam dam-pa Dü-pa-nam shin-tu che-pa Separated from the elements, With sense bases restrained, With fetters removed, 8ë$<-<ß-#¸¥$-/-+#-:<-F0-ý9-ië:-/Ê ÊrÜ+-ý-:<-ië:-/Ê Ê&±-/ë-:<-/@:-/Ê Ê Yong-su dung-wa dag-le nam-par drol-wa Si-pa-le drol-wa Chu-wo-le gal-wa Completely released from extreme torment, Released from samsara, Crossed over the flood, 8è-;è<-8ë$<-<ß-Jë#<-ýÊ Ê7+<-ý-+$-0-eë,-ý-+$-Ê Ê Yé-shé yong-su dzog-pa De-pa dang ma-chön-pa dang Endowed with wisdom, Dwelling in the wisdom of the past, +-P9-e³$-/7Ü-<$<-{<-/%ë0-Q,-7+<-F0<-`Ü-8è-;è<-:-#,<-ýÊ Ê Da-tar chung-wa'i sang-gye chom-den-de nam-kyi yé-shé la-ne-pa present, and future Buddhas, the Blessed Ones, f-$,-:<-7+<-ý-:-0Ü-#,<-ýÊ Ê8$-+#-ý-(Ü+-`Ü-0*7-:-#,<-ýÊ Ê Nya-ngen-le-de-pa-la mi-ne-pa Yang-dag-pa-nyi-kyi ta'-la ne-pa Not dwelling in Nirvana, Dwelling at the limit of reality, <è0<-%,-*0<-%+-:-#6Ü#<-ý7Ü-<-:-/º¥#<-ý-YèÊ Ê Sem-chen tam-che-la zig-pa'i sa-la zhug-pa-té Dwelling on the stage of viewing all sentient beings -- 7+Ü-+#-,Ü-<$<-{<-/%ë0-Q,-7+<-F0<-`Ü-&è-/7Ü-8ë,-),-8$-+#-ý-F0<-<ëÊ Ê Di-dag-ni sang-gye chom-den-de nam-kyi ché-wa'i yön-ten yang-dag-pa nam-so These are the perfect, great qualities of the Buddhas, the Blessed Ones. 2 5:-7+ë,-dë#<-/Z¨<Ê ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +0-ý7Ü-&ë<-,Ü-*ë#-09-+#è-/Ê Ê/9-¸¥-+#è-/Ê Ê*-09-+#è-/Ê Ê Dam-pa'i-chö-ni tog-mar gé-wa Bar-du gé-wa Ta-mar gé-wa The holy Dharma is virtuous in the beginning, Virtuous in the middle, Virtuous in the end, +ë,-/6$-ýëÊ Ê2Ý#-7oá-/6$-ýëÊ Ê0-7lè<-ýÊ Ê8ë$<-<ß-Jë#<-ýÊ Ê Dön-zang-po Tshig-dru zang-po Ma-dré-pa Yong-su dzog-pa Excellent in purpose, Excellent in expression, Unadulterated, Complete, 8ë$<-<ß-+#-ýÊ Ê8ë$<-<ß-e³$-/Ê Ê/%ë0-Q,-7+<-`Ü<-&ë<-:è#<-ý9-#<ß$<-ýÊ Ê Yong-su dag-pa Yong-su chung-wa Chom-den-de-kyi chö-leg-par sung-pa Pure, Perfectly Pure, The eloquently-spoken Dharma of the Blessed One, 8$-+#-ý9-0*ë$-/Ê Ê,+-0è+-ýÊ Ê¸¥<-&+-ý-0è+-ýÊ Ê(è-/9-Yë,-ýÊ Ê Yang-dag-par tong-wa Ne-mé-pa Dü-che-pa mé-pa Nye-war tön-pa Perceptible, Free from disease, Immediate, Praised, 7+Ü-0*ë$-/-:-+ë,-8ë+-ýÊ Ê0"<-ý-F0<-`Ü<-<ë-<ë9-9$-#Ü<-9Ü#-ý9-e-/Ê Ê Di-tong-wa-la dön yö-pa Khe-pa nam-kyi so-sor rang-gi rig-par cha-wa Meaningful to behold, To be personally realized by the wise, /%ë0-Q,-7+<-`Ü<-#<ß$<-ý7Ü-&ë<-7¸¥:-/-:-:è#<-ý9-Yë,-ýÊ Ê Chom-den-de-kyi sung-pa'i chö-dul-wa-la lek-par tön-pa Well-known as the Dharma-training taught by the Blessed One, $è<-ý9-7e³$-/Ê ÊJë#<-ý7Ü-e$-&±/-·¦-7ië-/9-eè+-ýÊ Ê Ngé-par jyung-wa Dzog-pa'i chang-chub-tu dro-war ché-pa Conducive to liberation, Directed toward perfect enlightenment, 0Ü-0*ß,-ý-0è+-%Ü$-7¸¥<-ý-+$-Q,-ýÊ ÊDè,-ý-8ë+-ý-{æ-/-/%+-ý7ëÊ Ê Mi-thun-pa-mé ching-dü-pa dang-den-pa Ten-pa yö-pa gyu-wa che-pa'o A unified whole, A refuge, The end to wandering. 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *è#-ý-&è,-ýë7Ü-+#è-7¸¥,-,ÜÊ Ê:è#<-ý9-º¥#<-ýÊ Ê9Ü#-ý9-º¥#<-ýÊ Ê Teg-pa chen-pö gen-dun ni Leg-par zhug-pa Rig-par zhug-pa The Mahāyāna Sangha is well-engaged, Properly engaged, l$-ýë9-º¥#<-ýÊ Ê0*ß,-ý9-º¥#<-ýÊ Ê*:-0ë-‚9-/7Ü-7ë<-<ß-b²9-ýÊ Ê Drang-por zhug-pa Tun-par zhug-pa Tal-mo char-wa'i ö-su gyur-pa Rightly engaged, Correctly engaged, Worthy of respect, d#-e-/7Ü-7ë<-<ß-b²9-ýÊ Ê/<ë+-,0<-`Ü-+ý:-bÜ-5Ü$-Ê Ê8ë,-8ë$<-<ß-‚ë$-/-&è,-ýëÊ Ê Chag-cha-wa'i ö-su gyur-pa Sö-nam-kyi pal-gyi zhing Yön-yong-su jyong-wa chen-po Worthy of devotion, A glorious field of merit, Very worthy of offerings, ‚Ü,-ý7Ü-#,<-<ß-b²9-ýÊ Ê´¥,-·¦-8$-‚Ü,-ý7Ü-#,<-<ß-b²9-ý-&è,-ýë7ëÊÊ Jyin-pa'i ne-su gyur-pa Kun-tu-yang jyin-pa'i ne-su gyur-pa chen-po'o Worthy of gifts, Always very worthy of gifts. 4 5:-7+ë,-dë#<-/Z¨<Ê ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ÉÊ Ê.ß$-ýë-#<ß0-ý7Ü-0+ëÊ The Three-Part Sutra: Confession Before the Thirty-Five Buddhas ÉÊ Ê<è0<-%,-*0<-%+-¸¥<-D#-ý9-v-0-:-þ/<-<ß-0&Ü7ëÊ Sem-chen tam-che dü-tag-par la-ma-la kyab-su-chi'o I and all sentient beings, at all times, take refuge in the Guru; <$<-{<-:-þ/<-<ß-0&Ü7ëÊ &ë<-:-þ/<-<ß-0&Ü7ëÊ +#è-7¸¥,-:-þ/<-<ß-0&Ü7ëÊ Sang-gye-la kyab-su-chi'o Chö-la kyab-su-chi'o Gen-dun-la kyab-su-chi'o I take refuge in the Buddha; I take refuge in the Dharma; I take refuge in the Sangha.

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