Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-11-2000 Arbiter, October 11 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. · '.:0 0. ... -::s ·.o~··"2..- f!."1 ..~';"""-"I. en .- ....,"1"'0" C SO~C C." o.,cCII...-"I.e...."" ,,::I. _ .._.- ON -'-'..• a; ··thn0· C A.;fIt ._..._._.. ~ ._ --,.··-·-l-:'··-I---~-·--···--·--·-----·-··~-- reer • aIr TJckEtson sa.leat all TI.cketweboutlets. by calling 1-800-96$ 4827' and onllneat.www·tlcketweb.com. ; All ages\N&ICome.Fu.lbarwlthID. Make .contacts- network! KUNG. FU RECORDS Learn about employers, internships and career opportunities. "TOU..R 20.P.O~. Graduating students- dress professionally and bring your resume! October 18} 9a.m. -3p.m. SUBJordan Ballroom .Register to Win Prizes! $100 BSU Bookstore Certificates 35mm Camera I'L...-_-+----,.. --' I CD Boombox Walkman Over 100 rebresentatives will be there: HealthCare Facilitites . GovernmentAgencies Various Local and National Businesses For a complete listing of representatives look at the Web:career.boisestate.edu/carfair.htm Sponsored by the BSUCareer Center Produced byBRAVO EnterlailrnenWi 8M Presenls. Gel rm sIKM info atwww.bravobsp.com .- . '- -- -' - - - - '. -. - --' . ~- .. _-----~_ .. ----------------- --_ .._-_ ..._---_._--- .' - '; October 11,~~2000 __ Acbiter ----------..:..----,/ 3 - on the' .over -;;:===~~ Renters and landlords have a special Guest Opinion relationship ...page 16 Victor's history shrouds Columbus Day truth ... page 26 Brook Smith, ASBSU political lobbyist on voting ... page 11 ::I '. rts & ~ntertainineri,t· "-- ' On Campus Anthony Hopkins treats Boise to a little humility ... page so Maybe a real "dead week" before finals... page 5 Gore and Bush on the boob tube: a review ... page S5 Student government On a pay raise: 'We haven't proven that we've earned it yet,"..:page 5 Homecoming brings past and present together ... page SI The Nation BAC for DUI declines by Congressional mandate ... page 8 The Gem State Idaho faculty salaries hang dangerously low... page 40 The Club Hop Horrorscopes ... page S7 IDS Institute reports 'Spectacular' turnout ... page 40 Classifieds... page S8-S9 Health Dilbert.. .page 39 Begin your preparation for the flu season ... page 10 Crossword ... page 39 Economy Student investment yields cash for college ... page '10 , The Weather: "It won't be long'fore election time," From Democrat Man by John Lee Hooker Science and Technology Ask Nic Machiavelli ... page9 On page 22 of .the October-s, 2000 pnnt edition of The Arbzter, the bylme 0 Fourth quarter comes up short, Broncos fallat.Washington State: .. page 13 Jerel Thomas was left off of the column titled "From Right Field." The commen- Meet midfielder Abigail Roche ... page 140 tary is not an editorial representative of the opinions and views of The Arbiteredi- torial staff. The Arbiter apologizes to Thomas and for any confusion' the missing # 13 Long Beach State defeats Boise State in voHeyball. .. page 15 byline might have caused. In the Sept 27, 2000 issue of The Arbiter, on page 7, under the headline, "BSU students get limited airtime with variety of programs," "KBSU 7:30 a.m,' should have read, "KBSU 730 AM," The Arbiter c Meg-an Marchetti on-line editor David Cain office manaQer d;:Jf~ir;!~ I 910University Drive, Dudley Bowman Yael Avi -Isaac Laura b'·; !i) Kate Hoffinan Boise Idaho 83725 if!'! 1':',·\ K J Phone: (208) 3+5-8204 \,&'~,i'l.iiliE,,;,,1f0.J Kj G~~ a:~itt sports editor edr.oila' advisor advertlslnQ reps Sid Anderson Fax: (208) 385-3198 volunteer Tiffany Burlile Pete Erlendson Dr. Dan Morris Jenny Corn e-mail:' edjtor@arbjtennail com Amanda E. Decker-De Robyn Post a&eedltor www.arblteronllne.com Shazo Mark Holladay photocJrophef's Lee M. Vander Boegh Mike Winter Rafael Saakyan advertlslnQ manaQer The Arbiter is the official student Bannister Brownlee contrlbuUnQ writers Mindy Peper Daniel Wolf newspaper of the students of Boise Beth Schmidt Sam Garcia news editor State University. Its mission is to Lena Brainard Sean Hayes Qraphlc deslQn business manalJer provide a forum for the discussion of Rich Mortensen issues impacting the campus and staff writers Lesleigh Owen Zebrina Thompson Laura Wylde senior editor Josh Hammari communi1 The Arbiters budget Josh Jordan lJenera'manalJer consists 0 fees paid by the students David Cain John. Threet Jim Klepacki Brad Arendt of Boise State University and Brian Holler Doug Dana photo editor advertising sales. The Arbiter is dis- editor Jim Toweill Jenny McDougle Ted Harmon tributed to the campus and commu- Carissa Wolf Nicole Sharp RenaeHall nity on Wednesdays during the Daniel Wolf art director, school year. The first copy is free. wrItInlJ EvyAnnNelf copy editor coaches Stephanie Pittam Additional copies are $1 each, payable to the Arbiter offices. Mona Morrison ScottHorting Vern Nelson \ ........ - - -' - ~._~-~ ,.-~ - -- -- - ~ . ' ,1 •. ' •••• ._---- 4 -------------------------------. H-eWS2000 IMF protesters call for pollee accountability, . dropped charges the Arbiter Demonstrators ask for meeting survey of education faculty with police . Asalaries published in the National Education Association's 1999 yearbook by Hannah T. Bankhead shows that Idaho ranks 43rd in the Arbiter the country. Idaho faculty salaries in uni- oise Police Chief Don Pierce was surrounded at an Oct. 3 versities rank 16.3 percent press conference by over 20 protesters who alleged his offi- B lower than the national average; cers used excessive force to break up the Sept. 26 demonstration in four-year colleges, the salaries against the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. rank 9.2 percent lower than Police ended the demonstration and 18 protesters - most of average. them students - were arrested Faculty members from Boise. Protesters at the rally ranged from Green Party USA mem- State University, the University ber.s, to member~ of the Boise .State University campus organi- of Idaho, Idaho State zation, Progressive Student Alliance, to labor and environmental University, and Lewis-Clark groups and anarchists dressed in black with covered faces. State College contributed to a Scott Bonner said when police officers arrested him during position paper regarding the the Sept. 26 protest, they jumped on top of him and came with- results of this survey and the in inches of breaking his neck. effects of the low salaries on the Pierce told reporters that Bonner was arrested because he was state. shouting orders to other demonstrators while being arrested. According to the paper, low Bonner said that was not true. salaries have already caused the "I did see that myself," Pierce responded. quality of higher education in "Then I am saying you are lying," Bonner replied. this state to deteriorate .: Boise State University graduate student, Jeremy Maxand told Pierce, many protesters would have gone peacefully, but they could not hear the officers' orders over police sirens. Maxand called on Pierce to do three things .. "First, we want all charges against protesters who were WI~b.classcould ease arrested for assaulting a police officer dropped," Maxand requested. "Second," Maxand said, ''We want no disciplinary-action ore Iglous tension ... taken against any officers who refused to participate in the police riot." Accordingto some protesters' accounts, one police' officer BSUoffers conflict management for- refused to participate in the arrest or the control of protesters when his co-officers began pushing, shoving and violently man- church groups . -. handling demonstrators. This' is a non-credit certifi- McCorkle feels that this will fill Maxand told Pierce the demonstrators wanted to discuss by Devin Kelly cate program designed for those a need in the community by what happened to protesters during the rally. the Arbiter students who cannot necessari- opening communication and ''We are calling for a meeting between those involved in the ly make it to BSU for class or understanding. To keep the demonstration and the police chief to talk about concerns about he office of Conflict don't have time for traditional class communication lively;reg- officer training and how to prevent a similar situation from hap- TManagement Services is on-campus classes. The web- istration is limited to 10 stu- pening again," Maxand said. - offering a new dispute resolu- based class is at the core of the dents. McCorkle says that par- Despite hassles, some participants in the Sept. 26 protest tion program through the Boise program, which also includes a ticipation in conversation and called it a success. Boise State student Tobin Steiskal cited the State University division of series of workshops and field interaction is expected. high turnout of marchers. He also said the group accomplished extended studies. experiments that can be taken - Interested students should their two goals. The program, focusing in the student's local area. have a knowledge of word-pro- ''We wanted to stand in solidarity with the people of Prague," around a web class entitled The program's director, cessing, Internet usage, search Steiskal said. 'And we wanted to educate people and make them "Conflict Management and Suzanne McCorkle of the office engines and downloading. On aware of world issues." Mediation in the Faith-Based of Conflict Management said certain days students will be Pierce said he was not going to investigate allegations of Context," will train students to there is support from several expected to log on, but not dur- police violence until rally participants submit a formal com- deal with interpersonal under- instructors around the nation ing any specific time block. The plaint. Protesters say they have taken. their case to Boise Police standing of conflict issues and the Methodist Convention.
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