Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 1-4-1963 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1963). Winona Daily News. 364. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/364 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. j $teez.Mj brizzlci ' Tonight; SrioW ^ " ^de r Safut'day Indebtedness v Cit piii^i^i^s^isis^ OJ^Sfife ^90,000 Governor Niii iip^ ; ¦ : : ed- they do, , the U.S IS the only cause of the risks involved is a . Ostensibly, the. 10,000-word S:R- ' IliMibi By WILLIAM -1.. RYAN: i / ¦ ¦ ; iri: the Peking ; People' power WHch' can: use the weapon " ST; PAUL (AP) - The/State of AP Special Correspbndertt 7' betrajral of /the . cause of7 world itorial ^ : s Red China's leaders appear/to revolution ,.. Peking /seems tr> feel Daily of Dec.. 31 is a response to, as a lever to force Red expand Minnesota, pared .indebtedness , by j . ¦/ • : suspect': Nikita . Khrushchev of statements, ¦: at the recent/ Italian sion. ' $13.5'million , showed a s3p..:millibn | pjay ing around wi th the idea Xhe ..yearned blsst froiri : Red Communist party by. Red boss . .What: should be done , .'in . the boost, iri^ retirement funds ' arncl ad-.i of a ' riuclear ' weapons' understanding: China at. Premier Khrushchev im- Palmiro Tb.gliattT. - But the Soviet Peking , view? ded $2,8 millibh lo, permanent triist I Ballots Laid Aside ' ' In . a, iiiass with the United States, The. Red plies ; the Soviet leader is .flirting premier : is the .; target; . He is.; not .. of Communist dpu- fund . accuniulations¦ in; the /year¦ ! by pame. -B1it. the ble-talk, the 'editorial lays down closed Dec.: 31V. ' • ¦ '. :' . :. ¦¦: ' " Vi Chinese indicate , they .; belifiVe...su-. with the idea of/ a long-term tol- mentioned/ -7- . ¦ . :L. j system editorial/ /repeatedly,' lambastes recommendations!-- .' ' ' ; ' '/• ¦ // GLOOMY WINTER DM periority/. : in ./nuclear " 'Weapons eration of ..the- . Western : ¦ 7 : .That Was- the/ report today' of . State Recount : " should be built up and^maintained during vvhich competition would "some people.'' 0. P^ ' ' : -) U.S. " imperialism." -says the Treasurer yal. Bjornson , who pre- to help .force cdnirxiunisrh on the be Used to produce , a "rieW inter- editorial, ."is. doing its utmost to dicted a perhaps, even bright fiscal ¦: themselves are be-, ' rest ; of: the wprl.di national ; ;;'ordef" through some The Chinese disseminate - . dread .of' nuclear picture ' for the future, thanks to ¦ ¦ ¦ lieved io produce ail ex- Weapons in pursuit Of a policy of " ' • To,- have 7 [he potential . and kind of • : peaceful . evolution. Such; workihg^ passage of Amendment-'No ,: 1. : . •: shrink from : brandishing' , it for ail. idea', Peking : asserts .is: ' out- plosion that . will vault them: into nuclear blackmail." Complete in ' ; club. Until right revision of- Leninism. the . riuclear weapon ¦ ¦ ; V He •xplainea that:¦• the coriitifo- practical . ' political, purposes be- . 7 - ' ,¦. , . ¦ ' ' ' . ' ' , ' ¦ 1 : ^- ^- , :—- - . - ' — y. ^ . By nuclear blackmail, it means ' ' tipnal change., permits investment preventing: Communists thrusts,, of trust; fuhd: monies an .coi-porate such as the attempt to install nu- securities. : Heretofore , such, funds 16 Counties clear-capable missiles in Cuba. '•/. 7 ¦ had been limited to purchase - of , MfN Nf3AP0LI.S (APi •', ;_.,•.dial-- Thus,: Peking contends, it- would By THE ASSOCIATEp PRESS sontliern /Plateau. .Freezing : United plates and municipal bonds ; Freezing • temperatures and rain plagued tbe southern ppr/ lenged ballots approached the 9<tp be wrong for .Communists :.Io fur- i' : ther Western propaganda' by ad- paying ovver: average rales of in- interrriitterit snowi and rain lions of: the U.ppei:. Mississippi OOO level today , as tlie governor- ' V : .¦;. ';.': ' tnittih'g; a 'possibility; of cataclysm terest. ; J'^/V :, '7. :'7 prevailed:: over most of the .VaWey arid /the middle/Missis- ship; recount: nibyed toward , a/ fi- ' ^ ' for both sides, in a nuclear war, Bjpriison saidVthe ' amendment nation/ today, .a : typical gray/ si ppi , accompanied by cOnr nale in . county auditors offices ' ' • ' ' ¦ The. -right: attitude, the editorial also enables 'consolidation : of the gloomy , winter, .day: . .. si derable : fog.;: Scattered fog across • •Minnesota. • . ., , .; .- ,•/• . j ; . / : ' implies, : that only ''the. imperi-' permanent school aiid sv«'amp land V Snow fell , in the Great .' Lakes conditions also occurred ; in the Fredictioris were that' ' . ill , but is . : alistS'*'. -""would, be wiped but lh; nu> funds into one structure., whose to- region ,; 'southern portions of eslreihe Paeific\Northwest./ Hennepin .and St. Louis7 counties dear conflict. ¦ ¦¦/• ¦' "*' :' tal 'exceeded $264.million as of last tile North .'Atlantic';Coast stat e.s, : Pair skies covered most of could be completed; by./Saturdajf . :. ¦ ' The tiling to do, says the edito- Monday/ • '• ' ¦: ' ' :¦ '¦ :.' : '' ' .¦' ' .' ' " '¦¦¦ . parts; of the tipper :aiid liliddle the Squth ' Atlantic . Goast , Ala- night; And !:revisedI . totals from rial , is to .".mobilize the. masses, of ' •:' Interest from' that' total-ail:goes Mississippi Vaiiey.; the north: bama and . parts of the north-: those, were expec t ed to be^ ready ; .subiriission people' against nuclear war;-'' . Pop., toward , grade aiid high .school sujir •ern Plateau .region and:. the ' cj'ii .Plateau - region... - ', l:// _ : ; for to the 'three-judge ' " "/E ' ' panel' of final irhiters by Wednes- ular . pressure, should be brought .poil and Bjornson said that would ceritrhl . Rockies .. .and ..'northern- Elsewhere. inr .t:he .-a.s;t'; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '-Commiinist govern; : ¦ . V " day. -' ". ;; , ' .. '. ' 77 :- "" • • .; ' against non Plains./ '// V . cloudy conditions prevailed . ' ' ¦ show 'a ; gradual rise as tlie empha- ¦ : ¦ ' " ' — ' ¦ ' ' ¦ " : « ': : '! peace. ' - •. • : - .. - , ments by. "the. forces of " sis shifts to /corporate .' securities. Rain danipbiibd the ..north and •rnuch of /the West¦ was : ¦¦ Both sides, agreed meaning Communists and their and central Plains', ¦aiid the overcast., -" ' ¦/ , Thursday . night that DFL -LL Gov. , followers. .- . - .;/' . '.'-::' Over-all trust , fund total , include' . Kail Rol- 7 . var.g was ;in the/lead over/Repub- ; ing $46i8 million in the permanent By implication, since ther.e: are university depository, unaffected lican /incumbent: Gov. Elmer L; no .similar forces in .Communist by. the. amendment", was.$311/4 .mil- Andersen; but ..by. varied , .figures.. ¦countries//to do likewise^ .to . vted The GOP check center, report- '• lion; Bjornson. reported. •/ governments, the VS$M.• — and feql^pfffb^friertf ing the recount¦ complete ini 76I of ' China •'¦— . could test at will and Retir.ehient funds, supp.or.ting the .state's '• 87' counties, gave Ilbi- eventually. ;achieve enormous su- pensions for . teachers, state .and vaag a 123:vpte . margih, The^DPL, periority.. other public employes; hit a $219.4 with ,768 counties, "on; its list, had "We are convinced that , by re- million tot al , OT. this • totaly B jprrt- him nut front by 239, - .. ' Iytrig on the united struggle 6} all spn said $76:6 million are invested, Seen in WtecaWin But both ' :V figures lacked : solidity ' buffer, the . forces '. ot peace; /&' is possible in. corporate bonds and another V: .W/7By FRANK .CREREA.U/; .', because of the^ awesome pileup •, ' ' R AG I AL BARRICApJE . V./ -A wooden barV . stabilize -the racial situation. The• racial- . ¦ ' : ': : ' ^f ; to . frustrate the ; U:S. .. imperialist $20.8- .million ih: common.-'. stock's at ./ MADISON,.'Wis . W - The l 96:¦3Wisconsin Lcgislatuiei which.. will questioned ballots; the/GOP' had ricade /separates -white : and/.;Negro sections of : Called Atlanta's "Berlin , Wail'.'- by sortie Negroes ' ; policy: of :nuclear : blackmaii;" the' average ' earnings , of 4,43 . percent go into session . nextweek, should'. 1he. under the state constitution/ the stacked up 87.T,ri7/ :the majority., of Atlanta's We'st End : ',: faced a legal test in municipal, court; (AP/Photo- 1 Peyton and /Harlan Roads: in . ¦ ¦¦' ' statement says. ''This .is .'the cor- •per year,, or a; gain of about l?i last electee! from -present/Senate;;and Assembly districts.; / ./ ; • tiiem . ' ', biihg ,'46;662.^d6r'sen-.:.- 'bal- A fax)- ' '• /" p'P ' ' ¦;¦' ' ¦A. " ' ¦ "¦' ;¦-" '¦: ¦ " ' section, "th e.. -road: closing/by ttie Atlanta Board ; "/ . -P ; :.) " '; - . ' .;. rect : ., and: • effective policy for percent : oVer what, governthents . The. constitution ,provides: for realignment . of .legislative districts lofsitli e DFL inspector s .were .ch'al- " an-emergericy ; mpve to achieving - a; ban on , riuclear weap- would: biave .yielded/;. ;ieh ' ' '" ; /:>¦;¦ :- ¦/ ¦'/• of'Aldermen was called^: , v ¦ after, every /federal census- which is pnee in every/to iyears. -The last .gihg:. - . , ., ¦/. • /'/.,: ons Vand. preventing , a nuclear federal eensus -was;.-in lil6u. ' war." ':. ' " !' . ' :. pp -P[.:[:/ " l '\ State '. • indebtedness stood, ; a* -Whether the Legislature will. be1 able, to settle llie much-debated The" Rolvaag camp chalked up $179.5, million after : the paying off 82,410 ': The implication is that, jiegotia-
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