The aTHE ALBANYte SOCIETYh’S NEWSLETTERo usFOR SENIOR ALUMNIe G SPRING ISSUE 2014 Alumni Weekend Spotlight on ‘54, ‘59, ‘64 Classes A luncheon honoring the classes of Room, will recognize alumni from the Thursday evening and a dinner on 1954, 1959, and 1964 will be one of the 60-, 55-, and 50-year reunion classes Friday. highlight events for senior alumni who who are in attendance. One of the most popular events of return to Palatine Hill this summer for Members of the Class of 1964 will be the many offered duringAlumni Week- Alumni Weekend. specially honored as part of their Gold- end is the Northwest salmon bake and The event-filled weekend that annu- en Reunion weekend celebration. The BBQ on Saturday afternoon. The gath- ally draws hundreds of graduates and Albany Society will present a college ering regularly draws hundreds of their families back to campus is sched- medallion to each member of the alums, faculty past and present, and uled for Thursday through Sunday, Golden Reunion class in a symbolic their families. June 19-22. recreation of their commencement 50 You can find a full schedule of The Albany Society luncheon, set years earlier. events and registration information at for 11 a.m. on Friday in Stamm Dining The medallion presentation also will go.lclark.edu/college/reunions. serve as an official welcome into the A personal budget hint: Sign up be- Albany Society, an honorary organiza- fore May 18 and save 25 percent on all Team Effort Launches tion of all those who graduated 50 or event costs. more years ago. For registration help and infor- Oral History Project Other special events on schedule for mation, email [email protected] or Definition: Oral history is the story of an the 1964 class include a reception call 503-768-7950. event or community over time in the words of those who were participants in its making. 1938 Graduate Remembers Albany Over the next months, alumni from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s will have women attended colleges pursuing an opportunity to voice their stories limited career options. And Albany about their student days at Lewis & College was preparing to move from Clark as part of a campus history the Willamette Valley town to the big project launched in March. city of Portland. The project is underway thanks to a That was the landscape 76 years ago concerted effort by L&C’s National when Mildred Whalley Davis grad- Board of Alumni, the Albany Society, uated from Albany College. Her crystal and the college. clear memory, grasp of current events, The Albany Society was asked to and charming demeanor belie her age identify a list of its members represent- of 98. ing a broad spectrum of experiences in Mildred credits her longevity and the college’s early years to be the first vitality to “good genes,” but adds that subjects to be interviewed. she never smoked and has always The interviews are initially being believed in “doing things in mod- conducted on campus by students from eration.” Continued on Page 5 MILDRED DAVIS ‘38 charmed those who Growing up in Portland, she attend- attended the December Holiday Reception ed the Presbyterian Church, which led in the Manor House. She poses with Albany her to enroll in Albany College —then Society Board Chair Don Floren ‘53. affiliated with the denomination. Albany Society Picnic “I started college in the middle of The year was 1938. the Depression,” she remembers. “I Friday, August 1 The Great Depression lingered in took two suitcases. Now, it takes a truck to move a kid into a dorm.” Read story inside the United States and tensions around the world were building toward World The contrast between Albany War II. Only a small percentage of Continued on Page 2 Mildred Davis ‘38 Continued from Page 1 Albany College. She met her future traveled abroad with Elderhostel. College in 1938 and Lewis & Clark husband, Jim Davis, there. Jim, a star Mildred is a charter member of the today is marked. There were approx- athlete in football, basketball, and track Albany Society, which was established imately 200 students and 19 faculty at Albany, was a charter inductee into in 2000. and staff compared with more than L&C’s Sports Hall of Fame. What makes her proudest to be a 2,000 students and 149 faculty mem- When the college relocated to Port- graduate of the college is what it has bers today. land, Jim followed. He graduated a become today. “It has grown from its Active on campus, Mildred was year after Mildred. small beginnings in Albany into a well- president of the Women’s Hall, where But marriage had to wait. “I had a recognized institution with faculty and Sunday teas were held replete with $200 loan that came with a promise not graduates achieving prominence over hats and gloves. “Campus attire back to marry until it was paid back,” she the years.” then was dresses and skirts—no pants laughs. “It took a year.” The importance of the college to her for women. And, we had house- She launched her teaching career in life is underscored by the fact that she mothers who ensured that no man the logging community of Detroit, has all the yearbooks from her college ever got up the stairs!” Oregon, and would remain a teacher days—all in good condition. Still One of her fondest memories of and counselor until retiring in 1976. living in Hillsboro, Mildred reads and college dorm life were nighttime sere- Following graduation, her husband knits. She has a granddaughter and nades by a male student. “He had a joined the service. They spent the war three great-grandchildren. beautiful voice that floated in the air years in San Diego. In 1947, the couple The biggest change she has seen is and it was very romantic.” returned to Oregon, settling in Hills- the electronic revolution. “Just think “I majored in education,” Mildred boro —then an agricultural community about the information available with said recalling that most women in that and now home to many high tech the push of button,” she exclaims. era had few career choices. “We were companies. After Jim retired as prin- Her advice to other Albany Society expected to become teachers, librar- cipal of Hillsboro High School, they members: “Always think positively.” ians, nurses, and secretaries.” traveled throughout the United By Dolores Chenoweth ‘62 She gained more than her degree at States by car. As a widow, Mildred Senior Alumni Are Scattered All Over the World Lewis & Clark alumni who graduated the college’s records is 105 and approximately 500 of them. in 1964 or earlier are part of a select graduated from Albany College in If you know of anyone not receiving group in the college’s record books: the 1929. That was 13 years before the The Gatehouse, urge them to update Albany Society. college moved to Palatine Hill and their information with the college by The group recognizes and changed its name to Lewis & Clark. contacting the Office of Alumni and reconnects in a purposeful way with The Office of Alumni and Parent Parent Programs at 503-768-7950, those who have reached the 50-year Programs continually updates its [email protected], or 0615 S.W. milestone of their graduation. Despite records on senior alumni, but is Palatine Hill Road, Portland, OR 97219. its span of 85 years, the Albany Society missing contact information for By Dolores Chenoweth is relatively small in numbers—2,800— making up less than 10 percent of the college’s current alumni. An Alternative to Managing Property Its members live in 47 states, the If you’ve considered ending your veloped land, a farm, or commercial District of Columbia, and 34 foreign property management responsibilities property all qualify. countries. The majority—1,215, or 57 by selling, consider calling Lewis & You can share your legacy in ways percent—reside in Oregon, followed Clark first. that benefit you and Lewis & Clark. by Washington, 343; California, 279; Donated real estate can fund a Through a charitable remainder trust Arizona, 63; and Colorado, 29. Other charitable remainder unitrust that pro- you and/or another beneficiary may: top states are Texas, Idaho, Nevada, vides lifetime payments often com- • Receive lifetime income. and Virginia. parable to the rent income. When the • Obtain a sizable income tax Internationally, Albany Society donor makes the gift, he or she takes charitable deduction. members make their homes in Iraq, an income tax charitable deduction and • Avoid up-front capital gains tax Japan, Mauritius, the Netherlands, avoids paying capital gains tax. on long-term appreciated assets used Nigeria, Sweden, South Korea, the A charitable remainder trust can be to fund the trust. United Kingdom, Canada, and Ger- funded with a variety of assets, includ- • Make a significant gift to Lewis & many, among other countries. ing real estate, cash, appreciated Clark. Men comprise 54 percent of the stocks, or mutual funds. To discuss the various gift choices Albany Society, numbering 1,505 You can contribute any type of for you and your family, contact compared to 1,299 women. appreciated real estate you’ve owned Sharon Bosserman-Benson at The average age of society members for more than one year, provided it’s [email protected] or 800-753-9292, or is 80.9 years. The oldest living alum in unmortgaged. A residence, unde- visit go.lclark.edu/plannedgiving. Albany Society Picnic Aug. 1 in Albany Quadrangle Circle Friday, August 1, on This year’s decorations, your calendar. menu and music will have a That’s the date for the ninth decidedly Mexican theme, annual Albany Society Picnic, according to Frank Lawrence an event open to all senior ‘52, picnic chair.
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