INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOODBROTHERHOOD OFOF TEAMSTERSTEAMSTERS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER JULY/AUGUST 20032004 VictoryVictory ThroughUnity ThroughUnity www.teamster.org KERRY RALLIES TEAMSTERS TO TURN OUT IN NOVEMBER ININ THISTHIS ISSUEISSUE 2 TEAMSTER NEWS FEATURES l Teamster Killed In Iraq l Teamsters Save 8 In Unity Soap Works Kerry Rallies Teamsters At Unity Conference l Rail Conference Introduces Safety Program 18 Waste Not Want Not l Workers’ Memorial Locals Ratify Strong Contracts Day Celebrated At Allied Waste/BFI l DHL Workers Protected 22 Stier Abandons Anti- Corruption Program 20 ORGANIZING RISE Director Quits When Asked To Explain Costs and Methods l Tofu Makers Join Local 912 26 l Double Victory For 24 Coast To Coast Local 295 At Costco l BLET Adds Portland & With Solid Contracts In Hand, Western Rail Workers Union Targets Organizing l Police Pick Local 385 l Parking Workers Choose 26 Taking The Lead Local 283 Women’s Conference Celebrates Achievement, Heralds Future 32 Lending A Hand 3030 COURTCOURT MATERIALMATERIAL UPS Driver Wins Prestigious Service Award 32 16 A Real Knockout JAB Makes History With First Unionized Boxing Match www.teamster.org International Brotherhood of Teamsters 25 Louisiana Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001-2198 202-624-6800 The Teamster (ISSN 1083-2394) is the official publication of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 25 Louisiana Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20001- 2198. It is published bimonthly in January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October and November/December. Periodical postage paid at Washington, D.C. and at additional mailing offices. JULY/AUGUST 2004 / VOLUME 101, NO. 4 © 2004 International Brotherhood of Teamsters. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Teamster, Affiliates Records Department, 25 Louisiana Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20001-2198. Subscription rates: $12 per year. Single copies, $2. (All orders payable in advance.) Members should send address changes to their local union. Give to the Teamsters Disaster Relief Fund OPENHearts Teamsters Disaster Relief Fund Send your tax-deductible donation to: 25 Louisiana Ave NW, Washington DC 20001 A MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL PRESIDENT Unity For The Future his year’s Unity Conference was a momentous Don’t Agonize—Organize event in the history of our union. More than 2,000 This year’s Unity Conference was also the first with Teamsters gathered in Las Vegas for the first time our brothers and sisters from the Brotherhood of since we celebrated our 100-year anniversary in Sep- Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen. The 40,000 tember of last year. And just as we honor those who BLET members have made our union stronger as we came before us, 100 years from now those who follow face down corporations as one union representing us will remember this time in Teamsters history. every sector of the transportation industry. The Over the last 100 years, Teamsters have stood dream of unity on the rails, roads and in the skies is together to achieve goals that seemed unattainable. A fast becoming a reality. And the fight to grow the minimum wage, overtime, retirement security, health union is a battle we must all take part in. Tcare, job safety protections and the 40-hour work Although we are adding tens of thousands of new week are all hard-won rights we must never take for members through mergers with other unions, it is granted. And these things weren’t just handed to us. It grass roots organizing that keeps the Teamsters alive took a lot of blood, sweat and tears shed by those and strong. Joint Councils and local unions are orga- great members that came before us. nizing like never before and together we can grow Today we are again under attack and have to fight beyond 1.4 million members. Remember, workers for our rights like we did at the beginning of our first need the Teamsters more than ever. 100 years. A Change in November Facing Challenges We are the only voice for working people. No one else is Our pensions and health care benefits are under attack. talking about jobs, trade, healthcare or retirement pro- Overtime is in danger. Jobs are leaving the country in tection. No one else is speaking out on the minimum record numbers for Mexico, India and China. Instead wage, Medicare or social security improvements. No of a growing and prospering middle class, the gap one else is fighting to protect overtime, job security or between our country’s rich and poor grows larger by highway safety. And no one else is negotiating strong the day. Anti-labor politicians are emboldened to pass contracts in the depths of a recession. Teamsters lead the laws that strip us of our rights. Corporate giants like way. We are the last line of defense for working families. Wal-Mart and Cintas exploit workers and lower wages The legacy of the Teamsters is one of unity, justice that cause legitimate companies to fail. Greedy execu- and improvements for working families across North tives at companies like Enron, Worldcom and Tyco America. And while we will never forget the sacrifices break the law and destroy our pensions. The list goes that were made yesterday for our benefit today, we on and on. We have our work cut out for us. have our own battles to wage. That is why we must Our generation will be remembered for our strug- work tirelessly to elect John Kerry in November. Only gles on behalf of workers—just as our forefathers are through our solidarity and unity of purpose will we remembered for their battles in Minneapolis, San be victorious. Francisco and Detroit. Now is not the time to cower from the challenges set in front of us. It’s time for us to carve our own place in Teamsters history. TEAMSTER NEWS Teamster Member Killed in Iraq Local 401’s Sherwood Baker Killed in Baghdad GT. SHERWOOD BAKER, a Local 401 mem- chemical weapons factory in ber from Plymouth, Pennsylvania, was killed Baghdad before the building Son April 26 in a large explosion at a suspected exploded. chemical weapons factory in Baghdad, Iraq. Major Kevin Miller, opera- tions officer for the 109th Field “In times of war, President of Local 401 in Wilkes- Artillery, described Baker as an Teamsters have Barre.“He will be sorely missed.” “exemplary citizen soldier,”to always stepped up Sgt. Baker was a Guards- the Wilkes-Barre newspaper, ORLD PHOTOS to serve their coun- man for the 109th Field the Citizen’s Voice. try. In this case, Sgt. Artillery, Alpha Battery, and “In performing this mis- AP/WIDE W Baker made the was serving with the Second sion in Iraq, he was proud to ultimate sacrifice in defending Battalion, 103rd Armor, Bravo be a part of a new chapter of freedom,”said Jim Hoffa, Company. Sgt. Baker had been the rich history of the 109th Teamsters General President. in Iraq for 30 days to assist in Field Artillery,”Miller noted. “He is a true Teamster hero the search for weapons of mass “Sgt. Baker was a true citi- and his sacrifice will be destruction in and around the zen soldier who not only remembered by his union’s 1.4 Baghdad area. worked hard to support his million brothers and sisters.” young family, but made the Sgt. Baker is survived by his “An Exemplary ultimate sacrifice for his coun- wife Debra and 9-year-old son Citizen Soldier” try when he lost his life,”said J.D. He was a Pennsylvania Sgt. Baker and his comrades Pennsylvania Governor National Guard soldier. Before had been performing security Edward G. Rendell.“The being called up for service, Sgt. patrols, convoy escorts and Commonwealth mourns the Baker was a caseworker for the checkpoint operations for the loss of this hero, and prays that Department of Mental Health past several weeks in Baghdad our soldiers still fighting are and Mental Retardation. and Fallujah. On April 26, returned to us safely. Our “My heartfelt sympathy Baker and 12 other guardsmen thoughts and prayers are with goes out to his family and from the unit were providing Sgt. Baker’s family during this friends,”said George Vitanovec, security around a suspected difficult period.” GENERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD James P.Hoffa VICE PRESIDENTS TEAMSTERS CANADA CENTRAL REGION EASTERN REGION SOUTHERN REGION WESTERN REGION TRUSTEES General President AT-LARGE Robert Bouvier, Patrick W. Flynn Jack Cipriani Tyson Johnson J. Allen Hobart Frank Gallegos 25 Louisiana Avenue, Randy Cammack President 4217 South Halsted P.O. Box 35405 1007 Jonelle Street 553 John Street 207 North Sanborn NW 845 Oak Park Road Teamsters Canada Street Greensboro, NC 27425 Dallas, TX 75217 Seattle, WA 98109 Road Washington, DC 20001 Covina, CA 91724 2540 Daniel Johnson Chicago, IL 60609 Salinas, CA 93905 Suite 804 Ken Hall Ken Wood Chuck Mack C. Thomas Keegel Fred Gegare Laval, Quebec, Canada Walter A. Lytle 113 Goff Mountain 5818 E. MLK Jr. Blvd. P.O. Box 2270 Ron McClain General Secretary- 1546 Main Street H7T 2S3 2644 Cass Street Road Tampa, FL 33619 Oakland, CA 94621 544 28th Street Treasurer Green Bay, WI 54302 Fort Wayne, IN 46808 Charleston, WV 25313 West Des Moines, IA 25 Louisiana Ave., NW Joseph McLean Jim Santangelo 50265 Washington, DC 20001 Carroll Haynes 460 Parkdale Ave. N., Dotty Malinsky John Murphy 818 Oak Park Road 216 West 14th Street Hamilton, Ontario 9409 Yukon Avenue S. 765 East Third Street Covina, CA 91724 John Steger New York, NY 10011 Canada, L8H 5Y2 Bloomington, MN Boston, MA 02127 25 Louisiana Ave., N.W. 55438 Washington, DC 20001 Tom O’Donnell Garnet Zimmerman Richard Volpe 1 Hollow Lane 7283 149th A Street Lester A.
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