j T BATURDAT. NOVEMBER 1,194« State Election Tomorrow—Polk Open at State Armory 6 a, m. to 6 p . m, FACE rOPETEElf iSanrlf^iittr lEoimfng 'll^ralb JL enljr tha tin t fair amployoMBt prae- Th* Weather that oiair ha aeeiiptahia Becomes Affianced Mission Date tleas, juveiiUa woili, sebeola, bM- Avurag* DaOy drcubtloa Forteaal et O. *.^ Weather Bareen for your "Heard Along Mate pitala. reUgtouB dianimlnatkms LECLERC Per the aieath ■« Oeteber, IM* About Town Heard Along Main Street Street” oohimn. Then again It may and ether area* of tension. Al­ though In exlateaee only (hrea Bcattered jight ahaerere eadlag CUSordU b e n w n t b«»yi‘ ■hop bQ ba fwaorlflcabUlutud-inltaUbua, To Be Noted this avaalag, elaar aad eaHer to* if you know what that means. yeara, this department hae been 9 ,1 7 3 t... iMta further tmprovod within 4n^ on Some of Manche$tet^§ Side Streets, Too Invited by many major American 2S Main Street Bight; fair aad ealder ’Taeaday; la* tiM hat f*w «tay» hy th* ln»uiu- Darned tt I do, but I believe it haa nraaalag aarthweat wlada. something to do with nonsense. cltlaa. Including Pittabdrgli, San PiKHM 5269 ■her ■« «ha A aM Uon a t auoioocont Uf1itUi(. A Center Church to (N>> Prandeco, and Kalamaaoo, to aid atorlea of'^vlce* rendered. Next came a Wll "AnirbM 1 reoelt a couple of iMttwT a t tbM« modmi for 683.25 from the hoepital for things my dad toM me about earl­ d ty planners In avoidance a t ra­ Mtmehester-^A City o f VUIege Charm been ipatelled on oMh side or th« World *^ar n are being heard M serve Anniversary on cial tension*. veteran* gather around town. Tni*' two dajra board and care, ana- ier days in Ipancheeter thaL per­ ■bop from end to m»d. U i^a, blood count and analyaia Next Wednesday A* a further venture in C9ii1a- PRICE THREE CENTS ■lilt U a eerlteWe daylight «hop oiW concern* the Navy and It re­ haps you could work Into your In­ MANCHESTER. CONN.» MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) Tht* week another bill waa teresting column. As a boy my tlan living, the Association con­ VOL. LXVI., NO. 80 IS) when thrifty mother* can « - volve* around white aock*. duct* rural acbools wbera share­ emtiM. cloeely the thing* they buy In the middle of the war. naval handed over to the league for eight dad lived where Oeorge Waddell . The one hundredth ennlversary on the Atlantic ooaat were j dollar* for profe**lonal aervlce* now reeldee and at that time which of the founding of the American croppers learn modem tedlmiquee for Junior. ____ of farming, how to organlsa cred­ WANTED ____lammed with men. waitingnf for j rendered. wae in th* IfiSO’e and aarly 40’a Missionary Association will be ob­ “•hlpe to- croea------ the ocean.— — *"In "one « « I All told the finger treatment ha* they were building a cburch at th* served Wedneedey, November 8 at it union* and conduct co-operative Girl With Knowledge Figures in Alleged Embesdement AO member* of the V. f . W. •toree. It maintains one echool Auxiliary are r*que*ted to report of Uieae bailee, the paycologlcal been billed for Mfi.25 which I* Center, abouL 1 judge, where the a Federation meeting la the Cen­ of Bookkeeping board doped out a acheme to re­ more than the league ha* ever present church now etanda. Well, ter Oongregatlonal church, when where eharecroppers, admitted to Key States Seen toBMtTow morning at ten o’cl<xk 16 small farms, earn enough to buy and Clerical Work. lieve the tenalon of the men. pen­ paid out In an entire aeaeon for Dad recatled the face In the 1890‘e Mle* lone Catton will be the prin­ End of Pilots’ Strike at the V. F. W. homa Mancheater their own farms. Gre«n. for the purpooe of cleaning ned up, eometlme* for week*. Tlw injury to all the player* combined. when the old church, which he had cipal speaker. One wonder* ju*t how much a In observance of the Ontennial Apply In Person. th* kitchen. scheme wa* to leeue white *<Kk* seen buIlL we* about to be tom Mis* Chitton, with a rich and va­ at certain times at varloo* ata- more aerloua Injury would coat If down and a new one built and Dad ried background of experience aa a the Omgregethmel Christian Mra Arllne Roee Stewart Uon* and tbea* *ock* were uaed a finger break fi|pir* *oar* to after reading th* account In a publls school teacher and settle­ Churches this yeaur voted to make MANCHESTER a* liberty p*a*e*. That U. a cer­ 148.25,—and possibly higher, in new* paper (we lived In Spring- Improvement of race relationship* Likely to Show Way Newark, N. J . U rlalUng Mr. and ment worker, la resource secretary within the churche* a major em­ MOTOR SALES Appears Near Today; Mra Arvld Seaburg of Walker tain amount of passes were l**J|*d these mad money-making days. field, Maas, at the time) k i^ to of the Mission Council of. the (Con­ phasis of study for the next bien­ ■treet and when the reclplenU reached me and my brother: T wonder If gregational Chrlstiatv churche*. Or Phone 41S4 the gate*, the guard* asked them The American Legion football they will find the bottle of nnn and She ws* born (n Michigan and at­ nium. If they h»d white aocka If they The We*lel* Club, a group of team may be forced to play It* deck a t playing carda that 1 *aw tended University of Wisconsin ___ . combined could display them they were *1- final two or three home game* the carpenter* place within the Boston University (M.A.) and Oo- jroung people, held a lowFd to It© outnldc. This kept For Next Two Years bualneaa'and *urprl*e Hallowe'en with. 800 bleacher seats missing pulpit stand before they boarded Mlaa Marjorie FaIrweaUier Itimbla University. Prior to her Ready to Arbitrate the men In good humor for It party laat evening at the home of from their present resting place It up?’ present jkist with the Missions CAR PAINTING seemed • sort of lottery ■* to who at Mt. Nebo. This may come about "Dad, as a boy, had watched Council she served as Michigan Lot* Funk. ^ would win the next pair of white Mr. and Mra. Frank A. Fair- Get Oar Estimate as It Is now planned to take away them do that very thing, however weather of 88 Walker atreet, an State secretary of Religious Edu­ Upward* of 3S,OOO,OO0 ■ock*. The regulation *ock*, of 800 bleacher seats and erect them I've never heard anything about cation aa well a* executive secre­ The High School Youth Fellow- course, were black and the whit* nounce the engagement of their SOLIMENE A FLAGG Federal Conciliator Say* ahlp of the North and South Meth- at the State Armory for use by the finding of aame when the old daughter, Marjorie Louise, to Mer­ tary of the Michigan State C!ouncil Want a Job? Connecticut Seen Voter* to Choose To­ cotton sock* cost but 15 cents. Manchester High students at home INC. Byrnes Sees Bevin odlet churche* will have an old But one sailor also had a church wa* rated. However If they ritt T. Salmon, Jr., eon of Mr. and of Churches, Both Side* Accept morrow Among More clothe*/lackward party at South basketball games. did find them It mu*t have been a Mrs. Merritt T. Salmon of 24 Vic­ Founded In 1S48 CM 8t IM. fiiei If Yoa Are a First CUm s scheme. He let the Information American Legion football has In Principle Propo*al church tonight at ^ h t o’clock. seep through the base that no •hock to the piou* people who at­ toria road. The American Missionary Asao- Mechanic, We Need As PivotaV State Than 1^000 Candi­ would Impart a secret method been presented to the fan* of Man­ tended that church to think that Miss Fairweather gradnated clstlon of the Board of Home MIs- For Arbitration; Con* Prior to Meeting Lady Robert* Lodge. Daughter* whereby more than one person chester throughout the season. their eeveral preachers of those from the Manchester High school atona of the Congregational Chris­ date* for National of S t Ooorge, will meet Tueaday could get liberty on one pair of The Legion has been the only team past years had been delivering with the class of 1942 and la em­ tian Churches waa founded In 1846 CARPENTERS ference on Detail* Ex> And State Offices; evening In the Maaonlc Temple. socks. And believe It or not, he in town which haa played It* their sermon* over a bottle of rum ployed at the Hartford-Connectl- by church laymen and ministers of , iigh Regittration Most of Nation Will games for the sole enjoyment and and deck of playing card*! many denominations. For the past For Inside Finish Work pected .to Pave Way Holds First of Series ItM bualnee* will Include the Initi­ was paid for the secret. cut Trust Company. ures Lead to PredU> Close Contest Will entertainment of the public. The "Another thing I remember of century It has spearheaded move; Artist’s Conception Get Good Weather ation of candidate*. Hoateaae* for What was ItT Like all earth- Mr. Salmon graduated from the For Return of Flier* Of Talks Preparing the evening will be Mr*. Oeorge shaking discoveries. It was sim­ mbllc in turn haa turned out In father telling u* wa* sbout the ments for education for minority Bricklayers tions Record Number Determine Control Jarge numbers at tha offerings.
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