a Im me I a evein s aln,ROUINce By Mark Boltin points; Field-Repair Maneuvers pushed around a 440-yard oval The traditional Field Day (Tank Movements), worth 15 course. If, at any time during the matching of the Freshman Class points; Nursing Corps Training race, the sheets on a particular against the Sophomore Class, (Unknown Event I), worth 10 bed are deemed "unsanitary" by slated for 10 pm Friday; Nov. 11, points; Discipline Maneuvers (Un- the Beaver Key Marshall, that will take on a new twist this known Event II), worth 10 points; bed must come in for a change year. In addition to occurring on Routing Entrenched Troops (Tlug- of sheets. Five of the points to be a Friday for the first time, Field of-war), worth 15 points; and awarded for the event go to the Day will have a unifying theme Hand-to-hand C o m b a t (Glove class with the "best-made" bed underlying each of its events. Fight), worth 35 points. and nurse combination. Field Day theme Bed Marathon For the Field-Repair Maneuv- The theme of Field Day will be The Field Ambulance Service ers, each class must construct an that of war game exercises by will be a half-hour race on a extra-terrestial combat tank. The Galactic Rivals, centered on Ve- standard single bed, equipped tank must be pushed across an nus. Whenever possible, this with rubber wheels and safety de- erratic course, laid out by Beaver theme is to be worked into each vices. The bed, along with one Key to avoid enemy fire. class's costuming and construc- coed "nurse" atop it must be (Please turn to Page 6) tion. For those who are not familiar with Field Day, the event is de- Speaks before $SRS i signed to be a series of contests i matching the wits, strength, and organization of both classes. Morrison tells experiences i Therefore, Field Day is composed I of both the actual events on the of,Rosenberg spy case I field and preparations before Fri- I By Paul Johston 11t day. Class flag required Professor Philip Morrison, of In the way of preparations, each the MIT Physics department, class must have a class flag. This spoke on "The Rosenberg -Sobel flag must be of the class color- Case and the Climate of Scientific I green for the Class of '70 and blue Research" at a New England- Vol. 86, No. 40 Cambridge, Mass., Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1966 for the Class of '69. wide meeting of the Society for L These flags must be presented Social Responsibility in Science, I to Field Day Chairman Dick Coul- held Saturday in the Student ter '67 for inspection, approval, Center. The meeting followed a 1:1;tISC. Arab 0Club to conduct and certification at least one week 12:30 luncheon in the Lobdell before Field Day. Each class is Dining Room. 12aday se minor on Lebanon responsible for protecting its flag Remarks on S S R S It Attorney Albert Allen of Boston I,I from capture by the opposing f The International Students Coun- on's history and culture. This will class, as failure to have the flag opened the meeting with some I dcilin aooperation with the Arab be followed by sessions on Leban- for Field Day will result in loss preliminary remarks about the Club at MIT is sponsoring a 2-day on's free enterprise economy, low- of points. SSRS. He observed that at the semnaz on the 5th and 6th of cost housing projects, democracy Further, each participant in time of its founding in the late Novernbr, entitled "Lebanon: A 1940's and early 1950's the "or- Photo by Steve Rife I in Lebanon and problems of the Field Day must have his name Case Study of Democracy and vast number of the Lebanese im- affixed to his back when Field ganization (was) unprepared to Professor Philip Morrison I aissez-Faire." cope with the times," but that it K migrants with special mention to Day begins. All are urged to wear speaks before the SSRS on the The semWi is going to be those in the USA. their class's colors throughout now makes every attempt to appeal of the famous Rosen- I conducted on a purely academnic In connection with the semninar Field Day. keep abreast of new develop- berg-Sobell Case. level with students participating Events for the day ments. He said that the organiza- the Lobdell dining room is going Dr. Morrison then began his inthe presentation of papers tiat to provide a comrnplete Lebanese The events for this year's Field tion is aimed at scientists, but IIwill be discused by series of talk, which concerned itself prim- menu at lunch and dinner on Day are: Field Ambulance Serv- others are welcomed as associ- panels of experts. arily with his own experiences It Saturday, November 5, 1966. ice (Bed Marathon), worth 15 ate members. I I Experts on with the Rosenberg - Sobell case ,I11I The experts will include Profes- during the last few months. The sors Carles Kindleberger, Daniel effects of this much litigated i Lerner, Everett Hagen, and Paul case, he said, have greatly af- I Oppemmann from M.I.T.; Profes- 0In S la s on asa a re u e fected the American mind, and sors Nadar Safrau, Kamal Salibi, it is now, ornce again, being in- end Ahrnad Farna from Harvard, By Karen Wattel had met Yadin before, introduced along. In 1963, he had been asked vestigated. Professor Hisham Shaabi from The recent excavations at Ma- him to the audience as a patriot, by the Hebrew University and Beganm with phone call Georgetomwn University in Wash- sada were the subject of a lec- military leader, teacher, and ar- other backers to lead an archaeo- Last June Dr. Morrison receiv- ington; Miss Pheobe Murr of the ture by Professor Yigael Yadin chaeologist who a few days earl- logical expedition to Masada, a ed a telephone call from a lawyer Center for Mddle-Eastern Studies, of the Hebrew University, at ier, had had a book published. site in Israel, which he termed in New York City. She was work- Halvard; and Mr. Leonard Katz, Kresge Auditorium on Friday After a brief introduction, Pro- the "mausoleum of martyrs." ing in "Civil Liberties" law, and a member of the science advisory afternoon before 800 people. MIT fessor Yadin showed slides he At this spot, in 73 AD, three was concerned with re -investi- I boards of Presidents Kennedy and Hillel sponsored the presentation. had taken during the eleven- years after the destruction of gating the case of Morton Sobell Johson. Introduced by Edgerton month project at Masada, narrat- Jerusalem by Titus, 960 Jewish and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. The topics will cover introduc- Harold E. Edgerton, Professor ing both the history and the story Zealots "defied the might of As a result of their trial the iil, tvc-ke Ssat mvYoeitvfar IIt(0.M, ~mir dii wrng-- Leber- of 'lectric-alEngineering, who of use e he-avatios- Whst Rome." On th vee of Passver, Rosenergs were - fr as they were surrounded by Rom- espionage, and Sobell, who was Ii an legions, they decided to "die only slightly connected with the illgFaculty spomlihh free rather than submit." They conspiracy, was imprisoned for burned nearly everything and thirty years. then drew lots to see who would During the trial, David Green- be the last to die. glass, Mrs. Rosenberg's brother, i erigron na s oarbor Lots found and a co - defendant, confessed The most dramatic moment on his involvement in the conspiracy, By Dave Kaye the expedition, according to Yad- asking for clemency. In his tes- Beneath the bottom of the Bos- in, was when the diggers found (Please turn to Page 5) ton Harbor, embedded in sedi- what they believed to be the lots mfent, is a mountain known as the of the last eleven men. They are MIT Peak." It was discovered flat stones or shell about one inch $eni@rs receve by Professor Harold E. Edgerton square with nicknames on each in a survey of the Boston Harbor in ink. One bears the name of mod-school ls utilizing sonar techniques he has the commander of the Zealots. The Faculty- Graduate School recently developed. Refuge for King Herod Booklets for the Class of 1967 are Photographie techniques Originally the site was fortified A pioneer in the fields of high by King Herod the Great as a now being distributed. Seniors speed and underwater photog- potential refuge for himself, as he living in either dormitories or raphy, as well as sonar and elec- was not sure of his city's loyalty fraternities should already have thonic flash techniques, Dr. Edg- and was especially afraid of their copies; apartment dwellers erton first came to MIT in 1926 Egypt's Cleopatra. It was a royal may receive their copies at the to obtain his Master's Degree in citadel - not an ordinary fort, Josh White booth in Building 10. 4ee-trical Engineering. In subse- with a palace and villas. It was The booklet has been prepared quent years he earned two more Professor Harold E. Edgerton, well-known for his work in not until the expedition, however, mainly to assist those who are as degrees (Sc.D. and D.Eng.), his high-speed photography, stands with some of the equipment he that his actual refuge was found. yet unsure of what Graduate often uses. preset position as Professor of The stroboscopes he has worked with have been used Yadin felt that it was the simple School they might wish to attend.
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