Serving the State , The Weather University af lawa Collldclerable elowllneu WaJ wUb a pouIblllt, Campus and of auUerecl I h 0 " e I' •. Ha.b &ocla, 58 to '5: low Iowa City J wan 41 to U. M ..&I, elO1lcl, at "ilil &bowen nUl'lclay. E.t. 1868 - AP leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Wednesday. MlJy 26. 1954 ~~--~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. , Ines Passes Protested. - ,; Work Jo Begin Soon Hawkeye StaH Examines 1st C Chapman EXRlains Army uhi ~t . On field Ho~se Project New City Hal/. Costs C~lIetI Unl Ir COnstructIon of thc $3 lO.OOO of­ It wll1 cost the avcra&e Iowa . !JI!e building addition to the SUI By McCarl y rooms will occupy most of thc City taxpayer Ie than $2 per dollars which will be nceded for field bouse is ex pectl!d to begi n second floor. year ror the next 20 years i! the this bond issu wdl be tar iess WASHINGTON (JP}- SeJl. Jo- durinl the summer months, fol­ The present ofCice area in the propose bond issue for construe- than that amount." He saId that Iowlnll recent approval of the eph McCarthy (R-Wis.) , twit royer which extends the full tlon oC tbe new cl\.y haills passed the old city hall could be torn rroJect by the state board of edu­ accused by the army ot produc­ len&th of the main part ot the by the voters In the June '1 prl- down and the property could be ing doctored exhJbits In the past, cation. present field house will be torn mary clectlon, city councUman used as a metered park Lng lot. He Money for tbc new buiLding turned accuser himself Tuesday (lut and the new foyer will be an Ansel Chapman said Tuesday said that a "conservati\OC csti­ and charged the army with will come Irom the athletic de­ Iowa athletic trophy area. The night. mate" or revenue to be dcrived partment .funds. bringing forth II "dishonest" and area originally wa.~ used for tro­ Three issues connected with this way would bring In $140.000 "phony" chart. The total area of the new ad­ phy displays until the U.S. navy the proposed new city hall "about over the 20-)'ear perJod. dition Is 22.245 $quare feel The pre-flight school came here dur- which SOme conIWlion may exist" Three army witnes es-a gen­ twO-story addition will extend 109 the early years of World War were examined by Chapman at "This would leave $190.000 to eral, a colonel and a lieutenant.­ along the east front of the pres­ II. Temporat'y ofOces were then a Tuesday nlaht meeUne of the bf' paid [or out of tax dollars," t~t1fied they saw nothing dis­ tnt field hallSe for 142 fcct and set up there. Toaslm ters club In the private Chapman computed. honest about the chart, a big ""Ill be 60 tcet wide at its widest I Tlcke& Widows dlnin, room of the D lind L Grill. C.uJu·t De&enn1ne "Uon black and white checkered affair point. It will be of matching Eight ticket windows wlll be The Itc eLected by the city In the event that the electorate purportedly showing Pvt. G. Da­ brick construction to blend with installed for athletic events along council, Ihe cost ot the proposed refuses to approve the bond Is­ vid Schlne's absence via passes the field housc. the east wall of the center of the building and whether or not the sue, Chapman Slid thot he could trom Ft. Dlx, N. J. EIlU'aDee RemalDs 8ame (oyer. city "can arr()rd not to build the not say what the council would But McCarthy contended to the Enlrance to the field house for Cbarles A1tUIlL~ch of Decorah new cIty hall" wcre the topics (lo. H su.ggc.~ted that they might end of a hectic day that the cal­ athletic evcnt$ wlll continuc as and George L. Horner, head ot he dJscu d. then coneclvably k th votcrs endar-type chart Wa$ deliberately before. The main entrance area, U,e construction of the univer­ rn ... Ileueu "to npprove thc constl'uctlon of n calculated to ~vc the t levlslon audience a false Impression that firSt (loor center, will contain 50 sity, are associate architects on Chapman said the council Ie· l1re station and ... the r~modcl feet of glass. The lirst floor will thc project. (Ing) nd repllir oC the pr ent Schlne had "black marks" against lected the Burllnlton st. site ror city hall." his record. house a t1eket office, a lobby, several reasons. The counell wu business oflices and executive of­ Meeting* in *Des Moines* Tues- He stros cd that uch a stcp S,mbol. lkaole PI.IIel1 clay the Iowa legislative Interim Wall,. ...... Ph'. II, PIli O'C ....', advised by thf' nrc chief and Ore­ fices. EDITOR MARILYN J\IA YWALD, At, Cam bridle (len): Prot. Wilbur Peterson, faculty aclv"er, men, said Chapman, that the site would cost even more th n a The Scbine chart showed black A partial bascment will be committee authorized tho board and Gordon Campbell, Ct, WaWrloo. butlne man Jer. examine a copy ot the 1954 Hawkeye Tu - "is the fost desirable for a fire new buiidlng. reetana\C$ or squares denoting bullt beneath the new addition of education to make thcse eK­ day. The 380-pal'e yearbook will be dl5ir1buwd loday and Thurs4a, from 8:30 a.m. le 4:30 p.m. In He estimated that a new lir Sabine's passes from the fort. A pendlturcs {or the State Univer­ IltaUon." lor athletic facilities whllc de­ Ute department of publlcaUoDi oltlce located in the lOulhwe t oorn r of Ea.t hall', baJlCmenL He explained that [ire depart­ station, plus repair of the present partmental Offices and class- sity of Iowa: ment personn I have daily need city hall would cost a minimum WASHlNGTQN (.4') _ Chair­ Boiler generator work, $31,207; 01 u Ing the Community buJldln, of $200,000. Chapman said that man Karl Muncl& (R- .D.) an­ movable 'Partitions tor fire dam­ gymnasIum, and that the police repairs to th pre enL city hall nounced Tuuday the ubeom­ aged chemistry building, $21,180; Primary Election usc the pistol range In the build­ would hav to includ "removal mUtee In\lelUlaU~ the Mo­ river tunnel steam distribution Voters Deserting Primaries, '54 Hawkeye Ing adjacent to the selected city of thc clock tower, a new roof, Car&h,-army row woakl meet In Vote Registration piping, $29,171; stea m distribu­ hall site. brick work repalrcd and pOinted, a 010 ed Ion thJJI a(lemoon tion tunnel repairs at mechanical Chapman added that "the top­ n new heatiOi planl, new floors, le RUle "once and lor aU" the To Close Friday eo.&lneerlng building, $16,345. ography of the land cnables us to new window, painting and re­ quelUon of admlUID&' .. evi­ Porter Tells Kiwanis (Iub mod lin, Lhc oid fire sta­ ~~~~~Wk!'~S~~~ acquire a space beneath the tlre ot Registration Cor voting in the . lX>ok, wl11 be distributed today dence and makinJ publle monI­ "rowa voter hav dcserted stallon, at no additional co t, tlon ..." tored klephone calli between June 7 primary election will 1- nd Thur day in the department which can be used as a lIarage to eeretary of the Arm, IeveWl 'Life' Photographer the direct prim ry," Prof. KIrk lion, Porter aSM:rted. In about close Friday at 5 p.m. In the city of publications o{fice localed In store city vehicles lind wherein and other flnr" 10 the oon&ro- clerk's ottice. H. Porter, head of the SUI pO-I 80 per cent ot the local otflce the south we t corncr ot EasL repair facilities will be avail­ Killed in Indochina lIleai science department said l in the slate, he observed, there abLe. This In itself," he nld, "will The election for determlnil\( , Is only one party candldatc for hall's baement. Hale Receives OK the party candidates for tbe ,en- HANOI, 1 n doc h ina (11') -­ Tuesday noon when speaking to one oIfice, or often 11m no can- Students may pick up their answer a very serious problem companion chart had w hit e foelng the city administration." eral election Nov. 5, will also In- French army headquarters an­ the local Kiwanis club on "The I dldate. coplcs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. squares with black Unes In them As SUI Director to show the much smaller num­ elude bond issues lor a pro.PQSec;l qounced Tuesday nliht Robert Direct PrJmary." 1 He said that when the direct both days. Senior will recejlle Cit, Ow... Propert,. city all and voUng macbiDea "capa. wid~ly known Hungarlan­ (ree copl upon pr entation of He polntct1 out that the cily ber ot leaves granted to a "typi­ The direct primary has bc- primary was Introduced In Iowa cal tr incc" at Fl Dlx. for Johnson county. born AmerCcan photOlraphc!', their student number and lD owns tpe ~rlln&lon st. property Of Social Work come the "de crted primary. I years ago erltiC! maintained that card. One contention- ot the Mc­ Qualifications tor reaistration was killed Tuesday In a land Iowans are abandoninK ond de- the ballols would be swamped and that It will coat ~ to build require a vot.l!r to be 21 years ot mine explosion while covering If aenlor is not on the ap­ on this alte than on any olher.
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