20— MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, May 23, 1990 CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS STORE/OFFICE 2 ^ 32 35 MUSICAL [ ^ C A R S MOTORCYCLES/ FOR SALE HDMORTGAGES FOR RENT FOR RENT HDFURNITURE IEITEMS FOR SALE MOPEDS 8th elects Edge Presidential EAST HARTFORD-NEW MANCHESTER-SIngle STORE FOR RENT-46C BOLTON-Guest house STEREO CABINET on LIS TIN G ! Like new, 6 furnished room on bus Main Street, Manches­ BALDWIN Fun Machine DODGE - 1986. ‘150’, 318 Finding a cash buyer for available 6/1. 1 bed­ wheels. Handmade, Interlude Organ. Ex­ CIO, automatic, bed room Townhouse. 2 line. References/se- ter. Please call 646- light Oak, 3’ 11- x3' 8". the Items you'd like to sell room, living room, kit­ cellent condition. Best liner, tool box, 50K, bedrooms, panelled curity. $85 weekly. 643- 2426, 9:00-5:00 $950. 649-9409. Is easy. Just let our read­ Rec room, dining 9321. chen, bath. Single offer. 644-6848. $5500. 742-8669. ers know what you have Longest wins weekdays. TWO CHEST of drawers Cheney Tech nine Bush praises room, central air, fire­ older woman pre­ PUBLIC NOTICE- for sale with an ad In MANCHESTER-983 Main set with m irror. $200. MALIBU-1977 Station place, garage and ferred. No pets. $600 Inventory clearance. wagon. Good condi­ Clossitled. 643-2711. top job/3 APARTMENTS plus utilities. Security St. Office, 500 square Full size bed fram e takes one from Bolton/9 town native/4 much more. Only 32 feet. Excellent loca­ New and used pianos. tion. Needs a little $124,000.U & R Realty, FOR RENT and references. 649- with headboard. $50. tion. Includes heat. 647- Call 646-4604 after 4om. Largest selection of work. $800/best otter. 643-2692.0 3446. used pianos In the H art­ Call Steve 646-6168. Motorcycle Insurance MANCHESTER 1 Bed­ 9223/643-7175. MANCHESTER-4 room ford area. From $495. CONDOMINIUMS-Sunny room Apartment. CHEVROLET-1984 Ca­ Many competitive companies apartment. Newly Benches, desks, fix­ Ranch Condo, private Large kitchen with ap­ MANCHESTER-Main St. TV/STEREO/ mara. Rebuilt trans­ CcJI For Free Quote entrance, Rent with op­ painted. $425 plus utili­ 27,000 square feet. Re- tures, antique pianos. mission, good shape. pliances. Wall to Wall ties. Security. No dogs. APPLIANCES Hurry! Final days! Automobile Associates tion to buy! $59,900. carpeting. No utilities. tall/Offlce space. $3.99 HD Asking $3,500. Lori 647- 872-9951. square foot. NNN. Mr. Sherlock's Music, 976 of Vernon IMMACULATE 1st First and last months STEREO SYSTEM- 1952. floor unit. Fully MANCHESTER-Central, Peters, 646-2364. Silas Dean Highway, 870-9250 plus security. $425. 649- Ploneer stereo re­ Wethersfield. CHEVY-1979 Malibu Clas- apllanced! $60,900. 7850. 1 bedroom In 2 family, ceiver. VC tape deck, slc. Parts. Good trans­ 2BEDROOM END with appliances and BENNET Elderly Kenwood speakers. mission 8i Interior, new A carpet. $550 plus utili­ U NIT. Pool & Tennis, VACATION Good condition. Per­ PETS AND windshield. 742-9356. WANTED TO charming village set­ Apartments-1 bedroom ties. 646-3253. 36 apartments tor Imme­ RENTALS fect for rec room or SUPPLIES VW RABBIT-1983. 4 BUY/TRADE ting.$124,900. Anne MANCHESTER-4 rooms, college dorm. $175. Call HD diate occupancy. 1 HD speed, 4 door, stereo- Miller Real Estate,647- 2nd floor, 2 family. CHARLESTOWN Rhode month free rent. Please 257-8632, evenings. AQUARIUM tank supp­ /cassette, tires good, CASH PAID for old cars 8000. □ Quiet area, appliances. Island-Summer Ren­ call 528-6522 for an lies and fish. 45 gallon well maintained. In good condition. Call No dogs. $600 plus utll- tal. After 5:30pm, 649- WEST HARTFORD- application. tank complete with $1150/best otter. Coll anytime at 646-6388. manrhpalpr Uprali tles. 649-8001 or 643- 9994. Elegant, spacious, 2 MACHINERY feeder, heater, pump, 232-3595, leave bedroom, 2 bath, Bar­ EAST HARTFORD-1 bed­ 8481. room across from AND TOOLS filter, scenery, and message. We buy clean, late model clay Court Condo. HEBRON-2 bedroom, ap­ HD many extras Including used cars rnd trucks. Top Wickham Pork. MUST SELLI 1984, Jeep Doorman, garage. pliances, heat and hot INDUSTRIAL several fish. Asking prices paid. $575/month. Includes RED SNAPPER Riding Cherokee. Great condi­ $125,000. Owner will fi­ water Included, wall- PROPERTY Lawn Mower. 2 years, $150. Call 649-0593. Mr. Duff - Carter Chevrolet Thursday, May 24,1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm nance $100,000 long heat. Wolloce-Tustln, HD tion, loaded, make Newsstand Price: 35 Cents to-wall carpeting, cel­ like new. $650/negotla- FREE TO A GOOD 1229 Main Street term. Call 813-433-1418. 644-5667. offer. 645-0718. lar storage, large yard, MANCHESTER-For rent. ble. 643-0884. HOME-Charpel, 2 ye­ Manchester, CT MANCHESTER-3, 4, and parking. 20 minutes to New 2 story Commercl- BUICK REGAL, 1984. Ex­ 646-6464 MANCHESTER-New 2 ars old. Timid but Y 5 room apartments for Hartford, lOmIntuesto al/lndustrlal building. cellent condition. bedroom, quality built rent. 646-2426 week­ friendly. Fine with Manchester. $635 1 mile from Pavllllon SCREEN TOP SOIL cats, not good with White-blue landau. Au­ Townhouse. IVj baths. days, 9-5. monthly. 649-2871. Mall. 1 500/1 2,000 tomatic, loaded, low Economic other dogs. 649-6927. CARS Cathedral celling, sky­ milage, 1 owner. Must MANCHESTER-2 family, MANCHESTER- square feet. Available ANY AMOUNT FOR SALE light, garage with op­ quiet neighborhood, July 1. Additional see. $4,950. 649-6482. HD ener. Superb location! Beoutlful, quality, 1 DifLIVERED central location, large 40,000, build to suit. MISCELLANEOUS DODGE-1980 Omni. Bolton votes down $130's. Strano Real Est­ bedroom, quiet, on bus growth is rooms and yard, on bus Available soon. $6.25- ate, 647-7653.0 line, air conditioned, Also, Backhoe Bobcat & HDFOR SALE Needs some work. $850. S c h a lle r's line. $725 month. Coll $8.00 square foot. 649- Please call Keith at living room, dining 3006. Quality Pre-owned Autos Rick, 647-1865 between room, kitchen with new Loader rental. 649-1513 anytim e. 8om-5pm. value Priced 3 BEDROOM CONDO ooDllances Including MANCHESTER- NISSAN-1987 Stanza sluggish Avallable July 1, 872-1400 or END ROLLS 88 Subaru DL S/W STEAL IT I 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX. frost free refrigerator, GXE. Fully loaded, sun 5 Spasd. 4 Whaal Driva 4 fin. fam. room. On QoH Available June. Securl- self cleaning oven, dis­ 4800/7200 square feet 27W width — 50C Courao. Ownor w il robato $14,OCX) to- 659-9555 root, cruise, etc. 1 ty/references. No utili­ hwasher. Ideal for se­ Commercial Industrial 13" width — 2 for 50C owner. $7250. 643-6649. $7,400 WASHINGTON (AP) — The na­ $9 million budget «v«rd« down paymont. 1600 iq . ft. 3 ties. 647-1750. 3 phase electric. 646- Newsprint end rolls can be 87 Oldsmoblle Calais yaare oM. niors or middle aged. VW SUPER BEETLE- Auto. A ^ . Low Mtlbt tion’s economy grew at a sluggish $164,900 EAST HARTFORD-5 Come see why we 5477. picked up at the Manchester 091 SPORTING Herald ONLY before 11 a.m. 1973. Very clean, some annual rale of 1.3 percent from voting held to aincrease over last that he hoped the cuts would be N/A To Previous R.E, Clients room, 2 bedroom in 2 rarely hove a vacancy. rust repair. Always $6,490 646-1050 0 ^ 1 GOODS Monday through Thursday. January through March, far slower By Donna O'Leary year’s budgeL equitable l^tween the town and family house. $560 Heat and hot water $1,000 monthly garaged. $650. 647-9529. 88 Ford Mustang monthly. Securlty/ref- Included. Large stor­ Large 9 room home for retail, S Spaad. LX Packaoa than previously Believed, the Manchester Herald “From 4:30 to 8 pjn. over 100 school. erences. 568-7907. age area. $645. 247-5030. office, or other commercial BABY carriage, converts BLUE TEMPO-1987. Air $6,990 government reported today. New Kids conditioning, 50K. signatures on the new petitions were The Board of Finance has uses. to stroller. $45. High 87 Honda Civic Sedan The Commerce Department said LOTS/LAND MANCHESTER-1 bed­ Good condition. Runs Aufo, PS, Sunroof BOLTON — Townspeople collected. I felt we would prevail. I scheduled a meeting for Friday night Anne Miller Real chair $10. Baby change Tickets CheapI FOR SALE room, carpet, applian­ HOMES table, wicker $20 . 646- well. $4,900. Call 643- that the increase in the broadest rejected the $9.2 million budget by a was only the spark that lit this. I to discuss the BudgeL according to ces, centrally located, 34 Call 1-800-322-8409 9382. $7,490 measure of economic health — the FOR RENT Estate 647-8000 6896. 86 Pontiac 6000 STE vote of 915 to 716 Wednesday night. don’t deserve all the credit — Bette vice<hairman Ray Ursin. “I^ p le MANCHESTER-854 Hlll- on bus line. $495 plus utilities and security. GOLF CLUBS-Used. Visa/MC/Amex V-6. Auto, lUC, Full Powar • gross national product — was much According to Priscilla Dooley, Martin did all the work,” said Char­ voted — it was a close call — thwe stown Rd. Asking COLUMBIA LAKE Starter and full sets CARDINAL weaker than an initial estimate it $69,500. Cleared/readv Call 646-2457. WATERFRONT-Year Union Tickets $6,450 Republican Registrar of Voters, it les Holland, chairman of TNT. was no strong mandate either way with bags from $35. BUICK, INC. 86 Hyundiai Excel made one month ago. At that time, it was a good turnout with 1,590 out for building. Approxi­ 2 BEDROOM TOWN- round, unfurnished GARAGE Also misc.
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